In the automatic mode the final point of the path
of the wheelchair presented a little displacement
regarding its start point (physical mark point on the
ground). As this error is not displayed in the
odometry graph, a Manual test was executed to
evaluate the results. In this test, the user drove the
wheelchair following the same path, but at this time
stopping in the same physical mark point on the
ground. Results of this test presented the error
displayed in the odometry graph.
The error presented is admissible since it is just 5
cm in a total amount of 1500 cm of displacement,
and can be explained by the integration of the
odometry systematic error.
Figure 10 shows the results of distinct tests of
displacement in straight line. The objective was
evaluate odometry dispersion error for different
distances. In this test was valued displacement of 5,
10 and 15 meters, with approximately 20 samples
for each path.
Figure 10: Odometry dispersion error for 5m, 10m and
15m of displacement in straight line.
This paper presented the design and implementation
of a development platform for Intelligent
Wheelchairs called IntellWheels.
This platform facilitates the development and test
of new methodologies and techniques concerning
Intelligent Wheelchairs. We believe that this new
techniques can bring to the wheelchairs real
capacities of intelligent action planning, autonomous
navigation, and mechanisms to allow the execution
in a semi-autonomous way of the user desires,
expressed in a high-level language of command.
Future research will aim the test and validation
for the other sensors mounted in the wheelchair.
Moreover, like in many other systems, cooperative
and collaborative behaviours are desired to be
present in the IW and need to be incorporated in the
Platform. Another important improvement to be
pursued includes a comparative study of the classic
implemented algorithms and the new proposal to
solve these issues.
The platform will allow that real and virtual IWs
interact with each other. These interactions make
possible high complexity tests with a substantial
number of devices and wheelchairs, representing a
reduction in the project costs, once there is not the
necessity to build a large number of real IW.
The first author would like to thank for CAPES for
doctoral course financing.
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