Figure 8: Illustration of the trial-to-trial variability of the 6-
DoF arm when reaching towards target (c). The plots depict
the joint angles (1–6) over time. Grey lines indicate iLQG,
black lines stem from iLQG–LD.
framework. Most importantly, we carried over the
favourable properties of iLQG to more realistic con-
trol problems where the analytic dynamics model is
often unknown, difficultto estimate accurately or sub-
ject to changes.
Utilising the derivatives (8) of the learned dynam-
ics model
f avoids expensive finite difference cal-
culations during the dynamics linearisation step of
iLQG. This significantly reduces the computational
complexity, allowing the framework to scale to larger
DoF systems. We empirically showed that iLQG–LD
performs reliably in the presence of noise and that it
is adaptive with respect to systematic changes in the
dynamics; hence, the framework has the potential to
provide a unifying tool for modelling (and informing)
non-linear sensorimotor adaptation experiments even
under complex dynamic perturbations. As with iLQG
control, redundancies are implicitly resolved by the
OFC framework through a cost function, eliminating
the need for a separate trajectory planner and inverse
kinematics/dynamics computation.
Our future work will concentrate on implement-
ing the iLQG–LD frameworkon the anthropomorphic
LWR hardware – this will not only explore an alterna-
tive control paradigm, but will also provide the only
viable and principled control strategy for the biomor-
phic variable stiffness based highly redundant actua-
tion system that we are currently developing. Indeed,
exploiting this framework for understanding OFC and
its link to biological motor control is another very im-
portant strand.
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ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics