B. V. Patel
Computer Technology Department, Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Polytechnic, Mumbai, India
B. B. Meshram
Computer Technology Department, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai, India
Keywords: Normal Network Traffic, IP, TCP, UDP Packet Format, Fuzzy, Association, Classification, Certainty.
Abstract: To achieve the implementation of intrusion detection system (IDS), we have integrated the Fuzzy Logic
with extended Apriori Association Data Mining to extract more abstract patterns at a higher level which
look for deviations from stored patterns of normal behaviour of the computer network. Here the various
packet formats of TCP, UDP, IP etc are used to study the normal behaviour of the network. Genetic
algorithms are used to tune the fuzzy membership functions. The tuned data by genetic algorithms is
processed by the modified Apriori algorithm. The association pattern is populated by genetic algorithm for
the selection of best population of the network traffic. This best populated data is classified by the C4.5
algorithms to find intrusions. The deployment of IDS is done under the control of secure linux environment
and the system is tested in the distributed environment.
"Intrusion Detection is the process of monitoring the
events occurring in a computer system or network
and analyzing them for signs of intrusions. Intrusion
is defined as attempts to compromise the
confidentiality, integrity, availability, or to bypass
security mechanism of a computer or network."
While information system in an organization has
become a valuable asset of the organization,
attempts to compromise it have also increased.
Intrusion detection systems add an early warning
capability to a company’s defences, alerting to the
type of suspicious activity that typically occurs
before and during an attack. Since we cannot stop an
attack, intrusion detection systems should not be
considered an alternative to traditional good security
practices. There is no substitute for a carefully
thought out corporate security policy, backed up by
effective security procedures which are carried out
by skilled staff using the necessary tools (Meshram,
2004, Kumar, 2005). Instead, intrusion detection
systems should be viewed as an additional tool in the
continuing battle against hackers and crackers.
However, our work aims to eliminate, as much as
possible, the manual and ad-hoc elements from the
process of building an intrusion detection system
(Meshram, 2004). The central theme of our approach
is to describe a data mining framework for
adaptively building Intrusion Detection (ID) model.
The rest of the paper is organized as below:
The section 2 presents the literature survey and
modified algorithms used in this implementation,
section 3 describes data and process modelling of
the system and 4
section presents the
implementation of the system, finally 5
summarizes the results.
The proposed algorithms used in this
implementation are modified to meet the needs of
network data.
V. Patel B. and Meshram B. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 81-86
DOI: 10.5220/0001516100810086
2.1 Extensions of Apriori Algorithm
The basic Apriori algorithms(Meshram, 2004) do
not consider any domain knowledge and as a result
they can generate many “irrelevant" (i.e.,
uninteresting) rules. The above limitations and
generalization is achieved by incorporating two
modifications to the basic Apriori algorithm. They
are: Axis attributes, Reference attributes.
Interestingness Measures based on Attributes:
The basic algorithms implicitly measure the
interestingness (i.e., relevancy) of patterns by their
support and confidence values, without regard to any
available prior domain knowledge. That is, assume I
is the interestingness measure of a pattern p, then
I(p) = f(support(p); confidence(p)) Where f is some
ranking function. We attempt to utilize the schema
level information about audit records to direct the
pattern mining process. Assume IA is a measure on
whether a pattern p contains the specified important
(i.e. “interesting") attributes, our extended
interestingness measure is
Ie(p) = fe(IA(p); f(support(p); confidence(p)))
= fe(IA(p); I(p))
Where fe is a ranking function that first considers
the attributes in the pattern, then the support and
confidence values.
Using the Axis Attributes (IA): We describe
several schema-level characteristics of audit data, in
the forms of “what attributes must be considered",
that can be used to guide the mining of relevant
features. We call the essential attribute(s) as axis
attribute(s) when they are used as a form of item
constraints in the association rules algorithm. During
candidate generation, an item set must contain
value(s) of the axis attribute(s). We consider the
correlation among non-axis attributes as not
interesting. In other words,
IAx (p) = 1 if p contains axis attribute(s)
= 0 otherwise (not interesting attribute).
Using the Reference Attributes (IR): Another
interesting characteristic of system audit data is that
some attributes can be the references of other
attributes. These reference attributes normally carry
information about some “subject", and other
attributes describe the “actions" that refer to the
same “subject". It is important to use the “subject" as
a reference when finding such frequent sequential
“action" patterns because the “actions" from
different “subjects" are normally irrelevant. This
kind of sequential pattern can be represented as:
(Subject = X; action = a);
(Subject = X; action = b) (subject = X; action = c)
Thus subject is simply reference (or a variable).In
other words,
IAr (p) = 1 if the item sets of p refer to the same
reference attribute value otherwise 0.
Level-wise Approximate Mining: In daily network
traffic, some services, for example, gopher, account
for very low occurrences. Yet we still need to
include their patterns into the network traffic profile,
we will then get unnecessarily a very large number
of patterns related to the high frequency services.
Here the idea is to first find the episodes related
to high frequency axis attribute values. We then
iteratively lower the support threshold to find the
episodes related to the low frequency axis values by
restricting the participation of the “old" axis values
that already have output episodes. More specifically,
when an episode is generated, it must contain at least
one “new" (low frequency) axis value. Then we can
infer the more information required in the
classification of the network data.
2.2 Integration of Fuzzy Logic with
Modified Apriori
Although association rules can be mined from audit
data for anomaly intrusion detection, the mined rules
are at the data level. Integrating fuzzy logic with
association rules allows one to extract more abstract
patterns at a higher level.
2.2.1 Probability of Fuzzy Logic Association
Let T = {t
, t
, ..., t
} be the database and ti
represents the i
tuple in T. Moreover, we use I =
, i
, ..., i
} to represent all attributes appeared in T
and ij represents the j
attribute. Since I contain set
of items, we call I an itemset. We can retrieve the
value of attribute i
in the j
record simply by t
Besides, each attribute ik will associate with several
fuzzy sets. We use F
= {f1
, f2
, ..., fl
} to
represent set of fuzzy sets associated with ik and fj
represents the j
fuzzy set in F
Given a database T with attributes I and those
fuzzy sets associated with attributes in I, we want to
find out some interesting, potentially useful
regularities in a guided way. Our proposed fuzzy
association rule is in the form: If X is A then Y is B.
In the above rule, X = {x
, x
, ..., x
} and Y = {y
, ..., y
} are item sets. X and Y are subsets of I and
they are disjoint which means that they share no
common attributes. A = {fx
, fx
, ..., fx
} and B =
, fy
, ..., fy
} contain the fuzzy sets associated
with the corresponding attributes in X and Y. For
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
example, an attribute x
in X will have a fuzzy set f
in A such that f
ε F
is satisfied.
We use significance and a certainty factor to
determine the satisfiability of itemises and rules.
Significance Factor: To generate fuzzy association
rule, we have to find out all large k-item sets which
are item sets with significance higher than a user
specified threshold.
We use the following formula to calculate the
significance factor of <X, A>, i.e. S<X, A>
Significance = (Sum of votes satisfying <X, A>) /
(Total number of records in T)
<X, A>
= t
ε T x
ε X {αa
])}/ total (T)
ε A(t
]) if m
]) ={
0 otherwise.
In the above equation, <X, A> represents the
itemset-fuzzy set pair, where X is set of attributes xj
and A is the set of fuzzy sets aj.
Certainty Factor: When we obtain a large item set
<Z, C>, we want to generate fuzzy association rules
of the form, 'If X is A then Y is B.' where X
C Z, Y
= Z -X, A C C and B = C-A. We can calculate the
certainty factor as follows:
Certainty = Significance of <Z, C> / Significance of
<X, A>
Since the significance factor of an item set is the
measure of the degree of support given by records,
we use significance to help us estimate the
interestingness of the generated fuzzy association
rules. The certainty reflects fraction of votes support
<X, A> will also support <Z, C>.
2.3 Genetic Algorithm
This algorithm originates from Darwin’s Evaluation
Theory (Carvalho, 2002). We have used the Genetic
Algorithm in distributed environment (Carvalho,
2.3.1 Applications of Genetic Algorithms in
Fuzzy Systems
Without a computer-aided tool (such as GAs), the
task of defining membership functions for the fuzzy
variables in a target system is usually completed by
human experts manually. To ease or release human
experts from this tedious work, GAs have been
extensively used to derive optimal or sub-optimal
membership functions. Integrating fuzzy logic with
association rules allow one to extract more abstract
patterns of normal behaviour. If deviation is beyond
certain threshold, the anomaly is detected as an
attempt to intrude network. Genetic algorithms are
used to tune the fuzzy membership functions.
2.3.2 Similarity among Fuzzy Association
and Fitness Function
The fitness function for the genetic algorithm is
based on the similarity of rule sets mined from
different sets of audit data. The similarity between
two fuzzy association rules and between two fuzzy
rule sets is defined as:
Given two association rules, R1: X Y, c, s, and
R2: X’Y’, c’, s’; if X=X’ and Y=Y’, then the
similarity between R1 and R2 is:
similarity (R1, R2) = max {0, 1-max [ c- c’| /c, |s-
Otherwise, similarity (R1, R2) =0
The similarity between two rule sets S1 and S2 is:
Similarity (S1, S2) = (s/|S1|) * (s/|S2|)
Where s= vR1εS1and vR2 εS2 similarity (R1, R2),
and |S1| and |S2| are the total number of rules in S1
and S2, respectively.
Two different sets of audit data were available
for testing the fuzzy logic genetic algorithm: a
normal data set with no intrusions and “abnormal
data set with different types of intrusions. The
abnormal data set is created using tool called
nemesis. The normal data (created by TCPdump) set
was partitioned into two sets. One partition of the
normal audit data is called the reference data and
one set is called normal data. The following two
fitness functions have been designed and tested
(Axelsson, 2000):
F1= Srn / Sra
F2= Srn – Sra
where Srn is the similarity between a reference rule
set and the “normal” rule set, Sra is the similarity
between the reference rule set and abnormal rule set.
2.4 GA and C4.5 for Intrusion
Intrusion Detection System deals with huge amount
of data which contains irrelevant and redundant
features causing slow training and testing rate,
higher resource consumption as well as poor
detection rate. To overcome this problem a
combined approach of GA and C4.5 is used.
We have used genetic algorithms for feature
extraction and elimination from the association
Here the fitness function is given by the formula:
Fitness = (TP / (TP + FN)) * (TN / (FP + TN)),
where TP, FN, TN and FP stand for the number of
true positives, false negatives, true negatives and
false positives.
Then the classification of the data is done by
using C4.5 Algorithms in distributed environment
(Carvalho, 2002).
The C4.5 algorithm uses a splitting criterion
based on Information Gain Ratio. The idea is to
partition the given training set in such a way that the
information needed to classify the given example is
reduced as much as possible. Formally let s be
training set and |s| be number of elements in s, and
freq (C
,s) s number of records that belongs to class I
where i={1,2,…,N}.The average information i.e.
entropy to identify the given class is:
Info(s) =-freq (C
, s) /|s| * log
(freq (C
, s) /|s|)
Hence the amount of information needed to split the
set s into N distinct subsets {s
} in agreement to test
) result, is:
(s)= |s
|/|s| *Info(s
The gain is computed as:
where ,
(s) and
) =- |s
|/|s| * log
|/|s|) for I = 1 to n.
This section introduces the analysis and design of
the system.
3.1 Data Model
This section introduces the data structure design
(Meshram, 2004) used for authoring system of the
IDS. The TCPdump data contains packet data
captured by tcpdump as below:
For UDP Datagram. (Timestamp, Packet type,
Source address, Source port, Destination address,
Destination port, Protocol, Size)
For TCP Datagram. (Timestamp, Packet type,
Source address, Source port, Destination address,
Destination port, flag, Sequence number, Contained
data up to, Number of user data, Acknowledgement,
Window size, Option ).
The network data captured is pre-processed and
fuzzyfied, genetic algorithmic evaluated data is
stored in the following data structure.
Fuzzyfier. (attributes: significance_s_a,
significance_s_c, Signifiance_z_a, Signifiance_z_c ;
Genetic_Evaluator. (attributes:
crossover_probability mutation, probability,
noofgenerations, chromosome; methods:
generation_population(), crossover(), mutate(),
The output of these files are given to the extended
Apriori algorithms:
Itemset.txt. The itemset.txt which is used by
training module contains the candidate item sets and
its frequencies.
Itemset (Candidate item set, frequencies)
Rules.txt. The rules.txt file which is an output of
the training module and one of the inputs of
detection module contains association rules
generated by Apriori algorithm.
Rules.txt (Frequent item set )
Intrusioninfo.txt. The intrusioninfo.txt which is
generated by detection module contains the
information about intruder.
The intruders and alerts are stored in the following
Intrusion-Detection (attributes: Connection time, IP
address, Port, status, Significance, certainty;
methods: generate_alarm(); detection_alarm();
3.2 Process Model
The flow of information of the intrusion detection
system is as shown in figure 1
The Input Data Pre-processing. The network-
based approached relies on the tcpdump data as
input, which gives per packet information. We used
data a 2 GB dataset that we collected over a 24hrs
span. We used it as the normal data. This data was
pre-processed as grouping records corresponding to
one connection. Following this, Content-based,
Time-based and Connection-based features were
extracted from the data.
The Training Module. IDS is trained using a data
set in which the attacks and the attack-free periods
are correctly labelled. Both parts of the stream are
fed into this module which performs a conventional
association rules discovery with the aid of fuzzy
logic and genetic algorithms. The output of this
module is a profile of rules that depict the behaviour
of the network with the possible known attacks.
The Detection Module. In order to detect intrusions
in the test data, the Intrusion Detector is invoked,
which is implemented using Genetic algorithm and
C4-5 algorithm to labels the event as either normal
or attacks depending on the certainty theory.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Flow of information of IDS system.
Tcpdump data is captured and downloaded it in
text.txt file by the following command:
# tcpdump –i eth0 >> test.txt
Algorithms1: Input Pre-Processing ( )
Input: test.txt
>>text.txt file contains the packet information of
many records.
Procedure : Pre-Processing ( )
In this module, data in text.txt is processed to
generate itemset.txt file. The basic task is to extract
extensive set of features for data mining algorithm.
This task is perform on the basis of protocol of the
packet and frequency of item set. The frequent Item
set and their frequency is stored in itemset.txt file.
Output: Itemset.txt
>>itemset.txt file contains frequent Item set and
their frequency
Algorithms2: Training Module ( )
Input: itemset.txt of module-1
Procedure : Training Module( ). In this module, data
in Itemset.txt is processed to generate rules.txt file.
The basic task is to perform Apriori algorithm
integrated with fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
on Itemset.txt to generate association rules.
Output: rules.txt
>>rules.txt file contains association rules by which
intrusion detection is performed.
Algorithms3: Detection Module ( )
Input: rules.txt of module-2 and netstat.txt ( training
>> netstat.txt is obtained by capturing packets
through tcpdump as below:
# tcpdump –i eth0 >> netstat.txt
Procedure: Detection Module ( )
The rules are stored in rules.txt file and processed by
the genetic algorithms. In this module, detection
process (C4.5 algorithms) is performed on
netstat.txt. This task is performed by C4.5 algorithm
and produce Intrusion information on network. This
intrusion information is stored in intrusioninfo.txt
Output: intrusioninfo.txt
>> intrusioninfo.txt file contains attack type,
connection time, IP address, port and status
depending on the data etc. you can read the file and
understand the attack. The content of the
intrusioninfo.txt are observed in the multimedia
authoring graphical interface as in figure 2.
Figure 2: Intrusion Detection.
The backend of the system is oracle 9i and the
behavioural model and user interface is implemented
using Java. The implemented IDS is configured in
the distributed Linux environment under the control
of role based security and fire wall(Karvande, 2004).
We have demonstrated that the integration of fuzzy
logic with extended Apriori algorithm generates
more abstract and flexible patterns for anomaly
Fuzzy association rules can be used to implement a
network intrusion detection system based upon the
assumption that an attack can be identified as burst
traffic in audit logs. GA-optimized fuzzy logic i.e.,
maximizes the similarity between normal association
rule sets while minimizing the similarity between a
normal and an abnormal association rule set. In
addition to tuning membership functions for fuzzy
association rules, genetic algorithms is used for
feature selection. They can also be used tune other
association rule mining parameters such as
minimum significance and minimum certainty.
The intrusion detection process is performed by
C4.5 algorithm and produce intrusion information
for the administrator.
This data mining approach will not only reduce
training and testing time but also guarantee high
detection rates and low false positive rates among
different datasets.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies