Analysis and Algorithm for Creating Contemporary Dance Sequences
Asako Soga and Bin Umino*
Faculity of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University, 1-5 Yokotani Oe-cho, Seta, Otsu, Japan
* Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University, 5-28-20 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Human Animation, Dance, Automatic Composition, Motion Capture.
Abstract: We have developed an automatic composition system for contemporary dance by using 3DCG animation.
Our goal is to develop some useful tools in dance education such as creation-support system for teachers
and self-study system for students. Our approach is not creating natural connection but creating conceptual
sequences. As a result of previous experiment, we recognized the connecting method was not so important
for contemporary dancers. We try to create short sequences that have dramatic stories according to the
structure of Chinese poetry in ancient times. The basic movements of contemporary dance are classified and
analyzed. The algorithm for automatic composition is integrated to create utilitarian choreographies for
lessons. This system is valuable for online virtual dance experimentation and exploration by teachers and
choreographers involved in creative practices, improvisation, creative movement, or dance composition.
Our research approach focuses on creating and
composing choreographies for dance. Our goal is to
develop useful tools in dance education and creation
such as a self-study system for students and a
creation-support system for teachers. We have been
developing a Web-based interactive simulation
system with automatic composing function for ballet
using 3D motion archive (Soga et al., 2007). Using
our proposed system, one can interactively compose
or automatically create ballet sequences. As a result
of past evaluation, we verified that the created
choreographies had a possibility to be used in the
actual lessons.
In this research, we suggest an automatic
composition for contemporary dance. Ballet
encompasses the most basic movements and its
method is strictly defined. The method complies
with esthetics of formal beauty of ballet which has
been brought up for 400 years. It is easy to consider
and integrate into the system. On the other side,
contemporary dance has no basic steps and no limit
of motion. Therefore creating automatic composition
algorithm for contemporary dance is our present
In 1980’s, Merce Cunningham used the
computer software called LifeForms to discover his
original movement. This software is the most
famous application that can compose and edit dance
scores. In recent works (Calvert, 2005), it has been
extended to computer notation systems by using
Labanotation, which is one of the most famous
dance notations. By using this system, the user can
simulate strictly scored dance animation. However,
it is difficult to compose creative and effective
choreographies. Our basic concept is “to separate
dance movement into elemental motions and use
them like building blocks.” The basic approach is
creating rough list of a sequence for contemporary
In recent years, 3-dimensional motion data is
often used in researches because it is getting easy to
record human motion by using a motion capture
system. There have been many studies for creating
new motions by using human motion data such as
controlling parameters of motions (Perlin, 1996),
blending some resources (Pullen, 2002). Our
approach is not creating natural connection such as
motion graph (Kovar, 2002) but creating conceptual
We conducted an experiment on the automatic
composition system for ballet and contemporary
dance to evaluate its practicality (Soga & Umino,
2007). Three professional contemporary dancers
who well know ballet evaluated the ten sequences.
Soga A. and Umino B. (2008).
AUTOMATIC COMPOSITION OF DRAMATIC MOVEMENT - Analysis and Algorithm for Creating Contemporary Dance Sequences.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 322-325
DOI: 10.5220/0001100003220325
Each sequence was created by automatically with
a simple algorithm that is selecting each movement
from beginning to ending randomly.
As a result, no sequence was evaluated as
“cannot be performed.” In the case of contemporary
dance only, no movement was evaluated as “difficult
to perform.” This means that whatever sequences we
create they can dance. The dancers enjoyed how to
connect each movement and they said that they do
not want the exact choreographies because the
connecting way is the originality. We recognized the
connecting method was not so important for
contemporary dancers. What they want is creating
unexpected but conceptual choreographies. Owing
to these ideas, we aim to create a rough list of basic
movements so that the dancer can arrange and
express their own choreographies.
We suggest an automatic composing algorithm
for contemporary dance. As we mentioned before,
there is no rules in contemporary dance and strict
algorithm is not recommended for them. However,
in the case the algorithm has no rules the created
choreographies have sometimes no meaning.
Therefore, we try to create short sequences that have
dramatic stories according to the structure of
Chinese poetry in ancient times. Before describing
the algorithm, we classify and analyze the basic
movements of contemporary dance.
2.1 Classification of Contemporary
Dance Movements
First we have archived motion data of contemporary
dance. As there is no basic step in contemporary
dance, a choreographer made a list of basic
movements that can be used in contemporary dance.
In the present we have archived 53 kinds of basic
movements performed by a professional dancer by
using motion capture system.
Table 1: Classification of contemporary dance
Family Number Examples
BodyParts 22 NeckRoll, ArmsSwing1,
Balance 14 LegRound, OffBalance1
Jump 5 Jeté, SideDive
Pivot 4 ContractionStenu
Floor 8 BackRolling
Total 53
Table 2: Analysis of basic movements.
Family Start Repeat Once End
BodyParts O O X O
Balance:On O X X O/X
Balance:Off O X O X
Jump X X O O
Pivot O X O O
Floor O X O O
Then we classified these movements into five
categories: BodyParts, Jump, Balance, Pivot, and
Floor. BodyParts is a movement that can use one or
more body parts such as neck, arms, shoulders and
hip. Balance is the movement that is related to body
balance such as standing in one leg. Jump and Pivot
are almost same to ballet but it is used in the
contemporary dance choreographies. Floor is in the
case they do not stand on their legs such as lying
down or rolling. This is one of the typical
movements of contemporary dance. Table 1 shows
the number of basic movements and examples of
each category.
2.2 Analysis of Basic Movements
For creating choreographies automatically, we
analyzed four features of each category. They are
“Start,” “Repeat,” “Once,” and “End.” Table 2 is the
analysis result of these features. For analyzing these
movements, we divided Balance into two families;
Balance:On and Balance:Off according to the
existence of balance.
“Start” is the movement that can start a
sequence. We defined that all category movement
except Jump can be started because a jump needs a
preparation such as a hop.
“Repeat” and “Once” are related but not
exclusive. “Repeat” is the one that can be
continually repeatable, while “Once” is that can
appear only once during a sequence. In the case of
short sequences, most of dynamic movement is
enough to appear only once. Therefore, we define
that each movement of Balance:Off, Jump, Pivot and
Floor can be used only once. We also define that
BodyParts movements are repeatable. Balance:On
movements are not “Repeat” and not “Once”. These
are not continually repeatable but they can
intermittently appear some times.
All category movements except Balance can end
because off balance movement is difficult to finish
the sequence. In addition, some of Balance: On
movements such as a hop are not allowed to end
because a hop is the preparation of a jump and
expected to continue other movement.
AUTOMATIC COMPOSITION OF DRAMATIC MOVEMENT - Analysis and Algorithm for Creating Contemporary
Dance Sequences
Table 3: The course of order and our interpretation.
3.1 Basic Concept
For contemporary dance lesson, considering how to
connect movements by dancers is important.
Therefore we prepare a rough list of basic
movements in order that the dancer can connect each
movement freely.
We make a rough list of movements by selecting
each movement randomly. To create a dramatic
sequence, we have integrated the structure of
Chinese poetry in ancient times to the algorithm,
which is the course of order; Introduction,
Development, Turn and Conclusion. The basic
concept is that a movement starts and lasts smoothly
then something changes and ends. In this research
we define that most dynamic movement can be
appeared in the Turn section. Table 3 shows our
interpretation of each section for creating dance
3.2 Algorithm for Automatic
Figure 1 shows a transition diagram for creating
contemporary dance sequence. We suggest an
algorithm for automatic composition.
At first a movement for “Turn” is selected from
Jump, Pivot, Floor and Balance:Off. This is the main
movement and can appear only once.
In the second step, a movement for “Conclusion”
is selected. This should be different from the
selected movement in the first step. In the case of
short sequences such as 8 beats, selecting no
movement is acceptable unless the movement is
In the third step, a movement for “Introduction”
is selected. This is selected from except “Jump”
because “Jump” cannot be a starting movement.
This should be also different from the selected
movement if that has the “Once” feature.
Figure 1: Transition diagram for contemporary dance
At the last, movements for “Development” are
selected until the sequence has enough beats. In this
step, we consider if a movement is repeatable or not.
We also consider the selected movement is used
once or not.
Figure 2 shows an example of created sequence by
automatic composition. This is a 13 beats sequence
created by the proposed algorithm. At first JumpHop
was selected as a “Turn” movement. Then
BodySwing3 was selected as a “Conclusion”
movement and ShoulderUpdown was selected as an
“Introduction” movement. The rest of movements
were selected as “Development” movements.
We tried to create short sequences that have
dramatic stories according to the structure of
Chinese poetry in ancient times. The basic
movements of contemporary dance were classified
and analyzed. The algorithm for automatic
composition was integrated to create utilitarian
choreographies for lessons. We verified the created
choreographies have short story and our system has
possibility to create dramatic movements.
In future works, we try to analyze longer pieces
and create more complicated sequences for creative
works. We aim to develop a system that can
automatically create some sequences like a specific
choreographer by introducing the function of the
Section Interpretation
(a)Introduction Starting movement
Similar and repeatable
Most dynamic movement that
can appear only once
(d)Conclusion Ending movement
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
My special thanks are due to for providing us with
the motion capture studios in Kanagawa Institute of
Technology to capture the contemporary dance
movements. We also wish to thank to Motoko
Hirayama and Kazuya Kojima for their cooperation.
This research was partly supported by the Grant-in-
Aid, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology, Japan.
Soga, A., et al., 2007. Automatic composition and
simulation system for ballet sequences. The Visual
Computer, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 309-316.
Calvert,T., et al., 2005. Applications of Computers to
Dance. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,
March/April 2005, pp. 6-12.
Perlin, K., Goldberg, A., 1996. Improv: A System for
Scripting Interactive Actors in Virtual Worlds. Proc.
of SIGGRAPH 96, pp. 205-216.
Pullen, K. , Bregler, C., 2002. Motion Capture Assisted
Animation: Texturing and Synthesis. Proc. of
SIGGRAPH2002, pp. 501-508.
Kovar, L., et al., 2002. Motion Graphs. Proc. of
SIGGRAPH2002, pp. 473-482.
Soga, A., Umino, B., 2007. An Attempt of Dance
Sequence Composition - Blending Ballet and
Contemporary Dance -. In ENACTIVE07, Proc. of 4th
International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, pp.
Introduction Development
Turn Conclusion
Figure 2: Example of created sequences by automatic composition.
AUTOMATIC COMPOSITION OF DRAMATIC MOVEMENT - Analysis and Algorithm for Creating Contemporary
Dance Sequences