New Heuristics and a Comparative Study of Classifiers
C´esar Garc´ıa-Osorio, Jos´e-Francisco D´ıez-Pastor, Juan J. Rodr´ıguez and Jes´us Maudes
Higher Polytechnic School, University of Burgos, Avda. Cantabr´ıa, Burgos, Spain
Computer Vision, Digital Image Processing, Optical Character Recognition, Smoothing Spatial Filter.
We describe an artificial vision system used to recognize the Spanish car license plate numbers in raster images.
The algorithm is designed to be independent of the distance from the car to the camera, the size of the plate
number, the inclination and the light conditions. In the preprocessing steps, the algorithm takes a raster image
as input and gives an ordered list of license plate areas candidates. Only in very rare occasions the second and
third candidates are needed; most of the cases the first candidate is the correct one. During the preprocessing
a new filter has been used. This filter is only applied to low saturation areas, getting better results this way. In
order to choose the best classifier for the classifying stage, a comparative study has been performed using the
data mining tool Weka.
License plate number recognition or license plate
recognition (LPR) is one of the most practical ap-
plication of image processing and pattern recogni-
tion techniques. Its most common use is the control
of parking areas (Sirithinaphong and Chamnongthai,
1999) and traffic monitoring (Setchell, 1997). In these
contexts the distance to the camera, position, inclina-
tion and other variables that affect the image are quite
well controlled and hence it is possible to take ad-
vantageof these restricted working conditions (Emiris
and Koulouriotis, 2001). The application presented
in this paper is designed to work in not so restricted
and structured environments. We want to locate the li-
cense plate and recognizeits number independentlyof
its size, orientation, position or lightening condition.
The only restriction we assume is that the background
of the license plate number is white and the characters
color is black. This is the common style for the Span-
ish license plates which we want to recognize.
The process of license plate number recognition
involve three main steps: i) license plate localization,
ii) character segmentation, and iii) character recogni-
tion. We have structured the rest of the paper in ac-
cordance with these steps. However, we will give an
introduction to the Spanish licence plate number sys-
tem first.
1.1 Spanish License Plates Formats
The increase in the number of cars has put to the lim-
its the license plate number systems. So, plate num-
ber systems have needed to be adapted as the num-
ber of cars approached the maximum number these
systems could register. In Spain, initially, the plate
number were composed by one or two letters to code
the province followed by up to six digits. This sys-
tem lasted till 1971 when the plate numbers in Madrid
(Urios-Mond´ejar, 2007), the capital of Spain, were
approaching the number 999999. In the new system
there were four digits and a letter in a first moment,
and later was necessary to use two letters. With the
joining of Spain to the European union a new change
In the year 2000, and close again to the coding
limit of the system, a new change is made. In the
new system a plate number is composed by four dig-
its followed by three letters. Besides, the province
code disappeared and an European Union logo with
blue background and a ‘E in white
appeared in the
left side of the plate number. As well, whenever a
plate number need to be substituted because it is de-
teriorated, the new plate number will came with the
European Union logo, even if the plate number is in
the old format with the province code.
‘E’ for “Espa˜na”, “Spain” in Spanish
García-Osorio C., Díez-Pastor J., J. Rodríguez J. and Maudes J. (2008).
LICENSE PLATE NUMBER RECOGNITION - New Heuristics and a Comparative Study of Classifiers.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - RA, pages 268-273
DOI: 10.5220/0001502302680273
Table 1: Common Spanish plate number formats
With province code and no let-
With province code and letters
With province code, letters and
European Union logo
Current plate number code
In Table 1 it is possible to see all these
. These and others facts about Span-
ish plate numbers can be found in the webpage
2.1 Image Preprocessing
The first stage of the process is to locate the licence
plate area in the input photo. In order to do so, we
need to emphasize regions of high spatial frequency
that correspond to edges. Therefore, we first use the
classic Sobel filter. As the input to this step of the pro-
cess is an RGB color image, and we know that in the
license plate the background is white and the char-
acters are black, we will apply the horizontal Sobel
filter to the areas of low saturation. The saturation is
obtained from RGB color image using the formula
S =
0 if max{R,G,B}=0,
All the achromatic colors (grey scale colors) have the
same saturation and lower than any chromatic color.
Note that the white could be actually gray depending
on illumination conditions. The black and white pix-
els of the license plate areas will have low saturation.
So, we discard all the pixels with high saturation and
apply the Sobel filter only to the pixels with low satu-
ration. Experimentally, we found that the best results
are obtained when applying the Sobel filter to pixels
with saturation lower than 0.35. In Figure 1 we can
see the results of using this heuristic.
In the Spanish plate number system there are two rows
plate numbers too, as well as other special plate numbers,
that has not been taken into account in the applications ex-
plained in this paper.
Figure 1: Top left: Original RGB image. Bottom left: After
applying traditional Sobel filter. Top right: the image with-
out the low saturation areas. Bottom right: After applying
the conditional Sobel filter.
Another heuristic we use here is to discard the
30% top part of the image and the 10% of the bottom
part. This areas never have a license plate number
(Rodr´ıguez, 1999).
Next in the process is the binarization. We obtain
a black and white image from the result of the pre-
vious transformation. The binarization threshold is
chosen to get a black and white image with only 2%
of the pixels being white, this way only those pixels
with high intensity variation are considered as edges
in the license plate. The edges due to background, or
without that high intensity variation are discarded.
After all the previous preprocessing, the license
plate will appear as a sequence of white and black
transitions with a lot of white pixels concentrated in
the license plate area. In other parts of the image the
concentration of white pixels is lower. As the last step
of this stage we use an horizontal soften filter. This
filter can be thought as a kind of mean or average fil-
ter. The idea is to count the number of white pixel in
a rectangular area with center at each pixel. Empir-
ically, we found the best results were obtained with
a size 3x61. If the number of white pixels is greater
than 50 we leave that pixel white. That is, M(x, y) =
1 (1=white), if
M(x+ i, y+ j) > 50.
When we apply this filter to a line with a lot of low
concentrated edge pixels, all those pixels are elimi-
nated. On the contrary, when we apply this filter to a
line with less edge pixels but high concentrated, the
line will became white.
One could think that the effect of applying this fil-
ter is the same as the dilation/erosion of mathematical
morphology (Serra, 1982), but this filter seems to be
less sensitive to noise. In Figure 3 we can see the re-
sults of dilation/erosion with different window sizes.
LICENSE PLATE NUMBER RECOGNITION - New Heuristics and a Comparative Study of Classifiers
Figure 2: Left: Image after binarization. Right: Image after
applying the horizontal soften filter.
Figure 3: Left: Image after dilation/erosion with a window
15 pixels width. Right: Image after dilation/erosion with a
window 20 pixels width.
2.2 Selection of Plate Candidate
After applying the last step of the previous stage, we
have a black image with one or more white areas can-
didate to be a license plate. However, only one of
those areas correspondsto the real license plate, while
the others are consequence of noise or other objects in
the background. Now, we need an algorithm to deter-
mine which one of these white areas is the real plate.
We have used several heuristics. First, we only
keep the ten biggest areas, this way we eliminate most
of the areas due to noise. We then order those ten plate
candidates according to the following criteria
ratio of width to heights greater than two, since a
license plate is wider than taller.
distance to the center of the image, the areas far
from the center are unlikely to be plates.
For two areas with similar characteristics we choose
the one with lower positions, we do this because we
have found that some times the area due to the edges
in the car radiator will give end as a false positive
Note, that we keep all the ten areas not discarded.
Later, if in the following stages we realize that the
selection of plate area was incorrect we recover the
following plate candidate from the ordered list. In the
experiment this only happened in few occasions.
After the previous stage, we obtained a license plate
image. We need to do further image processing before
Figure 4: Top left: Original RGB image. Bottom left: After
applying traditional Sobel filter. Top right: After binariza-
tion. Bottom right: After rotation.
starting to locate the characters in the plate. We have
not tried any new heuristic with these steps. We apply
the classic Sobel filter (Gonzalez and Woods, 2002),
gradient binarization (Rodıguez, 1999) and Hough
transform (Gonzalez and Woods, 2002) to correct the
plate inclination if needed (see Figure 4).
3.1 Character Localization
Now with the preprocessed plate we use a novel
method to locate the characters in the plate. That is
one of the most delicate steps of the process.
First, we try to adjust further the license plate and
we eliminate from the border of the image all the rows
and columns with only white or only black pixels.
Second, we apply a coarse method to discard
those blobs of black pixels which are obviously con-
sequence of noise and are not really characters. This
process must be conservative, because we do not want
to discard correct characters. We have follow several
We discard all the areas whose width is greater
than 1/8 of the width of the area we have identified
as a license plate candidate. As the license plate
will have a minimum of seven characters, an area
with bigger width will be for sure not a character.
We discard as well the areas which are taller than
0.7 the height of the plate.
We use the color information to eliminate the ar-
eas with at least 50% of high saturation pixels.
This areas correspond to the blue European Union
logo. This have the effect of eliminate other chro-
matic areas in case our location of the license plate
would have not adjust close enough to the plate.
If the width of the widest area is lower than 1/20
of the width of the area we have identify as the
license plate, we have found a case of false pos-
itive. We need to start the process with the next
candidate from the list of plate candidates.
Next, we apply a more refined strategy. A charac-
ter will be a blob of connected black pixels (or sev-
eral, if the characters parts have been disconnected as
a consequenceof the previous preprocessing) fully in-
side of a rectangular area of dimensions calculate as a
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 5: License plate before and after eliminating the
black areas that does not correspond with characters.
percentage of the dimensions of the license plate area.
We align in turn the top left corner of this rectangle
with the top left corner of all the blobs, starting with
the one in the very top left. Be β
the blob we have
used to align the rectangle. It will not be the case that
does not fully fix inside the rectangle, because all
that big blobs have been discarded with the previous
coarse method. Now, if there is piece of another blob
that is partially inside the rectangle, but not fully
inside, we can discard β
. It will not be a character
or part of a character, β
is probably noise. If there
are not others blobs partially inside the rectangle, and
there is another blob β
fully inside the rectangle, we
can consider both β
and β
as parts of the same char-
acter. This method is able to group pieces of char-
acters that have been disconnected after applying the
filters, and at the same time discards any remaining
In Figure 6 we can see an example of the method.
The coarse method was not able to eliminate all the
noise. The plate border is broken and was not big
enough as to be discarded. Besides the “U” appears
broken in two pieces. In the proposed method the
rectangle will be aligned with the top left pixel of the
first piece, and as the other piece is fully inside the
rectangle both pieces are identified as part of the same
character. On the contrary, the small blob due to the
number plate screw is not consider part of the charac-
ter because when we align the rectangle with its top
left pixel, the six is only partially inside the rectangle.
The same happens in the right side, when we align the
rectangle with a border, and the “Z” is only partially
inside the rectangle.
We have found this method slightly better than the
traditional horizontal projection method for character
segmentation and less sensible to broken characters.
Still, in same rare circunstantes we could group some
scattered points and identify them as parts of charac-
ters. But this cases could be easily managed using as
criteria the number of black pixels.
3.2 Character Normalization
Before using a classifier to identify the characters we
need to normalize them. There are three reasons for
We can reduce the number or attributes and that
will make the learning of the classifier faster.
Figure 6: Character segmentation.
We will have the same number of attributes for
all the characters because they will have the same
We will improve the efficiency of the classifier as
the input is more similar to the others instances in
its class, and more different from the instances in
other classes.
The normalization steps are:
Center the character.
Resize it to 16× 16 keeping its ratio width/height
(this is specially important for characters like “I”).
In this last section, we analyze and compare which set
of characteristics and classifiers give the best classifi-
cation results. To do this study we use Weka (Wit-
ten and Frank, 2002), a data mining tool written in
Java We eval-
uate the performance of seven different classifiers and
four different sets of characteristics using 2070 char-
acters from about 700 licence plates.
We use 10×10-fold cross validation, in each of
the experiments 90% of the instances were used for
training and 10% for validation, and this was repeated
another nine times, with different 10% of instances
An important characteristic we could extract from
the character image is the number of holes in the char-
acters. That increase the classification accuracy for
characters like “P” and “F” or “B”, “8”, “6” and “9”.
The sets of characteristics use in this study were:
a. In this data set we represent each of the 2070 char-
acters using the whole 16 × 16 = 256 pixels of
the character image together with the number of
holes: 257 attributes in total. This is basically
the character without any characteristic extraction
b. We use the horizontal and vertical projections of
the character. This gives 16 characteristics from
the horizontal projections, 16 characteristics from
LICENSE PLATE NUMBER RECOGNITION - New Heuristics and a Comparative Study of Classifiers
the vertical projections, plus the number of holes:
33 characteristics.
c. In this data set each character is represented by its
main four Kirsch compass filters, horizontal, ver-
tical, and both diagonals. The results are down
sampled to a 4 × 4 image, and the original im-
age is down samples as well. This gives 5× 16 =
80 characteristics, plus the additional one for the
number of holes: 81 characteristics.
d. We use a overlapped down sample of the original
image. Each 4 × 4 block of pixels gives a value,
then this mask is moved two pixels right, and so
till the right side, then the mask is lower two pixels
and the process repeated from the left. We obtain
49 attributes, plus the number of holes: 50 char-
Regarding the classifiers, we tried the following:
1. functions.MultilayerPerceptron, with parameters:
GUI=false, autoBuild=true, Debug=false, De-
cay=false, HidenLayers=(number of attributes +
number of classes)/2, LearningRate=0.3, momen-
tum=0.2, nominalToBinaryFilter=true, normal-
izeAtributes=true, normalizeNumericClass=true,
RandomSeed=0, trainingTime=500, validation-
SetSize=0 and validationThreshold=20. Neu-
ral Networks has been used as classifiers in
(Draghici, 1997; Nijhuis et al., 1995)
2. bayes.NaiveBayesUpdateable, with options: de-
bug=false, useKernelStimator=false and useSu-
3. functions.SMO, Platt’s sequential minimal opti-
mization algorithms for training Support Vector
Machines (Platt, 1999; Zheng and He, 2006;
Chengwen et al., 2006), with options: buildLogis-
ticModels=false, C=1.0, checksTurnedOff=false,
Epsilon=1.0E-12, filterType=Normalize training
data, Kernel=PolyKernel, RamdomSeed=1 and
4. lazy.IBk, with no distance weigthing and op-
tions: KNN=1, crossValidate=false, Debug=false,
MeanSquared=false, NearestNeighbourSearchAl-
goritm=LinearNN, WindowsSize=0.
5. meta.AdaBoostM1, with options: classifier=J48,
Debug=false, NumIterations=10, useResam-
pling=false, WeightThreshold=100.
6. meta.Bagging, with options: classifier=J48,
Debug=false, NumIterations=10, bagSizePer-
cent=100, calcOutOfBag=false, Seed=1.
7. trees.J48, with options: binarySplits=false, Confi-
denceFactor=0.25, debug=false, MinNumObj=2,
numFolds=3, reducedErrorPruning=false,
Table 2: Results comparison
a. b. c. d.
1 99.10 97.88 98.15 99.03
2 96.42 89.44 89.86 93.65
3 99.19 96.85 98.01 99.09
4 97.86 96.38 96.45 97.74
5 97.56 95.39 96.23 96.81
6 95.46 92.92 93.87 95.94
7 94.04 89.17 91.04 93.66
SavaInstanceData=false, Seed=1, subtreeRais-
ing=true, Umpruned=false, UseLaplaze=false.
The results of the experiments are shown in Ta-
ble 2. The underline values indicate a significant
worse accuracy compares with the multi layer percep-
tron that has been used as the base of the comparison.
We can see that all the classifiers have an accuracy
higher than 90% for all the data sets, what shows the
benefits of all the preprocess and normalization work.
Note, thought, that the best results are obtained when
the character is used without any characteristic extrac-
tion (a). The worse set of characteristics are the hori-
zontal and vertical projections (b).
Regarding the classifiers, as we could expect, Ad-
aBoost and Bagging improve the performance of the
J48 that they are using as base learner, being Ad-
aBoost better than Bagging. The best classifiers is
the SMO using directly the binary matrix that repre-
sent the character. However, finally we decide to use
the multi layer perceptron, it is only a bit slower but
is faster and its memory requirements are more than
three times lower.
We have described an artificial vision system used to
recognize the Spanish cars license plate numbers in
raster images. We combine the use classic image pro-
cessing techniques with some new ideas, such as the
soften filter and the character segmentation method.
In the study of classifiers we confirmed the ben-
efits of the preprocessing stages achieving accuracies
above 90% for different sets of characteristics. For
two of the classifiers we increase the accuracy to 99%.
In future version, we expect to take into account
the two row Spanish license plates, and the special
license plates with different combination of back-
ground and foreground colors.
As well, as one of the reviewers suggested, we
want to prepare a more detailed study of the use of
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
the soften filter, specially regarding its robustness to
noise in comparison with other filter in the literature.
This work has been possible thanks to the project
BU004B06 from the “Consejer´ıa de Educaci´on de la
Junta de Castilla y Le´on”, Spain.
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LICENSE PLATE NUMBER RECOGNITION - New Heuristics and a Comparative Study of Classifiers