Lutz Rauchhaupt and Marko Krätzig
Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg, Steinfeldstr. 3, Barleben, Germany
Keywords: Wireless Communication, Industrial Communication, Performance Investigation.
Abstract: Wireless communication is an emerging technology for industrial automation applications. Many solutions
are available which more or less consider industrial related requirements. One of the main concerns of
industrial automation system users is the reliability of wireless communication. The subject of this paper is a
method to assess reliability of wireless communication from the point of view of industrial automation
applications. Characteristic parameters are introduced which can be used in analytical studies, in network
simulations or measurements to assess reliability with respect to intended industrial control processes. In
particular the different use cases for the characteristic parameters are stated as well as the stochastic nature
of these parameters. Finally the influences are mentioned which have to be taken into account while
assessing wireless industrial communication systems.
Wireless communication technologies are widely
spread in daily life. The price of wireless products is
thereby the main design aspect with respect to the
consumer market. Reliability is one of the minor
design goals. Therefore, almost everyone has had
negative experiences with such technologies and has
developed concerns regarding the usage of wireless
in industrial communication.
Indeed a number of measures are applied to
make industrial fit products from cheap solutions of
the consumer market (Dzung, 2005), (Weczerek,
2005), (Siemens, 2007). However, how can users be
convinced that wireless solutions meet the requested
reliability of industrial automation applications?
This paper starts with a definition of reliability
with respect to the application area - industrial
automation. Thereafter a model is introduced from
which relevant characteristic parameters are derived
which are used to assess reliability. Some examples
follow which show how to assess wireless solutions
with the described approach.
2.1 Requirements
First we would like to clarify what reliability means
in context of wireless industrial communication. A
user of an industrial communication system expects
a certain process value, e.g. position or temperature,
at a certain interface within a defined time frame
without any errors under defined conditions. This is
an informal definition. In order to be able to assess
the degree of fulfilment of this requirement by
means of simulation or measurement, a formal
model is required.
First of all this model has to take into account the
application field - the industrial automation. The
parameters to be investigated have to be in line with
the design criteria of industrial automation systems.
Parameters such as Data Throughput or Bit Error
Rate are normally not useful to design a particular
automation application which e.g. shall manufacture
a product in a certain time frame or with a certain
Furthermore, the model has to consider that there
is no general wireless standard available for
industrial automation which fits to all
communication tasks. Several different technologies
are used for industrial automation. A unified
interface between communication and application is
Rauchhaupt L. and Krätzig M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - RA, pages 122-130
DOI: 10.5220/0001503101220130
not available. Therefore the model has to be
independent of a certain wireless technology and
even more it has to be open for future developments
in wireless communication such as Ultra-Wideband.
Last but not least the model should represent the
conditions of reality as accurate and complete as
possible and necessary. The following section
introduces an approach which fulfils the mentioned
2.2 Approach
The abstraction of a distributed automation
application using wireless communication is shown
Figure 1. Wireless communication modules are
seen as an internal or external part of automation
devices. The automation devices have to fulfil
certain functions in a distributed automation system
and for that they have to communicate in our case
using a wireless communication media. From the
point of view of the automation system, the
communication characteristics at the interface
provided by the wireless solution are important.
These communication characteristics have to fit to
the time and error categories used in the industrial
automation area as introduced later in this document.
It must be clearly defined as to what the
communication interface is, upon which the
characteristics are related to. This interface consists
of a hardware part such as Ethernet or Dual Ported
RAM and a software part such as a communication
protocol or a driver. Besides a clear statement
concerning the communication interface and the
communication characteristics, the conditions have
to be described under which the characteristic values
are valid. The conditions can be described by a
number of influencing values which have different
origins. It is obvious that the communication system
itself affects the characteristics concerning e.g.
topology or data rate. It is also evident that the
communication media has influence because of
other users of the spectrum or because of the effects
of multi path fading. Furthermore, the characteristics
depend on the options chosen in the devices, which
means on its configuration. It is sometimes forgotten
that also the application affects the characteristic
values in the sense of the size of a packet or the
cycle of requests on the communication system.
Radio Communication Media
Automation Application
Communication Characteristics
Communication Interface
Network Elements
Figure 1: Model approach for the assessment of wireless
industrial communication systems.
2.3 Characteristic and Influencing
The analysis of literature concerning the usage of
characteristic parameters to describe and assess
communication behaviour has shown that there are
remarkable differences. Moreover, the definitions
come mostly from the application field of Ethernet,
Internet or telecommunication which does not fit to
the application field of industrial automation (e.g. in
(DIN EN 61491, 1999), (DIN EN 61209, 200)). That
is why it was necessary to find appropriate
definitions. The following characteristic parameters
are proposed to assess wireless communication
systems with respect to industrial automation
Transmission delay
Response time
Update time
Data throughput
Packet loss rate
Residual error rate
Activation time after energy saving mode
Energy requirements
It has to be mentioned that it is not required nor
recommended to use all parameters at the same time
to characterise a communication solution for a
certain application. The following sections show
exemplary which parameters fit to which kind of use
cases. The definitions of the listed characteristic
parameters can be found in (VDI/VDE 2185, 2007).
It is obvious that the values of the characteristics
are influenced by several parameters. That is why it
is important to know these parameters and their
values. Some of the parameters can be set with
certain values but it is also possible that the
parameters can not be influenced. In this case it is
important to determine the value of the parameter to
be able to assess the determined characteristic value.
The first set of influencing values is related to
the application. This includes
A background communication load, which
exists in addition to the communication under
A user data length (packet size)
A distance between the radio components
An application period
A relative moving speed between the radio
A relative moving direction between the
radio components
The second set of influencing values is related to
the radio technology and the radio devices. It
A topology
A frequency band
A security functionality
A safety functionality
A type, direction and gain of antenna
A transmission power
A data rate via the physical media
A media access control method
A retry limit in case of errors
A data rate at the communication interface
A communication cycle
The third set of influencing values is related to
the environment in which the communication will
take place. It includes
An application area
Electromagnetic disturber
Other frequency users
Environmental conditions
Taking into account the listed influencing
parameters while determining target-oriented
relevant characteristic parameters, these can be used
to assess the time and error behaviour of a wireless
communication solution with respect to automation
2.4 Use on Reliability Definition
Now we can define the term reliability more specific
and we can describe how to assess reliability. In line
with the definition of chapter 2.1, reliability can be
seen as the degree in which you can expect that a
wireless communication solution meets the limits of
relevant characteristic parameters. With this
definition it is obvious that the assessment of
reliability needs stochastic measures. The
characteristic parameters are random variables.
Their behaviour follow probability density
functions. The reliability is the probability that a
value of a characteristic parameter is less or equal to
the limit defined by the automation application.
3.1 Event Driven Data Transmission
Event driven data transmission is relevant for
process variables which indicate that a certain state
is assumed. For example when a work piece reaches
a specified position that it can be machined or when
a fluid reaches a defined level in a tank. In these
cases it is of interest as to how long it takes to
transfer the information from sensor to the control
unit e.g. programmable control logic (PLC). The
appropriate characteristic parameter to assess the
behaviour of a communication system is the
transmission delay.
Test Consumer
Test Consumer
Test Producer
Test Producer
Wireless System
under Test
Figure 2: Definition of the transmission delay.
The definition of the transmission delay is based
on a producer consumer model (see Figure 2). It is
the time duration from the beginning of the handing
over of the first user data byte of a packet at the
communication interface in the test producer, up to
the handing over of the last user data byte of the
same packet at the communication interface at the
test consumer. It may be necessary to transmit
several telegrams between the communication
modules e.g. for acknowledgment. Furthermore,
network elements such as base stations may be
involved in the communication producing additional
delays. All these delays are covered by the
transmission delay.
As already mentioned, the characteristic
parameters and therefore the transmission delay are
random variables. Next it is shown which parts of
the transmission are randomly distributed and which
are constant. Furthermore, it is shown which parts
are specific for wireless transmission and what
makes these special considerations necessary.
To get a deeper understanding of enlarged
transmission delays, the most important segments of
a transmission delay value are listed in Table 1.
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Table 1: Time segments which influence the transmission
delay value.
Time Segments Remark
Latency of
The data transfer between application
module and communication module
may influence the transmission delay
value remarkably.
Latency of
The implementation of the
communication module influences the
transmission delay value remarkably.
User data
The user data length is related to the
data which is generated or consumed
by the automation application.
Data rate Bd
This rate is the radio transmission rate
of the user data. Sometimes a symbol
rate is given. In this case a symbol may
consist of more than one bit. The
header of a packet containing the user
data may be transmitted with another
data rate.
The technology constant contains all
technology relevant protocol overheads
which are the same for each
transmission such as fixed idle times or
the time to transmit headers or tails.
The technology variable contains all
technology relevant protocol overheads
which may vary for different
transmissions such as the time to get a
clear channel or the back-off time.
Depending on the technology,
acknowledgments are required to
complete a transmission.
umber of
If a transmission is disturbed, the
packet is usually retransmitted. This
may be possible at different layers.
DL In some cases the transmission is
terminated when a deadline is
allocation of
Tac If there is more than one connection
established, the time allocated to the
other connections within the same
system has to be taken into account.
Global time
In systems with TDMA the maximum
transmission delay can be calculated
considering the global time slot.
The random nature of the transmission delay is
being caused by the latency of the application
interface and implementation, by the technology
variable, the number of retries and the time
allocation for additional connections. In contrast to
wired communication, the wireless transmission is
affected much more by environmental influences.
Therefore, the random behaviour of the technology
variable together with the number of retries and the
time allocation for additional connections may
influence the transmission delay remarkably
Taking into account the time segments listed in
Table 1, the dependency of the transmission delay
can be described in different ways. The first way is
the given formula (1) and is illustrated in Figure
td ai i ai i ud ud tc tv r ac
T =f T (p),T (p),T (c),T (c),L ,Bd ,T ,T ,N ,T (1)
Tai(p) Tai(c)Ttc1 Lud/BdudTi(p) Ti(c)Ttv2 Tac
* Nr
Ttv1 Ttc2
Figure 3: Time segments of transmission delay depending
on re-transmissions, data rate and data length.
The second way to describe the transmission is
given in formula (2) and Figure 4. The
maximum transmission delay is fundamentally
influenced by the maximum allowed deadline which
covers the random behaviour of the media related
time segments.
tdmax ai i ai i
T = f(T (p), T (p), T (c), T (c), DL) (2)
Tai(p) Tai(c)Ti(p) Ti(c)DL
Figure 4: Time segments of transmission delay depending
on a transmission deadline.
The third way to describe the transmission delay
is given in formula (3) and shown in Figure 5.
The maximum transmission delay is fundamental
depending on the number of retries and the global
time slot.
tdmax ai i ai i r GTS
T = f(T (p), T (p), T (c), T (c), N , T ) (3)
Tai(p) Tai(c)Ti(p) Ti(c) N
* T
Figure 5: Time segments of transmission delay depending
on a global time slot.
As an example typical results of transmission
delay measurements are depicted in Figure 6. The
lower part of the figure shows the number of
packets, relative to the sample size, with certain
transmission delay values. The above described
random nature of the transmission delay can be
observed. The reasons for the different values are
mainly transmission retries because of disturbances
and delays due to an occupied media. The curve
follows a Beta probability density function.
The probability distribution function of the
measurement is depicted in the upper part of Figure
6. It shows how many packets are transmitted by a
certain point of time.
Figure 6: Probability Density Function and Probability
Distribution Function (Cumulative Density Function) of
packets' transmission delay.
To assess the time behaviour of a wireless
solution, the well known statistical parameters for
the centre (e.g. mean value) and for the variation
(e.g. standard deviation) can be used. Our
experience is that the 95th percentile value P95 is
the best indicator for relevant changes in the time
behaviour e.g. because of disturbances. It is a trade
off between a feasible sample size (e.g. one million
packets) and an adequate significance.
The maximum value is not qualified for
assessment since it is a single value of a series of
measurements and it is not sure that the real
maximum value is captured. An infinite
measurement of the transmission delay would be
necessary or an inference to a larger population
using methods of interferential statistics. However,
the maximum value is considered so far as it
influences the value of the 95th percentile P95.
The assessment of the reliability of an event
driven data transmission means a comparison of a
limit for a statistical parameter given by the
application with the statistical parameters of a
3.2 Cyclic Data Transmission
Most of the control processes in industrial
automation are cyclic. A process image is taken
cyclically via input devices or process interfaces. It
is processed by a controller and the result is output
via output devices or interfaces. One example is the
control of an overhead monorail system. The
position is acquired cyclically and as a result the
control information is transferred to the drive.
Also for these cases it is of interest as to how
long it takes to transfer data e.g. from the position
sensor to the controller. However, using the
transmission delay to assess the time behaviour
could be misleading. The problem is that in these
cases different cyclic processes are involved which
are not synchronised. Taking as an example a rotary
encoder sensor in which the communication buffer is
cyclically updated with the position information
which is cyclically transferred to a controller. The
effect of the asynchronism is shown in Figure 7.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Number of Packets
Transmission Delay [ms]
TTD 20 TTD 21
Figure 7: Effect of asynchronous cyclic processes on
transmission delay.
Depending on the initial situation and the period
of the cyclic processes, the transmission delay may
have very different statistical parameters. In the case
TDD20, the communication cycle is an integral
multiple of the update time and therefore the
transmission delay value is constant. In the case
TDD21, first the transmission has been started just
before the buffer update (maximum value) and next
the transmission starts just after the buffer update
(minimum value). Thus, the mean value may
decrease even when the communication cycle
increases as shown in Table 2. The variation on the
other hand becomes much higher.
Since this behaviour is random and in reality
more than two cyclic processes are involved, it is
possible that the influence on the wireless
transmission is overlaid by the effect shown in
Figure 7 and can therefore possibly not be assessed.
This behaviour must at least be considered.
In most cases the update time is the appropriate
characteristic parameter to assess the time behaviour
of communication systems with cyclic data transfer.
The update time is ascertained according to the
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
producer-consumer-model (see Figure 8). This
means the period of time is from the delivery of a
packets` last user data byte, from the communication
interface of a consumer to the application, until the
delivery of the last user data byte of the following
packet of the same producer. Therefore the update
time is at least as long as the transmission delay
between producer and consumer, prolonged by the
time of the application update within the producer.
Table 2: Transmission delay values for different
communication cycles.
Buffer update 40 ms 40 ms
Communication cycle 20 ms 21 ms
) 13 ms 13 ms
Transmission Delay (Mean Value) 33 ms 23,8 ms
Wireless System
under Test
update time
Figure 8: Definition of cycle time at producer-consumer
Figure 9: Probability Density Function and Probability
Distribution Function (Cumulative Density Function) of
packets' update time.
As an example typical graphs are depicted in
Figure 9 for the probability function and the
distribution function of packets with certain update
time values. The update time is a Gaussian
distributed random value. The mean value indicates
in the first place the usability of the wireless
communication system for a certain cyclic control
process. Another important parameter is the span in
the automation area known as jitter. However, it has
to be mentioned that the measured minimum and
maximum values which are used to calculate the
span are most likely not the absolute extreme values.
Again an infinite measurement of the update time
would be necessary or an inference to a larger
population using methods of interferential statistics.
Therefore the span can only be assumed with a
certain probability.
Furthermore, measurements have shown that the
standard deviation value is well suited in order to
indicate influences on the wireless communication
system. Therefore, this parameter together with the
span can be used to assess the reliability of cyclic
data transmissions. The mean value follows the
application cycle if the system is correctly
configured. This means it is equal to the application
cycle which is the period e.g. a sensor value is
updated in the communication buffer.
3.3 Assessment of Error Behaviour
Up to now it was assumed that none of the
transferred data got lost. That means the configured
number of re-transmissions were sufficient to
transfer the user data successfully. This chapter
discusses how the reliability is assessed using the
Packet Loss Rate (PLR).
The packet loss rate (PLR) is ascertained
according to the producer-consumer-model. It
reveals how many of the packets, transferred from
the application to the communication interface
within the producer, are transmitted from the
communication interface to the application within
the consumer. The packet loss rate is determined as
tx rx
Where N
means number of transmitted packets
and N
means number of received packets.
In principle industrial wireless communication
solutions are designed to cope with the special
environmental conditions. They are considered
robust against interferer and industrial propagation
conditions. Therefore, in principle no packets
disappear. However, tacking into account the
maximum limits of the transmission delay the
situation changes. A remarkable packet loss rate can
be noticed in the case where a packet is considered
to be lost when a certain value of transmission delay
is exceeded (or a deadline is missed). The
calculation of the packet loss rate for a certain use
case can be done as shown in formula (5). The
number of packets is acquired, which have
transmission delay values less or equal to the limit
defined by the use case. The difference to the sample
size is assumed to be lost packets. Thus, the packet
loss rate is calculated with respect to use case
specific limit of transmission delay. Especially
interferers cause higher PLR values. Considering the
packet losses and the transmission delay, the
reliability can be assessed by comparing the PLR
with the required packet loss rate of the use case.
Since also the PLR
is a random value, measures
should be foreseen by the application for the case
that data is not received within the expected time
tx rx TD TDmax
NN(t|t T )
= (5)
In the following chapter some examples are
given on how the reliability can be assessed.
4.1 Overview
The examples presented in this chapter shall
illustrate how the characteristic parameters are used
for certain purposes. The measurement scenarios,
the results and their assessment are not the topic of
this paper.
The results presented in this chapter come from
measurements with an IEEE 802.11g based
industrial communication solution. Different
influences have been investigated. A test system
generated packets with a length of 64 octets and
transferred them with an application cycle of 15 ms
to the interface of the test producer. At the test
consumer, the packets are transferred to the test
system. The test system measured the values of the
characteristic parameters. In none of the presented
cases could a packet loss concerning (4) be
The systems under investigation are not specified
in detail in the current document since the project in
which the measurements are made has not yet been
completed. Moreover, in this paper the method of
assessment is in the focus and not the absolute
results of the tests.
4.2 Assessment of Event Driven Data
The following figures show the number of packets
which are received after a certain time in line with
the above given definition of transmission delay.
10 shows the result of a measurement with an
industrial wireless solution made in an absorber hall
that means without any environmental influences.
Figure 10: Histogram of transmission delay in absorber
In Figure 11 the same system was placed in a
factory hall. Influences due to the environment can
be ascertained.
Figure 11: Histogram of transmission delay in factory hall.
Figure 12: Histogram of transmission delay in factory hall
with interferer.
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
In Figure 12 an interferer was finally activated
and a considerable influence can be ascertained.
However, comparing the values in Table 3 with a
transmission delay limit e.g. of a high speed I/O
system which is 10 ms, it is obvious that the
reliability of the communication is comparable for
all investigated conditions. In particular there was no
packet loss concerning the definition of formula
(5). That means even when the wireless
communication is noticeably influenced, this does
not mean that the requirements of a certain
application can not be fulfilled.
Table 3: Transmission Delay Values.
Transmission Delay [ms] Min. Max. P95
Absorber Hall 0,6 2,8 0,8
Factory Hall 0,6 4,5 0,8
Interferer 0,7 13,1 2,0
4.3 Assessment of Cyclic Data
Figure 13 to Figure 15 show the update time for the
same scenarios described in the previous section.
As shown in Table 4 the mean values of the
update times are equal to the application cycle of
15 ms for all scenarios. By contrast the span differs.
Taking a limit for the span from ±1,5 ms in the first
case the requirement is fulfilled. In the second case
614 packets and in the third case 12.563 packets are
out of range. This results in a reliability of 99,9%
and 97,4% concerning the definition of this paper.
Figure 13: Histogram of update time in absorber hall.
Table 4: Update Time Values.
Update Time [ms] Min. Max. Mean
Absorber Hall 13,2 16,8 15,0
Factory Hall 11,2 18,8 15,0
Interferer 7,0 23,0 15,0
Figure 14: Histogram of update time in factory hall.
Figure 15: Histogram of update time in factory hall with
In the paper we presented a proposal on how to
assess the reliability of industrial wireless solutions.
A fundamental requirement for such a method is the
focus on industrial automation applications. That is
why characteristic values such as transmission delay,
update time and packet loss are used in the way
defined in this paper. It was pointed out that these
parameters are random variables which mean the
statistical parameters have to be considered.
The described method has been used to assess
the coexistence of different industrial wireless
communication solutions. Furthermore, these
solutions are currently being used to assess the
possibility of using wireless communication in
automation applications with safety requirements. A
test system is available which supports the
measurements of the described characteristic
parameters (Rauchhaupt, 2006).
The approach can be used for analytical studies,
simulations and tests. The method is required for
wireless communication since the dimension of
influences can be remarkably greater than in wired
The work described in this paper is accompanied
by important manufacturers of automation and radio
solutions, and users of such systems which work
together in the German Society of Measurement and
Automation. As a result the characteristic parameters
presented in the paper are introduced in the
VDI/VDE-Guideline 2185 "Radio based
communication in industrial automation".
This paper presents results from the project "Funk-
Transfer-Tester für industrielle Funklösungen"
which deals with the development of a method and a
tool used to investigate the time and error behaviour
of radio solutions for industrial automation
applications. The project is funded by the German
Ministry of Commerce and Labour within the
research program "Förderung von Forschung und
Entwicklung bei Wachstumsträgern in
benachteiligten Regionen" - INNOVATIVE-
DIN EN 61491, 1999. "Elektrische Ausrüstung von
Industriemaschinen - Serielle Datenverbindung für
Echtzeit-Kommunikation zwischen Steuerungen und
Antrieben (IEC 61491:1995, modifiziert); Deutsche
Fassung EN 61491:1998"
DIN EN 61209, 2000.
"Navigations- und
Funkkommunikationsgeräte und -systeme für die
Seeschifffahrt – Integrierte Brückensysteme (IBS) -
Betriebs- und Leistungsanforderungen, Prüfverfahren
und geforderte Prüfergebnisse (IEC 61209:1999);
Deutsche Fassung EN 61209:1999"
VDI/VDE 2185, 2007.
"Funkgestützte Kommunikation in
der Automatisierungstechnik (Radio based
communication in industrial automation)"
Rauchhaupt, L., Gnad, A., Hintze, E., 2006.
Automation Under Test"
, embedded world 2006
conference, Nurnberg, Germany, proceedings part I,
ISBN 3 7723 0143 6, pp. 529
Dzung, D., Apneseth, C., Endresen, J., Frey, J.-E., 2005.
“Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Wireless
Sensor/Actuator Communication System"
10.1109/ETFA.2005.1612710, Volume: 2, pp. 10 – 19,
ISBN: 0-7803-9401-1
Weczerek, J., 2005.
"Erfahrungen beim industriellen
Einsatz von Bluetooth als Wireless-IO-Lösung."
KfiT-Fachtagung Funkgestützte Kommunikation in
der industriellen Automatisierungstechnik,
Düsseldorf, Germany, ISBN 3-18.091889-6, pp. 83-93
Siemens, 2007.
"Industrial mobile communication."
Siemens AG, Order No. 6ZB5530-1AM02-0BA2
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics