- Device descriptions are stored in a data
base; drivers are automatically configured
and integrated to the application system.
Semiautomatic PnP:
- The device is attached and device type/class
is recognized.
- User has to integrate the appropriate drivers
(CD, DVD, Internet …)
- No further configuration is needed
Configurable PnP:
- Additionally to semiautomatic the user has
to configure the drivers, devices manually.
2.5 Abstraction and Descriptions
Hot-PnP, Complete-PnP, and the other variants
presuppose the description of devices,
configurations, and applications. The purpose is to
encapsulate some device/configuration/application
dependent functionality thus it can be used in a
modular fashion.
Device Descriptions are a key technology for
PnProduce. There are a several approaches which
will be shortly presented.
The first is EDDL, the Electronic Data Definition
Language and its predecessor the GSD, the Generic
Station Description. Both of them are used in the
PROFIBus Setting (EDDL, 2007).
The GSD is the obligatory “ID card” for every
Profibus device. It contains the key data of the
device, details relating to its communication
capabilities and other information relating, for
example, to diagnosis values. In the device
integration process the GSD is sufficient to employ
for the cyclic exchange of measurement values and
manipulated variables between the field device and
the automation system.
The EDDL is a textual and OS independent
format to describe field devices. It gives hints on
how to model the GUI, which is used to configure
the devices. This results in a standardized GUI for
devices of every manufacturer. The EDDL holds
fields for metadata, such as ordering and
maintenance information. The standardization is IEC
Another example for a description language is
EDS and DCF. EDS stands for electronic data sheet
and is used with the CAN bus, mainly with
CANopen and DeviceNet. EDS is just a template,
DCF, device configuration file, is a concrete
instance of this template.
EDS is also a plain ASCII or XML file,
standardized in ISO 15745. By means of an EDS, a
device can be described with respect to the content
of its object dictionary. User defined data types
(records), their value(s), simple values of predefined
type, arrays, "funktion pointers” and similar data is
stored there and therefore described in the EDS.
There are a lot of EDS Files predefined for devices
supporting the CAN bus (CAN, 2007).
FDCML is the field device configuration markup
language. It describes identity, logical and physical
communication facilities (bus independence),
functionality, and configuration facilities. Also it
supports the multilingual documentation of the
device. It's flexible in respect to future developments
and is capable of describing dependencies between
device parameters. It is possible to describe the
different types of devices which can be connected to
this device, the needed resources to use this device,
its structure and so on (FDCML, 2007).
The descriptions used in UPnP are written in
XML syntax (therefore again multilingualism
possible). UPnP describes identity, provided services
(functional units within devices), actions (functional
units within services) and state variables related to
these services. For each service the description
contains the type and URI's for eventing and
controlling. The device itself contains a URI for its
presentation. With these URIs it is possible to
interact with the service and to examine the device
(UPnP, 2007).
The actions are parameterized with supplied
arguments, which are defined within the service.
These arguments can be in or out arguments, relate
to any state variable within the service and have a
defined return value.
The state variables are typed, have a value range
and can send events. It is a very abstract approach,
so it doesn't include any description of physical
connections and therefore bus-independent.
Used in our setting the abstract approach and the
missing definition of the physical connection display
the need for extensions of the description.
Configuration descriptions are another category
of descriptions. They describe how a unique
instance of a device is actually used. Configuration
descriptions are only valid for exactly one device
instance and often are dependant from a single
application. A configuration description is more or
less just a “snapshot” of the actual device state, e.g.
the values of the static parameters. They can be used
to make device data persistent, to check if the actual
configuration is valid and for automatic
configuration of devices after a device exchange.
The application description contains the devices
and services needed to run an application. It is used
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics