Felix G. Hamza-Lup and Ivan Sopin
Computer Science, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A.
Keywords: Haptics, H3D, X3D, 3D Graphics.
Abstract: Knowledge creation occurs in the process of social interaction. As our service-based society is evolving into
a knowledge-based society, there is an acute need for more effective collaboration and more effective
knowledge-sharing systems to be used by geographically scattered people. We present the use of 3D
components and standards, such as Web 3D in combination with the haptic paradigm, for
e-learning and simulation.
Web-based knowledge transfer is becoming a field
of research which deserves the attention of the
research community, regardless of their domain of
expertise, especially because of the potential of
advanced technologies such as Web 3D and haptics.
In the context of global communication, these
technologies are becoming more stimulating through
the possibility of creating collaborative spaces for e-
learning and simulation.
In this paper we present several advanced
features of Web 3D in conjunction with two
successful projects employing those features. The
paper is structured as follows: In section 2 we
provide a brief introduction to the e-learning
concept. In section 3 we discuss the details of
different modalities to enrich user interaction with
web-based 3D and haptics. In section 4 we introduce
two case studies demonstrating the potential of X3D
in simulation and training: 3DRTT, a radiation
therapy medical simulator; and HaptEK16, an e-
learning module which provides interaction through
haptic feedback for teaching high-school physics
concepts. We conclude in section 5 with a set of
remarks and conclusions.
Let us take a look at the notion of e-learning.
According to Anohina (2005), as illustrated in figure
1, the concept of Internet-based learning is broader
than Web-based learning. The Web is only one of
the Internet services that uses a unified document
language (HTML), unified resource locator (URL),
browsers, and is based on the HTTP protocol.
Figure 1: Subsets relationships among the group of terms.
As the largest network in the world, the Internet
offers other services besides Web: e-mail, file
transfer facilities, etc. Hence, learning could be
organized not only on the Web basis, but, for
example, as correspondence via e-mail as well.
Furthermore, the Internet employs a multitude of
proprietary protocols along with HTTP.
G. Hamza-Lup F. and Sopin I. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 309-315
DOI: 10.5220/0001514303090315
Due to the advances in 3D technology, it is now
possible to develop 3D interfaces and environments
to enhance the learning process and deploy these
interfaces on the Web. An example is Extensible 3D
(X3D), an ISO standard for real-time 3D computer
graphics and the successor to Virtual Reality
Modelling Language (VRML). X3D combines both
3D geometry and runtime behavioral descriptions
into a single file, encoded in a particular format such
as Extensible Markup Language (XML). It is an
initiative to leverage 3D as digital media as easily as
text and 2D graphics. It provides a means of
associating behaviors and dynamic scripts with 3D
objects, so that users can interact with those objects.
On the other hand, advanced interfaces are
undergoing a shift towards the incorporation of a
new paradigm: haptics. Interfaces combining 3D
graphics and haptics have the potential to facilitate
our understanding of various concepts and
phenomena as well as to promote new methods for
teaching and learning.
Haptic technologies offer a new way of creating
and manipulating 3D objects. For instance, in
Interactive Molecular Dynamics (Stone,
Gullingsrud, and Schulten, 2001) the users
manipulate molecules with real-time force feedback
and a 3D graphical display. Another example,
SCIRun (Durbeck et al, 1998), is a problem-solving
environment for scientific computation which is
used to display flow and vector fields such as fluid
flow models for airplane wings.
Initial pilot demonstrations with biology students
using augmented graphical models and haptic
feedback support the hypothesis that this method
provides an intuitive and natural way of
understanding difficult concepts and phenomena
(Sankaranarayanan et al, 2003). Another research
group, at the University of Patras, Greece, is
involved in designing simulations to aid children in
comprehending ideas concerning several subject
areas of science such as Newtonian Laws, Space
Phenomena, and Mechanics Assembly (Pentelios,
Christodoulou, and Papatheodorou, 2004). Tests
show that haptics technology improves the level of
human perception due to the deeper immersion
Other fields, such as mathematics and especially
geometry, also benefit from haptic interaction.
Recently, a system was proposed to allow the haptic
3D representation of a geometric problem’s
construction and solution (Kaufmann, Schmalstieg,
and Wagner, 2000). Initial performance evaluation
indicates the system’s amplified user-friendliness
and higher efficiency compared with the traditional
learning approach.
National Aeronautics Space Administration
(NASA) has shown interest in the potential use of
haptics in educational technology. The Learning
Technologies Project at the Langley Research
Center is concerned with innovative approaches for
supporting K-16 education. Pilot study results from
the use of simple haptics-augmented machines have
yielded positive feedback with 83% of the
elementary school and 97% of the college students,
rating the software from “Somewhat Effective” to
“Very effective” (Williams, M.-Y.C., and Seaton,
2000, 2003).
User interaction can be enriched through 3D content
and haptics. In what follows we explore in more
detail the potential of combining X3D with
additional web-enabled instruments, such as HTML
and JavaScript, to provide control over the 3D
world. We also explain and explore the haptic
paradigm and its potential applications in the web-
based environment.
3.1 X3D Graphics Visualization
On their own, X3D files are simply formatted lines
of code. To visualize the graphical content of X3D
online, a web browser needs a special plug-in. Most
of the X3D plug-in vendors release their software at
no cost for public use and a small license fee for
commercial use. One example is the BitManagement
Contact X3D player.
Usually, X3D plug-ins are equipped with a set of
basic controls for customizing the user interface and
specifying the properties of user interaction:
navigational tools, graphics modes, and rendering
settings, just to name a few. While useful, these
features only facilitate the user in exploring the
visual content, but do not provide any means of
altering it. It is the X3D standard itself that allows
users to dynamically modify and interact with the
3D graphical scene. There are several alternatives to
implement such systems. In the following two
subsections we discuss the advantages and
drawbacks of a stand-alone X3D based simulation
environment in comparison with an environment
where the functionality is enriched with JavaScript
functions and HTML.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.2 X3D-based GUI
An X3D-based graphical user interface (GUI)
implies that the entire functionality is embedded in
the X3D and no control is possible outside the X3D
If radical changes are made to the application,
the code of the file with graphical content has to be
altered. This entails the necessity to provide an
updated version of the file and also to manually
refresh the X3D scene. Such organization largely
corresponds to the common client/server interaction
on the web. When an HTML form is populated with
data, the user has to press the “Submit” button to
request the server response.
The three-dimensional scope introduced by X3D
brings into play new aspects of GUI/user interaction.
For instance, volumetric controls, easily
implemented in X3D, can better mimic the behavior
of the objects. A multitude of components can also
be controlled by simply clicking, dragging, rotating,
or actuating them through a system of specifically
designated sensors. The scripting capabilities of
X3D enrich the GUI interactivity, enabling
developers to create efficient control panels meeting
the project-specific tasks. The potential to create 3D
GUIs and organize information in the third
dimension is considerable.
3.3 HTML/JavaScript-based GUI
A different approach to improving the GUI
interactivity is involving external tools that could
effectively communicate with the 3D graphical
scene. A good example of such tools is HTML and
JavaScript, most commonly used to build web pages.
In HTML/JavaScript-based GUI, JavaScript is
the driving force of most of the features while
HTML only serves as its operating environment.
However, JavaScript makes it difficult to encode
unconventional GUI components needed to closer
represent the dynamics of the virtual objects in the
3D scene. These difficulties arise because browsers
usually do not support such tools that go beyond the
facilities of regular HTML widgets. Therefore,
creation of powerful and flexible task-oriented GUI
components requires the usage of the traditional
HTML objects (layers, inputs, etc.) combined with
extensive JavaScript code.
With the interface functionality programmed as
JavaScript functions, the 3D scene still derives its
maneuverability from the methods implemented in
the X3D scripting nodes. The browser and X3D
environments communicate through mutual function
calls. The browser refers to the virtual scene as to an
HTML document’s object with a number of public
functions. Different X3D plug-in manufacturers
provide their own sets of such functions. X3D
feedback is composed of dynamic injections of
JavaScript code. Because both, visual content and
HTML/JavaScript GUI, are synchronized
automatically, no manual page updates are
necessary. However, synchronization between
HTML and X3D can be an issue in such
implementation. The synchronization involves
continuous calls between the two media and may
consume considerable CPU power.
New client/server communication techniques are
also feasible for the development of various dynamic
environments. For instance, asynchronous
JavaScript (AJAX) is used in our HTML/JavaScript-
based GUI (details in section 4.1) to obtain the
listing of external X3D components loaded in the
scene. Therefore, without “page refresh”, the user is
able to visualize external 3D objects and manipulate
them as if they were initially in the 3D scene.
3.4 Multimodal, Haptic-based GUI
Besides traditional GUIs, a novel paradigm, haptic
feedback (from the Greek haptesthai, meaning
“contact” or “touch”), may improve the interface
usability and interactivity. The tactile sense is the
most sophisticated of all our senses as it incorporates
pressure, heat, texture, hardness, weight, and the
form of objects.
Lederman, Klatzky, and Metzger (1985)
summarized four basic procedures for haptic
exploration, each one eliciting a different set of
object characteristics:
Lateral motion (stroking) provides information
about the surface texture of the object.
Pressure gives information about how firm the
material is.
Contour following elicits information on the
form of the object.
Enclosure reflects the volume of the object.
Recent haptic technologies are capable of delivering
realistic sensory stimuli at a reasonable cost,
opening new opportunities for academic research
and commercial developments (Stone, 2000). Such
devices have a distinct set of performance measures
(Wall, 2004):
Degrees of freedom (DOF) – the set of
independent displacements that specify
completely the position of a body or a system.
Workspace – the volume within which the
joints of the device will permit operation.
Position resolution – the minimum detectable
change in position possible within the
Maximum force/torque – the maximum possible
output of the device, determined by such
factors as the power of the actuators and
efficiency of any gearing systems.
Maximum stiffness – the maximum stiffness of
virtual surfaces presented on the device. It
depends on the maximum force/torque, but is
also related to the dynamic behaviour of the
device, sensor resolution, and the sampling
period of the controlling processor.
The addition of haptic feedback enables the users to
feel the virtual objects they manipulate. We have
experimented with the PHANTOM® Omni™
device, developed by Sensable Technologies
(illustrated in figure 2). The Omni™ became one of
our choices due to its low cost and force-feedback
qualities. It is also backed by an open source
Application Programming Interface (API).
Figure 2: Phantom® Omni™ Device.
To illustrate the concepts discussed so far, we will
describe two successful projects developed at our
laboratory (www.cs.armstrong.edu/felix/news) using
X3D and haptic technologies: a web-based medical
simulator (3DRTT) and a haptic-based module for
teaching physics (HapteK16).
4.1 Medical Simulators – 3DRTT
Visual simulation in medicine plays a very important
role as the success of an operation relies upon
practical procedures and the physician’s (or
surgeon’s) experience. Many complex treatment
processes are preplanned well in advance of the
operation. This is especially the case with radiation
therapy. Medical personnel concerned with the
planning part (e.g. correct radiation dosages,
appropriate patient setup) are sometimes frustrated
by the fact that a theoretically sound plan proves
inconsistent with the current hardware and patient
constraints (e.g. collisions with the patient and
treatment hardware may occur).
3D Radiation Therapy Training (3DRTT) is a
web-based 3D graphical simulator for radiation
therapy. It simulates linear accelerators (linacs) used
to deliver radiation doses to an internal tumor,
therefore destroying cancerous cells. The project
focuses on improving the efficiency and reliability
of the radiation treatment planning and delivery
process by providing accurate visualization of the
linacs hardware components as well as careful
imaging of their interactive motion.
The virtual representation of the treatment
settings (figure 3) provides patients and therapists
with a clear understanding of the procedure.
Equipped with patient CT data, the treatment
planner can simulate a series of patient-specific
setups and, also detect unforeseen collision scenarios
for complex beam arrangements. Hence the
necessary adjustments in the treatment plan can be
made beforehand and validated.
Figure 3: 3DRTT Simulator with X3D GUI.
Another important application of 3DRTT is
improving the current level of radiation therapy
education and training. With such web-based 3D
simulation tools at the disposal of radiation therapy
staff, there is plenty of room for exploring various
treatment procedures (linac components, motion
limitations, associated accessories, etc.) and gaining
experience for future operations.
Currently, two versions of the simulator, with
X3D and HTML/JavaScript-based GUIs (refer to
sections 3.2 and 3.3), are available on the project’s
website (http://www.3drtt.org). The X3D-based
version provides tools for controlling the angles and
locations of the machine’s parts (figure 3). The GUI
is composed of several semitransparent pannels
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
containing various volumetric controls. The controls
are designed to logically correspond to the assigned
operations (specifically, scrolls for rotations, slides
for translations, and buttons for switching between
different simulation modes) and therefore improve
the overall intuitiveness (Hamza-Lup et al, 2007).
The user can easily rearrange the GUI components
to avoid occlusions of important parts of the scene.
Figure 4: 3DRTT with HTML/JavaScript-based GUI.
The HTML/JavaScript-based GUI alternative
supports the same functionality and also provides
new and highly useful features (figure 4) as follows.
Instead of floating X3D menus, the simulator
controls are shifted to the HTML document scope.
The set of GUI elements includes sliders, buttons,
and displays that support the learnability of the
interface. For the convenience of navigation in the
virtual space, the control panel can be hidden and
brought back per user request, improving in this way
the navigation throughout the simulator. HTML
introduces new methods of accessing and
dynamically processing external modules. For
instance, the user may load various hardware
attachments for the linacs directly in the virtual
world. The source X3D file for the simulator does
not “know” how many attachments are available at
the moment, what their names are, etc. However, at
the user’s request, an AJAX function makes a call to
a Java Servlet Pages code stored on the server and
receives the listing of available files as the response.
This listing is transmitted to an X3D script that
handles the loading and embedding of specified files
into the virtual environment. Therefore, no
alterations of the X3D source code are necessary
when new attachments are uploaded to the server
because they become immediately accessible.
4.2 E-Learning Module – HaptEK16
HaptEK16 is designed to assist students in
understanding Pascal’s principle and other difficult
concepts of hydraulics. The simulator includes three
simulation modules: pressure measurement,
hydraulic machine, and hydraulic lifting simulation.
Students can interact with the 3D scene using a
haptic device, as illustrated in figure 5. The
functionality of the simulator is implemented
through Python, X3D, and the Sense Graphics’ H3D
API (http://sensegraphics.com), discussed further.
Figure 5: Students using the HaptEK16 hydraulics
Python is an object-oriented programming language
that offers strong support for integration with other
toolkits and APIs. It is a rapidly growing open
source programming language. According to
InfoWorld (McAllister, 2004), Python’s user base
nearly doubled in 2004 and currently includes about
14% of all programmers. Python is available for
most operating systems, including Windows, UNIX,
Linux, and Mac. Some of the Python’s strengths
which were considered when selecting the language
to implement the system functionality include
Low complexity: wxPython (an auxiliary library
for GUI) was selected because of its ease of
use and reduced complexity compared with
Prototyping: Prototyping in Python is quick and
simple and often leads to a quick prototype that
can be adapted for the development of the final
Maintainability: The code in Python is easy to
modify and/or redesign. Less time is spent
understanding and rewriting code which leads
to an efficient integration of new features.
H3D is an opened X3D-based haptic API. It is
written entirely in C++ and uses OpenGL for
graphics rendering and OpenHaptics (de-facto
industry standard haptic library) for haptic
rendering. With its haptic extensions to X3D, H3D
API is an excellent tool for writing hapto-visual
applications that combine the sense of touch and 3D
graphics. The main advantage of H3D to
OpenHaptics users is that, being a unified scene
graph API, it makes management of both graphics
and haptics rendering easy.
The scene graph concept facilitates application
development, but it can still be time consuming. For
this reason, SenseGraphics extended their API with
scripting capabilities in order to empower the user
with the ability of rapid prototyping. The design
approach used in HaptEK16 was the one
recommended by SenseGraphics: i.e. geometry and
scene-graph structure for a particular application
were defined using X3D, and application and user
interface behaviors were described using Python and
Programming the sense of touch for a virtual
object involves two steps. First, the programmer
must specify the haptic device to use; second, a set
of haptic properties must be defined for each
“touchable” object. To specify the haptic device, an
instance of the DeviceInfo node is created, and the
haptic device is added to it. HLHapticsDevice is the
node used to manipulate a Phantom device. The
graphical representation of the device (in case of
HaptEK16 a sphere) is also specified in the
containerField group, as illustrated in figure 6.
positionCalibration="1e-3 0 0 -.15
0 2e-3 0 .05 0 0 1e-3 0 0 0 0 1">
<Group containerField="stylus">
<Material />
<Sphere radius="0.0025" />
<Transform translation="0 0 0.08"
rotation="1 0 0 1.570796">
<Material />
<Cylinder radius="0.005"
height="0.1" />
Figure 6: Specifying the haptic device.
To implement the tactile sensation for a generic
shape, one must add a surface node with haptic
properties to the shape’s Appearance node. In
HaptEK16 this is accomplished with a fictional
surface node added to the cylinder’s Appearance
node. The DynamicTransform node is added to
define properties for rigid body motion, as illustrated
in figure 7.
<DynamicTransform DEF="DYN1"
mass=".05" inertiaTensor=".1 0 0 .1 0 0 0 .1">
diffuseColor="0 .8 .8" />
staticFriction=".2" />
<Cylinder DEF="LEFTCYL"
height=".085" radius=".045" />
Figure 7: Implementing haptic properties.
The X3D file format is used by H3D as an easy way
to define geometry and arrange scene-graph
elements such as user interfaces. A screenshot of the
HaptEK16 e-learning module is illustrated in
Figure 8: HaptEK16 screenshot and corresponding
Phantom® Omni™ device from Sensable Technologies.
A set of test questionnaires were designed and
implemented for the assessment of the e-learning
module. The results from the assessment tests
proved that the students who had the opportunity to
use HaptEK16 scored better (13% higher total
scores) than the group that did not. Such results
prove the potential of using X3D and haptics to
develop novel simulation and training environments.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3DRTT serves as an example of a web-based system
extensively taking advantage of X3D to improve the
efficiency of the user-interface interaction as well as
to provide powerful means of professional education
and training. Naturally, complex concepts and
settings are better understood when provided with
visual support, especially in complex scenarios.
Easy access, simple control, and advanced
capabilities of visualizing in 3D and online radiation
therapy treatment scenarios proved to be of great
value to the radiation therapists using our system.
Currently, 3DRTT has over sixty registered users
and keeps attracting the attention of other
professionals working in the radiation therapy field.
Another development, the haptic e-learning
module (HapteK16) facilitates student understanding
of difficult concepts (e.g. in physics) and has the
potential to augment or replace traditional laboratory
instruction with an interactive interface offering
enhanced motivation, retention, and intellectual
stimulation. HaptEK16’s haptics-augmented
activities allow students to interact and feel the
effects of their choices. We believe the force
feedback will lead to more effective learning and
that the HaptEK16 project has significant
educational potential.
Considering the advances in software and
hardware technology, we will see many applications
of haptics and 3D graphics in near future web-based
information systems and applications.
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