3.5 Commiting a Transaction
Finally, the Super Browser also allows the user to
commit the transaction as a whole. Since each com-
ponent Web Service is not transaction aware, this
commit basically marks the transaction as completed
and does not allow the user to add any additional Web
Services to the transaction or roll back any of the com-
Many end-user activities are best implemented as
transactions (Gray, 1981). Despite this, it is quite dif-
ficult for an end-user to create and manage Web Ser-
vices transactions. We describe features of work in
progress on a Super Browser that improves this situa-
tion. While the browser provides support for Web Ser-
vices transactions standards, it also allows the ad hoc
use of Web applications in a transaction-based con-
Allowing end-users to generate and manage their
own transactions across multiple Web applications
improves the user’s capability to handle cases where a
particular Web Service is unable to fulfil their request.
Taking the Holiday booking scenario as an example,
it has been shown that allowing the end-user to issue
a roll back across a group of disconnected, heteroge-
neous Web Services provides an efficient way for the
user to cancel services that have already been booked
without having to manually interact with each Web
application in turn.
The presented research is focused on enabling
transaction support incorporating non-Web Service-
based Web applications. The Super Browser concept,
though, is extensible and allows for applications to
be developed that can combine both server-to-server
and user-interactive Web Services into a single trans-
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies