which advocate the strategic role of proper
management and processing of real-time or quasi
real-time environment-related data within a
harmonised web-based IT infrastructure designed to
better monitor and manage the environment.
This is proved by several regulatory actions
within the international stage, such as the recent
INSPIRE directive (INfrastructure for SPatial
InfoRmation in Europe), approved by the EU and in
force since 15-05-2007 (JRC, 2007). INSPIRE will
enforce to member states the creation of a highly
interoperable, web-service-based, Spatial Data
Infrastructure (SDI), based on ISO and OGC® -
Open Geospatial Consortium standards (OGC, 2007)
to better support environmental monitoring and
Other initiatives of relevance within the
European context have been promoted by the EEA
(European Environmental Agency) which plays a
major role promoting sustainable development at the
EU level through the Environmental Action
programs. Most notably EEA contributes to
EIONET - European Environment Information and
Observation Network (EEA, 2007) to support the
collection and organization of environmental spatial
data. Further EEA supports EEIS (European
Environmental Information System) as well as SEIS
(Shared Environmental Information System) to
produce and manage software components which
will contribute to the forthcoming creation of a web-
service based ESDI (European Spatial Data
Infrastructure). The importance of environmental
monitoring is also emphasized by the other major
initiatives such as the Global Monitoring for
Environment and Security (GMES, 2007) which
represents the EU initiative within GEOSS (Global
Earth Observation System of Systems).
Within the scientific community the importance of
interactive with 3D environments for environmental
planning applications has been stressed by different
authors (Bishop, 2005). Access of real time data is
essential to environment and risk management
(Laurini, 2005). To this extent a number of
international initiatives have tried to reach a mature
standardization level for real-time environmental
data. Most notably OGC® has proposed the first
version of the standard called SensorML
(SensorML, 2007), thought to support real-time
sensor data.
Quite recently RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
has been recently extended in an effort to use the
concept of feeds within a geographical-aware
context. GeoRSS was thought to add geographical
dimension to simple RSS XML based messages
capable to contain information related to an event
and related data such as author, title, text, abstract
At the moment three versions of GeoRSS exists:
the W3C version, supporting geo-referenced
the so-called Simple GeoRSS, supporting
heights and areas
The GeoRSS GML also known as Pro GeoRSS
a further extension supporting geometrical
content through formalization in GML mark-
up language (GML, 2007).
None of them has reached the full status of a
mature standard.
The work presented emerged from a precise
requirement emerging from the local public
administration. This required a client-server
software infrastructure to be used by technicians,
engineers, administrator to access the vast
geographical dataset which constitute the latest
Urban Plan of the provincial of Trento in Italy. The
project, which has been commissioned by
department of urban planning, has brought to the
creation of a set of web based services, available
throughout the public network of the provincial
offices, to access and interact with geographical
From the technical point of view the project has
brought to the development of a client-server
architecture where several 3D Geobrowsers access
in real-time a number of repositories containing the
geographical data. The architecture of the client
application has been based on the WorldWind
libraries from NASA which have been extended to
cope with the specific requirements of the provincial
authority. The server applications have been
developed with the aim of creating a very fast
infrastructure capable of serving a large amount of
clients at very high speed.
For this the project has brought to the
development of a set of classes capable to pre-
process and compress the data available from the
provincial plan according to an optimized data
structure which is then sent via the network and then
used by the client application.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies