The factors presented by most groups to be
crucial in order to improve user-centredness were
judged to reflect basic UCD issues. The three top
recommendations, along with four less common
recommendations, seem to reflect organisational
UCD maturity at no more than Level B of Earthy’s
maturity model. Level B is characterized by user-
centred activities and processes being considered,
without the implementation of a full fledged user-
centred process.
At the same time, the seven categories of
recommendations classified as either Advanced or
Research required reflect recommendations
requiring UCD maturity at Level C or higher. The
recommendation “Lifecycle user-centredness“ seems
to require UCD maturity at Level D. And “Usability
as quality criterion” may even require UCD
maturity at Level E.
It should be pointed out that the interpretation of
the current findings as reflecting e-Government
UCD maturity is only a tentative conclusion. Data
that directly reflect the development processes in
representative e-Government projects are needed to
allow strong conclusions to be drawn in this regard.
The author hopes that this study will motivate future
research on the UCD maturity of e-Government
development projects.
Validity and generality
The most important limitation on the validity of
the present study is the fact that participants were
selected on the basis of a convenience sample. This
means that we do not have full control of whether
the participants were a representative sample of the
population of e-Government service developer
representatives. The results should therefore
preferably be perceived as a source of testable
hypotheses and motivation for future studies.
The generality of the results is also limited by
the data having being collected with regard to
Norwegian e-Government development projects.
However, the results should still be of interest
outside the Norwegian context; both in other
Scandinavian countries (due to similarities in e-
Government services provision and uptake) and in
other European countries (due to the relatively high
levels of e-Government service uptake in Norway).
However, given the limitations on the generality of
the study’s findings outside the Norwegian context,
these should preferably be used as background
material for related studies in an international
The author hopes that this study will draw more
attention to the user-centredness of practical e-
Government service development. In particular, the
finding that adherence to basic UCD principles
could lead to significant improvements in user-
centredness hopefully provides motivation in this
Future research should aim to study the findings
of the present study as testable hypotheses in
international contexts. Such studies could include
surveys of randomly drawn samples of e-
Government system developer representatives,
possibly conducted in a similar manner in countries
with varying degrees of e-Government service
sophistication and uptake in the general population.
Survey studies of this kind could be followed up by
small-scale qualitative studies that would provide in-
depth knowledge related to key findings. This would
establish a solid base for improving user-centredness
of e-Government development projects.
The paper was written as part of the research project
“Efficiency through user involvement”
(www.effin.org), which was financed by the
Research Council of Norway through its FIFOS
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