Experimentation, Modelization, Validation and
Visualization in Spectral Ray-tracing
Sylvain Dumazet, Patrick Callet
Applied Mathematics and Systems Lab., Ecole Centrale Paris, grande voie des vignes, Chˆatenay-Malabry, France
Ariane Genty
INOLAM, 26 bis rue Kl´eber, Montreuil, France
Ray-tracing, spectrophotometry, 4-flux model, sculpture, virtual restoration, gilding, painting.
A pluridisciplinary work always in progress involving 3D digitization, simulation, rapid prototyping, virtual
restoration of a french medieval sculpture is presented. This work is led in the framework of a general
collaboration between three academic labs, industrial partners and Cultural institutions. The main purpose is
to virtually represent a polychrome statue of the XIIIth century in high quality spectral rendering, to simulate
its visual and original appearance at that period. The complete process used throughout all the phases of the
project mainly involves optical devices that ensure no physical contact with the museum object.
This article describes the complete chain of engineering resources and the main models we used for
accomplishing our objective. From 3D capture without contact to plaster replica, the complete process will be
described and illustrated with images and objects during the conference. Some sequences extracted from the
didactic and scientific movies produced will also be presented.
A collaboration with the ”Centre des Monuments Na-
tionaux” (CMN) helps us to elaborate a new project:
the study of a polychrome medieval statue, the re-
cumbent statue of Philippe Dagobert de France (circa
1222 - 1232 AC) in the Saint-Denis Basilica(Fig. 1),
the royal necropolis in the north of Paris. The CMN
being in charge of organizing and managing the pub-
lic visits in more than one hundred French monu-
ments, is deeply involved in the realisation of the
study. The research results are meant to be shown,
permanently near the Philippe de France tomb, in
order to raise a large public awareness to the sci-
entific research contribution, and for a better under-
standing of historical heritage. The presented work
takes place in a previously defined general frame-
work known ”OCRE method” (Optical Constants for
Rendering Evaluation) (Callet, 1998), developed by
Patrick Callet and describing the optical behaviour of
materials on the basis of their fundamental properties.
For metals and alloys we naturally used their com-
plex indices of refraction, either computed or care-
fully measured, but, in any case always validated by
measurements. Plasma physics and spectroscopic el-
lipsometry, for extracting real and imaginary parts of
the complex indices of refraction, were used for that
Figure 1: The recumbent statue of Philippe Dagobert in
Saint-Denis Basilica (13th century AC).
Dumazet S., Callet P. and Genty A. (2008).
VIRTUAL RESTORATION OF A MEDIEVAL POLYCHROME SCULPTURE - Experimentation, Modelization, Validation and Visualization in Spectral
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 463-470
DOI: 10.5220/0001100204630470
pertinent modelling. These previous important results
are very useful for the rendering of the golden parts
of the statue that consist in a gold alloy containing
a small amount of silver. The metallurgical compo-
sition of the gold leaves recovering the visible rests
will greatly help in the formulation of the visual ap-
pearance for virtual restoration or historical reconsti-
tution. The last study about the visual influence of
the underlaying paint, called ”bole”, on a gilded sur-
face has shown the importance of the transparency of
a thin metallic gold film and of the associated small
cracks due to the application process (called ”burnish-
ing”)(Dumazet et al., 2007).
We here focus on modelling and representing the
painting materials using spectrophotometry and ex-
trinsic physical parameters such as the paint film
thickness, the concentration of each species of pig-
ments, their mean diameter or the granulometry dis-
tribution functions,... Intrinsic parameters, charac-
terizing the nature more than the structure of all the
compounds such as complex indices of refraction of
all involved materials are used throughout the study.
As an extension of the Kubelka and Munk theory,
a four-fluxes approach of the multiple scattering of
light is used for the simulation. At each step of the
study we compare our computed results of simula-
tion with measurements made on handcrafted sam-
ples in laboratory (Fig. fig:peinture-atelier) or in situ,
i.e. on the statue itself. Helped by the ”Centre des
Monuments Nationaux” (National Monuments Cen-
tre), and with the knowledge about painted stones
during the middle-age, we studied the pigments and
binders which were probably used by the artist. In
a ultimate step we shall replicate the statue to 1/3rd
of its original dimensions with its most probable and
original colours.
This recumbent statue has been chosen for its re-
maining polychrome traces (Fig. 1) and also because
it was representative of the fine middle XIIIth cen-
tury funeral sculpture. At that time, Louis IX, not
yet known as king Saint Louis”, was setting up
the Saint Denis Royal necropolis and the ”Children
of France” necropolis in the Royaumont Cistercian
abbey at Asni`eres sur Oise (Erlande-Brandenburg,
1975). It concerns the Philippe-Dagobert’s tomb, a
young Saint-Louis’s brother born in 1222, who was
designated to be ”clericus”, i.e. to have an ecclesiastic
career, died in 1232 and buried in Royaumont (North
of Paris). His tomb has been raised in the abbey-
church chancel between October 1235 (consecration
Figure 2: Philippe Dagobert - (left) Stained glass window
drawing, (right) Drawing of the tomb with its recess.
date of this church) and middle XIIIth. He is not rep-
resented as a child here but as an idealised young man,
laying down, opened eyes, joint hands; his head lay
on two cushions each of them being held by two an-
gels; his feet are resting upon a lying lion holding
in its paws a leg of deer. With the French revolu-
tion this tomb encountered several dramatic events.
It has been transferred in Saint-Denis in 1791, then
damaged in 1793-94 and deserted till 1796 when,
it has been preserved in the Mus
ee des monuments
franc¸ais. In 1816 it returns to Saint-Denis, where it
has been installed in the crypt; then the famous archi-
tect Viollet-le-Duc, between 1860 and 1867, inspired
by the original pieces, rebuilt entirely the sarcopha-
gus and installed it in the north transept. Concerning
the paintings, Baron de Guilhermy published his ob-
servations in 1848 (de Guilhermy, 1848) : ”From the
restitution of these tombs in Saint-Denis, the whole
sculpture has been restored, and the old paintings
disappeared under a new covering which after only
thirty years were already eroded”. It refers to painted
work ordered by the architect Franc¸ois Debr´e in 1820.
Luckily, half a century ago, Millin could study and
draw the Philippe-Dagobert tomb in Royaumont as it
was in 1790, just before it was transferred to Saint-
Denis (Millin, 1791). Millin most likely describes
the remnants of medieval paintings namely blue for
the cappa magna sprinkled with golden squares and
diamonds. This pattern is confirmed by a drawing
made in 1694 for Roger de Gaigni`eres, which rep-
resents a missing stained glass window in the Roy-
aumont abbey-church with the young prince up and
wearing the same clothes than his recumbent statue
(left figure 2). As for the tomb, Gaigni`eres made
it drawn and painted with great precision. In the right
part of figure 2 is exhibited a reproduction of the orig-
inal coloured drawing conserved in the Bodleian Ox-
ford Library. This research could allow to show once
again how colour was present at the medieval epoch.
As attested on the picture (Fig. 1) there are still some
traces of paint and gilding on the stone at the contrary
of the other graves gathered in the basilica. The robe
is blue with red sleeves, he has yellow hair, and he
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
is wearing black breeches. His head rests on a red
cushion on top of a green one. The angels’bodies are
blue painted and their wings were gilded during the
last restorations in XVIII and XIXth centuries. For
discriminating all the superimposed layers of paints
it was decided to make some takings for chemical
Two kinds of data are necessary for the visual recon-
struction of the statue. Shape and spectrophotometric
informations are required. The first one is more fre-
quently used in computer graphics while the second
is generally replaced by a trichromatic description of
the actual colors.
3.1 3D Shape Acquisition and Virtual
As for previous projects the 3D digitization has been
performed in situ (in Saint-Denis Basilica) after pub-
lic hours, without contact using an optical system
based on structured light projector and a camera (Fig.
3) from Breukmann corp. A regular light and shadow
grid is projected on the object and the distortion of the
boundaries between light and shadows on the surface
is recordedby the camera and analysed, in order to ex-
tract a cloud of 3D points with a good accuracy. This
gave us 167 clouds of 3D points used for reconstruct-
ing the surface with RapidForm, a software from Inus
Technology corp.
The final 3D shape of the tomb (recumbent statue
on the sarcophagus) in full resolution represents about
7,5 Million triangles (Fig. 3).
Figure 3: (left) 3D digitization using structured natural
white light. (right) 3D colorless model displayed with Catia
(Dassault System software).
Figure 4: 3D model cut up not completely decomposed in
color parts.
3.2 Spectrophotometric Data
The portable spectrophotometer (USB 2000 series
from Ocean Optics corp.) consists in a set of opti-
cal fibers guiding a calibrated light source (a halo-
gen lamp for CIED65 illuminant) surrounding the
backscattered light guiding fiber. The latest is con-
nected to a spectrometer where a 1024 photodiodes
array transforms the received light in a digital sig-
nal. We then obtain the diffuse reflectance factor of
the paint according to the visible wavelengths domain
(from 380nm to 780nm). Also in situ, we captured
spectral information on the remaining traces of paint
thanks to a spectrophotometer with optical fiber use-
ful for further analyses and material characterization.
The portable spectrophotometer and the recorded
refectance factors are shown in Fig. 5.
As we need to compare and validate permanently
our choices and models, we also used pigments and
binder samples prepared in the laboratory. We also
made our spectral measurements on these samples
(Fig. 5).
Figure 5: Spectral data acquisition in situ, reflectance fac-
tors layout and analysis.
3.3 Painting Materials
During the Middle Age and more particularly during
the thirteenth century, we already know, (Escalopier,
2004) what pigments are the most commonly used
and also how the paints were applied on the sculp-
ture. First, the artists start with two or three layers
of ceruse, made out of water and white lead. This
Validation and Visualization in Spectral Ray-tracing
Figure 6: Medieval paint samples preparation.
step enables to waterproof the stone but also enables
the painters to rectify the surface defects of the stone
by coating. Then they apply several layers of paint,
consisting of pigments embedded in a binder like
egg (tempera technique), animal protein or gum-resin.
The most frequently encountered pigments are:
White : White Lead, White Chalk, Lime;
Black : Wood Smoke, Black Vine;
Blue : Azurite, Lapis-Lazuli, Indigo;
Red : Vermilion, Red Lead, Red Ochre;
Yellow : Yellow Ochre, Massicot;
Green : Green Clay, Malachite, Verdigris.
Which of them were used in the specific case of
Philippe Dagobert’s recombent statue? The recorded
diffuse reflectance factors, obtained by the only pos-
sible analysis involving a non destructive method al-
low us to compare them to the results obtained by the
chemical analysis for validation and simulation.
We also need to specify which part of the global re-
constructed shape would be associated with each kind
of materials (pigments and binder or/and gilts) (Fig.
3.4 The Kubelka-Munk Model
Extended to Four-fluxes Theory
Other works are related to spectral representation of
colours (Sun et al., 2000), (Rougeron and Per-
oche, 1997), (Devlin et al., 2002), (Gondek et al.,
1994), and pigmented materials in computer graph-
ics (Haase and Meyer, 1992), (Baxter et al., 2004),
using the Kubelka-Munk theory. Our first concern
here was, to use an extended Kubelka-Munk model
to four fluxes approach to better fit a modeling of
paintings and to realize our calculations based on 81
wavelengths bands of 5nm over the visible spectrum
[380;780]nm. Our second concern is in our entire
process to constantly go back and forth between our
theoretical models and our measurements on real ma-
terials. And above all, helped with our collaborations
to apply these concepts in an archeological, and his-
torical approach. The Kubelka-Munk model is almost
well suited for the description of pigmented materi-
als. These are described as a scattering medium, lay-
ing on a scattering background. The system is illu-
minated by a diffuse orthotropic incident light. It can
be demonstrated (Volz and Teague, 2001; Callet and
Zymla, 2004), that an incident orthotropic light flux
on such a film of thickness h can be considered equiv-
alent to a collimated directionnal and normal incident
flux on a paint film of thickness 2h. The model gives
the reflected and the transmitted fluxes from an inci-
dent light, normal to the layers across a paint film of
thickness h laid on a substrate. The plain Kubelka-
Munk theory (Kubelka and Munk, 1931) is then re-
duced to an equivalent 2-flux theory involving two di-
rectional fluxes of light and, according to the previ-
ous remark above, one going downward L
and the
other upward L
. The layer of paint is a macroscopic
scattering and an absorbing medium so we consider
two coefficients: S and K the scattering and absorp-
tion ones. These last coefficients depend on the pig-
ments diameters and consequently on the granulome-
try distribution function. A fine grinding involves an
important multiple scattering inside the paint film and
gives a desaturated colour obtained without any addi-
tion of white pigments. This is a physical whitening
only. Further works will use the micro-stratigraphy
images for extracting a best estimation of the granu-
lometry distribution function. All the involved terms
are wavelength dependent. The substrate has a re-
flectance factor R
. Thus, we account for the nor-
mal and directional lighting on the outer layer. So the
2-fluxes model is improved with 2 additional fluxes
Figure 7: Four-Fluxes theory: the directional (l
) and
diffuse (L
) fluxes, together with the boundary condi-
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
of light l
and l
normal to the interfaces. Includ-
ing the two previous diffuse fluxes, one downward
and the other upward L
(as described in (Volz
and Teague, 2001)). Figure 7 shows the principle of
this model. The incident light is then decomposed
in a remaining directional reflected light and of an
additional scattered light due to volume and surface
scattering from the substrate. Two specular compo-
nents are then added to the classical Kubelka-Munk
model. We operate a local radiative balance and write
four equations, where k
, is the absorption coefficient
for directional light, and respectively s
, the forward
scattering coefficient, and s
, the backward scattering
= (k+ s
+ s
dz (1)
= (k+ s
+ s
dz (2)
= s
dz+ s
dz (K + S)L
dz+ SL
= s
dz+ s
dz (K + S)L
dz+ SL
Setting l
and l
equal to zero and solving the
above system of equations, leads to the plain 2-fluxes
Kubelka and Munk expressions of absorption coef-
ficient K and scattering coefficient S. The measure-
ments leads to :
h: the layer thickness ;
: the background reflectance ;
: the reflectance for an infinite thickness (to-
tally opaque layer) ;
R: the layer reflectance (what we need).
We successivelycalculate: R
, the surface reflectance:
(1 R
+ R
S, K the macroscopic scattering and absorption coef-
S =
1 R
(1 R
K =
1 R
1+ R
(1 R
The determination of the paint characteristic film
thickness h is made using the micro-stratigraphic im-
ages (Fig. 8). For the four-fluxes model we add the
specification of all the terms k, s
, s
from the optical
coefficients. Let :
a = 1+
, b =
+ 2
x = bhS, A = asinh(x) + bcosh(x)
Figure 8: Microstratigraphy of a paint scale taken on the
green bottom cushion. Each successive layer gives infor-
mation about its mean thickness and the granulometric dis-
tribution of the embedded pigments. Magnification x20.
from which we deduce the following parameters
τ =
, ρ
= a b, ρ
We obtain from the previous relationships:
= e
p =
(1 τT
) R
(1 τT
) ρ
q = ρ
p R
Next, inverting p and q equations leads to the scatter-
ing coefficients:
= p(µ aS) + qS
= pS q(µ+ aS)
where µ =
Finally we can deduce the absorption coefficient for a
very thin layer:
k = µ (s
+ s
These results were specially accurate for gilts: gold
leaf polished above a colored paint film (the bole).
The very small holes observed inside the gold leaf en-
rich the reflected spectrum with the diffuse compo-
nent of the underlying paint. An other component of
diffuse reflectance is due to the small cracks produced
by the polishing process of the gold leaf. That influ-
ence has been recently shown(Dumazet et al., 2007).
3.5 Diffuse Reflectance Factors and
We analyzed some paint samples made in laboratory
(Fig. 6) and worked on the appearance of the paints
Validation and Visualization in Spectral Ray-tracing
Figure 9: Reflectance factors of the blue pigments, azurite
and lapis-lazuli depending on the paint film thickness.
depending on the thickness of each deposited film.
We also measured the thickness of each sample. First,
we notice the change in reflectance as the thickness
increases. The thicker the layer the lower the re-
flectance. This means that the shade is darker as the
thickness is increased, thus masking more and more
the white substrate. For several pigments (green clay,
malachite, black vine, vermilion, and lemon ochre),
the reflectance factor for two and three layers tend to
be quite similar, so we will consider that the diffuse
reflectance factor for the three layers sample gives the
term R
to determine the coefficients K and S of these
pigments. Spectral measurements help in differenti-
ating a lapis-lazuli from an azurite film (Fig. 9). The
first one has two peaks, one in the blue wavelengths
near 455nm and the other in the red and the near IR
wavelengths region (780nm). Only one peak appears
for the azurite pigments. Lapis-lazuli and its subtle
reddish component is known as natural ultra-marine
blue, very efficient for reflecting infra-red radiations
(ideal paint used for the shutters in the mediterranean
countries). We can also notice that the two pigments
have different maxima in the blue region of the vis-
ible spectrum. One exhibits a relatively narrow peak
while an other has a more flat and extended peak tend-
ing to cover the green shades region. Sometimes, a
small amount of malachite in natural azurite can ex-
plain the reflectance curve aspect and also the green-
ish color observed on the sample. Now that we have
the reflectance factors of the pure pigments, we want
to compare them to the ones we measured at the basil-
ica on the recumbent statue. We have identified some
of the pigments used on the statue. It seems that the
pigment used by the artist was identified as green clay,
according to the reflectance curves. We have made
this kind of comparison for each in situ reflectance
factor. The blue areas seem to have been painted with
azurite. The reflectance factor of the red cushion ap-
proaches that of the red lead. We can notice that the
Figure 10: Comparison of the in situ measured diffuse re-
flectance factors with those of their corresponding hand-
crafted samples.
recorded spectra in the basilica have a weaker ampli-
tude between their maxima and minima than those of
the samples. This phenomenon expresses the fact that
the colors of the sculpture are now very de-saturated.
There are several reasons for that. First, the paint lay-
ers are old and dirty. Then, the deposited dust on the
sculpture surface increases the whitening by surface
scattering of all incident light.
More studies were necessary to exactly determine
the composition of each paint used to achieve this
sculpture. More samples of different pigments have
been elaborated. Therefore we virtually created mix-
tures of pigments and compared them to the in situ
recorded reflectance factors, according to the robust
color matching methods.
Figure 11: First results obtained with only spectropho-
tometric data and physical samples preparation. (left)
Philippe-Dagobert’s cappa magna rendered in lapis-lazuli
blue pigment by the radiosity software Candelux. (right)
Philippe-Dagobert’s sleeves - vermilion pigment rendered
with Candelux, opaque gold leaf covered lion rendered in
ray-tracing with Virtuelium. CIE D65 illuminants.
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
3.6 Spectral Simulations
With a correct characterisation of all materials and
their state of surface (waviness, roughness, paint-
film thickness), the lighting conditions and a stan-
dard colorimetric observer (CIE 1964 10
), we can
compute the restored visual aspect of the museum ar-
tifacts(Pitzalis et al., 2007). For paints simulations,
including thin or thick metallic reflection the im-
ages are computed with Virtuelium our multithreaded
ray-tracing software running generally over 81 wave-
lengths bands of 5 nm width, polarization of light,
CIE standard illuminants and colorimetric observer.
The 3D coordinates of the points are distributed over
an octree structure, made to speed up the ray-surface
intersections computations. We use the complex in-
dices of refraction which characterise the intrinsic
properties of all homogeneous materials. Optical
constants are then, the real part and the imaginary
part of the complex indices of refraction for the met-
als or alloys. These can be measured on real pol-
ished plates by spectroscopic ellipsometry, an optical
method based on Fresnel formulas and the analysis of
the amount of the reflected and polarized light at large
incidence on a smooth surface. The whole theory of
reflection of light by a metallic surface is available in
optics bookssuch as Born and Wolfs (Born and Wolf,
1975) and for computer graphics and lighting in (Cal-
let, 2006; Callet, 2007) including quantitative data.
According to the physical parameters extracted from
microstratigraphy and spectrophotometric measure-
ments, we have computed with the 4-fluxesmodel and
Virtuelium, the image presented in Fig. 12. Thus, the
successive layers with their thickness and concentra-
tion as plausible for the XIIIth century can appear. We
have made many simulations with different standard
illuminants and with characterized real light sources.
Some parts of the sculpture as the prince’s face or
the angel head were probably painted with a cinnabar
and vermilion mixture. No visible traces permitted to
confirm that point and we decided to render the cor-
responding parts with the only white lead in a totally
opaquelayer. We computed the virtual restored aspect
of the medievalsculpture with the following materials
angel tunic: lapis-lazuli layer on azurite ;
angel wings: 50 % red lead and 50 % cinnabar ;
Philippe Dagobert hair: 200 nm thick gold leaf on
yellow ochre substrate ;
upper cushion: 50 % red lead and 50 % cinnabar ;
lower cushion: not completely opaque layer of
malachite pigments.
Figure 12: The actual most plausible colors of the medieval
polychrome recumbent statue of Philippe Dagobert. Ren-
dering in spectral ray-tracing by Virtuelium on an INTEL
Pentium4 3GHz dual processors computer in 8 hours for
a 1200x1200 resolution, 1Gb RAM and running under the
operating system GNU/Linux - Fedora 5.
We went one step ahead in our knowledge and know-
how of cultural heritage engineering and physical
models for materials rendering in optical simulation.
Till now we worked with standard illuminants such
as CIE A, D65 or E illuminants. We shall need for
these studies a better knowledge on natural lighting
by stained glass windows and all other anthropogenic
lightings used in the medieval era. For also improving
the rendering of the complete sculpture, the canopy
and all the gilded ornaments will be added to the 3D
model along with photon mapping and texturing. The
second part of that project will gather all the acquired
new results and will also produce a new video movie
translated in many languages.
In this pluridisciplinary project the authors were
greatly helped by the following colleagues, in Ecole
Centrale Paris by Franc¸ois-Xavier de Contencin for
3D digitization, Anna Zymla for material analy-
sis, Philippe Denizet and Marie-France Monanges
for video assisted by many students. Colleagues
in Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments His-
toriques, Vincent Detalle, Olivier Rolland and Annick
Validation and Visualization in Spectral Ray-tracing
Texier worked on microstratigraphy, paint analysis
and gilding. The Centre des Monuments Nationaux
and the Saint-Denis basilica scientific and history
team with Jacqueline Maill´e, Georges Puchal, Robert
Lequ´ement, Alain Erlande Brandenbourg, Franc¸oise
Perrot and Serge Santos. In Louvre museum, Pierre-
Yves Le Pogam gave access to an essential and origi-
nal colored piece while Nicolas Hueber at Ecole Na-
tionale Sup´erieure d’Arts et M´etiers realized the phys-
ical replica assisted by the sculptor Brigitte Bonnet.
Gilles Raffier from AXIATEC facilitated the physical
realization and sponsorship.
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GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications