the digital world. The tool then calculates the ref-
erencing offsets based on this input data. However,
the crucial aspect is the acquisition of this data, hence
the positioning of the markers using adapters and the
identification of the corresponding CAD point infor-
mation. For special locations (e.g. drill holes) this
digital data might already be given and adapters for
such holes need to be manufactured once and can then
be reused.
As the referencing offset is optimized over all mark-
ers and over all images, the outcome is favorable for
analysis with the given image set.
CAD Referencing. Similar to the CMM referenc-
ing, the CAD-based approach requires a skilled per-
son who is able to manipulate the given digital model
data, such as moving the model coordinate system to
a specific location. Furthermore, the marker needs to
be placed at the corresponding location of the real ob-
ject, similar to the 3D-3D case. Then, the manipu-
lated model needs to be superimposed onto an image
of the real scene with the marker in place to optimize
the orientation of the model using manual adjustment.
Next to CAD knowledge, this approach therefore also
requires experience in manual adjustment.
Accurate registration of real and virtual data is
crucial for many Augmented Reality application. In
industrial environments, specific data, knowledge
and systems are available which can support the
registration process. Still, available resources differ
from application to application. It is therefore
necessary to provide the users with a comprehensive
toolbox of different referencing methods, offering the
flexibility to choose the referencing approach suiting
best the given application.
We created a toolbox of various referencing
methods and are currently evaluating the different ap-
proaches with respect to accuracy and usability. Our
first studies show, that each tool has its advantages
and disadvantages. Based on these first results, we
will further evaluate the different approaches using
industrial scenarios in factory planning. The concrete
application of all approaches to the same scenario
will allow an absolute comparison and actual user
feedback will help us to verify the current implemen-
tations and gain experience for improvements and
Part of this work was funded by the EU Project DiFac
We thank Volkswagen Group Research for their
continuous collaboration and valuable support in the
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