A Way for Increasing the Flexibility and Reliability of Electronic Marketplaces
Juha Puustjärvi
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, Lappeenranta, Finland
Keywords: e-Business, B2B, Web services, advanced transaction models.
Abstract: Electronic marketplaces are virtual places that reside somewhere in the Internet. Through electronic market
places buyers and sellers are able to interact with each other inside an architecture that is easy to use and
maintain. Recent research on electronic marketplaces and electronic auctions has focused on new formats
such as on negotiation based business transactions, combinatorial business transactions and multi-attribute
business transactions. These new formats of business transactions set new requirements on the software that
runs the business transactions in the marketplace. Unfortunately due to the lack of appropriate transaction
models and software that support them these new forms of business transactions cannot be processed in a
transactional way. This is regrettable since only by guaranteeing transactional properties these business
transactions can be processed in a reliable and correct way. In this article we introduce a new transaction
model, called Combinatorial business transaction, which is tailored for supporting a variety of new formats
of business transactions processed in electronic marketplaces. Within Combinatorial business transactions
failure atomicity is achieved through splitting the Combinatorial transaction into two successive
transactions, called reservation transaction and certification transaction, and execution atomicity is enforced
through semantic locks.
In electronic business buyers and sellers should be
able to interact with each others inside an
architecture that is easy to use and maintain
Wurman, 2005). Electronic market-places are an
interesting approach to achieve this goal by bringing
together business in the web. Further the greatest
benefits lie in cost reduction for buyers and sellers.
Technically, an electronic marketplace is a virtual
place that resides somewhere in the Internet. They
can provide several types of business processes
depending upon their target audience. Recent
research on electronic marketplaces and auctions has
focused on new formats such as on negotiation
based business transactions, combinatorial business
transactions and multi-attribute business
transactions. In a negotiation based business
transaction dealing is made by first requesting the
offer(s) and then making the deal. In combinatorial
auctions bidders are allowed to place offers on sets
on items whereas in multi-attribute auction price is
not the only negotiable parameter.
The new formats of business transactions set new
requirements on the software that runs the business
transactions in the marketplace. Unfortunately due to
the lack of appropriate transaction models and
software that support them these new forms of
business transactions cannot be processed in a
transactional way. This is regrettable since only by
guaranteeing transactional properties these business
transactions can be processed in a correct and
reliable way. By the transactional properties
(Bernstein et al., 1987) we (as well as many other
articles of transaction processing) refer to failure
atomicity and execution atomicity. Failure atomicity
means that all or none of the tasks of the transaction
are executed while execution atomicity means that
concurrent transaction instances will not interfere
with each others (Puustjärvi, 2001).
Traditional transactions (usually called ACID-
transactions) (Lynch, 1983) are supported by
database management systems. This transaction
model has evolved over time to in-corporate more
complex transaction structures and to selectively
relax the failure atomicity and execution atomicity
(isolation) properties (Puustjärvi, 2006). The failure
Puustjärvi J. (2008).
COMBINATORIAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS - A Way for Increasing the Flexibility and Reliability of Electronic Marketplaces.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 477-482
DOI: 10.5220/0001513504770482
atomicity property is usually enforced by some form
of compensation
(Garcia-Molina, 1983).
A problem with compensation is that other
transactions may access dirty (i.e., uncommitted
data). Accessing dirty data is acceptable in many
applications (Puustjärvi, 2004). However, accessing
dirty data in electronic marketplaces may cause
serious consequences (e.g., selling the same products
twice), and therefore advanced transactions models
based on compensating transactions are not suitable
for electronic marketplaces
In this article we introduce a new transaction
model, called Combinatorial business transaction,
which is tailored for supporting (in a transactional
way) a variety of new formats of business
transactions processed in electronic marketplaces. In
particular, Combinatorial business transactions can
be used for three purposes:
achieving the atomicity of the purchases of
many products,
providing alternative products for the
products that are not available, and
for supporting competitive offers.
Within Combinatorial business transactions
failure atomicity is achieved through splitting the
Combinatorial transaction into two successive
transactions, called reservation transaction and
certification transaction, and execution atomicity
(i.e., concurrency control) is enforced through
semantic locks.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
First, in Section 2, we present the operational model
of the marketplace that we are developing. Then, in
Section 3 we motivate the use of Combinatorial
business transactions by a travel planning example.
In Section 4, we focus on the transactional properties
of the Combinatorial business transaction model.
First, in Section 4.1, we present how the execution
atomicity can be achieved by using semantic locks,
and in Section 4.2, we present the protocol which
ensures the failure atomicity of Combinatorial
business transactions. Finally, Section 5 concludes
the paper by discussing the advantages and
limitations of the Combinatorial business
Our model of electronic marketplace has three types
of users: sellers, buyers and the system administrator
(Figure 1). Sellers and buyers communicate with the
market-place through Web service interfaces
(Newcomer, 2002; Daconta et al., 2003). The
function of the Buyer application and Seller
application is to carry out the protocols needed to
support Combinatorial transactions (discussed in
Section 4). In addition, they provide user friendly
interfaces foe accessing the marketplace.
Figure 1: The architecture of the system.
The seller sets products for sale by sending for-sale-
message to the marketplace’s Web service interface.
This message includes the following information:
seller identification (denoted by SI),
the product identifier (denoted by PI),
the number of units to be sold (denoted by
NU), and
the price of the product (denoted by PR),
which is a function of the number of
The price of the product may be static or dynamic
and it may be dependent on the number of products
to be sold and it may also be buyer specific.
The buyer purchases products by sending the
purchase-request-message to the marketplace’s Web
service interface. The message includes:
buyer identification (denoted by BI), and
shopping list (denoted by SL)
Shopping list is a list of products and the number
attached to each product. Formally a shopping list of
k products is of the form:
{(n1, p1), (n2, p2), …., (nk, pk)}
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The marketplace also has a database, which includes
information about sellers, buyers and products. This
information is collected and stored to marketplace’s
database when buyers and sellers have made their
registration to the marketplace. Further, product
information is classified according to the product
taxonomy, which is maintained by the system
After receiving the purchase-request-message
the marketplace analyses whether the requested
products are available and after analyzing the
message the marketplace sends the availability-
message to the buyer. This message indicates which
of the items of sellers shopping list are available and
the prices of the available products. If a product of
the shopping list is not available the number
attached to the product is zero.
After the buyer has received the availability-
message and analyzed the message, it sends the
certification-message to the marketplace. In this
message, the buyer certificates which and how many
of the available products (none, some or all) it will
buy. However, decreasing the number of products
requires that the price given in the availability-
message concerns one unit.
Basically there are four ways how the features of the
Combinatorial business transactions can be utilized:
to ensure the atomicity of a purchase, changing the
shopping list, to provide replacing products, and to
support competitive offers. We will illustrate the
differences between these cases by a travel planning
example. In this example the products that the buyer
purchases are flight reservations and hotel
reservations. For simplicity we assume that there are
only two airlines, say KLM and SAS and two hotels,
say Sheraton and Hilton.
Achieving Atomic Purchases: the buyer
sends the purchase-request-message
concerning a specific two-way KLM-flight
and a room reservation in Hilton. The buyer
certifies the reservations (flight and room)
only if they both are available.
Changing the Shopping List: the buyer
sends the purchase-request-message
concerning ten rooms for a group of ten
players, but due to the high prices the buyer
decides to place two players for each room,
and thus only certifies five rooms.
Providing Alternative Products: the
buyer sends the purchase-request-message
concerning a KLM flight and a SAS flight
and hotel reservation to Hilton and to
Sheraton. Both flights are on the same date
an on the same lane, and also the hotel
reservation are alternatives for the buyer.
The marketplace informs (through the
availability-message) that all but the Hilton
reservation is available. Then the buyer
prefers and confirms the KLM flight
(because the buyer has a bonus card on
KLM but not on SAS) and the Sheraton
Supporting Competitive Offers: Buyers
purchase-request-message concerns both
airlines and both hotels and the buyer s
does not prefer any of the airlines or hotels.
Then the marketplace informs that flights
are available for both airlines and also
rooms are available in both hotels. Then the
buyer chooses a flight and a hotel based on
a choice criterion (e.g., chooses the
cheapest one).
The above illustrative examples belong to B2C and
are taken for illustrative purposes. However, it is
turned out that the most useful application areas of
Combinatorial business transactions are in B2B.
A natural and sufficient criterion for transactions
correctness is to support ACID-transactions
(Bernstein, 1987). They have the following
Atomicity (failure atomicity) means that
either all of a transaction be executed or
none of it is.
Consistency means that the state of a
database satisfies the consistency
constraints of the database.
Isolation (execution atomicity) means that
concurrently executed transactions do not
interfere with each others.
Durability means that if a transaction has
completed its work, then its effect should
not get lost even if the system fails.
COMBINATORIAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS - A Way for Increasing the Flexibility and Reliability of Electronic
Though ACID-properties are suitable for traditional
short lasting transactions (
Gray & Reuter, 1993) they
would overly restrict the performance of long lasting
activities such as Combinatorial business
transactions. On the hand, it is well know that by
using semantic information of specific transaction
types it is possible to weaken the ACID-properties
(Lynch, 1987; Garcia-Molina, 1987; Daconta et al.,
2003). For example, with Combinatorial business
transactions the requirements of execution atomicity
and failure atomicity significantly deviates from
traditional database transactions. These issues are
considered in the following Sections 4.1 and 4.2.
4.1 Ensuring the Execution Atomicity
of Combinatorial Business
A natural and sufficient criterion for transaction
isolation correctness (execution atomicity) is that the
executions of transactions are serializable, i.e.,
equivalent to a serial execution
(Bernstein &
Newcomer, 1997). This criterion is also intuitive and
clear. However, though it is suitable for traditional
transactions it would overly restrict the concurrency
of long lasting activities such as Combinatorial
business transactions.
Within Combinatorial business transactions
concurrency control is only required to ensure that
concurrent Combinatorial transactions will not
interfere with each others. That is, if the marketplace
has informed the availability of certain products, and
if the buyer certifies the request, then the seller must
still be able to realize the purchase.
In order to illustrate this let us assume that a
seller has placed for sale120 units of product P.
Then buyer A makes a request including 100 units of
product P, and the marketplace sends the availability
message to the buyer A. Then buyer B makes a
request including 40 units of product P, and buyer C
makes a request including 10 units of product P.
What should the marketplace do?
The marketplace should now send the
availability message (i.e., message in-forming that
the 10 units of product P is available) to the buyer
requesting 10 units of product P, but not with the
buyer requesting 40 units of product P. Otherwise, if
the buyers A and B would certify their requests on
product P, then the marketplace does not have
enough units of product P to deliver to both A and
B, i.e., the execution atomicity would not be
preserved. And so other concurrent activities
jeopardized the execution atomicity of
Combinatorial business transactions.
The actual problem here is that how correct
actions can be determined automatically. If the
execution is ensured by traditional data item locks,
then the data item indicating the amount of
requested products is locked in the marketplace
before sending the availability-message to the buyer,
and the lock is not released until the certification
from the buyer is received. However, as the time for
waiting the certification may be arbitrary long this
kind of solution is not acceptable. Instead, according
to our approach the execution of the Combinatorial
business transactions is divided into two transactions
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: The structure of a Combinatorial business
The first transaction, called reservation
transaction, is executed after the
availability of the products is checked and
before the availability-message is sent to a
buyer. It ensures (e.g., by making a
preliminary reservation on the products)
that the products that are available will also
be available until the certification-message
has been received, i.e., other concurrent
activities cannot reserve or sell the product.
The second transaction, called certification
transaction, is executed after the
marketplace has received the certification-
message. It has two functions: it marks the
products sold that the buyer certified (if
any) and it cancels the reservations of the
products that the buyer did not certified (if
Note that, the reservation transaction and the
certification transactions are traditional database
transactions, i.e., they are so called ACID-
transactions, which either commit or abort. Also
note that the reservation transaction ensures that the
certification transaction cannot semantically fail. By
a semantic failure we mean a case where a product
cannot be sold as it is no more available. So within
the Combinatorial transaction the reservation
transaction behaves like the write–lock of a
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
traditional database transaction and the certification
transaction releases the lock.
4.2 Ensuring the Failure Atomicity of
Combinatorial Business
The failure atomicity of Combinatorial business
transactions means that the execution tolerates
system and communication failures. That is, if all
existing failures are repaired and no new failures
occur for a sufficiently long time period, then the
Combinatorial business transaction will eventually
be executed.
Before considering the failure atomicity protocol
of the Combinatorial business transaction we will
exactly state the correctness criterion of the
Combinatorial business transaction.
Correctness Criterion. If the reservation
transaction of the Combinatorial business
transaction is successfully executed (i.e., the
reservation transaction is committed and one or
more reservation on products have been done), then
the certification transaction is also successfully
executed (i.e., all the reserved products are either
sold or released).
Enforcing this constraint requires the coordination
between the Buyer application and the Electronic
marketplace (Figure 3). Technically this
coordination is carried out through Web service
interfaces (Newcomer, 2002;
Pashtan, 2005) by
sending SOAP-messages (SOA, 2007P).
Figure 3: The architecture of the system.
For simplicity we first present the protocol assuming
that there are no communication failures. In such a
case the protocol goes as follows:
1. The transaction coordinator (a module in
Buyer’s application) writes a purchase-
request-record to the log and then sends the
purchase-request-message to marketplace’s
web service.
2. After the transaction participant (a module
of the marketplace) has received the
purchase-request-message, it executes the
reservation transaction. If the execution
failed, then the transaction participant sends
to the transaction coordinator the failure-
message and writes the failure-record to the
log; otherwise it sends the availability-
message and writes the availability-record
to the log.
3. After the transaction coordinator has
received the availability-message, it
transmits the message to buyer’s
application which analyses the message.
Then the transaction coordinator writes the
certification-message to the log and sends
the certification-message to the transaction
Note that, this protocol will terminate only if all
messages are received. There are two places where a
service is waiting for a message: in the beginning of
steps 2 and 3. In the beginning of step 2, the buyer
(transaction coordinator) waits for the availability-
message from the marketplace (transaction
participant). In step 3, the marketplace (transaction
participant) is waiting for the certification-message
from the buyer.
We say that when a service must await the repair
of failures before proceeding, the service is blocked.
Blocking is undesirable, since it can cause services
to wait for an arbitrarily long period of time, and so
also the reserved products cannot be sold or reserved
for other buyers.
In order that a blocked service (transaction
participant) can proceed it must communicate with
the transaction coordinator. This kind of
communication is carried out in the termination
protocol. Marketplace activates the termination
protocol when it has been waiting a predetermined
time for a message. The termination protocol goes as
1. Marketplace’s termination coordinator
sends decision-request-message to the
transaction coordinator.
COMBINATORIAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS - A Way for Increasing the Flexibility and Reliability of Electronic
2. The transaction coordinator sends the
response-message to the participant web
The marketplace’s termination coordinator repeats
the request if it has not received the response in a
predetermined time period. Note that the transaction
coordinator is always able to response to the request
as it has no uncertainty period. Uncertainty period is
the time period between the moment marketplace’s
transaction participant sent the availability-message
to the transaction coordinator and the moment it has
received the certification-message. During the
uncertainty period the marketplace does not know
whether the buyer will eventually buy any of the
reserved products.
In this article we have considered electronic
marketplaces from transaction’s point of view. On
the other hand, the automation of electronic
marketplaces is another important goal of electronic
marketplaces: ideally, by introducing appropriate
ontologies (Gruber, 1993;
Antoniou, & Harmelen,
and business process models (BPEL4WS, 2007;
White, 2007) it is possible to replace buyers or sellers
or both by software modules, i.e., introduce software
programs that place bids on behalf of the user.
The greatest benefits of this kind of automation
lie in cost reduction for buyers and sellers. In
addition, it shortens the time required for processing
business transactions. And most importantly, from
Combinatorial business transactions’ point of view
this means that the time the products are reserved for
buyers will significantly decrease. This in turn will
increase the throughput of the marketplaces
supporting Combinatorial business transactions.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies