Case Study
Cláudia Fernandes and Luís Rocha
CATIM – Technological Center for the Metal Working Industry, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Design of learning activities, learning styles, e-learning.
Abstract: With this paper the authors aim to explore the importance of e-learning activities and materials’ design
towards attaining learning and development objectives. This work rests on the belief that activities’ design
must be thought according to different learning styles, and is based on a case study from a hands-on-project
– “Think Industry” (TIP) focused on experiencing. TIP is running since 1995 and it has encompassed more
than 7600 youngsters with ages between 13 and 17 years old and enrolled on the formal teaching system.
The main objective for the TIP is to develop a positive vision of industry and of employment opportunities
and technical careers in the industrial sector. TIP activities are clustered in three main categories: (1)
awareness; (2) experiencing; and (3) complementary support actions. The authors will focus on one e-
learning experiencing activity’ design and implementation: “This is an Idea!” (TiaI!), an web based game
designed with the objective of fostering entrepreneurial spirit and creative in a sustainable and global way.
Pedagogy, technology use and global impact were the main drivers for the development of the e-learning
game TiaI!. The game is used according to different styles of learning: (1) reading; (2) seeing; (3) hearing;
(4) watching; (5) doing – experiential learning; (6) learning by teaching/selling. Some reflection for the
future, based on this e-learning experiencing game are: (1) people have basic styles of learning, usually tent
to prefer one. So if we provide different styles we can strive higher mastery; (2) Blending more than one
approach improves retention and proficiency; (3) e-learning lacks socialization, but with this program it is a
complement to one global understanding of pré-determined issue (e.g. renewable energies, fuel cell energy,
new products design, global impact of technology use, development of green technologies); (4) Feedback
and global contextualization are mentioned to be important issues for the development of a “new” or
“renewed” conscienceless for the globe; (5) Youngsters approve the use of different means for the
attainment of the same objective; (6) The design stage and the learning point are crucial to success; (7)
Personal values need to be spoken and challenged in an entrepreneurial fashion to promote awareness.
Some researchers argue that an increasing number of
Western economies have transformed into arenas
where information, services and knowledge have
become the primary value creators, e.g. Castells
(2000), Dobers and Stranngard (2005).
If so, information, services and knowledge are
powerful and strategic weapons towards attitudes,
values and behavioural change. These aspects must
be taken in account when designing learning and
development programs (namely e-learning and b-
learning) for different target audiences.
“New” forms of learning closely related with
lifelong learning and personal development emerge
and develop more and more each day (e.g. e-
learning, m-learning). E-learning, b-learning, virtual
learning environments, wikis, Internet based games,
among many other forms carry the legacy from their
ancestors, distance learning, mediated
communication and computer based learning. These
are well established practices in business and leisure
areas, in private and public institutions worldwide.
E-learning is characterized by a blended mixture of
delivery trough technology and some change in the
individual/grupal learning stage. For designing the
program it is important to reflect on “How do people
Fernandes C. and Rocha L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 349-355
DOI: 10.5220/0001514003490355
learn?” on virtual and on real environments. So….
We ask: How do people learn? Much research as
been done on learning styles, and there is no doubt
that we can apply those principles to e-learning and
b-learning contents and course design. People learn
in different ways, but it seems that there are three
primary ways to learn (Bersin, 2004):
Visual Learners: Approximately 50 to 70
percent of the population. People on this cluster
relate most effectively to written information,
diagrams, images and pictures. Visual learners
like to take notes, write on the whiteboard,
create and view power point slides with
Auditory Learners: Approximately 20 to 40
percent of the population. The best way to learn
is hearing. These people like to listen to lectures
and take notes later.
Kinaesthetic Learners: approximately 5 to 20
percent of the population. Learn best through
touching and doing things. These people learn
by imitating, trying, holding and feeling things.
As some researchers have argued and defended
previously (e.g. Fernandes and Rocha, 2006a)
people learn best by doing, the often called
“experiential learning”. This was the principle used
on all the activities underlying the TIP’ project, the
case study presented in this paper.
Table 1: Six models of learning.
Approach Techniques used (examples)
6. Teaching
Mentoring, manager assistance,
on-line coaching
5. Doing
Simulations, on-the-job exercises,
labs, web interactivities, scenarios
4. Watching
Demonstrations, instructors,
video, replays, animations,
3. Hearing
Lectures, discussions, audios,
2. Seeing Graphics, images, videos
level of
levels of
1. Reading Web pages, books, documents
Adapted from Bersin (2004, p. 35)
According to Bersin (2004) there are mainly six
modes of learning according to the mastery you
want to obtain at the end of the program: reading,
seeing, hearing, watching, doing, and teaching.
“Mastery” is a combination of proficiency and
retention. Proficiency measures the ability for
learners to perform a task accurately and retention
the ability for the learner to remember and apply the
task to many different situations.
There are many questions on e-learning that are still
open, and with different answers according to the
contextual, personal and organizational variables.
Doing so, goes considerable way towards addressing
these issues, delivery, maintenance, cost, content
quality, target audience in a single way. But, we can
also ask if the e-learning field is moving fast enough
to warrant the attention lavished on the subject?
Every organization must take the best out of its own
resources, creativity and different ways for using the
same tools striving renewed answers approaches to
challenges that emerge each day. There is the need
to design new business models based on the use of
several tools available on the organizations, and
according to the target audience defined.
In this paper the authors explore one particular
activity “This is an Idea!” (TiaI!) enclosured in one
hands-on project “Think Industry Project” (TIP).
TIP merges new ways of learning (e-learning) and
traditional learning.
Hands-on programs have been originally proposed
as means to increase student achievement (in science
education), and in the authors approach, hands-on
projects such a TIP, also intent to promote general
conscience on several issues, and be the basis for a
differentiation for career interests. There are several
theoretical rationales for hands-on programs that are
explored by Fernandes and Rocha (2006) and
applied on TIP activities. Scientific knowledge for
reality as youngsters know it is the main work base
for the several TIP’ activities. Researchers identify
mainly two broad domains of scientific knowledge:
(1) content knowledge, and (2) process skills
knowledge (Glynn & Duit, 1995; Lawson, 1995),
the authors’ extent it to a third one, (3) Real world
knowledge. Content knowledge, also known as
declarative knowledge includes the real “contents”
that students are supposed to know, remember and
understand, such as theories, principles, facts,
theorems, laws, etc.. Process skills or procedural
knowledge are the techniques and approaches to
solving a problem, such as observation,
measurement, hypothesis formulation and testing,
among many others. Real world awareness it’s the
link of both of the former to real life contexts
namely industry and possible impacts. It allows
youngsters to give a meaning to their knowledge,
promoting the learning and development of a global
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
awareness for the impact of different knowledge and
its real application, even that this knowledge is
acquired on-learning through a game or any other
activity. The authors defend that the conjunction of
the three complementary issues is necessary for the
e-learning activities’ design in a way that students
can fully understand scientific knowledge and
develop capabilities to apply it in real everyday life
settings, namely the industry, never forgetting the
global impact of each and every action.
2.1 TIP Characteristics
TIP is a hands-on program that encompasses
youngsters with ages from 13 to 17 years old. The
Technological Centre for the Metal Working
Industry (CATIM) has the project running since
1995 (Rocha, 1998) and since then, more than 7600
youngsters were evolved in it just in this
Technological Centre.
TIP has several stakeholders: general citizen,
parents, youngsters, Technological Centres Network,
Universities, Polytechnics and Research Institutes,
Industry and Professional bodies, Education and
Training Providers, National and local Government,
Government Agencies.
The main objectives for TIP are to develop a
positive vision of the industry and of employment
opportunities and technical careers in the industrial
sector towards a sustainable and active citizenship.
In table 2 we present the main problem dimensions,
specific targets and general objectives.
Figure 1: TIP stakeholders.
TIP’s activities can be clustered into: (1)
Technology laboratories; (2) Simulation games; (3)
Field trips to industrial enterprises; (4) Visits and
trips to events; (5) Thematic seminars; (6) Sessions
held up at schools; and (7) TIP in the mass media.
The activities developed under the TIP scope,
generally tent to promote the understanding of
different settings of the industrial value-chain, e.g.
“simulation games” that represent management
actions and functions, and “technology laboratories”
that correspond to the manipulation of equipments
related to the industrial activity and the underneath
technologies applied in several industrial processes
such as robotics, hydraulics, haptical devices, energy
consumption, environment, mechanics, milling,
lathering, etc..
Table 2: TIP’ problem dimensions and objectives.
Main Problem
Specific Targets
image for the
* Develop a positive
vision of the industry
* To link industry with
positive values and
attractive careers
youngsters in
school ages and
activities and
* To make youngsters
and industry closer
(and vice-versa)
* Evolve youngsters
and industry in mutual
Training choices
and market
influenced by
commerce and
* Make youngsters
aware of industrial
careers in short term
* Motivate youngsters
to carry on their
studies on
technological areas
To develop a
vision of the
industry and
and technical
careers in
TIP is also designed to show youngsters new ways
of learning and working, e.g. using e-learning and
Communities of Practice (Fernandes & Rocha,
2006b, 2006c; Rocha & Fernandes, 2006).
2.2 Design and Learning Styles
2.2.1 Reading
Reading is the easiest way to “teach”, and it consists
in giving people things to read. Most material for e-
learning encompasses reading material; there might
be some exceptions like game learning or intuitive
learning. When designed effectively reading is very
effective for visual learners. In e-learning or in web
environments reading is less valuable because
people will not and cannot read long manuscripts on
the web. Especially when our target audience are
youngsters with such diverse activities, and are
comprised in the majority of the population, are not
visual learners. In the authors’ perspective, in e-
learning settings, reading is a source of referenced
material, not learning. And it must always be
complemented with an all kind of diverse elements
(in the clusters for seeing, hearing, watching and
Figure 2: Print screen from the e-learning materials
(Module 3 – Unity 2 – Nanotechnology).
2.2.2 Seeing
If we follow the hierarchy, the next step is “seeing”.
It encompasses diagrams, photos, images, etc. As we
know and have experienced, visual images add
tremendous “new” conceptual understanding to
known or unknown settings. In the web we have
extra-resources comparing to books or static
material, such as animation, interactive tools, push
buttons, knobs, slider bars, drag and drop
applications, among many others.
Figure 3: Examples of used images on the e-learning
There are some choices to be done relating to the
“seeing” point: colours, pictures, which diagrams to
animate, how to make synopses, the use of several
resources (games, exercises, push buttons, knobs,
slider bars, drag and drop applications).
We have chosen the “orange” colour for the main
screens because is the colour for TIP is “hot”, and
it’s a colour associated with youth. It had to be a
colour according to the target public and that could
motivate youngsters to read, see and learn in on-line
environments (see figure 1). The contents
encompass an interactive game – Pulltex for
simulating Industrial settings (see figure 4). This
game was thought according to the same premises.
Figure 4: Pulltex game.
2.2.3 Hearing and Watching
In these clusters we have techniques related with
sound, motion, and demonstrations. In our particular
case we always add a scenario when there is an
activity (e.g. Pulltex game, see figure 4). In this
stage youngsters can read, see, hear and watch.
One improvement action to be taken in the contents
is adding a button that allows youngsters to choose
either they want to listen to a narrator or not when
reading materials. This improvement adds authority
to youngsters in the learning mix, improving
interest, motivation and retention.
2.2.4 Doing – Experiential Learning
Research shows that the highest level of mastery
comes from experiential learning: learning by doing.
For example ask a call centre agent to answer a live
call. In our case youngsters do the activities in their
schools and then come to the technological centres
to do it with other resources (e.g. machinery,
materials). The e-learning materials provide the
experience in an on-line environment – simulation
(e.g. Pulltex game).
The final result from this doing activities is the
participation in National and International
Entrepreneurship contexts.
2.2.5 Learning by Teaching/Selling
By far the most valuable way to master a subject is
to teach it. We apply this approach in TIP too. There
is an all set of activities that complement the TiAI!
Learning objectives, e-learning activities, industrial
field trips, national and international contests,
brainstorming, experiencing in the laboratory. Each
team has to “sell” its own idea, they can appeal to
several arguments (e.g. market studies, quality,
environment, ecological impact, costs, designs,
supply chain management).
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The TiaI activities are several, varying from
laboratory sessions, industrial visits, to e-learning,
simulations. The e-learning is part of a mix so that
TiaI Learning and Development objectives can be
The e-learning developing team took in account
several aspects when working the contents. The
aspects were clustered into 3 main categories: (1)
Pedagogy; (2) Technology and (3) Global impact.
There was also the general belief that e-learning is
enormously diverse and dependent of the context
whilst not always cognisant of the consequences
(Massy, 2002).
Figure 5: Nine aspect to explore in the Pulltex game.
Taking in account the pulltex game (one of TiaI’s
activities) one e-learning activity, it were taken in
the 9 points shown in figure 5:
1. There is always a scenario
for the game to take
place (as real as possible). In this case we have
an office. There are tasks that are done on the
plant and others outside. This way
generalization and knowledge application to
other settings is easier to youngsters.
2. Global conscience
is strived by benchmarking
practices on the same game business areas. For
example by looking at the market, dividing the
target groups, defending the options to take.
3. Questions like Environment, Quality, And
Global Impact are points that youngsters have to
take in account for going through the different
phases of the game.
4. Generalizing knowledge
is the 4
item to work
with. Youngsters get in touch with effective
design practises and get to apply it on their
5. Price, brand, distribution channel
are also points
to work with when designing the activities.
6. The supply chain management
and all its
implications is not a forgotten issue. Global
impact is thought of also in this point.
The systemic theories for organizational
management are striven in this game. Youngsters
can know see how one decision, for example the
choice of one material to build an object can have an
impact on several areas, environment, people,
consumption patterns…With this game youngsters
learn by doing in an on-line environment and in a
second phase they do it presentially and with other
Previous results on e-learning programs’ evaluations
were also used. The main complaints from users
were information overload, difficulties accessing the
web, conflicting technologies and lurking.
So the development team had to get to one final
product were the:
Information presented was useful and directly
related with the topic;
Superfluous or complementary information
should be presented in accessory spaces;
e-learning contents had to “run” in different
applications and with different settings;
Contents motivate people to participate and
Contents were adapted to the target audience;
Contents had all the information presented
according to different learning styles and
Programs for learning and development of
youngsters (and all others ages) have to be thought
in a structured way, so that broad objectives can be
meet. There are several strategies and from research
and practice the authors defend that the conjunction
of content knowledge, process skills knowledge and
real life awareness must be taken in account when
designing e-learning materials, so that the learning
and development objectives can be meet. Different
learning styles have to be taken in account when
designing e-learning materials to promote learning
and development, and to promote behavioural
change, and adoption of new or renewed behaviours.
Some reflections for the future, based on this e-
learning experiencing game are:
(1) People have basic styles of learning, usually tent
to prefer one. So if we provide different styles
we can strive higher mastery;
(2) Blending more than one approach improves
retention and proficiency;
(3) e-learning lacks socialization, but with this
program it is a complement to one global
understanding of pré-determined issue (e.g.
renewable energies, fuel cell energy, new
products design, global impact of technology
use, development of green technologies);
(4) Feedback and global contextualization are
mentioned to be important issues for the
development of a “new” or “renewed”
conscienceless for the globe;
(5) Youngsters approve the use of different means
for the attainment of the same objective;
(6) The design stage and the learning point are
crucial to success;
(7) Personal values need to be spoken and
challenged in an entrepreneurial fashion to
promote awareness.
It appears that the secret to successful learning (e-
learning and probably all learning) is surprised and
reinforced at the designs stage previous to the
learning points. The values of both need to be
spoken to and challenged in an entrepreneurial
fashion by being novel, positive and with an element
of risk. As defended by Al Gore in several public
seminars, the word for crises in Chinese is the
conjunction of danger and opportunity. The balance
between both is the critical point for learning,
development and innovation. So, industry must
make the best of all means for developing new
business models and getting a qualified workforce.
E-learning gained with “traditional” pedagogy and
owns new tools for maximizing learning and
development, in this setting e-learning activities’
design is central,
The strategies suggested by different theorists’ tent
to overlap and often advocate a judicious selection
of approaches rather than an exclusive focus on just
one. According to Coffield et al. (2004), the
critiques to learning styles can be divided into two
main champs. First, there are those who accept the
basic assumptions of the discipline (e.g. the
positivist methodology and the individualistic
approach), but who nevertheless claim that certain
models or certain features within a particular model
do not meet the criteria of that discipline. A second
group of critics, however, adopts an altogether more
oppositional stand: it does not accept the basic
premises on which these bodies of research, its
theories, findings and implications for teaching and
training have been built. The opponents are basically
the ones on the quantitative approach side and on the
other hand the qualitative approach.
According to Dewey (1916, 170), pedagogy is often
dismissed as futile because: “Nothing has brought
pedagogical theory into greater dispute than the
belief that it is identified with handing out to
teachers recipes and models to be followed in
teaching”. In this century that has passed since these
stirring words were written, it is surprising how the
concept of pedagogy has remained relatively
unexplored and untheorised. Literature review
suggests persistent problems in learning styles
theories, such as: (a) theoretical incoherence and
conceptual confusion; (b) labelling as a mean to
classify and intervene; (c) variables quality and
reliability; (d) psychometric weakness; (e)
unwarranted faith placed in simple inventories; (f)
lack of communication between different research
perspectives on pedagogy and we could add (g) lack
of application to training and development fields, (h)
to centred on academic outputs.
But we can not neglect the positive implications of
applying to practice pedagogy findings, in spit of all
the critiques surrounding the field. And we know
that the primary professional responsibility of
training professionals is to maximise learning and
development opportunities for their trainees. The
changes in the training resources available, for
example concerning technology, opens new doors to
pedagogy implications in the field. Training
programs supported by e-learning or m-learning are
mostly unexplored for theirs real practical
implications. A number of questions that we would
like to research could be address as follow:
What are the implications of pedagogy for
designing e-learning and m-learning
What impacts are learning styles having on
on-line training methods?
Do instructional designers know how to
monitor and improve learning and
cognition on others’ learning with the
developed materials?
How far do e-learning contents design
affect trainees’ and trainers’ responses to
knowledge about their learning styles?
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Only research allied to practice can answer these
questions. No better way of testing, than making it
happen in training.
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