Sathiamoorthy Manoharan
Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Keywords: Transliteration, e-Learning of ethnic languages, Internationalization, electronic document preparation.
Abstract: Transliteration maps the alphabets of one script using alphabets of another script. It is commonly used when
proper nouns of one language need to be written in the script of another language. This typically involves
constructing approximate phonetically equivalent words. For instance, the phonetic equivalent of New
Zealand in Japanese is “niyuu jiilando” which in Katakana is ニユー ジーランド. This paper illustrates the
design and development of a transliteration engine which suits syllabary and alphasyllabary scripts. A
syllabary is an alphabet set that represent syllables. The Japanese Katakana and Hiragana scripts fall under
this category. An alphasyllabary is an alphabet set that represent consonants, vowels, and syllables
composed of consonants and vowels. Scripts such as Thai, Sinhala, Burmese, and most of the Indian scripts
such as Devanagari, Tamil, and Malayalam come under this category. The engine is useful in teaching and
learning ethnic scripts. It is a useful tool for the internationalization and localization of computer programs,
publishing ethnic scripts over the Internet, and to compose electronic documents in ethnic scripts.
Transliteration maps the alphabets of one script
using alphabets of another script. This maps the
alphabets or combination of alphabets from one
script to the alphabets of the other. This involves
constructing approximate phonetically equivalent
words. For example, the phonetic equivalent of New
Zealand in Japanese is “niyuu jiilando” which is
ニユー ジーランド in Katakana.
Typical use of transliteration includes the
1. Teaching and learning of ethnic scripts. A
student learning Japanese in New Zealand cannot
easily access a Japanese keyboard to compose an
essay in Japanese. Soft keyboards and keyboard
mappings can be cumbersome to use.
Transliteration allows typing the letter using the
Roman alphabet and automatically mapping it to
Japanese alphabet.
2. Small-scale electronic publishing.
Language phrases can be easily composed using
Roman alphabets. For example, foreign language
phrases in this paper are composed using
3. Internationalizing and localizing software
products. For example, the caption for the home
button of a web browser in an English version
may read Home, but in a Japanese version of the
application this needs to read ホーム. This can
easily be generated by transliterating to “hoomu”
which is how home is pronounced in Japanese.
This paper illustrates the design and development of
a web-based transliteration engine that suits
syllabary and alphasyllabary scripts. A syllabary is
an alphabet set that represent syllables. The Japanese
Katakana and Hiragana scripts fall under this
category. An alphasyllabary is an alphabet set that
represent consonants, vowels, and syllables
composed of consonants and vowels. Scripts such as
Thai, Sinhala, Burmese, and most of the Indian
scripts such as Devanagari, Tamil, and Malayalam
come under this category. Refer to the Unicode
Standard (The Unicode Consortium, 2003) for a
description of these alphabets.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
2 reviews some related work. Section 3 presents the
design and development of the transliteration engine.
Section 4 evaluates the transliteration engine and
outlines its possible uses. The final section
concludes with a summary.
Manoharan S. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 376-379
DOI: 10.5220/0001519903760379
Sakai, Kumano, and Manabe describe a
transliteration system for automatic information
retrieval (Sakai, Kumano, and Manabe, 2002). Their
system is designed to support both transliteration
and back-transliteration of Roman scripts to
Japanese Katakana. They show that the system
produces over 75% correct results when
transliterating, and over 55% correct results when
back-transliterating. One of the reasons why back-
transliteration does not work as well as
transliteration is the fact that certain sounds are not
possible to represent in Katakana (for example, there
is no distinction between “l” and “r”).
Kawtrakul et al propose a similar back-
transliteration system for information retrieval
(Kawtrakul et al, 1998). Their system transliterates
Roman scripts to the alphasyllabary Thai script. The
main use of their system is to be able to
automatically generate foreign words (such as
proper nouns and technical terms) in Thai scripts.
The back-transliteration system they use consists of
three steps: syllable formation, phonetic
transcription, and a fuzzy search for a matching
English word. Similar to the system of Sakai,
Kumano, and Manabe, there are issues with back-
transliteration, because some of the sounds in
English do not exist in Thai.
Kang and Kim propose an English-to-Korean
transliteration scheme (Kang and Kim, 2003). This
scheme operates in three steps: constructing
phonetic sequences that represent all possible
transliterations of a given phrase; checking the
validity of each of the transliterations; and choosing
the most probable transliteration.
Grefenstette, Yan, and Evans describe a
Katakana transliteration scheme based on finding
matches on the Web (Grefenstette, Yan, and Evans,
2004). This is somewhat similar to the scheme of
Kang and Kim in that both schemes look at a
number of possible outcomes, and choose one based
on a criterion. The criterion that Grefenstette, Yan,
and Evans use is the highest hit score for a phrase on
the Web.
Al-Onaizan and Knight propose a transliteration
scheme from Arabic to English based on
probabilistic finite state machines (Al-Onaizan and
Knight, 2002). Their evaluation indicates
transliteration accuracies from 15% to 55%,
depending on whether the phrase to be transliterated
is of Arabic, English, or other origin. The absence of
short vowels in Arabic and the existence of silent
letters in English (such as the P in Psychology)
cause major transliteration inaccuracies.
The goals of the transliteration engine are threefold:
to be able to produce text phrases that can be pasted
onto electronic documents; to be able to produce
XHTML Unicode strings that can be used for
publishing on the Internet; and to be able to produce
C strings that can be used in C-like programming
The transliteration script mappings in the
transliteration engine use the Hepburn Romanization
system. This system was originally developed in
1867 by Reverend James Hepburn to transcribe
Japanese words into Roman alphabets. There are
some variants of the system. The system used in the
transliteration engine is called the modified Hepburn
system where long vowels are indicated by doubling
the vowel. Table 1 illustrates a partial script
mapping for Japanese Katakana using the modified
Hepburn system.
Table 1: A partial script mapping for Katakana.
Target string Unicode
b \u30C4
ba \u30D0
baa \u30D0\u30FC バー
be \u30D9
bee \u30D9\u30FC ベー
bi \u30D3
bii \u30D3\u30FC ビー
bo \u30DC
boo \u30DC\u30FC ボー
bu \u30D6
buu \u30D6\u30FC ブー
bya \u30D3\u30E3 ビャ
byo \u30D3\u30E5 ビュ
byu \u30D3\u30E7 ビョ
The source for the script mapping is a set of words
in Roman alphabet and the target is a set of words in
Unicode. This makes it possible to configure the
transliteration engine for a variety of scripts. The
engine processes the input text by looking for the
longest match of source letter sequences within the
script mapping.
3.1 Script Mapping
There are challenging issues to consider in
formulating the script mapping.
A fundamental requirement for using
transliteration is familiarity with the target language.
It is important that the user knows how a given word
is pronounced in the target language, and use this
knowledge to carefully construct the source
language word. For example, the Japanese word
“konichiwa” needs to be transliterated as ko-n-ni-
chi-ha (and not ko-ni-chi-wa) so that it will correctly
transliterate intoこんにちは.
It is preferred that the transliteration process is
lossless, so that one could re-construct the original
phrase from the transliterated one. However, this
may not be practical to achieve. This is because not
all sounds are available in all languages. For
example, in Japanese there is no distinction between
the sounds R and L. Both “road” and “load” will
transliterate into ロード. Japanese also has no
distinction between V and B. Similarly, in Tamil,
one of the South Indian languages, there is no
distinction between the sounds P and B. Both “pat”
and “bat” will transliterate into
ப. This results in
information loss and will lead to ambiguity if back-
transliteration is required.
There are also a number of syllables in Asian
languages that are alien to English. This too makes
back-transliteration difficult. For instance, Tamil and
Malayalam have a syllable which is hard to
pronounce for non-native speakers. This syllable is
commonly transliterated in English as “zh”.
Given a transliterated phrase such as
“konnichiwa”, the transliteration engine produces
either the text こんにちは which allows pasting into
documents, or the Unicode HTML string
” for direct use in HTML documents, or the Unicode
C string “\u3053\u3093\u306B\u3061\u306F” which
can be used in C-like languages for outputting
Unicode text.
The transliteration engine currently has script
mappings for Japanese Hiragana and Katakana,
Devanagari (used to write Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi,
etc.), Tamil, and Telugu. These mappings are based
on the modified Hepburn system. Table 2 illustrates
a partial mapping for Tamil. Note that there is no
distinction in Tamil between B and P and thus both
map onto the same Unicode symbols. Table 2 shows
the B sounds.
The script mappings in the engine can be
extended to include other scripts (e.g. Thai,
Burmese, Sinhala). Providing mappings for
syllabary and alphasyllabary scripts is quite simple.
Using the modified Hepburn system for script
mapping makes it easy to understand and extend.
Table 2: A partial script mapping for Tamil.
Target string Unicode
b \u0BAA\u0BCD
ba \u0BAA
baa \u0BAA\u0BBE பா
bi \u0BAA\u0BBF பி
bii \u0BAA\u0BC0 பீ
bu \u0BAA\u0BC1
buu \u0BAA\u0BC2
be \u0BAA\u0BC6 ெப
bee \u0BAA\u0BC7 ேப
bai \u0BAA\u0BC8 ைப
bo \u0BAA\u0BCA ெபா
boo \u0BAA\u0BCB ேபா
bau \u0BAA\u0BCC ெபௗ
The transliteration engine is a useful tool for
electronic composition and publishing of foreign
language phrases. This helps language teachers and
learners to compose ethnic scripts using a Standard
English keyboard.
The engine can also produce portable HTML
Unicode strings to enable direct embedding in
HTML documents.
Besides, the engine can produce C-style Unicode
strings that can be used in C-like programming
languages. This is useful when an application needs
to be localized for various cultures.
One of the drawbacks of the engine is that it does
not do back-transliteration. The reason for this is the
ambiguities involved in back-transliteration. When
more than one sound symbol of the source maps
onto a single sound symbol of the target, information
is lost, and thus back-transliteration becomes
ambiguous. One of the implications of not providing
back-transliteration is that a transliterated phrase
cannot be edited for corrections – it should rather be
replaced with a new (possibly correct) phrase.
A comparable transliteration engine is provided
with Microsoft Office®. This is part of the input
method editor (IME), and allows direct input for
some languages such as Japanese and Korean.
Office allows saving to HTML documents, but does
not have a mechanism to generate C-style Unicode
strings. Besides, support for Indian languages such
as Tamil is limited and is soft-keyboard-driven.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
This paper discussed some aspects of transliteration
and presented the development of a transliteration
engine which suits syllabary and alphasyllabary
scripts. The engine is useful in teaching and learning
ethnic scripts. It is also a useful tool for the
internationalization and localization of computer
programs, publishing ethnic scripts over the Internet,
and to compose electronic documents in ethnic
Al-Onaizan, Y. and Knight, K., Machine transliteration of
names in Arabic text. In Proceedings of the ACL-02
workshop on Computational approaches to Semitic
languages. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (2002) 1-13.
Grefenstette, G., Yan, Q., and Evans, D. A., ,Mining the
Web to Create a Language Model for Mapping
between English Names and Phrases and Japanese, In
Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International
Conference on Web Intelligence. (2004) 110-116
Kang, I-H. and Kim, G., English-to-Korean transliteration
using multiple unbounded over-lapping phoneme
chunks, In Proceedings of the 18th International
conference on Computational linguistics. Saarbrücken,
Germany, (2000) 418-424
Kawtrakul, A., et al. Backward transliteration for Thai
document retrieval. In Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific
conference on Circuits and Systems. Chiangmai,
Thailand, (1998) 563-566
Knight, K. and Grehl, J., Machine Transliteration. In
Computational Linguistics, Vol.24, No.4, (1998) 599-612
Sakai, T., Kumano, A., and Manabe, T., Generating
transliteration rules for cross-language information
retrieval from machine translation dictionaries, In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2002) 6-12
The Unicode Consortium.The Unicode Standard, Version
4.0. Addison-Wesley, Boston, USA (2003)
Figure 1 in this appendix shows a screenshot of the
transliteration engine’s desktop user-interface. The
engine also has a web-based interface (not shown
Figure 2 illustrates the possible syllables in Japanese
and the corresponding Katakana symbols.
Figure 1: A screenshot of the transliteration engine’s user-
interface. The interface allows a choice of scripts (such as
Katakana and Tamil) and output formats (text, HTML, or
C string). The output can be pasted to a variety of
Figure 2: Japanese Katakana alphabet with their pronunciation.