corresponding planned route are readily known. Other methods include static predic-
tions based on road classes, or more complex dynamic calculations. Nevertheless,
regardless the computational method, MLP is effectively able to reduce a 360 degree
electronic horizon such as that shown in Figure 2, down to a single virtual linear road.
Armed with a unique path, EH can now discard all not-so-likely alternatives, and
extract as much digital information as possible about the most-likely path. All rele-
vant information is then filtered, sorted, and presented using a standard interface to
other applications [1]. It should be obvious that the feasibility of EH and the use of
digital map data is highly dependent on the accuracy of the MLP predictor. If the
vehicle energy management module bases its charging cycle decision on a wrong
prediction, the benefit of EH would not be as significant. Ford Research Centre
Aachen has developed an MLP algorithm based on past experience. This method is
able to learn the driving patters of the vehicle owner, creating a driving history that
may be used in subsequent drives. After a few days of learning, this technique has
been able to achieve accuracy levels of up to 99% under typical driving behavior [2].
3 ADAS Application Support
The high level of accuracy achieved by MLP in combination with past experience has
permitted the development of a very robust EH. The information extracted from EH
has been used by different applications, some for enhancing performance, while in
other situations for providing new functionality. Some applications currently being
researched by the automotive industry will be presented in the following sections.
3.1 Curve Speed Warning
Accidents due to high speeds in curves have always been a concern to drivers. Slip-
pery surfaces, hidden curves, and sharp turns are some examples of the many danger-
ous situations that could arise when driving curves. In other scenarios, driving in
curves at high speed might not be necessarily dangerous, but it could provide discom-
fort to the driver or its passengers.
Curve-speed warning technology (CSW) has been developed with the goal of
identifying these uncomfortable or potentially dangerous situations, and being able to
warn the driver with enough time to react. CSW is a non intrusive technology, based
on standard digital maps that are commonly present in GPS-based navigation sys-
tems. Since the application does not require additional physical sensors, its additional
functionality is provided at a minimum cost. The process of identifying hazardous
situations is divided into different phases. First, the system needs to predict the road
that is most likely to be taken by the driver. Once the route is identified, the system
accesses the digital maps and retrieves information about the shape and characteris-
tics of the upcoming curve. The combination of path prediction and extraction of
information from the digital maps is provided by the electronic horizon module (EH).
Figure 2 illustrates the CSW principle based on gathering the shape points that de-
scribe an upcoming curve, and using this information to estimate the road curvature.