An experimental platform, called RoPa, has been
conceived. The RoPa platform is a complex of
MATLAB programs for simulation and control of
walking robots evolving in uncertain environments
according to SSTA control strategy.
A number of eight causality orderings of the
robotic structure have been implemented on RoPa.
Figure 4 presents the interface of this application
for the causality structure with four free joints. The
four degrees of freedom are thus consumed: one to
fulfil the kinematics restriction; one to ensure the
desired value of the θ angle of the robot body and
two for the desired values
of the robot
The causal ordering is activated by selecting the
causal variable cz=[15 25 0].
Figure 4: RoPa Graphic User Interface.
The stability of this evolution is graphical
represented by a stability certificate of the evolution.
This certificate attests the stability index of the
active pair of legs in any moment.
The experiments performed on RoPa demonstrate
the efficacy and adaptability of the proposed method
when the walking robots evolve in uncertain
environments. All the causal orderings are perfectly
integrated in RoPa structure proving the correctness
of the theoretical results.
The mathematical model developed in the paper
becomes an element of the VCDS walking robot
model. The robustness of this mathematical model
was proved by many experimental results
Further investigations will be directed towards a
hexapod robot performing a task in uncertain
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STABLE STATES TRANSITION APPROACH - A New Strategy for Walking Robots Control in Uncertain Environments