final stage of this task involves the correct
placement of a car lamp. As illustrated on the
bottom screenshot, both collision detection and force
feedback are visually displayed respectively using a
red colour and clear blue line (orientation of the
5.2 Hardware and Software
As opposed to most of the existing virtual reality
human-scale platforms that are based on clusters,
our hardware architecture is based on only one
Personal Computer (bi-Xeon 5150, 4Go RAM and
8800 GTX Graphic board).
The frame rate is however, in the described
application (600 000 Faces), maintained to about 30
frames per second. Thus, the use of a physical
Processing Unit is not necessary.
We presented and validated a new methodology for
the efficient integration of CAD models in a
physical-based virtual reality simulation. User
interacts with virtual mock-up using a string-based
haptic interface that may provides haptic sensation
two both hands in a large workspace. Visual and
haptic displays provide users with sensory feedback
and improve both user performance and immersion.
Stereoscopic images are displayed on a 2m x 2.5m
retro-projected screen and viewed using polarized
glasses. The proposed methodology has been tested
with an automotive application task. However, the
presented approach is general enough to be
applicable to other tasks and industrial applications.
In the next future we plan to add a virtual hand
with physical properties to allow dexterous
manipulation of 3D objects. We will also replace the
magnetic tracking system by an optical MOCAP
solution. We will also use our methodology for other
CAD applications.
The authors would like to thanks the representative
of Valeo Lighting System (Angers - france) involved
in the project, especially Sébastien DENIS and
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ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics