Liana Razmerita and Niels Bjørn-Andersen
Centre of Applied Information and Communication TechnologiesCopenhagen Business School, Denmark
Keywords: Web services, service oriented architectures, SOA, e-commerce, smart seals, environmental sensors, public
sector, IT innovation, cross-border trade, security, e-business.
Abstract: This paper presents an advanced e-custom infrastructure designed to streamline trade procedures, prevent
potential security threats and reduce tax related fraud in cross-border trade. The paper focuses on the
advantages of service infrastructure for the implementation of highly distributed systems, making use of
internet to distribute and exchange data. In particular we highlight the use of service oriented architecture
(SOA), web services, and smart seals in an integrated framework named EPCIS. The EPCIS system and its
infrastructure are presented and analyzed in relation to the strategic objectives for future e-custom systems
as expressed by the World Trade Organizations (WTO) and the authorities in major trading nations. The
paper highlights the main advantages of use of such an architecture. The concrete case included in the paper
illustrates how service oriented applications can ensure a more secure and advanced solution for monitoring
goods along its supply chain. As a conclusion we highlight the fact that novel technologies are the main
drivers of IT innovation, however the case study showed that organizational and political decisions are key
for diffusion and adoption of such advanced solutions.
In a fast-moving global economy, facilitating cross-
border trade while at the same time increasing the
security of trade are important objectives for
governments worldwide. In order to facilitate cross-
border trade, the EU member states have committed
themselves to endorse ‘a simple and paperless
environment for customs and trade’. (Taxation and
Customs Union 2007). Paperless trade is an
important instrument to increase security
development and revenues from international trade.
At the EU level, the tax fraud alone is estimated at
200 to 250 billion Euros (EUComission 2006).
Electronic customs also aim to make customs
clearance more efficient, to reduce administrative
burdens, to serve fiscal interest, to increase the
security of international trade and to enhance health
and environmental protection. The big challenge for
a next generation of e-custom systems is to cut red
tape, to combat fraud and terrorism while at the
same time allowing a seamless flow of data between
export and import countries. Accordingly, EU
governments are under pressure to introduce modern
custom systems that increase the security of
international trade and reduce tax related fraud while
at the same time lowering its administrative burden.
(Bjørn-Andersen et al. 2007)
The European Commission has defined three
strategic goals for e-Custom development in Europe:
achieving pan-European interoperability,
establishing Single Window Access Points, and
granting Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)
status to trading partners. These strategic initiatives
are defined as follows:
Pan-European interoperability involves that
different European governmental systems will
be able to communicate and exchange data
independent of their heterogeneity and the
different implemented standards.
The Single Window initiative involves providing
on-line ‘Single Window Access Points’ where
businesses and public administrations can
exchange the data required by legislation for the
EU cross-border movements of goods. By
January 2013 it is planned that the single
window will replace the current ‘silo solutions’
(Taxation and Customs Union 2007).
Razmerita L. and Bjørn-Andersen N. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 431-435
DOI: 10.5220/0001517504310435
The Authorized Economic Operators (AEO)
status may be obtained by businesses fulfilling
certain requirements regarding their business
processes. This involves a special partnership
between the private sector and custom
administration. Certified AEO will enjoy
simplified trade procedures and fast custom
The EU envisages that the transformation of
paper trade documents to electronic ones along with
the redesign of custom procedures and the
implementation of new e-custom systems will help
achieve these objectives. This paper is primarily
concerned with the description of a software
infrastructure to support inter-organizational
business processes for international trade. The focus
is placed on the advantages of advanced e-custom
systems. In particular we highlight the use of
service-oriented architecture (SOA), web services
and Tamper Resistant Embedded Controller (TREC)
device in an integrated framework. The TREC is an
intelligent wireless monitoring device mounted on a
container communicating with a GPS (Global
Positioning System) in order to position the
container precisely. Apart from monitoring the
physical location, the TREC device collects
information related to the state of the container (e.g.
temperature, humidity, ambient light, acceleration,
door status). The Electronic Product Codes
Information System (EPCIS) is implemented based
on a SOA using an advance track and trace
technology. The EPCIS system ensures a more
secure and advanced solution for monitoring
containers through the excise supply chain. It raises
alerts in case of problems (exceptions) for cross-
border trade. EPCIS system is designed to be
compliant with EPCGlobal standards (see:
www.epcglobalinc.org) and it’s integrated in the
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
The second section introduces EPCIS architecture in
a concrete scenario of trade. The main building
blocks of advanced infrastructures and their novel
features are introduced. It provides a theoretical
background of web services, service oriented
architectures and smart seals. The 3
discusses evaluation results and the benefits of
employing such a system in connection with the
objectives addressed by the project. In the final
section we conclude and discuss some challenges
associated with the adoption of e-infrastructures and
new e-custom systems.
This section introduces the service-oriented
infrastructure named EPCIS prototyped within
. The redesign of administrative procedures
for international trade is subject of research within
ITAIDE (Information Technology for Adoption and
Intelligent Design for e-Government,
www.itaide.org) project. The ITAIDE project is an
EC funded project within the 6 Framework
Programs which has two high level objectives: it
aims to lower the administrative costs in
international trade transactions while increasing the
security and control of the trade procedures.
E-infrastructures can be defined as networks and
webs that enable locally controlled and maintained
systems to interoperate more or less seamlessly.
A concrete scenario of use in trade procedures is
presented in Figure 1. In this scenario, businesses
with AEO status will no longer have to submit the
many export declarations to custom authorities. As
mentioned earlier in the paper, AEO status is granted
to businesses, who meet certain requirements
regarding their security, quality, transparency and
audibility of their business processes. The
advantages are that the business is granted simplified
customs and tax procedures.
As represented in Figure 1, BusinessCo makes its
commercial data available from its Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) system via an EPCIS
database. Using specialized web services, custom
administrations can access the commercial data at
any time from the EPCIS database. In addition
custom administration can audit BusinessCo
periodically in order to make sure that the data
provided are valid and updated. The international
trade scenario involves three stakeholders: the
business who exports goods, a carrier responsible for
the shipment of goods and the custom
administration. Currently the trade procedures based
on silo solutions require businesses to submit
various declarations containing ommercial data.
These various declarations often require large,
redundant amount of data from businesses and
represent a heavy administrative burden (Baida et al.
The architecture relies on a software-oriented
architecture (SOA) that enables the deployment of
ITAIDE (Information Technology for Adoption and
Intelligent Design for e-Government, www.itaide.org)
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the solution in a geographically dispersed
environment. The solution makes use of EPCglobal
(Electronic Product Code Global) standard
(EPCglobalinc 2007) for capturing shipment data.
EPCglobal is the globally accepted standard that
ensures universal applicability and optimal
functionality across the globe for all industry
sectors. This standard is intended to facilitate the
development of interoperable systems for industries,
commercial sectors and/or geographic regions and
facilitate collaboration across industries independent
of physical location and geography. The EPCIS
Standard (EPCIS 2006) provides the foundation
necessary for the capture, communication and
discovery of EPC event data. In order to enforce
security policies, the EPCIS portals are located
behind firewalls which can be only passed by users
from restricted IP addresses.
approval of
bill of
Use the
and Web
Product Code
Figure 1: EPCIS distributed architecture, modified from
IBM conceptual view of Secure Trade Lane.
EPCIS databases capture events related to the export
declarations and other predefined events related to
shipment data. The events are stored in EPCIS
repositories of the parties that own the data and are
made available to authorized parties.
Web services enable the tracking of goods as they
move through the supply chain. Web services are
software applications that can be discovered,
described and accessed based on XML and standard
Web protocols over intranets, extranets and the
Internet (Daconta 2003). Initially the web service
efforts focused on interoperability, standards and
protocols for performing business to business (B2B)
transactions. Web Services enables a new way to
establish more flexible, low-cost connections across
applications. Web services communicate using
messages. Web services are viewed as a next
generation of web-based technology. Web services
are emerging to provide a systematic and extensible
framework for application-to-application interaction
built on top of existing Web protocols and based on
open XML standards (Curbera 2002). Typically,
messages exchanges are using SOAP (Simple Object
Access Protocol) and their description is done with
WSDL (Web Service Description Language). A
service provider publishes the service profile for a
web service in a registry. A service requester, which
can be a human agent, a software agent or a business
application, finds the service based on the service
description provided in the service registry and can
execute the service. A business application
subsequently sends a request for a service at a given
URL using SOAP over HTTP. Web Services are
built on a foundation set of standards and protocols,
including Internet protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP). These
standards enable the establishment of automated
connections between applications and databases.
The design and implementation of Web Services is
associated with 3 basic aspects: communication
protocols, service descriptions and service
discovery. Industry specifications build on top of
XML and SOAP standards.
SOA is an architectural style that has emerged in the
last few years. SOA is a piece of software that
implements a well-defined functionality that can be
consumed by clients or other services regardless of
the application or business model. Services
communicate with each other by means of message
exchanges. SOA provide a number of features that
make them very advantageous to be employed in
different business applications. The main
characteristics of a SOA are: interoperability, loose
coupling, isolation, composability, and machine
The Tamper Resistant Embedded Controller
(TREC) is wireless monitoring device that can be
mounted on containers. It has been developed by
IBM Zurich research labs. The TREC enables the
creation of an audit trail of container movements and
events from the point of origin to the destination.
The TREC device collects and transmits information
via a satellite network, a cellular system
(GSM/GPRS), or a Wireless Personal Area Network
(WPAN) based on ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 radio
(Dolivo 2007). The information that can be collected
and transmitted includes the location of the container
and other parameters of the container (eg
temperature, humidity, door status, velocity).
Information related to the container’s precise
location can be sent to the different supply chain
partners including custom administrations. Handheld
devices can also communicate with the TREC
device. The TREC can process information, analyze
events and control certain actions or predefined
events (e.g. to open the door based on input from an
authorized person in certain geographic areas, or to
trigger alerts in case of deviations or abnormal
physical conditions of the container). The tracking
and security device (TREC) is mounted on a
container and transmits data about the precise
location of a container along its supply chain. The
TREC is configured to signal when the container
enters or leaves a predefined location and can detect
the loading or unloading of the container onto or
from a vessel. In the pilot scenario the TREC was set
to monitor the containers’ inside temperature and
generate alert whenever the container deviates from
its intended route. Specialized web services capture
various events related to the shipment of goods, their
location and/or container condition. Notifications
and alerts can be triggered when containers deviate
from their predefined route or other abnormal
conditions occur, thus enhancing security of
shipment of goods. The architecture is designed as a
Secure Trade Lane. Secure Trade Lane (STL) is a
solution for making container shipments more
predictable and more secure.(Schaefer 2006). Supply
chain visibility and security together form a
compelling business case for monitoring container
shipments globally.
The query interface is designed for obtaining and
sharing data about unique objects in the supply chain
within and across organizations based on an
authorized access (Koldijk 2007). Compliant with
the world custom organization recommendations,
each container has assigned a Unique Consignment
Reference (UCR) number and an identifier. This
number is used by discovery services to search for
data associated with the container within EPCIS
database. Thus specialized web services enable
authorized parties in the supply chain to retrieve
timely data related to the status of the container. The
stakeholders can also be notified by the system when
the container arrives at its destination. This kind of
notifications will enable the elimination of the
current paper-based export evidence procedure.
The EPCIS system has been tested in relation with
the export of beer from Heineken in the context of
ITAIDE project. EPCIS has been implemented by
IBM between July and November 2006.
Subsequently, between November 2006 and January
2007, 14 containers have been equipped with TREC
devices and EPCIS pilot has been tested in two
phases. The first pilot test has been shipped from
Netherlands to United States (9 containers) while the
second one has been sent to United Kingdom (5
containers). During the transportation phase the
TREC could help as a ‘witness device’ for
import/export procedures. When an export
declaration is published an alert event is triggered to
the custom authorities who can then calculate the
risk and decide on whether a physical inspection is
Even the overall system worked according to its
overall specifications, some glitches have been
identified in the technical solution and further
developments are in progress. For instance, the
TREC functionality and its battery lifetime has to be
improved, the register and query interfaces
associated with the discovery service are only in
beta version, and the discovery service is still to be
finalized within the pilot. EPCIS does not only
enable the publishing of custom declarations but it
also enables the tracking of products through the
whole supply chain. EPCIS is a massively,
distributed, integrated solution based on SOA and
Web Services. It allows authorized parties (custom
administration) to track products through the whole
supply chain (each party in the supply chain can
track products). The TREC device also enables
ubiquitous access to information about the location
of the container, can trigger events/alerts in case of
deviations from the predefined routes or
unauthorized container access thus improving
security and control. Web services enable
ubiquitous, timely access to data about the container
and support customs related queries. Web services
integrated in service oriented architecture enable the
implementation of the Single Window access
concept. Finally, SOA and the use of EPCglobal
standard ensure the interoperability of the proposed
solution. SOA facilitates integration with other
backend systems used by businesses and customs
New technologies provide the technical platform to
facilitate trade, and enhance security while cutting
the red tape. The paper has presented a system
operating in a novel type of e-infrastructure
architecture. It has highlighted the advantages of
such a system in report with increasing security,
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
facilitating the cross boarder trade, reducing
transaction cost. The system is designed in line with
strategic objectives of the WTO and the customs
authorities in the US and EU. However, the
technological solution is just a first step towards the
diffusion and adoption of such an advanced e-
custom system. The development of new e-custom
solutions is a very complex issue that involves not
only technical aspects underlined in this paper, but
also organizational and political decisions. A
complementary picture of the whole processes
associated with innovation and transformation of e-
Customs focusing on political, organizational
aspects and control procedures are further discussed
in publications from the ITAIDE project (Liu et al.
2007; Tan et al. 2006).
The establishment of the e-customs infrastructure
described above is a huge task, which can only be
addressed through an active involvement of
government. A reduction in administrative costs for
the business partners involved in cross-border trade
can not justify the cost of migration towards e-
infrastructures and new systems such as EPCIS, and
therefore we think that the diffusion and adoption of
such a new type of e-infrastructure or other
innovative solutions should be reinforced through
legislation and governmental support (Bjørn-
Andersen et al. 2007; Scherlis and Eisenberg 2003).
In conclusion this paper highlights the fact that
novel technologies are the main drivers of IT
innovation, however the case study showed that
organizational and political decisions are key for
diffusion and adoption of such advanced solutions.
This research is part of the integrated project
ITAIDE (nr. 027829), which is funded by the 6th
Framework IST programme of the European
Commission (see www.itaide.org). We are greatly
indebted to all participants of the project for their
valuable contributions to the work presented here
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