For the evaluation of MoRe, we used MAE (Mean
Absolute Error) (Thomas Hofman 2003) metric and
conducted a user study. We used MovieLens dataset
(www.grouplens.org) in order to conduct our tests.
Discussion of this evaluation process is given in
section 4. We automatically measured the accuracy
of the pure content-based recommender with MAE,
where no user interaction took place. Then we
evaluated both this simple version and full version
through a user study.
In order to find out the value of MoRe’s open
user profile and negative feedback features, an
experimental study is performed. In conducting our
user study, we examined the ideas presented in
(Kirsten Swearingen & Prof. Rashmi Sinha 2000).
At the evaluation phase, we concentrated on the
usability and usefulness factors in user satisfaction.
We attempted to confirm three hypotheses in the
H1: Recommendation systems that require the
least input from the user while providing useful
recommendations (according to the user) are rated
the most satisfying.
H2: Users prefer transparency of their profiles
through the recommendation process.
H3: Negative feedback increases the accuracy of
the produced recommendations.
In this paper, a content-based approach to movie
recommendation, with open user profiles and
negative feedback facility is presented. Our main
concern was to increase user satisfaction and trust to
the recommender through providing transparency of
their profiles, explanations of the produced
suggestions and allowing them to update their
profile information with negative feedback. We
believe that transparency and editability of profiles
can be applied to address the problems of trust and
control in adaptive systems.
Currently, we established and examined which
metrics we should use, and how we should conduct
our user study. We make initial tests which have
satisfactory results.
With the MAE metric, we observe that our full
version with the user control performs better than
the simple version, which is as expected, since the
users correct errors in their profiles from the Profile
View. Users find the explanation facility and open
and editable user profiles very satisfying. We
examined the time spent for examining profiles and
explanations and the action taken after this process.
In order to get more valid data to make
comparisons with the existing systems, we have to
examine the system with more subjects, and get user
feedback, after a usage of a long period.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies