Stefan Böttcher, Rita Hartel and Christian Heinzemann
University of Paderborn, EIM - Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics
Fürstenallee 11, 33102 Paderborn, Germany
Keywords: XML compression, XML data streams.
Abstract: XML data compression is an important feature in XML data exchange, particularly when the data size may
cause bottlenecks or when bandwidth and energy consumption limitations require reducing the amount of
the exchanged XML data. However, applications based on XML data streams also require efficient path
query processing on the structure of compressed XML data streams. We present a succinct representation of
XML data streams, called Bit-Stream-Based-Compression (BSBC) that fulfills these requirements and addi-
tionally provides a compression ratio that is significantly better than that of other queriable XML compres-
sion techniques, i.e. XGrind and DTD subtraction, and that of non-queriable compression techniques like
gzip. Finally, we present an empirical evaluation comparing BSBC with these compression techniques and
with XMill that demonstrates the benefits of BSBC.
1.1 Motivation
XML is widely used in business applications and is
the de facto standard for information exchange in
fixed wired networks. Because of the verbose struc-
ture of XML, applications operating on continuous
XML data streams or requiring very large amounts
of XML data will likely benefit from XML compres-
sion techniques in platforms such as mobile net-
works where storage, bandwidth or energy are lim-
ited for the following reason. Applications save
energy and processing time not only when loading
compressed instead of uncompressed XML data, but
also they can execute path queries directly on the
compressed data format, i.e., without decompressing
it. We propose an XML compression technique,
called Bit-Stream-Based-Compression (BSBC),
which supports path queries while achieving in our
experiments a better compression ratio than other
XML compression techniques for XML data streams
which support path queries, i.e. XGrind and DTD
subtraction. Furthermore, BSBC achieves an even
better compression ratio than text compression tools
like gzip, and it sometimes even beats XMill.
1.2 Contributions
This paper proposes a novel approach to XML com-
pression, called Bit-Stream-Based-Compression
(BSBC) that combines the following properties:
It removes redundancies within the structure
of the XML file by sharing identical sub-trees
It separates an XML data stream into its con-
stituent parts: its tree structure extended by
pointers to common sub-trees, its names of ele-
ments and of attributes, and its values of text
constants and of attributes.
It compresses the tree structure to a bit stream
and a sub-tree pointer stream, it collects bit
stream positions of names of elements and at-
tributes in inverted lists, and it groups structur-
ally related text and attribute values into con-
tainers to improve the compression ratio.
It stores compressed data into packages allow-
ing thus shorter relative addresses in inverted
lists and value containers.
It combines a fast bit stream-based navigation
technique along the child, descendant, follow-
ing-sibling, and following axes with direct ac-
cess to elements and attributes via inverted
lists. As the navigation along these axes can be
Böttcher S., Hartel R. and Heinzemann C. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 13-21
DOI: 10.5220/0001518000130021
done on the bit stream alone, it needs a mini-
mum of space and can be done very fast.
Combined with a preliminary step, which re-
writes queries containing backward axes into
equivalent queries containing only on forward
axes, BSBC allows fast navigation along all
XML axes.
As a result, BSBC has the following advantages.
In comparison to other approaches to path queries on
XML streams (e.g. AFilter (Candan et al., 2006))
that support only some axes and that require decom-
pression to process queries, BSBC supports the exe-
cution of path queries involving all XML axes, and
it does not require decompression for the purpose of
path query processing. Furthermore, our extensive
evaluation demonstrates that the compression ratio
achieved by BSBC outperforms that of other XML
compression techniques (like XGrind and DTD sub-
traction) that support path queries. To the best of our
knowledge, there is no other XML compression sys-
tem that combines the advantages of BSBC.
1.3 Paper Organization
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes how a SAX stream is com-
pressed by two compression steps each of which
transforms an input data stream into two or three
compressed output data streams, and it explains how
the document structure is stored in a sub-tree pointer
stream and in a bit stream and separated from the
elements and attributes which are stored in inverted
lists. Section 3 describes how to implement naviga-
tion along the XML axes and extended navigation
on the bit stream, the sub-tree pointer stream, and
the inverted lists. Section 4 compares the compres-
sion ratio of BSBC with that of other approaches.
Section 5 compares BSBC to related work. Finally,
Section 6 summarizes our contributions.
BSBC views XML data as an input stream of SAX
events that is transformed by two steps into four
other streams (c.f. Figure 1).
Step 1 transforms the SAX stream (a) into con-
stant containers (b) and an intermediate binary DAG
stream (c), which is in Step 2 transformed into a
sub-tree pointer stream (d) representing the back-
ward pointers to shared sub-trees within the DAG, a
bit stream (e) capturing the tree structure of the
XML data, and an inverted list (f), containing a
mapping from element names to positions within the
bit stream.
Figure 1: Compression Steps of the BSBC system.
2.1 Step 1: Separating XML into DAG
Packages and Constant Containers
As we expect a significantly higher repetition ratio
for element and attribute names than for constants,
we first separate element and attribute names from
constants, and we then use a different technique for
the compression of element and attribute names than
we use for the compression of constants.
Step 1 is done as follows (for an example see
Figure 2). The input SAX stream (Figure 2(a)) is
parsed and separated into a stream of two different
kinds of packages: packages of constant containers
(Figure 2(b)), which contain the constants, i.e., the
text and attribute values of the SAX stream, and
DAG packages which contain the XML structure.
Figure 2(g) shows a graphical representation of the
binary DAG of the SAX stream of Figure 2 (a), i.e.,
all text nodes have been replaced with “=T” and
common binary sub-trees are shared, and Figure 2(c)
shows the DAG package generated from the SAX
The DAG packages are constructed by a DAG
processor like e.g. the one presented in (Böttcher
and Steinmetz, 2007) and consist of the following
kinds of events: startElement(id, label) and endEle-
ment(id, label), which are similar to the correspond-
ing SAX events, but which contain an additional,
unique node ID, and the additional event common-
SubtreeFound(id) which represents a backward
pointer to the sub-tree rooted by the node with ID id.
The structure-oriented SAX events, i.e., start-
Document, startElement, endElement, and endDocu-
ment, are passed to the DAG compressor. Hereby
the attributes are treated as follows: An attribute
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
definition of the form att=“value” is passed as an
event sequence startElement(“@att”), endEle-
ment(“@att”), which is sent to the DAG compres-
sor, whereas the pair (@att, value) is passed to the
constant containers and will be processed later.
Whenever a character-event is received, an event
sequence startElement(“=T”), endElement(“=T”) is
sent to the DAG compressor, and the pair (element,
value) is passed to the constant containers, where
element is the label of the parent node of the text
However, if an event startElement(“E1”) is di-
rectly followed by an event endElement(“E1”) in
the SAX stream, i.e., if an empty element tag is
found, this is treated like a character-event receiving
an empty text node. That is, an event sequence star-
tElement(“=T”), endElement(“=T”) is sent to the
DAG compressor, and the pair (E1, “”) is passed to
the constant containers, where “” is the empty con-
stant. This is done to ensure that all leaf nodes are
either constants, which are represented by “=T”, or
attribute nodes, which are represented by a name
starting with ‘@’.
Figure 2: (a) SAX stream, (b) constant containers, (c) bi-
nary DAG stream, (d) sub-tree pointer stream, (e) bit
stream, (f) inverted lists of our example, and (g) graph of
the binary DAG.
For the storage of constants, we follow the idea pre-
sented in XMill (Liefke and Suciu, 2000) and sort
the constants according to their parent element into
separate data containers (i.e., the @title container,
the author container, and the short container in Fig-
ure 2(b)). Each container for constants with a parent
element Ei stores the text values included in Ei ele-
ments in the order in which they occur in the docu-
ment. Each container is then compressed using
BZip2 which implements Burrows-Wheeler Block-
Sorting (Burrows and Wheeler, 1994) followed by
Huffman-Encoding (Huffman, 1952).
In order to support (unbounded) XML streams,
we divide both structures (DAG and constants) into
packages: Whenever a certain number n of events
was received, the DAG that was compressed so far,
the path of non-compressed nodes (i.e., the nodes
from root to the current node, the next-siblings of
which were not yet inserted into the DAG), and the
compressed constant containers are passed to the
second step. This allows a pipelined approach that is
capable to compress (unbounded) XML data
2.2 Step 2: Transforming DAG
Packages into Multiple Streams
During decompression or query processing, we have
to correctly recombine element and attribute names
with included constants, i.e., we have to know the
correct relative positions of both kinds of data. For
this purpose, we generate the so called bit stream
during compression.
Within Step 2, we use the DAG stream for gen-
erating three new streams as follows. We separate
element names from the structure of the DAG
stream (Figure 2(c)), i.e., we transfer names to a
separate stream, called inverted lists (Figure 2(f)) to
hold the names of elements or their attributes. The
remaining structure of the DAG stream is stored in
the bit stream (Figure 2(e)) and the sub-tree pointer
stream (Figure 2(d)). These three streams together
enable the traversal of the XML document without
requiring decompression.
2.2.1 The Bit Stream and the Sub-tree
Pointer Stream
The bit stream simply contains a “1”-bit for each
event startElement of the DAG stream, and a “0”-bit
for each event endElement of the DAG stream.
In an intermediate table, a mapping from node
IDs to positions of the corresponding ‘1’-bit within
the bit stream is stored. Whenever a commonSub-
treeFound(id)-event is read, the position pID of the
node with ID id is looked up, and the pair (current-
Pos, pID) representing the sub-tree pointer is written
to the sub-tree pointer stream, where currentPos is
the current position within the bit stream.
2.2.2 The Inverted Lists
In order to store the mapping of element names to
positions within the bit stream, BSBC uses inverted
lists, where each element name occurring in the
package is associated with a list of relative addresses
(N1,N2,…) where the elements with this element
name occur.
Each element name is thus stored only once per
package within the inverted list, regardless of how
often it occurs in the XML data. As furthermore no
additional pointers are needed, this succinct repre-
sentation of elements and their positions can sig-
nificantly save space.
While parsing the DAG stream, whenever re-
ceiving an event startElement(id, “E1”), a ‘1’-bit is
inserted into the bit stream (as described above), but
at the same time, the position P of the new ‘1’-bit
within the bit stream is written to the inverted ele-
ment list of the element E1.
This will be useful for the typical XPath location
steps /E1 and //E1 as outlined in Section 3. In the
rare case where the element name of an element at a
specific position N, say N=10, is needed, it is still
possible to search N in the sorted list of each ele-
ment E until the position N is found or until a num-
ber >N indicates that N will not occur in the sorted
list of positions of E elements.
Furthermore, it is possible to sort the inverted
lists within each package such that the entries for all
attribute names precede the entries for all elements.
This makes unnecessary all the “@”-characters used
as a prefix for each attribute name. Instead, all the
“@”-characters can be replaced by a single pointer
per package to the first inverted list of an element.
In order to reach a better compression result, we
do not repeat each element name in each package.
Instead, we define a symbol SE1 for an element
name E1 the first time it occurs in the compressed
data. And we replace each further occurrence of E1
in the following packages by its symbol SE1.
The inverted element list for the text nodes, i.e.,
the inverted element list for the element “=T” is not
stored in the final compressed data, as each ‘1’-bit
position that is not included in any inverted element
list has to be a text node.
2.3 Optimizing Query Evaluation by
Sparse Constant Pointers
Within the evaluation of path queries, we will have
to find a constant T for a given position P within the
bit stream that represents the placeholder “=T” for T.
With the help of the element label “E1” of the parent
of T, we can identify the correct constant container
CE1, but in order to identify the correct position of T
within CE1, we have to know, how many nodes with
label “=T” and with a parent node with label “E1”
exist up to the current context node.
Without any additional information, we would
have to count these nodes from the start of the docu-
ment, i.e., we would not be able to skip parts of the
compressed document during query evaluation.
In order to avoid this disadvantage, we attach to
every d-th bit D in the bit stream the information of
how many nodes with label “=T” and with a parent
node with label “E” exists up to D for each element
label E that has occurred within the document so far.
Each navigation step can start at the bit-stream posi-
tion P
of the start-element tag of an arbitrarily
chosen current context node C. We first explain ba-
sic navigation steps, and then use them to compose
more complex navigation steps on the compressed
XML data.
3.1 Basic Navigation using the
First-attribute, First-child and
Next-sibling Axes
Given the bit-stream position P
of the current
context node C, many navigation steps, e.g., finding
C’s next–sibling, requires finding the bit-stream po-
sition P
of C’s end-element tag.
3.1.1 Finding the Position P
of the
In order to proceed to the bit stream position P
the “0”-bit in the bit stream that represents the end-
tag of the current context node, each start-tag has to
be closed by exactly one end-tag, i.e., we search the
corresponding “0”-bit for each “1”-bit on the bit
stream as follows. The search counts “0”-bits and
“1”-bits, starts at the bit stream position P
, and
continues counting bits of the bit-stream until the
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
number of “1”-bits is equal to the number of “0”-
bits, i.e., each start-tag has been closed.
may occur in a later package than P
. Note
that nevertheless, we can use relative addresses for
and P
because the operation ‘find position
of the corresponding end tag’ operates on the bit
streams only, i.e., searching for P
in the bit stream
of a later package does not disturb the use of small
relative addresses.
3.1.2 Proceeding to the Next-sibling
In order to find the bit stream Position PNS
of the
bit that tells us whether or not the current context
node has a next sibling, we first proceed to the posi-
tion P
of the “0”-bit in the bit stream that repre-
sents the end-tag of the current context node. The bit
at position P
+1, i.e., after the bit representing the
end-tag, is a “1”-bit representing the next-sibling if a
next-sibling exists, and a “0”-bit otherwise.
3.1.3 Distinguishing Elements and
Attributes from Text Constants
The current context node represented by a “1”-bit at
position P
in the bit-stream is an element name if
the node is an inner node, i.e., if the next bit stream
position P
+1 also contains a “1”-bit. However, if
the next bit stream position P
+1 contains a “0”-
bit, the current context node represented by the “1”-
bit at position P
is a leaf node, i.e., it either is a
constant, or it is an attribute name. It is a constant, if
and only if P
can not be found in any inverted list
of an attribute name.
3.1.4 Determining Element Names and
Attribute Names and Distinguishing
Elements from Attributes
Which name the element or attribute of the current
context node C has, can be distinguished by search-
ing position P
in the inverted lists. C is an attrib-
ute or an element, depending on in which kind of an
inverted list P
is found. Inverted lists for attributes
are distinguished from inverted lists for elements by
grouping inverted lists in each package and by pro-
viding a pointer to the first inverted list of an ele-
ment for each package.
3.1.5 Proceeding to the First-attribute Node
Let P
be the bit stream position of an element
node C. C has a first-attribute if and only if bit
stream position P
+1 contains a “1”-bit and repre-
sents an attribute. In this case, P
+1 represents C’s
3.1.6 Proceeding to the First-child Node
In order to find the bit stream Position PFC
of the
bit that tells us whether the current context node has
a first-child, we have to proceed similar as when
searching for the first-attribute, except that whenever
a “1”-bit represents an attribute instead of the first-
child, we use the bit stream to proceed to the attrib-
ute’s next-sibling.
The attribute’s next-sibling is ei-
ther the next attribute, in which case we continue to
search for a next-sibling or it is the first-child or it
does not exist, which means that there is no first-
3.2 Navigation using the other Forward
Given a position P
of the start-tag of the current
context node, we first determine the position P
the end-tag of the current context node as explained
before. The next step depends on the forward axis to
be used.
3.2.1 Proceeding to Descendant-or-Self::E1
When a location step //E1 requires searching a de-
scendant-or-self E1 element, the search is signifi-
cantly easier than standard path search for a de-
scendant-or-self E1. Only E1 elements with a bit
stream position PE1
in the interval of [P
, P
fulfill the descendant-or-self condition. Therefore, in
the packages that match these addresses
, we simply
lookup the inverted lists for E1 in order to find the
bit stream positions PE1
of E1 descendant nodes
with P
< P
3.2.2 Proceeding to Child::E1 or to
When we search a child::E1 or an attribute @A1 re-
spectively, we use the inverted lists of E1 or @A1 in
all relevant packages to look for positions PE1
with P
< PE1
< P
, and we use the bit streams
to check that the depth of PE1
is exactly one more
This is where we find the first-child because further attributes of
C are stored as siblings of the first-attribute and the first-child is
stored as the ‘next-sibling’ of the last attribute in our simple ele-
ment stream.
We use PE1
as a shortcut for ‘P
belongs to a later
package than PE1
or they belong to the same package and
is less than P
than the depth of P
, i.e., the number of “1”-bits is
exactly one more than the number of “0”-bits in the
bit stream interval from P
to PE1
. These posi-
tions PE1
represent the element start-tags for the
child::E1 elements or the attributes @A1 that we are
looking for.
3.2.3 Proceeding to Following-sibling::E1
When we search a following-sibling::E1, we addi-
tionally lookup the bit stream position PP
of the
end-tag of the parent of current context node. PP
is the first bit stream position after P
where the
number of “0”-bits exceeds the number of “1”-bits
by one.
Then, we use the inverted lists of E1 in all rele-
vant packages to look for positions PE1
with P
< PE1
< PP
, and we use the bit streams to
check that the depth of PE1
is the same as the
depth of P
, i.e., the number of “1”-bits is equal to
the number of “0”-bits in the bit stream interval from
to PE1
. These positions PE1
represent the
element start-tags for the following-sibling::E1 ele-
ments that we are looking for.
3.2.4 Proceeding to Following::E1
Finally, when we search a following::E1, we use the
inverted lists of E1 to look for positions that are lar-
ger than P
or occur in a later package.
3.2.5 Looking-up a Specific Constant
When searching a constant V for a given position X
within the bit stream, we also regard the parent ele-
ment – or parent attribute in the case of attribute
values – E of V in the bit stream.
As described in Section 2.3, we have attached pe-
riodically sparse constant pointers to bit stream posi-
tions that define, how many text values V’ for a
given parent element or parent attribute E’ have
been parsed so far.
In order to search the text value for a given posi-
tion X, we have to go back within the bit stream to
the last constant pointer, i.e., to the last bit stream
position C that contains the text container offset and
lookup the offset O for the parent element – or par-
ent attribute – E. Afterwards, we start there to count
the number N of text nodes that have the parent ele-
ment – or parent attribute – E. This has to be done in
consideration of the sub-tree pointers as described in
Section 3.3. As some of the elements might contain
mixed mode, we have to consider, that one element
may not only contain a single text node as child, but
as well two or more.
The text value that we are looking for, can then
be found as the O+Nth text value within the constant
container of the element – or attribute – E.
3.3 Sub-tree Pointers
So far, we did not handle the sub-tree pointers stored
within the sub-tree pointer stream. Whenever we
reach a position p within the bit stream for which an
entry (p, pID) exists within the sub-tree pointer
stream, we store the position p on a stack and con-
tinue to parse the bit stream at position pID. When
the end of the sub-tree started at pID is reached, i.e.,
when we have read as many ‘1’-bits as ‘0’-bits, we
jump back to the position which is given on top of
the stack and remove this position from stack.
3.4 Backward Axes
We do not explicitly consider backward axes here,
as it is possible to rewrite each XPath query using
backward axes into an equivalent XPath query using
forward axes only. An approach on how to rewrite
backward axes is presented in (Olteanu et al., 2002).
We have implemented BSBC using Java 1.5 and a
SAX parser for parsing XML documents. We have
evaluated BSBC on the following datasets:
1. XMark(XM) – an XML document that models
auctions (Schmidt et al., 2002)
2. hamlet(H) – an XML version of the famous
Shakespeare play
3. catalog-01(C1), catalog-02(C2), dictionary-01
(D1), dictionary-02(D2) – XML documents that
were generated by the XBench benchmark (Yao
and Özsu, 2002)
4. dblp(DB) – a bibliographic collection of publica-
As can be seen in Table 1, the sizes of the docu-
ments reach from a few hundred kilobytes to more
than 300 Megabytes.
Table 1: Sizes of documents of our dataset.
document XM H C1 C2 DB D1 D2
size in MB
5.3 0.3 10.6 105.3 308.2 10.8 106.4
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
We compared BSBC with four other approaches:
- XGrind (Tolani and Hartisa, 2002) – a queryable
XML compressor
- gzip – a widely used text compressor
- XMill (Liefke and Suciu, 2000) – an XML com-
pressor using BZip2 for the compression of con-
stant values
- DTD subtraction (Böttcher, Steinmetz, and Klein,
2007) – a DTD-conscious XML compressor using
gzip for the compression of constant values that al-
lows query evaluation and partial decompression
During our experiments, we have chosen d=100, i.e.,
each 100
bit contains direct pointers into the con-
stant containers.
33% 28% 21% 21% 18% 30% 30%
22% 21% 10% 10% 11% 18% 18%
46% 32% 32% 54% 54%
32% 34% 17% 17% 22% 29% 29%
24% 22% 9% 9% 12% 18% 18%
XM H C1 C2 DB D1 D2
Figure 3: Compression ratio of the whole XML document.
The results of our experiments are shown in Figure
3. Using these datasets, XMill performs better for
XM, H, DB, D1 and D2 achieving compression ra-
tios that are up to 2% lower than those of BSBC,
whereas BSBC performs better for C1 and C2
achieving compression ratios that are up to 1%
lower than those of XMill. However, in contrast to
XMill, BSBC allows to evaluate queries on the com-
pressed data and to decompress data only partially.
Our approach, BSBC, performs significantly bet-
ter than gzip, and has the additional advantage over
gzip that query processing can be performed effi-
ciently directly on the compressed data. The im-
provements in compression ratios over gzip range
from 6% to 12%.
Compared to XGrind – an approach that allows
efficient query evaluation and partially decompres-
sion – our approach, BSBC, achieves a higher com-
pression ratio
. The difference of the compression
Note that on our test computer, we got access violations when
running XGrind on XM and DB and therefore the compression
ratios for these two documents are missing
ratios (XGrind minus BSBC) range from 24% to
Compared to DTDsubtraction, BSBC achieves a
higher compression ratio. The differences of the
compression ratios (DTDsubtraction minus BSBC)
range from 8% to 11%.
In a second series of measurements, we have
measured the size of the structure compression, i.e.,
the constant containers were removed from the com-
pressed data. The results of these experiments are
shown in Figure 4.
24% 22% 9% 9% 12% 18% 18%
6.5% 3.5% 0.3% 0.2% 2.6% 3.3% 3.3%
Figure 4: Structure compression compared to total com-
Our experiments have shown that especially the
structure compression of BSBC is extremely high.
While the total compression reaches a ratio of 9% to
24%, the structure compression ranges from 0.2% to
6.5%. The structure compression is up to 40 times
stronger than the total compression for C1, in gen-
eral it is at about 5 times stronger than total com-
There exist several XML compression approaches,
which can be mainly divided into three categories.
First, approaches that avoid redundancies within the
string values (of element and attribute names as well
as of constants) by using dictionaries and tokeniza-
tion. Second, approaches that avoid redundancies
within the structure, i.e., that avoid multiple occur-
rences of complete sub-trees within the XML docu-
ment tree. Finally, approaches that avoid redundan-
cies that occur when schema information is known.
All these approaches differ in their features, particu-
larly in whether the compressed data structures can
be decompressed partially, whether the compressed
data structures are queriable, and whether they sup-
port unbounded XML data streams.
The last category (avoiding external redundan-
cies given by schema information) includes such ap-
proaches as XCQ (Ng et al., 2006) and DTD sub-
traction (Böttcher, Steinmetz, and Klein, 2007).
They both separate the structural information from
the textual information and then subtract the given
schema information from the structural information.
Instead of a complete XML structure stream or tree,
they only generate and output information not al-
ready contained in the schema information (e.g., the
chosen alternative for a choice-operator or the num-
ber of repetitions for a *-operator within the DTD).
Both approaches, XCQ and DTD subtraction, are
queriable and applicable to XML streams, but they
can only be used if schema information is available.
XQzip (Cheng and Ng, 2004) and the approach
presented in (Buneman, Grohe, and Koch, 2003) be-
long to the second category (avoiding structural re-
dundancies). They compress the data structure of an
XML document bottom-up by combining identical
sub-trees. Afterwards, the data nodes are attached to
the leaf nodes, i.e., one leaf node may point to sev-
eral data nodes. The data is compressed by an arbi-
trary compression approach. These approaches allow
querying compressed data, but they are not directly
applicable to infinite data streams.
An extension of (Buneman, Grohe, and Koch,
2003) and (Cheng and Ng, 2004) is the BPLEX al-
gorithm (Busatti, Lohrey, and Maneth, 2005). This
approach does not only combine identical sub-trees,
but recognizes patterns within the XML tree that
may span several levels, and therefore allows a
higher degree of compression. In comparison to
BSBC, this approach does not explicitly define how
to compress text constants and attribute values con-
tained in XML data and how to distinguish both in
the compressed XML format.
The first category (avoiding textual redundancies
by tokenization) allows for a much faster compres-
sion approach than the second one, as only local data
has to be considered in the compression as opposed
to considering different sub-trees as in the second
The XMill algorithm (Liefke and Suciu, 2000) is
an example of the first category. It compresses the
structural information separately from the data. Data
is grouped according to its enclosing element and
collected into several containers, and each container
is compressed afterwards. The structure is com-
pressed, by assigning each tag name a unique and
short ID. Each end-tag is encoded by the symbol ‘/’.
This approach does not allow querying the com-
pressed data.
XGrind (Tolani and Hartisa, 2002), XPRESS
(Min, Park, and Chung, 2003) and XQueC (Arion et
al., n.d.) are extensions of the XMill-approach. Each
of these approaches compresses the tag information
using dictionaries and Huffman-encoding (Hufman,
1952) and replaces the end-tags by either a ‘/’-sym-
bol or by parentheses. All three approaches allow
querying the compressed data, and, although not ex-
plicitly mentioned, they all seem to be applicable to
data streams.
Approaches (Bayardo et al., 2004), (Cheney,
2001), and (Girardot and Sunderesan, 2000) are
based on tokenization. (Cheney, 2001) replaces each
attribute and element name by a token, where each
token is defined the first time it is used. (Bayardo et
al., 2004) and (Girardot and Sunderesan, 2000) use
tokenization as well, but they enrich the data by ad-
ditional information that allows for a fast navigation
(e.g., number of children, pointer to next-sibling, ex-
istence of content and attributes). All three of them
use a reserved byte to encode the end-tag of an ele-
ment. They are all applicable to data streams and al-
low querying the compressed data.
The approach in (Ferragina et al., 2006) does not
belong to any of the three categories. It is based on
Burrows-Wheeler Block-Sorting (Burrows and
Wheeler, 1994), i.e., the XML data is rearranged in
such a way that compression techniques such as gzip
achieve higher compression ratios. This approach is
not applicable to data streams, but allows querying
the compressed data if it is enriched with additional
index information.
The approach in (Zhang, Kacholia, and Özsu,
2004) is another succinct representation of XML. It
does not separate the raw data structure that de-
scribes the document tree from the tokens represent-
ing the elements. Therefore, one byte is required to
represent an end-tag, whereas our approach, BSBC,
only needs one bit. Furthermore, our separation of
structural data from element names does not only al-
low for a better compression as shown in the evalua-
tion; it also enables a more efficient evaluation of
path queries because raw bit data can be compared
more efficiently than tokens. A second difference is
our use of inverted element lists instead of token-
dictionaries, which additionally increases the speed
of path query evaluation significantly because the
number of possible path hits can be reduced quite
fast with a simple lookup within the inverted list.
To the best of our knowledge, the separation of
an XML stream into different compressed streams
linked by a bit stream that is also used to evaluate
path queries is unique to our compression technique,
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and there is no other XML compression system that
combines the advantages of our approach.
We have presented Bit-Stream-Based-Compression
(BSBC), a two-step XML compression approach
that is based on DAG compression and supports the
compression of XML streams and path queries on
compressed data by combining the following advan-
tages. First, both transformation steps can be exe-
cuted in a pipelined fashion, which avoids storing in-
termediate data or streams. Second, an XML data
stream is separated into its constituent parts: the
DAG structure, represented as a bit stream and a
sub-tree pointer stream; the sequence of elements
and attributes, stored in inverted lists together with
their corresponding bit stream positions; and finally,
the constants, stored in different containers depend-
ing on the element or the attribute embedding the
value. This separation allows adapting the compres-
sion technique to the node type, i.e., to compress ele-
ments and attributes different from constants. Third,
the bit stream and the sub-tree pointer stream sup-
port fast navigation along all the forward axes.
Forth, inverted lists not only provide a better com-
pression of elements and attributes, but, in combi-
nation with the bit stream, they also support efficient
path queries. Fifth, constants are grouped together
according to their embedding element or attribute to
achieve better compression.
Our comparative evaluation with other available
XML compression approaches shows that BSBC
achieves a better compression ratio within our ex-
periments than the other approaches that support
path queries, i.e. XGrind and DTD substraction, that
BSBC beats gzip, and that BSBC even sometimes
beats XMill.. BSBC is thus a very useful technique
for applications that require the exchange and query-
ing of large XML data sets or XML streams on plat-
forms with limited bandwidth or energy, as e.g. mo-
bile networks.
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