management, network element management and
network element, which are managed by NMS.
At present, it has been defined that several methods
of the interface between NMS and managed
resources, Such as SNMP, CORBA and XML. They
design the interface model distinguishingly
according to different prospective.
2.1 SNMP
SNMP is a standard protocol to manage the IP
network. It can monitor and control the variable
set,as well as monitor the two data format of
equipments, SMI and MIB. SNMP adopts the model
of “Management Process---Agent Process”. When
the Management Process sends an order to the
Managed Object, the Managed Object receives the
order by the Agent Process. Then the Agent process
also sends back the response to the Management
Process. That is, the communication between
Management Process and Managed Object is not in
direct, but using the Agent Process.
SMI is a method of defining the management
object using SNMP. It based on object-oriented, not
using encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism. So
it simplifies the management information models. It
is on behalf of an instance of a class by using table
to represent the data type, table, column, and row.
(Jorge Vergara, 2003)
2.2 Corba
CORBA is proposed by the OMG. It is an object-
oriented software development as well as application
platform, with the function of portable, reusable and
connection, under distributed heterogeneous
IDL, which ITU-T use to define the TMN and
UTRAD. It is an object-oriented description
language. By defining of the IDL, classes are
interfaces between different models. They have
attributes and methods. IDL can be mapped to
different languages, such as C++, JAVA, Ada,
Cobol and SmallTalk.
2.3 XML
XML is given by the W3C. It is an information
processing tool, which has on relevant to platform,
software and hardware. XML has the feature of
flexibility, easy-realization, easy-extension, as well
as low cost. At present, we only use this tool to
define format of the configuration files and the
performance files in NMS.
Ontology is an explicit specification of a
conceptualization. The term is borrowed from
philosophy, where an ontology is a systematic
account of existence. In 1990’s, ontology was
brought into the field of the knowledge
representation, knowledge sharing, semantic reason
and so on.
In recent years, it has been great development of the
applications and research of ontology, which NMS
has been focusing on. There may exist the
possibility of the application of ontology in network
management information model (Jorge, Vergara,
2003), the relations among ontology mapping,
network management operation (Wong, 2005), as
well as special management information model
based on ontology. However, it is still short of the
research to design interface adapter model using
ontology language in NMS. We will propose an
ontology interface adapter model next section.
3.1 OWL
Generally speaking, we use a special ontology
language to describe ontology. At present, the main
ontology description languages are DAML, OIL,
KIF, and OWL, among which, the OWL proposed
by the W3C has the great effect.
The OWL (Web Ontology Language) is designed
for processing the content of information instead of
just presenting information to humans. OWL
facilitates greater machine interpretability of Web
content than those supported by XML, RDF, and
RDF Schema (RDF-S), by providing additional
vocabulary along with a formal semantics. OWL has
three increasingly-expressive sublanguages: OWL
Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full.
OWL has been applied widely to module in most
kinds of domain ontology: W3C has used OWL in
the ontology model of Web Service; Using OWL
defined the analysis model, which can be adapted to
test circumstance (Bodkin, 2005).
4.1 Ontology Adapter Model Analysis
We propose and discuss the ontology adapter model
in the interface definition below. We divide
ontology adapter model into three parts: ontology
ONTOLOGY ADAPTER - Network Management System Interface Model