Figure 5: Evolution of the system output and the neural
model output (
Here we made a comparative study between an
arbitrary choice of a learning rate out side of the
stability domain and a constrained choice verifying
the stability condition and guarantying tracking
capability. The simulation results schow that a
learning rate in the stability domain ensure the
stability of the identification scheme.
To avoid unstable phenomenon during the learning
process, constrained learning rate algorithm is
proposed. A stable adaptive updating processes is
guaranteed. A Lyapunov analysis is made in order
to extract the new updating formulations which
under inequality constraint. In the constrained
learning rate algorithm, the learning rate is updated
at each iterative instant by an equation derived
using the stability conditions. The applicability of
the approach presented is illustrated through two
simulation examples.
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ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics