Figure 7: Position estimates during a hovering flight.
processors and sensors.
In our laboratory, this embedded system has been
successfully used on a fixed wing aircraft (Ras-
cal 110), a small-scaled helicopter (Vario
trainer), and ground vehicles (Pioneer 4 from Mobile
Further developments focus on giving more au-
tonomy, including path planning algorithm, follow-
ing (Kogan and Murray, 2006; Murray et al., 2003), to
respond to high-levels orders from a remote user. We
will surely need more computational power, which
can be obtained by simply upgrading the computa-
tional board. In parallel, we develop a new aerial ve-
hicle for urban area applications. For this last project
we consider using other sensors. In particular, for
obstacle avoidance and navigation, we will connect
LADARS, and ultrasonic sensors to our embedded
The authors are indebted to the numerous students,
technicians and engineers who have been collaborat-
ing to the development of the presented technology
and have brought their support during the conducted
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