Mao Li
School of Computer Science & Informatics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
M. J. O’Grady, G. M. P. O’Hare
Adaptive Information Cluster (AIC), School of Computer Science & Informatics
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Pervasive gaming, Mobile gaming.
Advances in mobile computing technologies have proved an unheralded boon to mobile games developers.
Increasingly, position-sensing technologies such as GPS and cellular techniques can be harnessed. This offers
exciting opportunities for novel game development. However, classic board games can also be refined and ex-
tended, leading to, amongst other things, alternative modalities of interaction. The popular game of monopoly
is one example. In this paper, a prototype game, termed Mobile Monopoly, is introduced. This game can
be modelled on any arbitrary urban environment. Gamers participate by roaming about the environment,
acquiring properties and paying rents as they proceed.
A common criticism of computer gaming concerns it
perceived sedentary and solitary nature. Parents es-
pecially worry about the emotional and physical wel-
fare of their children, and frequently view computer
gaming activity with reservation. This reaction is un-
derstandable, and it beholds the gaming community
to address it and to identify innovative and creative
ways of mitigating these concerns. One method of
achieving this is to introduce a necessity for physical
activity. Geo-gaming is one interpretation of how this
might be achieved.
Two key technologies enable geo-gaming: the
ubiquitous availability of mobile phones; and the de-
ployment of GPS. The mobile phone represents a
common platform, for the most part, for gaming de-
velopers to design and implement for. And the avail-
ability of cheap GPS devices ensures that accurate po-
sitions are available in practically all outdoor environ-
ments. The challenge facing the gaming community
is to effectively harness these technologies to develop
new and stimulating games. Another approach is to
consider traditional board games and augment these
with new modalities of engagement. In this paper,
this latter approach is adopted. The classic game of
monopoly, a game with an implicit geospatial compo-
nent, is extended into the physical realm.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes some related research. The design and imple-
mentation of Mobile Monopoly are described in sec-
tions 3 and 4 respectively. Future work is outlined in
section 5 and the paper is concluded in section 6.
A number of pervasive games have been described in
the literature. However, the ones of most relevance to
this discussion concern those that utilise GPS and/or
another position sensing mechanism. Perhaps, the
must successful game that utilises GPS is Geocaching
(Geocaching, 2007). In essence, this is a treasure
hunting game, of which there a number of varieties.
Geodashing (Geodashing, 2007) is a game in which
participants compete to get to the most dash points.
In all these cases, a GPS receiver is essential. A use-
ful overview of location-based games that use cellular
phones may be found in (Rashid et al., 2006).
In the case of monopoly, various implementa-
tions of the classic game have been ported to mobile
phones. However, examples that utilise the physical
geographical environment are rare. Live Monopoly
(Live, 2007) is one interesting example. This uses
Li M., J. O’Grady M. and M. P. O’Hare G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 220-223
DOI: 10.5220/0001514902200223
18 taxis, all fitted with GPS devices, as the playing
pieces. The city of London is divided up between
the players and a London cabbie is assigned to each
player. Rent is paid when a player’s cabbie stops out-
side the property of another player. Though similar in
principle but within the spirit of geo-gaming, Mobile
Monopoly adopts an approach that forces players to
become physically active if they wish to participate
and compete in a game.
Mobile Monopoly is designed to be played in the out-
door environment. It assumes the player is equipped
with a mobile phone or PDA of suitable specification -
an approximate screen size of 1/4 VGA being one es-
sential characteristic. A model of the environment in
which the game is being played must be constructed.
This does not have to be that sophisticated, primarily
due to the limitations of GPS. Recall that GPS sup-
ports an accuracy of 20 meters approximately. Thus
a property can be approximated with a central geo-
graphic point in GPS coordinates and a radius in me-
ters. Properties must be chosen such that there is an
adequate distance between them that accounts for the
inherent inaccuracy of GPS. Most of this information
can be gleaned from a standard map, although the da-
tum used must be converted to WGS84.
To play the game, the player must explore their
environment. As they enter zones that define business
premises, they have the following options, as per the
classic monopoly game:
1. Acquiring or purchasing a property, when phys-
ically in the geographic zone that defines that
2. Upgrading a property that the player already
owns, after physically re-entering the geographic
zone that defines the property.
3. Paying rent to the owner of a property, after
entering the geographic zone that defines that
A detailed design for each of these activities is
now described in the following sections.
3.1 Acquiring a Property
As the player roams about the environment, their lo-
cation is continuously tracked and compared against
Figure 1: Acquiring a property.
the list of premises in the property model. On de-
tecting that the player has entered a zone that defines
a property, the ownership is then determined. If the
property is not owned, the player has the option of
buying it. If they already own it, they may upgrade it
(see section 3.2). If it is owned by another, they must
pay rent (see section 3.3).
Assuming the player has the funds to complete the
purchase and agrees to do so, the transaction manager
then decreases the player’s balance by the cost of the
premises. The property model is then updated and
the player is registered as the owner of the property
(Figure 1).
3.2 Upgrading a Property
When a player enters the geographic zone that defines
a property that they already own, they have the option
of upgrading that property, assuming they have ade-
quate funds. If they agree, the Transaction Manager
reduces their balance by the corresponding amount,
and the property model is updated (Figure 2).
3.3 Renting a Property
When a player enters the zone that defines a property
owned by another player, they must pay the appropri-
ate rent or compensation. The Transaction Manager
proceeds to decrease the player’s balance by the ap-
propriate amount and transfer this to the balance of
the player that owns the property.
Figure 2: Renting a property.
3.4 The Game Loop
For the purposes of this initial prototype of Mobile
Monopoly, the player plays against a virtual player
(Figure 3). In this way, a number of problems are
eliminated such as the latency due to data communi-
cations, the need for a centralised model for maintain-
ing the status of the game and so on.
A further variable introduced into the game de-
sign concerns the strength of the player. This is based
on the speed of the player as they roam about. The
faster the player operates, the more strength they ex-
pend. Hence, to conserve strength, they must move at
a slower pace. If their strength is entirely depleted, the
player must pay a financial penalty so as to replenish
it. In this way, the advantage that a fitter person would
have is somewhat compensated for.
Mobile Monopoly has been implemented using
J2ME. Hence, it will run on any device that supports
J2ME, and that has access to GPS, either via a serial
port or through Bluetooth. This latter point may be-
come less of an issue over time as it envisaged that
a new generation of mobile devices will come with
GPS chips already embedded within them. The cur-
rent prototype has been successfully demonstrated on
a HP IPAQ device. For the forthcoming illustration, a
phone emulator from one of the major telecommuni-
cations manufacturers was used.
Figure 3: The Game Loop of Mobile Monopoly.
Figure 4: Commencing a game of Mobile Monopoly.
1. Figure 4 illustrates the situation at the start of the
game. The player has a 15000 euro in their ac-
count and the virtual player has 20000 euro. The
player is positioned at the centre of the map.
2. On entering a zone that defines a property, the
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 5: Player is prompted to buy a property.
Figure 6: Rent must be paid when in a property owned by
another player.
player is asked if they wish to buy it (figure 5).
Note that the virtual player has acquired a prop-
erty for 700 euro resulting in a balance of 16300
3. On entering the zone of a property owned by an-
other player, it is necessary to pay rent (figure 6).
This amount is automatically deducted from the
player’s balance and accredited to the owner’s bal-
Have developed an initial working prototype, there is
plenty scope for improving its performance. Initially,
there are two issues that of particular interest. The
first concerns the realism of the virtual player’s behav-
ior, which is currently very primitive. It is intended to
model the virtual player as an intelligent agent, as it is
increasingly feasible to deploy agents on mobile de-
vices (O’Hare et al., 2006). In this way, more sophis-
ticated strategies can be adopted through the speci-
fication of rules, resulting in more dynamic and less
predictable behavior. In addition, strategies for mo-
tivating and encouraging individual players may be
A second issue concerns the introduction of addi-
tional players. This introduces a number of difficul-
ties from a interface and data management perspec-
tive, though none insurmountable. However, one key
issue concerns the performance of TCP/IP. This has
been investigated already in real-time games (Chen
et al., 2006). However, the latency introduced by the
essential incorporation of wireless networks, includ-
ing WiFi and 3G, could well have performance impli-
cations. It is intended to investigate this and attempt
to identify and quantify the pertinent issues.
Geo-gaming can combine fun and activity. It is not
necessary in all cases to conceive new strategies for
games. Rather, traditional games can be enhanced
and extended with new interaction modalities. An ex-
ample of this is Mobile Monopoly. The rules of the
game are well understood. However, by combining
cellular phone and satellite positioning technologies,
new possibilities are available for enhancing and ex-
tending the core game both to new environments and
new audiences.
Chen, K.-T., Huang, P., and Lei, C.-L. (2006). How sensi-
tive are online gamers to network quality? Commun.
ACM, 49(11):34–38.
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(2006). Embedded Agents: A Paradigm for Mobile
Services. International Journal of Web and Grid Ser-
vices (IJWGS), 2(4):379–405.
Rashid, O., Mullins, I., Coulton, P., and Edwards, R. (2006).
Extending cyberspace: location based games using
cellular phones. Comput. Entertain., 4(1):4.