Figure 4: Experimental protocol.
In the preceding section we validated the Matlab
Simulink implementation of our observer. To demon-
strate its computational simplicity we have also im-
plemented it on a 8-bit microcontroller (Atmel AT-
mega128 running at 11.0592MHz on development kit
STK500/501). The computations are done in C with
the standard floating point emulation. The microcon-
troller is fed with the MIDG II raw data at a 50Hz rate.
We have used a simple Euler explicit approximation
for the integration scheme.
The experimental protocol was the following:
1. move the sensors in all directions and save the
MIDG II raw measurements and estimations at
2. use of xPCTarget to feed the ATmega with these
data at 50Hz via a serial port and send at the same
time the estimated variables. given by the micro-
controller via a serial port to a computer
3. save these estimations.
4. compare offline the estimations given by the mi-
crocontroller and those given by the observer writ-
ten in the Matlab embedded function.
This protocol can be illustrated by the figure 4 where
xPCTarget has been replaced by the MIDG II.
We obtain the results of the figure 5. The two es-
timations are very similar. We see on the bottom plot
the discretization at 50Hz due to the microcontroller.
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240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310
Comparison ATmega/Matlab
253.25 253.3 253.35 253.4
φ ATmega
φ Matlab
φ ATmega
φ Matlab
Figure 5: Comparison ATmega/Matlab.
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Thanks to their four coordinates, quaternions provide
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quaternion q with unit norm is associated a rotation
matrix R
∈ SO(3) by
∗~p ∗ q = R
·~p for all ~p ∈ R
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics