2002). Currently, wireless ad-hoc networks for mo-
bile robots are a challenging and interesting scientific
topic and scenarios connecting several mobile robots,
humans in place (e.g. search and rescue applications),
and stationary network nodes (e.g. communication re-
lay nodes) are evaluated and analyzed (cf. Figure 1).
Figure 1: Future scenario of a heterogeneous network of
mobile robots and human personnel.
Special ad-hoc routing protocols like AODV (Das
et al., 2003)(Chakeres and Belding-Royer, 2004),
DSR (Johnson and Maltz, 1996), or OLSR (Clausen,
2003) allow communication also in a highly dynamic
network topology which increases the capabilities and
the ease of use of mobile robots. These networks
allow any-to-any communication between all nodes
inside the network on a logical layer. Nevertheless,
the radio link always implies the potential danger of
a complete communication drop-out and the unpre-
dictable loss of packets with a variable packet loss
probability. Also the delay of packets delivered via
the same route by hop-by-hop fashion can be variable.
The same also applies for the bandwidth – e.g. IEEE
802.11 WLAN usually reduces its bandwidth as the
link quality decreases.
The dynamic characteristics of WLAN and es-
pecially if it is used together with ad-hoc routing
protocols has special drawbacks if direct teleopera-
tion should be implemented over these communica-
tion links. Although there was a lot of progress in the
area of autonomy for mobile robots, still many appli-
cations need the direct teleoperation of mobile robots,
which requires in many cases reliable and high band-
width links for video streams from the robots. For
low-bandwidth conditions and very defined environ-
ments, e.g. in tele-education, also virtual representa-
tions can be used to provide the necessary information
for direct teleoperation (Sauer et al., 2005). For the
more dynamic scenarios, (e.g. in search and rescue)
where the application of wireless ad-hoc networks is
very desirable, direct teleoperation with high band-
widths is mostly required. These needs for high band-
width result from the fact, that the video feedback still
delivers the most and richest information from the re-
mote environment to the operator. This detailed infor-
mation from the remote site is needed to increase and
maintain the situation awareness and common ground
between robot and human operator as basis for any
future decisions and commands done by the human
operator. (Murphy and Burke, 2005) showed that this
situation awareness is even more important than any
autonomy or assistance function implemented in the
robot. Dependent on the human teleoperation task
different characteristics of the video stream are im-
portant. If a navigation task is considered, the most
important parameters are a high frame rate, low num-
ber of frame losses, and a constant inter-arrival time
between to frames. Compared to these parameters the
quality and resolution of the video stream is less im-
portant for navigation. On the other hand if the human
has a search task (e.g. identify objects in a delivered
video stream), the quality and resolution has a higher
importance than the frame rate. Here, the proposed
mechanism for the video-stream adaptation according
to the load status of the route is designed for navigat-
ing a mobile robot with direct teleoperation.
The presented mechanism allows a variable image
quality of the video stream for the operator. The qual-
ity is adjusted automatically to the current state of the
wireless multi-hop network and respectively the avail-
able bandwidth of the used route by using a feedback
of the network status. As above mentioned, the state
of each single node of a route has a strong influence
on the quality of the used link in terms of bandwidth,
delay, and packet loss. To increase the performance
of mobile robot teleoperation, the available frame rate
at the operator PC should be almost constant. In or-
der to adjust the image quality according to the link,
an active feedback mechanism is implemented at the
application layer of each node. Thus, a feedback of
the network is available for the video stream source
which can be used to adapt the image quality. The
proposed mechanism requires only little resources, is
portable and easy to implement, and provides the op-
erator the highest possible video quality for mobile
robot teleoperation which can be guaranteed for the
current network state. As it supports no traffic classes
as it is known from wired IP networks, it should not be
considered as a quality of service (QoS) mechanism.
Anyway, available quality of service (QoS) mecha-
nisms – e.g. integrated services (IntServ) or differen-
tiated services (DiffServ) – are currently not applica-
ble in ad-hoc networks of mobile robots due to very
specific hardware requirements and the special solu-
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics