Virtual Tours: A Case Study
Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, Craig Moore, David Morris
Watts Building, Moulsecoomb University of Brighton, Brighton, U.K.
David Arnold, A. Delaney, R. Heath
Watts Building, Moulsecoomb University of Brighton, Brighton, U.K.
Museum Experience, Acceptability, User Interfaces, Interaction techniques.
If information is considered the key in today’s information society, then museums and heritage sites are of
critical importance as they are places for knowledge to be shared and experienced by individuals. For this
reason, presenting and distributing information through ICT forms could play a critical role for the museum
in order to empower the public in their understanding of the past. The view of using ICT contextualisation
mechanisms, such as 3D immersive virtual environment, in museums and heritage sites is explored in this re-
search. Hence, this paper describes efforts towards exploring the acceptability of the interfaces and interaction
techniques for Virtual Tours. We acknowledge the difficulty of the task as 3D immersive environment do not
have defined interfaces nor visitor are believed to have replicable experiences. However, we believe that a
significant amount of studies of this type might provide some answers to a field full of expectations but not
enough experience in the ICT field.
The exhibition in a museum or heritage site is mainly
a visual environment - both the objects or spaces and
their communication forms - for the visitor to de-
ploy their own interpretative strategies. According to
museums theory, visitors bring a multiplicity of dif-
ferent attitudes, expectations and experiences to the
reading of an exhibition display, so that their com-
prehension of it is individualized. Hence, visitors fo-
cus on those aspects which they are able to recog-
nize and thereby grasp both visually and conceptu-
ally. (Hooper-Greenhill, 2000) states that the use of
senses, followed by observation, reflection and de-
duction, and finally the placing of the observation
and ideas within a contextual framework, remains the
standard method used for object teaching within the
heritage places today.
(Falk and Dierking, 1992) studies have demonstrated
that visitors tend to be very attentive to objects and
spaces and only occasionally to text labels to acquire
further knowledge which can inform their interpreta-
tion. Thus, the relationship between both the objects
and the communication form is critical, as the latter
provides additional meaning, in case this is needed,
for the visitor to construct his/her own interpretation
of the artefact and to fully understand the narrative.
Failure to include or achieve an effective communi-
cation form could mean the visitor will be unable to
make any sense of the exhibition display. (Vergo,
2000) highlights that the attitude that objects on dis-
play were best left to speak for themselves persisted
until well into the nineteen century and to some ex-
tent it is still with us today. Although, almost all
agree that exhibitions address themselves to an audi-
ence, and that their aim is, in the broadest term, edu-
cational; opinions diverge widely as to how that aim
is best achieved. In particular, there is disagreement
over the question as to the level of information or ex-
plication appropriate or desirable in the context of a
given exhibition.
Much of this confusion is attributed to the tendency to
treat as synonyms the words “learning”, “education”
and “school”. One manifestation of this confusion is
the idea that learning is primarily the acquisition of
new ideas, facts or information; rather than the con-
solidation and incremental growth of existing ideas
and information (Falk and Dierking, 1992). This
Rodriguez Echavarria K., Moore C., Morris D., Arnold D., Delaney A. and Heath R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 477-484
DOI: 10.5220/0001100404770484
causes confusion among concepts of learning cogni-
tive information (facts and concepts), learning affec-
tive information (attitudes, beliefs and feelings), and
learning psychomotor information (i.e. how to focus
a microscope). Learning, many believe, refers only to
learning cognitive information, which unfortunately
is only one limited dimension as what visitors obtain
from an actual museum visit.
Regarding the question of which level of information
is required, two polarized views divide the spectrum
of opinions; although, exhibitions always achieve
an intermediate point or compromise between them.
These are (Vergo, 2000):
1. The ‘aesthetic exhibition’ - where the object itself
is the most important. Artefacts are not supposed
to be understood but ‘experienced’; however, this
private process is not very well defined. In this
view, any kind of communication form is an in-
trusion into the ‘what is supposed to be’ a silent
contemplation of the artefact.
2. The ‘contextual exhibition’ - where the objects
and spaces themselves are tokens of a particular
age, a particular culture, a particular political or
social system, or representative of certain ideas or
beliefs. The argument for this contextualisation is
that for the uninformed eye, the fragments of other
times and other cultures, removed from their orig-
inal context settings and rituals, are mere curiosi-
ties made by unknown people which value can-
not be appreciated (Wright, 2000). In such exhi-
bitions objects and spaces coexist, sometimes un-
easily, with other kinds of communication forms.
Until now, much of it in textural form.
It is the latter view which is of interest for the Infor-
mation and Communication Technology (ICT) field.
If information and knowledge is considered key in
today’s information society, then museums and her-
itage sites are of critical importance as they are places
for knowledge to be shared and experienced (Wright,
2000). Hence, presenting and distributing informa-
tion through ICT forms could play a critical role for
heritage organizations in order to empower the pub-
lic in their understanding of the past, but most impor-
tantly of the present.
As such, communication forms based on ICT provide
the capacity of using a mixture of predominantly non
textual material for contextualizing the objects and
places in display. Although, the advantages of do-
ing this has been previously suggested, the accept-
ability and the selection of user interfaces and inter-
action techniques (in software and hardware) for their
use have not yet been completely identified. This
work attempts to provide some answers to these ques-
tions. In particular to explore the use of 3D interactive
virtual environment in a Virtual Tour application for
contextualizing historical cities. As such, the paper
describes efforts towards evaluating the acceptability
of the interfaces using usability methodologies to ex-
plore not only the perceived opinions and responses
of users, but also their behavior. We acknowledge
the difficulty of the task as 3D immersive environ-
ments do not have defined interfaces nor visitor are
believed to have replicable experiences. However, we
believethat a significant amount of studies of this type
combined with general guidelines in the usability field
might provide some answers to a field full of expecta-
tions but not enough experience in the ICT field.
The Virtual Tour application used for this research
recreates Wolfenbuttel as it once stood during the
seventeen century. The town sits on the Oker river in
Lower Saxony, just a few kilometres south of Braun-
schweig. Wolfenbuttel became the residence for the
dukes of Brunswick in 1432 and in the following
three centuries the town was an important centre of
the arts. The 3D virtual environment reconstructs the
town by using the main buildings from this period,
such as the ducal palace, the library and the armoury,
as well as a few other areas of interest. Nowadays,
the town of Wolfenbuttel still contains many of these
buildings; although their functionality has completely
changed. In the real place, visitors can walk through
the small streets appreciating the beauty of the
historical buildings (see figure-1).
For this research, our premise was that only looking
Figure 1: Recreation of streets in the Town Wolfenbuttel.
at the buildings (in the real or in the non-real envi-
ronment) was not enough for a visitor to understand
the historical importance of the place. Hence, the
main purpose of the virtual tour was to contextualize
the buildings and spaces of the city by providing
additional information on their relevance for the
town. For this, a female virtual avatar populates the
environment acting as a tour guide. This was in-
cluded with the intention of creating a more engaging
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
presentation of the information about the town.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the application
has different sections (see figure-2). Six locations
have been selected for the user to visit in the virtual
reconstruction. The user navigates from one to
another by clicking on labels ‘floating’ in the sky
in the “Navigation Panel”. Once at a location, the
user can look around, rotating the view by using
the mouse. Free movement is possible only with
keys commonly used in first-person shooter games
(i.e. Counter Strike). The ‘floating’ labels have been
arranged according to the geographical location of
the user in the 3D space. As such, when positioned at
any location, the labels for the places to the east/west
and north of the current location will appear bigger
and clearer, highlighting the fact that to go to another
location it is first necessary to pass through the neigh-
bouring locations. The “Location Panel” highlights
the name of the location the user is currently located.
The user can request more information about any
of the six locations in town using the following
approaches: i) typing a question on the “Free-Type
Questions Panel” or ii) ‘pointing&clicking’ on one
of the predefined questions in the Frequently Asked
Questions Panel”. The user also has access to a
webpage when arriving at certain locations.
Figure 2: Graphical User Interface (GUI) of 3D immersive
application for CH.
The aim of the study was to explore individuals re-
actions to the interfaces and interaction techniques as
well as the acceptability of the specific Virtual Tour.
Further issues the research was interested in address-
ing were:
Enjoyment, engagement and understanding of the
historical material presented by an individual user.
Usefulness of including virtual avatars in the en-
Learning curve for using the environment by
novice and more advanced users.
System acceptability has been described as the
combination of practical and social acceptability
(Nielsen, 1993). Practical acceptability includes sev-
eral factors: support, reliability, compatibility, and
usefulness of both software and hardware. This can
be measured with usability methodologies; where the
term usability is understood as the effectiveness, effi-
ciency and satisfaction with which users achieve spe-
cific goals in particular environments:
Effectiveness assesses the accuracy and complete-
ness with which users can achieve specified goals
in particular environments;
Efficiency assesses the resources expended in rela-
tion to the accuracy and completeness of goals
achieved; and
Satisfaction is the comfort and acceptability of the
system to its users and other people affected by its
Previous work on developing interfaces and in-
teraction techniques for 3D virtual environments has
been conducted by (Kjeldskov, 2001), (Bowman,
1998), (Poupyrev et al., 1997). Standard usability
engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
evaluation techniques have been adapted to 3D im-
mersive environments in order to be able to ad-
dress the usability problems introduced by these in-
terfaces. Usability work for 3D immersive environ-
ment has been previously researched by (Poupyrev
et al., 1997), (Sutcliffe and Kaur, 2000), (K.Deol
et al., 2000a), (K.Deol et al., 2000b) and (Bowman
et al., 2002). According to this work, the methods for
conducting usability studies can be classified accord-
ing to 3 factors:
Involvement of representative users, which di-
vides methods between those that require the par-
ticipation of representative users (such as For-
mal Summative Evaluation and Post-hoc Ques-
tionnaire), and those methods that do not (meth-
ods not requiring users still require a usability ex-
pert, such as Heuristic Evaluation)
The context of evaluation, which inherently im-
poses restrictions on the applicability and gener-
ality of results. Conclusions or results of eval-
uations conducted in a generic context, for ex-
ample Heuristic Evaluation, can typically be ap-
plied more broadly. Results of an application-
specific evaluation method, such as Cognitive
Walkthrough, may be best-suited for applications
that are similar in nature.
The types of results produced, which identi-
fies whether or not a given usability evaluation
method produces (primarily) qualitative or quan-
titative results.
Results from previous tests indicate that more nat-
ural hardware interfaces, such as wands, rather than
the traditional mouse, have more potential for interac-
tion within CAVE-like environments. However, there
are no guidelines for others types of set-ups. In addi-
tion, it has also highlighted the importance of incorpo-
rating features common to computers games into 3D
Immersive Virtual Environments. For example: using
artefacts as portals to previous times; using avatars
to deliver information; using “highlighted” objects as
hyperlinks; and using maps.
To add on the experience of this previous research,
our work involved studying individual user’s behav-
iors while using the Wolfenbuttel Virtual Tour pro-
ducing as a result both quantitative and qualitative
data. However, it should be noticed that according
to museums theory it will be impossible to use rep-
resentative users as every user will have an individual
context on which he/she experiences the environment.
The study was based on two combined methodolo-
gies: i) Formative Evaluation as well as ii) Post-hoc
Usability Questionnaires (Hix and Hartson, 1993).
Formative Evaluation is an observational, empirical
evaluation method that assesses user interaction by it-
eratively placing users in task-based scenarios in or-
der to assess the design’s ability to support user nav-
igation, acting (information seeking) and understand-
ing of subject material. This technique is application-
specific and produces qualitative results, such as crit-
ical incidents, user comments, and general observa-
tions. The results are expected to provide a basis for
exploring how visitors engage and interact with this
type of environment as it is critical to understand dif-
ferent personality-based interaction styles (i.e. strate-
gic vs. tactic). Post-hoc Usability Questionnaires pro-
duce quantitative results, which are useful to improve
applications’ designs further.
The testing usually lasted one to one and a half hours
and had the following format:
1. Introduction
2. Formative evaluation: performing five high level
tasks using the software and implementing a
‘Think aloud’ technique. Tasks ranged from open
goals such as exploration and discovery of ele-
ments in the environmentto more structured tasks.
The users were using a head tracker during this
part of the test which gaveus qualitative and quan-
titative information of the behaviours of the users
towards the environment (see figure 3).
3. Usability questionnaire: based on ISO 9241/10
standard usability questionnaire (Heinz, 1993).
Figure 3: Formative evaluation set-up.
In total, the research involve studying 12 case stud-
ies. This sample involved people with different ages,
levels of knowledge in ICT and attitudes towards mu-
seums and heritage sites. As previously mentioned,
the study acknowledged at all stages the sample was
limited, however the data produced by this 12 cases
produced a better picture of people’s attitudes and ac-
ceptability of the technology. The highest percentage
of the user sample ranged between 27 to 36 years old,
while 5 were male and 7 female. Average use of com-
puters ranged between 10 to 20 hours per week.
User’s knowledge of computing ranged from interme-
diate to advanced, but only 2 had advanced knowl-
edge in computer graphics. Three quarters of the sam-
ple play or have played computer games. This fact
definitely influenced the expectations and interaction
techniques with which users were familiar. The ma-
jority of users visited museums fairly often as half av-
eraged 2 to 5 visits per year and one quarter averaged
more than 6 visits per year. It should be noted that vis-
its to museums were done during traveling, as a high
percentage of the answers referred to museums which
are not in the local area or even in the UK.
3.1 Testing Users’ Data
Head tracker data was stored in a user’s log file con-
taining interception point and time stamps for syn-
chronization purposes. In addition, on screen video
interaction and user’s voice was captured. This pro-
vided a video and audio file in an AVI container;
which was used to evaluate the users opinions and
their thoughts from the speak aloud technique.
The difficulty of using the head tracking data within
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
this environment is that each case study is completely
personal and making comparison between cases is
difficult. Users do not have a linear experience, but
a 3 dimensional exploratory experience. To overcome
this problem, we clustered the data of each user ac-
cording to the different tasks they performed and then
observed the similarities differences between each of
them. Observing the head data usually involved look-
ing into the actions of all users, specially the slower
and faster subjects to make a comparison. We also
listened to the comments of the users while they were
performing the tasks. This was not in any way a
straight forward task and the results where not always
easy to capture and represent.
Typically, a task was performed in an average of three
and a half minutes. Hence, the 5 tasks where typ-
ically completed in an average time of 18 minutes.
The users who had problems understanding the inter-
action techniques, performed very slowly, with a cou-
ple of them taking up to 9 minutes to complete the
first task. In addition, variations in time were related
to i) some users wanting to explore the environment
further, while others were just interested in accom-
plishing the tasks; as well as ii) users writing down
the answers on paper, whilst others would just speak
the answers out loud. These factors were taken into
account when assembling the conclusions of this ex-
ploratory study.
The results are presented in terms of the main issues
that were identified by this research.
4.1 Acceptability
Opinions were divided when discussing the accept-
ability of such environments, especially for museums
and heritage sites. Although their conceptualization
potential was appreciated; visitors thought that the
Virtual place do not look realistic enough. One could
interpret this response suggesting that if ICT is to be
used then contextualisation is not enough, but also the
virtual authenticity of the object or place needs to be
Regarding the acceptability of the place, not all users
were convinced that the 3D virtual environment was
an acceptable representation of what the place would
have looked like in the seventeenth century, as only
half the users agreed with the statement. The users’
main concerns were:
Only the exterior of buildings are shown, and not
the interiors. This is a technical limitation of the
application that was being used
The apparent artificiality/sterility of the environ-
ment. Users suggested that this could be ad-
dressed though the inclusion of people and ani-
These responses highlight the desire from users
to achieve certain degree of realism. There was
a struggle from users to request realism, while
not feeling comfortable with realistic interactions
techniques, as explained in the navigation section.
This dichotomy was highlighted several times during
the testing results.
There were also mixed feelings regarding the state-
ment that “the use of 3D virtual environments - like
this one - is a credible replacement for reading text
labels or audio guides in a museum”, with half of the
users agreeing but the other half disagreeing, although
not so strongly. This highlights the unfamiliarity
of users towards new ways of conceptualization; in
addition, to the acceptance of using not-so-authentic
virtual replicas of real historical objects.
Some of the comments from users were that it was
to easy to jump from one place to another without
really looking at the buildings and environment;
hence, people do not take in much of the information.
Another answer, very related to the museum setting
highlights the fact that in a place with lots of people
crowding around the machine, this type of envi-
ronment could be very impractical when compared
to audio guides unless they too were personalised,
which implies their availability on mobile equipment.
The fact that audio guides do not distract the visitor
from looking at the objects in the museum exhibition
is also important to consider. Visual guides might
be more applicable in cases where the modern day
environment appeared different from the historic
4.2 Enjoyment, Engagement and
Understanding of Historical
Material Presented
When discussing how people engaged with the
experience and found it fun, we find a strong link
with computer games. One user, who identified
the Avatar as representing herself, saw as a natural
interaction to go and ask other characters for the
information she was trying to find. She also tried to
walk into the building as a natural and enjoyable way
to behave in such environment.
The application provided the user with information
in a variety of ways (i.e. web pages, question-answer
systems). Users tended to get confused regarding
the most suitable mechanisms to get an answer to
their questions. They felt very comfortable with
searching for information in a webpage, as they were
familiar with the interaction paradigm. Even when
information was in front of their eyes, using other
means, they seem not to find it very easily.
When evaluating differences in performance of tasks,
it was noted that slower users were using a more
exploratory approach. They took their time to see and
grasp the environment instead of just trying to extract
the information from it, while others focused only on
the movement and the text information presented by
the environment.
One of the tasks involved a ‘trick’ question to see how
much attention users were paying to the information
provided in text. After a few tests, it was obvious
that people also took different approaches to this:
those who read and focus mainly on facts (i.e. date
of birth, achievements of people, etc.) and those who
try to get the main idea from quickly gazing at the
text. This result might suggest that just as in labels,
users will not be very attentive to the text on an
ICT application, but other visual and audio elements
should be more suitable for the task.
In general, users felt positive with Virtual Tours
engaging visitors with museums and heritage sites.
This is the case as the visitors already have an interest
in the subject and want to know more. In addition,
it has some entertainment value for the user, which
can make visiting the museum more fun. This result
does contradict the disbelief of many to accept this
environments as a credible replacement for reading
text labels or audio guides in a museum. This might
indicate the conservative view of a museum from
the users although they do accept that this type of
environments could be more engaging for visitors.
4.3 Usefulness of Including Avatars in
the Environment
Users were very critical about including an Avatar
that they could not interact with in the Virtual Tour:
Almost all women tended to think the Avatar was
a representation of themselves within the 3D envi-
ronment rather than as a virtual guide which was
providing them with help which it was intended to
Many women found the Avatar to be stressful be-
cause her gestures made her looked like if she was
bored or confused. One of the users thought she
was being pressured to choose something quickly.
Other users disregarded her, as the Avatar was not
directly interacting with them. One user men-
tioned that he was not paying as much attention
to her as to the other parts.
Hence, if including an Avatar it is important to
make it interactive and be more involved in wel-
coming, giving instructions, pointing, or answering
questions. There was even a suggestion to write in her
shirt the word “GUIDE” to make this fact obvious.
These results highlight the importance of interactivity
over realism of the characters in a 3D immersive
environment. Again, the results highlight that users
thought the environment should look realistic, but
that finally it was the interactivity of its elements
what creates the engagement with it.
4.4 Learning Curve for using the
Environment by Novice and More
Advanced Users
As previously mentioned, most of the users already
had some knowledge on 3D systems. However, some
of them took long time to perform some of the tasks,
as they could not figure out the interaction technique
required. It should be highlighted that a minute for
learning a - new - interaction technique is far too long
for the ‘couple of minutes’, museums will expect a
user to spend with an application.
In addition, three quarters of users answered that they
were not able to use the fundamentals of the software
right from the beginning, without having to ask for
help. Only one user looked for help immediately,
which helped her scoring the shortest time of all. The
longest time on this task was achieved by a user who
tried different mechanisms for interaction until she
found the one suitable to perform the task.
4.5 Usability
General usability issues (many of them obvious but
missed previously by the design team) which were
highlighted include:
When using large screens, such as the one used
for the test, text in labels has to be large enough to
read and the labels should not overlap each other.
If there are triggers in a 3D environment, these
should only be displayed prominently when the
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
user is able to click on them. There was an exam-
ple of a big bright yellow-red icon in the 3D en-
vironment, which highlighted the fact there was
more information available at the location, but
to the frustration of the users this could not be
The speed of animations must be carefully consid-
ered. For example the flying speed was a bit too
fast for users to appreciate the environment and
see the buildings. Hence, there is a need to give
some control to the users to stop, look around or
adjust the speed of their movement within the en-
4.6 Interaction Mechanisms
Initially, the majority of the users had difficulty in
identifying the interaction mechanisms used by the
application. All users took time to get accustomed
to the navigation mechanisms. The lack of common
navigation techniques within this type of environment
could be a contributory factor to this problem. The
head tracking data, demonstrates that most users
focus on the area of the screen were most of the
movement is happening (as shown in figure-4). As
such, they attempt different actions mainly within
this space ignoring the other areas. Typically, users
attempted to interact by i) clicking on houses, doors
or on the virtual Avatar; ii) looking at the applications
menu or iii) moving the mouse or the key arrows
on the keyboard. None of them actively noticed the
fact that most of their interaction techniques have
been learned from playing computer games (in their
different genres).
The label based navigation mechanism (using labels
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Previous 5 seconds of head tracking data for at time=65
Figure 4: Head tracking data for user while performing a
for jumping to locations in the 3D environment) was
not well received. Using labels with names of places
to navigate around the 3D space made it very contra-
dictory and confusing for users. Two thirds of users
failed to understand the geographical logic behind
the navigation. Most users would have preferred to
use an overview/map of the entire environment and a
list of all the places where it was possible to navigate
so they can orient themselves easily.
When users identified that they wished to move from
one location to another, the system responded by
flying to the destination, which is neither consistent
with users real-world experiences or those they gain
from the majority of virtual 3D worlds. One user
commented that it would have been more natural to
walk instead of flying to highlight this fact.
Users tried to navigate by typing requests into the
Ask a question here” text field. Providing a non
restricted space to “Ask”, made them think they could
type anything including questions, requests, orders
to the system (i.e. “go to library”, “most important
places in town”, “map of town”, “how do I move”,
etc.) This highlights the need to inform the users of
the restrictions on the information the system can
provide at any time and providing help as soon as
entering the environment on what they can do or not
within the environment.
The Virtual Tour application presented in this paper
represents an example of the type of virtual environ-
ments that currently exist to contextualise the com-
munication of heritage. Although their popularity, it
has been acknowledge the difficulties on deciding the
most suitable interfaces for their use. As a result,
the paper has presented ongoing research to explore
user’s acceptability and behavior towards interfaces
and interaction techniques (in software and hardware)
for their use. The following observations were found
from our study:
Although museum visitors still have a conserva-
tive view on the museum and its contextualization
devices; 3D immersive environments might be an
engagingway to provide additional information as
long as the representations contained are realistic
To be acceptable, applications must consider their
context of use. In museums users may only able
to spend a few minutes using a display thus, wher-
ever possible the time required to learn an applica-
tion must be minimal as must be the time require
to explore the key information that it presents.
The purpose/function of Avatars must be made
clear to users. Avatars are only useful if they can
operate effectively within the constraints identi-
fied above.
Avatarsmust meet users’ expectations particularly
in terms of the gestures and interactivity that they
support and the manner in which they engage with
Users should be able to control their speed of nav-
igation and route within the environment. If they
want to stop and explore allow them, while still
constraint the navigation so they do not get lost.
Information should be presented in a variety of
ways (multimedia, text, etc), but have the same
interaction paradigm to be accessed. In this study,
users appeared to favor Hyperlinks.
It is necessary to decide the target audience and
take this into account for present historical facts
in the most adequate interactive format. Language
of information should also be considered.
Existing best practice interaction and visual de-
sign techniques should be utilized. For example:
designs must take into account the target display
size and resolution as well as the labels should
be meaningful and discernible. In addition, the
principles of affordance and constraints (Norman,
1988) should be exploited to reduce the cognitive
load placed on users.
Although this observations cannot be generalized and
are specific to the study we conducted, they can pro-
vide an insight into into current and potential mu-
seum’s users attitudes. There is further debate to be
had in the areas of realism of environment above in-
teractivity, and the role of computer games interfaces
and interaction techniques.
This work has been conducted as part of the EPOCH
network of excellence (IST-2002-507382) within the
IST (Information Society Technologies) section of
the Sixth Framework Programme of the European
Commission. Our thanks go to the others involved
in the realisation of this work: Phil Flack and John
Glauert at the University of East Anglia as well as the
Interactive Technologies Research Group at Univer-
sity of Brighton. Thanks are also due to the Graphics
Research Groups at the Technical Universities of
Braunschweig and Graz for much the architectural
Bowman, D. (1998). Interaction techniques for immersive
virtual environments: Design, evaluation and appli-
cation. In Human-Computer Interaction Consortium
(HCIC) Conference.
Bowman, D., Gabbard, J., and Hix, D. (2002). A survey of
usability evaluation in virtual environments: Classifi-
cation and comparison of methods. Presence: Teleop-
erators and Virtual Environments, 11.
Falk, J. H. and Dierking, L. D. (1992). The museum experi-
ence. Whalesback Books, Washington, D.C.
Heinz, W. (1993). Isometricsl, questionnaire for the evalua-
tion of graphical user interfaces based on iso 9241/10.
Version: 2.01c March 1998.
Hix, D. and Hartson, H. R. (1993). Developing User Inter-
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