h Engine Result Enhancement by Implicit Feedback
Ralph Weires, Christoph Schommer and Sascha Kaufmann
University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Sciences, Technology and Communication
6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, L-1359 Luxembourg
Information Retrieval, Relevance Feedback, Implicit Feedback, Collaborative Retrieval.
Web search engines often include results for a query which are not really relevant for a user. SEREBIF is an
approach for incorporating feeback from the users into the search engine results to increase the result quality.
We especially focus on implicit feedback, which does not require the users to put any additional effort than
usual into the search process. The captured information (e.g. entered queries, clicked results) is afterwards
analyzed, and the results are then taken into account for further search sessions. SEREBIF can generally be
used on top of an existing search engine to improve its results. In this paper, we explain the basic idea of
SEREBIF, the current state of the prototype we realized and first results.
Today web search engines use more and more com-
plex and elaborated ranking functions to deliver the
proper results for a given query. On the other hand,
website owners are trying to exploit the ranking meth-
ods to get their pages as high as possible in the result
lists. In the end, it often happens that items not rele-
vant for a user show up in the result list, too.
SEREBIF is an approach which makes use of im-
plicit feedback for a given search engine, and incorpo-
rates this information into the results to increase their
quality. The overall goal is to analyze the preferences
and in general the behavior of users utilizing a search
engine to get information about the real relevance of
the results. For example, if the users always tend to
click on the second given result for a certain query
and usually leave out the first one, the ranking does
not seem to be appropriate and could be changed ac-
cordingly (Joachims, 2002). So it should be possible
to increase the quality of the results over time, just by
taking the implicitely collected information about the
clicked results into account.
Section 2 describes some related work, whereafter
the SEREBIF system is explained in more detail in
section 3. Section 4 shows the current status of our
prototype, followed by the concluding section 5.
Relevance feedback (Salton and Buckley, 1990) can
be divided into explicit and implicit feedback. The
former type requires the users to actively give feed-
back, e.g. by answering questions. In the context of
search results, this could mean to ask users which of
the given results have actually been relevant to them.
This type of feedback requires user cooperation, so
the users need to be willing to spend additional time
into giving the feedback. However, the information
gained by this way is rather reliable, since it was ex-
plicitely given by the users. For the results of web
search engines, few users would be willing to actually
rate the given results, so explicit feedback would most
likely be of limited practical use. Implicit feedback on
the other hand is automatically collected information
about the user behaviour (Kelly and Teevan, 2003).
By this way, it is possible to get some information
about what was really interesting to the users, with-
out the need of explicitly asking them about it. So
the users do not need to invest any extra time to give
(explicit) feedback; they just do what they need to do
anyway in order to find the relevant information that
they are looking for. This makes it rather easy to ob-
tain large amounts of data, for we do not need to moti-
vate the users to actively give feedback to the system.
Important users’ interactions which can be taken
into account in the context of search engines are en-
tered queries, clicked results, and the time that users
Weires R., Schommer C. and Kaufmann S. (2008).
SEREBIF - Search Engine Result Enhancement by Implicit Feedback.
In Proceedings of the Four th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 263-266
DOI: 10.5220/0001513202630266
spend on the result sites. The mere click on an item
in the result list for a query can already be seen as an
indication of relevance for that item. Moreover, the
actual time which a user spends watching the result
site can give a closer indication of relevance for that
result (Kelly and Belkin, 2004). The gained infor-
mation by this way is not as reliable as with explicit
feedback, though. Users can of course also click on
results which they later see are not important to them.
However, we take the general assumption that clicks
on results and the visiting time are generally a rele-
vance indicator. This means that if many users click
on a certain result for a given query, there is a high
probability for this result being indeed relevant.
Furthermore, we want to keep track of the con-
nections between multiple queries in a search session.
It often happens that users cannot find the informa-
tion they are looking for with a certain query and
therefore use another, reformulated query afterwards.
Such so-called query chains (Radlinski and Joachims,
2005) can be used to propose alternative queries to
later users, helping them to find the desired informa-
tion quicker.
This section outlines the basic ideas and the architec-
ture used for SEREBIF. We generally require a search
engine to be given whose results we want to improve.
3.1 Feedback Capturing
We decided to build SEREBIF as a proxy-like sys-
tem, looking like a search engine to the users. Fig-
ures 1 and 2 show how the communication works.
The first picture shows a search query coming from a
user, which is forwarded to the underlying search en-
gine. The results are returned to the user in a slightly
modified way. This modification mainly affects the
HTML links in the result page so that they point back
to SEREBIF instead of the actual site of the result. By
this way, SEREBIF is able to get to know on which
results the users click afterwards. To the users, this
does not make much of a difference, because a result
request is immediately redirected to the actual result
site as shown in figure 2.
The information we capture is recorded on a ses-
sion basis only. This means that we do not keep pro-
files of individual people (or say, computers) over a
longer period of time, since we do not track IP ad-
dresses or anything alike. So if the same user visits
SEREBIF on two different days, the system will treat
Figure 1: Communication for a search query.
Figure 2: Communication for a result request.
this as two completely different sessions (of presum-
ably different users). The reason for choosing this be-
haviour lies in our intention to keep the privacy of the
users at the highest possible level while still making
use of the feedback information. Information we keep
track of for each session are:
Entered queries, including timestamps
Returned results delivered by the underlying
search engine (limited to the first page of results)
Clicked result links, including timestamps
3.2 Feedback Processing
After capturing, we apply a first preprocessing to di-
vide the data into search sessions. These sessions
contain one or more queries (possibly including query
chains), the results from the underlying search engine
for the queries, the clicked results for each query and
an estimation of the duration the user stayed on each
clicked result. We also plan to include external infor-
mation into these sessions, such as synonyms for the
contained query terms. To do this, we can make use
of an external thesaurus like WordNet (Miller, 1995).
Using such additional information, we can later apply
techniques like query expansion to refine the results
(Gong et al., 2005).
In this preprocessing step, we have to define the
visiting duration of the result sites a user clicked on.
The captured data only contains the time a user re-
quested a result, and maybe timestamps of subsequent
actions in this session. In the simplest case, we can
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
assume that the visiting time of a result is the dura-
tion from the result request to the next known action
for that session (if any). However, this is certainly
no precise measure, since a user can open multiple
results for a query one after another in different win-
dows (or browser tabs), without having looked at any
of them already. Therefore, we experiment with dif-
ferent approaches to build an estimation model for the
result visit duration.
The gathered information is afterwards merged
in a network storage based on the ANIMA system
(Schommer and Schroeder, 2005), (Schroeder et al.,
2007). The reason for choosing ANIMA is mainly
due to its ability to cope with transactional stream-
ing data. The input data contains information about
search sessions of users, which can easily be broken
down into transactions for ANIMA. In addition, AN-
IMA is able to store only the most important aspects
of the information without the need of storing all feed-
back data. This helps to keep the network at a rea-
sonable size, especially if we think of having large
amounts of captured feedback data. So if a certain re-
sult has only been clicked on by a single user for a
given query, this information will be forgotten after
a certain amount of time. This makes sense because
we want to store the general trend of all users, with-
out giving too much weight to single and isolated user
The search sessions are considered as transactions
for the ANIMA network. Building up such a network
provides us with information about typical queries,
results, and measures about the relevance of the re-
sults by the underlying search engine. Figure 3 shows
how the storage looks like for SEREBIF. For our stor-
age network, we use three different types of nodes (in
the picture arranged in different layers):
Query terms (T): The single terms contained in user
Queries (Q): The full queries that have been entered
Documents (D): The resulting documents that have
Figure 3: Storage architecture.
been provided by the underlying search engine
Different links between these nodes can exist, and
they might be weighted to indicate the strength of the
relationship. We propose the following connections:
TxT: Relationships between query terms. This can
be based on co-occurence (terms tend to occur in
queries together) but can also indicate a semanti-
cal relationship like synonyms.
TxQ: The connection between queries and query
terms is a rather trivial one - it just indicates that a
term was contained in that query.
QxQ: Connections between different queries can be
established if it is found that users tried to find
some information with multiple consecutive (re-
formulated) queries.
QxD: These links indicate that documents are of
some relevance for a query. They are initially
given by the information of the underlying search
engine. The connection weights are subject to
changes, so the importance of documents for
queries can shift as time goes by. The weights are
for example increased for documents which users
actually looked (clicked) upon. The visiting time
of documents is also taken into account here.
3.3 Feedback Integration
The information stored in the network can later be
used in different ways to enhance further search en-
gine results. First and most importantly, the clicks and
visit times of the results can influence the ranking of
the results. This means that if, for a given query and
result list, the users steadily tend to visit the fifth result
more often or longer than the first four results, it will
be promoted higher in the list. However, we can also
use the storage for other purposes. The connections
known by query chains can help to guide users to the
right information. If a user enters a certain query for
which there are reformulated queries known from pre-
vious searches, it is possible to suggest these reformu-
lated queries as alternatives. Similar things can also
be done using the connections between query terms.
Either additional terms can be suggested to the user,
or they can automatically be included into the query
which SEREBIF forwards to the underlying search
engine. By that way, we support the users in refin-
ing the search into the desired direction and possibly
eliminating ambiguities that might exist for a query.
SEREBIF - Search Engine Result Enhancement by Implicit Feedback
The current prototype can be seen at the URL
weires/serebif/search.php. To the
user, SEREBIF looks just like a usual simple search
engine (see figure 4), even though it in fact only redi-
rects the queries to the underlying search engine. The
Figure 4: SEREBIF user interface.
implementation of SEREBIF is currently able to cap-
ture the user interaction as described. As underlying
search engine, we are using the Google SOAP Search
Since the prototype is running just for a few weeks
now, the recorded data set is not very big yet. We pro-
moted our system mainly to fellow researchers and
captured user information for about 150 sessions, in-
cluding more than 650 queries and a total of over 1900
query terms up to now. We expect this amount of data
to be steadily growing while we continue realizing our
storage architecture.
In this paper, we described the SEREBIF system,
which captures implicit feedback collected from the
users of an existing search engine. This information
is used to enhance the results of later search queries.
To a certain extent, the search system adapts to the
behaviour of the majority of the users, which is sup-
posed to increase the quality of the results.
Our main future work currently lies in finishing
and evaluating our prototype as described. There are
also some other problems that we want to deal with in
the future. We have to define how to merge the feed-
back information with the (unknown) ranking func-
tion of the underlying search engine in an appropriate
way. Since we do not know the detailed ranking val-
ues of the results returned by the search engine, it is
difficult to determine how much feedback from the
users is needed to push a result up the list a certain
amount. However, we plan to develop an own search
engine to base SEREBIF upon, to be more indepen-
dent of external systems. In this case, we would be
able to access the exact ranking values for the result
list, which makes this problem much easier to deal
Another problem of our approach is the vulner-
ability against fake feedback, which could possibly
be exploited to artificially influence the ranking. If
such a user-based approach would be included into a
large commercial search engine, people could try to
automatically generate false feedback for the system
to push certain pages up the result list. This could e.g.
be done by writing programs which submit a certain
query to SEREBIF and always request the result in the
result list which is desired to be promoted. Solutions
have to be found to cope with this, too.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies