from experience in a continuous way when running,
this methodology has the potential to be an adaptable
system where we can add or remove any sensors or
actuators, and the controller can adapt autonomously
and online to the new situation.
The different parameters that define the speed of
adapting connection weights and the way of creating
new neurons and connections have to be investigated
further to evaluate our novel methodology for creat-
ing controllers for concurrent tasks. These investiga-
tions will lead us to find an elaborate but still very
basic “artificial brain” model that enables a system to
achieve a sophisticated level compared to other artifi-
cial intelligence models by learning from experience
When the basic methods are investigated in detail,
some extensions can be added like Spike Time Depen-
dent Plasticity or a feedback prediction mechanism.
Initial ideas for both enhancements were discussed in
this paper. Those improvements would help the con-
trolled systems to deal with more complex situations,
especially when timing considerations are important.
As mentioned in section 3 assigning delayed feed-
back more efficiently or even predicting feedback will
be an interesting research issue for future work. The
idea is that a neuron that receives positive or nega-
tive reward very often when it is active will probably
receive the same reward also in the future. Predict-
ing reward could actually be one reason for producing
reward. This earlier reward may now be correlated
to the activity of another neuron. That neuron could
again produce reward when predicting it. By the re-
cursive process reward could potentially be predicted
progressively earlier.
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