This article presents the results of a study dealing
with the improvement of energetic performance of
renewable energy buildings. A performance
indicator (kWh/m
/yr) was chosen that allows
comparisons between buildings of different areas
and localizations. A processor-based prototype was
developed, to perform on-line acquisition,
monitoring and control of heat consumption in
renewable energy buildings. The potential for the
fossil energy consumption reduction is illustrated
by the simulation of temperature control of
University’s offices. Mixed online and model-
based predictive control using both external
temperature predictions and real measurements
with time-varying temperature setpoint leads to a
very large fossil energy consumption reduction.
Future work will include the improvement of
the dynamic model, so as to test the developed
control algorithms on larger and more complex
dynamic systems. Furthermore, in-situ application
of the prototype has already begun in our partner’s
headquarters. It is planned to include control
algorithms in addition to real-time data-acquisition
and performance indicator monitoring.
This work is supported by a fund from the FCE
(Funds for the Competitiveness of the Enterprises,
DERBI cluster). The authors would like to thank
Apex BP Solar, CSTB and Pyrescom for our
collaboration and their involvement in this project.
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ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics