to the cartesian parameterization when it is combined
with a finite depth test. It was expected that carte-
sian algorithm based in triangulation techniques were
to suffer a great degradation of their performance for
small step sizes. However, results show that the algo-
rithm delayed until finite depth with cartesian param-
eterization is not very sensitive to the step size and
exhibits very competitive results, which makes it an
appropriate algorithm for indoors. Other interesting
conclusion is that introducing features earlier in the
EKF does not mean that more/better information will
be available to update the state.
In this paper we have also stated ill-conditioned
situations: a pure rotation motion and features aligned
with the trajectory. None of them can be managed in
any case. Some ideas have been presented to detect
these situations which will allow the algorithms to de-
cide which data can be used in each step.
This work was supported by projects MEC DPI2006-
07928 and IST-1-045062-URUS-STP.
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