A Case Study based on the PRIME Game
Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Heiko Duin
BIBA, Hochschulring 20, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Manuel Oliveira
KIT@Work, 3 Park Drive, NW11 7SG, U.K.
Keywords: Serious games, educational games, evaluation methodology.
Abstract: This paper describes how formal evaluation of learning outcomes is an important Quality Assurance (QA)
tool in the development of serious games. The case study is based on the PRIME project, which aimed to
develop a serious game for learning global strategic manufacturing. The paper discusses the benefits of im-
plementing a formal evaluation for learning outcomes to validate the game, using the alpha prototype. The
process allowed the identification of shortcomings and provided valuable feedback to the development ac-
tivities of the serious game. In the particular case of PRIME, the QA process involved the evaluation within
a classroom setting during a total of 6 weeks. Whilst the outcome of the evaluation methodology revealed
interesting results, the most important was the rich data collated that contributed significantly towards the
final version of the software.
Manufacturing is a key generator of wealth and is
still at the heart of the economic growth in indus-
trialised economies. In recent years manufacturing in
developed countries is undergoing profound changes
bringing it from a resource based and centralised
paradigm to a knowledge-intensive, innovation-
based, adaptive, digital and networked one (e.g.
Montorio and Taisch, 2006).
Within this complex and rapidly changing envi-
ronment planning a suitable strategy concerning the
manufacturing will be crucial for enterprises in order
to face the ongoing transition while maintaining
their competitive position. Unfortunately, strategic
planning and strategic decision making is faced with
some problems like incomplete knowledge about the
exact situation in the market or simply time pressure
for reacting on competitive challenges. Such a situa-
tion requires an experienced manager taking the de-
cisions. The traditional way for getting strategy ex-
perience is learning by doing which takes quite a
while for the involved managers. Within the EU
funded project PRIME (Providing Real Integration
in Multi-disciplinary Environments) a virtual busi-
ness environment has been developed which acts as
the basic setup for a serious game allowing the ex-
perimentation with strategic issues (Oliveira and
Duin, 2007).
This paper presents the case study of performing
Quality Assurance (QA) of the alpha prototype in
the form of a formative evaluation of the targeted
learning outcomes. This form of QA differs from the
usual game development since the focus is achieving
the desired learning outcomes rather than some other
software quality parameter. The paper discusses the
approach and presents some lessons learnt from the
case study, which may be applicable for the devel-
opment of other serious games aimed at training and
competence development.
The PRIME project takes a different approach to
competence development, using a serious game
Baalsrud Hauge J., Duin H. and Oliveira M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Four th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 394-401
DOI: 10.5220/0001523703940401
(Wortley, 2007) to allow individuals to develop their
competences in a soft failure environment with elas-
tic timeline. The associated learning context is stra-
tegic global manufacturing, where it is necessary to
address both the strategic and operational level.
The possibility of uploading seed scenarios, sup-
ported by the functionality of capturing the current
state of the PRIME serious game, empowers indi-
viduals with the ability of rich experimentation
where it is possible to return to critical events in the
timeline and investigate alternate outcomes. This
leads to the creation of a wealth of experience that is
unfeasible to do in real life due to the prohibitive
cost of failures that ultimately may lead to the de-
mise of a business. One of the outcomes of using the
PRIME serious game is that managers are given the
opportunity to practice safely within a “sandbox”
rather than perform in the real world. This promotes
individuals to experiment and develop a positive
attitude towards measured risk taking.
2.1 Description of the PRIME Game
An architectural overview of the PRIME serious
game is represented in the diagram of Figure 1.
The Virtual Business Environment (VBE) is an
alternate reality that is driven by a hierarchical simu-
lation infrastructure where simulation nodes can be
plugged-in. A simulation node is dynamic, which is
governed by the centralised simulation clock, and
defined by a set of one or more models. It is possible
for a simulation model to be shared amongst one or
more simulation nodes, as in the case of imposing
rules and constraints.
The overall simulation model is complex and
multi-faceted (Duin et al., 2007), with the following
being part of the default configuration of the PRIME
serious game:
Geographic Model. The alternate reality is parti-
tioned into geographic areas with different granu-
larity, ranging from a continent to a region of a
country. The scope is determined by the richness
of the associated content. This model underpins
many other models, such as the one encompassing
the logistics networks and the one corresponding
to supply of raw materials;
Innovation Model. This model is responsible for
the research output of all innovation activities
within the VBE. The model takes a different ap-
proach to the usual branching models and provides
some fuzziness to how innovation comes about,
thereby introducing uncertainty;
Population Model. This model encompasses both
the consumer and worker dimension of the popula-
tion. An agent based approach is taken to allow for
interesting emergent behaviours.
Government Model. This model is a set of rules
and constraints that are organized as Tax (govern-
ment fiscal plan), Economy (macro-economic fac-
tors such as unemployment) and Legislation (laws
such as minimal wage);
The simulation model also addresses the internal
operation of each business unit (organization), by
modelling the company’s operational processes. The
approach taken concerning organizational structure
is to divide a business unit into the following de-
partments (or Functional Units): Sales, Production,
Human Resources, Finance, Product Development
and Logistics.
It is possible for a Business Unit to have more
than one site, each with different configurations, but
by default there is always a headquarters.
Each player assumes the role of CEO of a Busi-
ness Unit, being responsible for all the existing sites.
In PRIME special consideration was taken to avoid
the trap of micro-management, which destroys the
“fun” factor of a game. Therefore, the player may
engage with the Business Unit from a strategic per-
spective on a corporate level. However, PRIME al-
lows a player to scope to site level for operation
management. There are no constraints on how and
which level to interact with.
A base system requirement was cross-platform
to permit accessibility anywhere and anytime. As a
result, the player can interact with the VBE via the
PRIME client irrespective of the hardware device
and its connectivity. So it could be a PDA through
wireless network or a desktop computer via wired
connection. As the simulation is not real-time, the
user’s sensorial feedback cycle is quite lenient to
problems that may emerge from poor connectivity or
network distance to the cluster of servers hosting a
particular VBE.
Although there is a system constraint of one user
account per Business Unit, it is possible to have
logical accounts. This supports the cases where a
team of players manage a single Business Unit and
each assumes a particular role (ie: director of a
Functional Unit). In this case, some of the learning
experience is attained by offline interactivity be-
tween members of a team.
2.2 Learning Objectives in PRIME
Similar to other simulation game engines, such as
the renowned SimCity, the learning objectives are
determined externally to the game. In the case of an
individual player, they may establish their objectives
Case Study based on the PRIME Game
Figure 1: Overview of the PRIME Serious Game.
(i.e. increase the turnover by 55% within the next 3
years whilst minimizing their market cannibalisa-
tion) or it may be a human resource manager (HRM)
who determines the competence development pro-
gramme for a particular individual within a real or-
ganization (player).
Once objectives are established, it is necessary to
obtain feedback from the PRIME serious game to
measure the success of attaining the set goals. For
this reason, the serious game provides the player
access to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the
data that define the current state of their Business
Unit. The KPIs are configurable, thus it is possible
for the player to extend the default set with their
own. The analysis of the KPIs and cross-referencing
them with the VBE at a particular instance is not
facilitated by the PRIME serious game. This reflec-
tion activity needs to be done externally to a game
session and may be supported by a moderator.
The moderator is the foundation of the PRIME-
Time framework for integrating PRIME in existing
organization work environments. A moderator is
responsible for facilitating the process of using
PRIME serious game and their responsibility also
includes the definition of the objectives. In addition,
their role also encompasses the facilitation of reflec-
tion and conceptualization stages of Kolb’s con-
structivism model.Although the PRIME project pro-
vides a particular PRIME-Time framework, which
includes methodologies for integration in an organi-
zation and evaluation, it is possible to devise a dif-
ferent framework using exactly the same serious
To illustrate possible learning objectives that can
be supported by the PRIME serious game, it is best
to briefly describe the some of the main objectives
of the participating end-user organizations (total of
six) within the consortium:
CRF. This is a research centre associated to the
FIAT group. Their main learning objective was for
managers to understand the complexities of global
logistics and their impact their decisions have on
the whole network. This essentially requires to
have scenarios in the PRIME serious game where
multiple Business Units are part of different supply
chains but share common logistic networks;
IAI. This is an engineering company that provides
products and services to the military. Their main
learning objective is to train their managers in the
effective implementation of the company’s pro-
prietary methodology for product development. In
this case, PRIME serious game is used specifically
with the project management functionality;
Intracom. This is a telecoms company. Their
learning objective was to train product managers to
interact with sales managers, collate information
from research and make decisions on productisa-
tion of innovative technologies. In this case, the
PRIME serious game was used by a team of play-
ers who made decisions within a Business Unit for
launching a new product into the market;
KESZ. This is a construction company. Their
learning objective was for project managers to rec-
ognise the more profitable projects, thus being se-
lective in their commitments. The aim was to sup-
port the entire process from securing a building
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
contract through a successful bid until the closing
of the project with the final payment of the client.
A key aspect was how to deal with unexpected
events and the impact of choices (ie: selection of
subcontractors) have in the cost/profit associated to
the project.
LEGO. This is a company that manufactures and
sells toys. Their learning objectives involved their
managers being able to develop the fine art of
product portfolio management. This involved all
functional units available within the PRIME seri-
ous game, namely product innovation, production,
sales and strategic marketing, finance and human
resources. The decisions made were more strate-
gic, with outcomes taking a full 1-2 years before
data is available for evaluation;
Siemens. The particular company of the group is
mainly involved in software development. Their
learning objectives were mainly to train sales con-
sultants and developers to develop possible scenar-
ios associated to particular marketing strategies
and the decisions on implementing particular func-
tionality in the software. The PRIME serious game
was mainly used in terms of project management
coupled with Sales and Strategic Marketing.
In the particular case of the situation documented
in this paper, it is important to denote that much of
the PRIME-Time framework was adapted to fit the
setting of an academic course. However, an entirely
different evaluation methodology was designed and
implemented to fit the particular requirements of the
students and the teaching objectives of the course.
Evaluation is an essential step and should take
place at all stages in the system life cycle. For evalu-
ating the PRIME software during the development
the following ISO standards were taken into ac-
count: ISO 9126, ISO 9242 and ISO 14598.
PRIME is using a two-step evaluation methodol-
ogy to assure software quality. Within the first step a
group of students is evaluating the software before
in the second step the evaluation is performed by the
real industrial end-users.
3.1 State-of-the-Art
Mnkandla and Dwolatzky (2006) observed that
software quality is hard to define when dealing with
Quality Assurance (QA) for agile software devel-
opment processes. They defined a technique how to
determine the factors of software quality to be im-
proved by agile methods.
Abbas et al (2007) made the same observation
and propose further research on defining an appro-
priate quality assurance model for agile development
Both papers try to build a bridge between what is
known from the quality area (e.g. ISO9000 ff) and
agile development methods. ISO 9000 is concerned
with quality assurance to provide confidence that a
product will satisfy given requirements. Further, ISO
9126 categories attributes of software quality. These
characteristics are mainly of technical nature. Not
only the quality of the software its self is important,
but also its integration, the quality in use needs to be
evaluated according to ISO 14598. The main idea of
evaluating the PRIME software with the help of the
ISO standards is that this will ensure an objective
and comparable evaluation.
3.2 The PRIME Approach
Within PRIME, five agile processes were running in
parallel to implement the serious game: vision man-
agement, evaluation, PRIME-Time, coding and de-
sign (Oliveira and Duin, 2007).
In PRIME, a software release is tested by two
different groups: an internal group of gamers with
individuals from developer partners and a group of
surrogate users from any partner without strong
gaming experiences.
The testing process in PRIME started very early,
in order to receive feedback that can be used to
guide the design at an early stage, so that when a
prototype is available it is possible to measure
whether user and organisational objectives have
been achieved. In the early stages of the develop-
ment and design process, changes are relatively in-
expensive. The longer the process has progressed
and the more fully the system is defined, the more
expensive the introduction of changes is. However,
as the first development milestone was achieved
(release of the alpha version of the software), a more
comprehensive testing framework was necessary,
which would also encompass the evaluation of the
effectiveness of PRIME as a serious game that sup-
ported competence development and knowledge
For the alpha version, in addition to the testing
mechanisms based on user surrogates, PRIME was
deployed in a classroom setting of a university
(Bremen University) for a more in-depth testing with
a group of students (from economy and engineering
courses). Evaluation elements were integrated into
Case Study based on the PRIME Game
the testing framework to capture how PRIME con-
tributed to the learning experience of the individuals
taking part of the course. The beta version would
then be evaluated by the industrial end-users. The
reason for this approach is that mid-level managers
from industrial enterprises demand error free, resil-
ient, stable and fully functional software even with a
beta release. However, waiting until the beta version
was available would have significant risks for the
success of the project, even though frequently us-
ability feedback was obtained from hands-on work-
shops involving user surrogates for each participat-
ing end-user organisation. Therefore, the adopted
approach was to invite students from economy and
engineering courses to partake in the evaluation of
PRIME as it was used as a didactical tool in their
practical work. Unlike the user surrogates, these
students had no prior contact with PRIME, so all
concepts and interaction paradigms had to be learnt.
This had the following benefits:
Students are more lenient concerning the stability
of the software, albeit being as critical as mid-level
managers. They can accept that an alpha release is
not fully bug-free. They continue to focus on the
functionality, even when the software crashes
some times. Mid-level managers tend to not accept
such behaviour. They claim that crashing software
is detrimental to the cost effectiveness of their
time. Therefore, a key contribution was the dis-
covery of bugs and errors which have not been de-
tected during testing.
Most of the students have a gaming experience that
is not wide-spread in middle management, thus
many of the concepts and game mechanics were
not entirely unknown, such as the case for assum-
ing a role of CEO of a Business Unit within an al-
ternate reality with a global sustainable economy.
Students normally have a good intuitive under-
standing of usability and can wrestle more easily
with the learning curve associated to software.
This enabled the evaluation to provide feedback
concerning the feasibility of the game-play and the
interface design.
The purpose of the evaluation was twofold:
To verify the concepts and design of the software.
To check the functionality and the stability of the
software within a real work environment (albeit it
being a classroom setting).
The evaluation of the PRIME software, within
the context of the classroom (20 master students of
production and economics and engineering from the
University of Bremen), is used to:
Provide feedback for improving the design.
Assess whether user and organisational objectives
have been achieved.
Monitor long term use of the product or system.
Fulfilment of the given requirements.
Ensuring that quality problems, esp. quality in use,
will be recognised at an early stage.
Recognising and removing errors/bugs in the code
before the system is in use.
A user may evaluate the suitability of a software
product using metrics for quality in use.
In order to evaluate software it is necessary to se-
lect relevant quality characteristics. This should be
done using a quality model which breaks software
quality down into different characteristics. These can
be further broken down into sub characteristics
which have measurable attributes.
Even though the PRIME game is mainly developed
to fulfil the needs of the manufacturing industry, the
first main test and evaluation of the software were
done by master students in production and econom-
ics engineering at the University of Bremen.
The University of Bremen has used different
types of games for educating engineering students
for several years. Even though the evaluation of the
learning effects regarding soft skills needed in a dis-
tributed production are fairly positive, there is still
potential for extend the classes with new games
with additional features in order to show the students
as many aspects of the working environment in dis-
tributed production as possible.
Taking into account that the PRIME software
was the alpha version with some instability and limi-
tations in terms of functionality, the evaluation pro-
cess was executed with the support of developers
involved in the software implementation.
4.1 Objectives of the Evaluation
As mentioned above, the PRIME game does not
have any learning objectives in itself. Far more it is a
game engine usable for training skills on strategic
decision making. However, in order to evaluate
whether the game is suitable to train such decisions,
it was important to define some specific learning
objectives and to embed the game in a specific cur-
riculum. Therefore, the PRIME serious game was
evaluated within a learning lab that supports the
course. The main objectives were defined as:
to learn new methods to better evaluate the conse-
quences and impacts of a decision,
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
develop decision-making skills,
identify strategic decisions and develop an under-
standing for their importance,
understand the relevant factors in the decision-
making process for various network configura-
The learning lab used a blended learning concept
(frontal teaching for the methods, which the then
needed to apply in the game). There were 24 stu-
dents starting, 18 passed. They had studied between
6 (1 Students) and 14 semesters (3 Students). Most
of them had studied 8 semesters. The lab was organ-
ised as different workshops over a period of 6
weeks, and three hours each week (18h all together)
and encompassed different phases for students and
the workshops were organised as followed:
Introduction to the Gaming Lab
New Methods and Game Tutorial
Additional Methods and Continuation
of the Gaming Tutorial
Additional Methods and Reflection of the Game
Development of a Game Scenario
Enactment of the Developed Scenario by playing
the PRIME serious game.
Since the game was used by students, who did
not all know very much about strategic decision
making and methods supporting such decision mak-
ing, theoretical background of such methods were
introduced by the facilitator at the beginning of each
workshop. Documentation on these methods was
distributed to the students in advance.
Secondly, the PRIME serious game takes a holis-
tic approach to the VBE, thus modelling multiple
dimensions of operations within a business organiza-
tion and their interaction with other organizations
and the economic environment. This implies that the
software is complex with a relatively steep learning
curve, thus for beginners would require plenty of
support in order to make their own models or just in
order to be able to “establish“ the given scenario in
the simulator. Therefore, for the first three work-
shops, a comprehensive guideline was developed. In
the first workshop, each user used a single player
modus, for the other ones multi –player modus was
planned and tested.
The outcome of the evaluation process within the
laboratory environment would enable:
To evaluate if it is possible for students to experi-
ence the impact of strategic decision making using
the PRIME game.
To support the implementation activities of the
PRIME game prototype at an early stage, before
the software were complete. This would give us
the unique possibility to test the usability and the
functionalities at an early stage and to give feed-
back to the developers if any changes were needed.
4.2 Evaluation Methodology
The approach used for this early evaluation of the
PRIME game prototype was based on three different
types of input:
The observation and the exchange of information
between the facilitator and the students;
two questionnaires comprising questions on the
functionalities, the utility and the usability of the
the completion of quite extensive laboratory report
comprising information on the involvement in the
game, skills gained and past experiences. The stu-
dents could also add comments and give feedback
during a session in each class.
Table 1: Example of the Matrix for Functional Testing.
Add a Product to the
Product Portfolio
Analysis of the Corporate
Production view
Creation of Product
Portfolio Management Unit
Creation of a new product
Management of
Analysis of the
Development view
Assignment of the R&D
operation processes to the
Creation of the
Development Unit
Assignment of the finance
operation processes to the
Creation of the Office
Creation of the Finance Unit
Creation of an Head Quarter
Add a Product to the
Product Portfolio
Analysis of the Corporate
Production view
Creation of Product
Portfolio Management Unit
Creation of a new product
Management of
Analysis of the
Development view
Assignment of the R&D
operation processes to the
Creation of the
Development Unit
Assignment of the finance
operation processes to the
Creation of the Office
Creation of the Finance Unit
Creation of an Head Quarter
Additionally, the reports also contained informa-
tion on how the applied the learned methods in the
game as well as on the developed game scenarios,
including their own goals and the fulfilment of these
goals. The questions below shows some of the ques-
tions used for the evaluation of the utility of the
game, which were supported by a Likert scale be-
tween 1 and 5 (corresponding to opposite extremes
of the answer. The reports contained answers.
Although the test cases only showed you a very
small part of the planned functionality, based on
this experience, please tell us how useful you think
PRIME will be in your job or for doing training.
Based on your experience with the test cases, how
willing would you be to use PRIME?
Case Study based on the PRIME Game
Based on your experience with the test case, how
well did the PRIME Client meet your expectations
of a training tool?
Do you think you would prefer to use PRIME in-
stead of other training / learning tools for strategic
decision making in a business?
Do you think you would enjoy using PRIME?
Based on your experience with the test cases, how
do you rate the usability of the PRIME Client?
Once you knew how to use the PRIME Client, do
you think it would be useful in gaining experience
in strategic decision making?
The questionnaire used for testing the functional-
ities were used the first and the second time, and
only the functionalities which were already imple-
mented were tested. Table 1 shows an example of
the matrices for the functional testing.
The first statement which can be made is that the
process was very challenging for the facilitator as
well as for the students to use a partly developed
prototype. Some features, which would have made it
easier for the students to see whether they fulfilled
their objectives and strategic aims, were affected by
bugs or not were still not implemented. These type
of limitations with the alpha version would be sup-
plemented with offline measures to calculate and
generate the necessary data. However, the involve-
ment of the developers in the process helped smooth
most of the problems and eases the challenges on the
Secondly, the observation of the students trying
to implement their scenarios made is clear, the learn-
ing curve associated to the PRIME software is steep
and requires appropriate tutorials and documenta-
tion. As a result of the evaluation process, methodi-
cal and comprehensive video tutorials have been
developed to support the users with the learning
curve associated to the PRIME serious game.
The functional testing was mainly carried out in
single player mode. The results showed that the
functionalities implemented were working satisfac-
torily, but that a handbook or a FAQ would be re-
quired to support the player. This is a fundamental
requirement that was identified, since there is no in-
built help to support the player. The documentation
support has improved with the release of the alpha
version, and plans are being considered for the in-
clusion of personalised agents to act as advisors.
Although the PRIME serious game demonstrated
reasonable stability during the single-user mode,
more significant challenges emerged when the lab
sessions started required the students to use the
multi- player mode. This mode is essential for train-
ing of strategic decision making in a multi-
stakeholder environment, thus approaching to what
takes place in reality. Regrettably, multi-player
mode was not working due to technical problems
with the software. The culprit was the instability of
the PRIME server that caused it to crash as soon as
more than one person worked simultaneously on the
same scenario. Quick analysis identified that one of
the main reasons was the memory consumption on
the server was very high. This was due to improper
memory management on the server side caused by
third party software for management of the database.
This caused the same data to be loaded several times
into memory, leading to numerous copies of the
same data objects. Originally, it was intended that
the server removes unused data from memory, but it
was hard to recognize if the client still needed a spe-
cific data object or not, this was not done.
A major drawback was the lack of fault-
tolerance capabilities within the PRIME server, so if
it did experience a fault, it would be possible some
form of recovery for the players to continue from a
previous state. However, this was not the case so the
players always needed to start from scratch again.
Even though the students were very patient and tried
several times, not only in the second but also in the
third workshop, they never managed to successfully
complete a scenario and then play, so that we had to
stop using the game after the fourth workshop. We
switched then to a paper based model of PRIME for
the multiplayer interactions, which worked fairly
well. This was a fundamental implementation flaw
that has been addressed by increasing the stability of
the PRIME server and by providing a toolbox that
allows people to build and save scenarios. The sav-
ing functionality also allows to take snapshots of the
current VBE.
Based upon this experience, most of the students
concluded that they met the overall objectives of the
course, and that they were partly able to experience
the impact of their strategic decisions using the
PRIME game (single player). In addition, most stu-
dents admit to have been engaged with the PRIME
serious game, despite the difficulties in achieving a
flow that was not plagued by frustration. Therefore,
the problems associated to software instability
caused students to have mixed opinions about the
use of PRIME serious game. This would depend on
past experience using games
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
It is important to observe that the aim of using an
evaluation framework within a classroom environ-
ment was not to validate the use of PRIME serious
game as an educational support tool, but to collate
the data from the deployment of PRIME within a
controlled environment. Therefore, it was a very
important milestone. This early evaluation showed
some important problems and some bugs in the
software as well as some important input for what
needs to be there in the future.
After the identification of the various problems,
mainly those associated to the use of third-party
software, major re-factoring took place and im-
proved significantly the stability of the software.
The problem with the memory management has
been solved by restructuring the data model. Instead
of having the server to load the data and transmit the
data to the client, the clients load the data directly
from the database themselves. Each client loads the
data into its own memory on the client side, taking
workload from the server. The client keeps track of
the loaded data and releases it when it's not needed
anymore. To prevent multiple clients from changing
the same data at the same time, a locking mechanism
was implemented. Further more, the server also
saves lasts versions of the scenario, so that re-
loading is possible. Therefore the negative impact of
faults has been minimised. Additionally several mi-
nor bugs have been corrected and the last short pre-
test of the software shows that it works satisfactorily
in multi – player mode.
It is significant to point out that the game design
and conceptual model of the game was well ac-
cepted by the students, demonstrating the success of
the cognitive modelling development approach of
building the game-play (Oliveira and Andersen,
The major improvements to the stability of the
PRIME serious game, supported by the documenta-
tion and tutorials, it was decided that PRIME would
be used in the next lab course on strategic decision
making too, which started at the beginning of No-
vember 2007 and has been deemed a great success.
For the development of serious games, the adop-
tion of formative evaluation as a QA method allows
concrete fine tuning with regards to learning out-
comes. In the case of PRIME, the improvements
targeted not only the software, but also the support-
ing methodology and the strengthening of the mod-
erator role.
The authors thank the respective project partners, as
well as the European Commission for all scientific,
organisational and financial support. The PRIME
project is partially funded under contract number
FP6-016542 within the Sixth Framework Program-
me, Priority IST/NMP.
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wards an Improved Understanding of Agile Software
Assurance. Proceedings of Inaugural International
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Engineering (RWASE'07) within Agile2007 Confer-
ence Washington:
Duin, H., Oliveira, M. and Saffarpour, A. (2007). A Simu-
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Case Study based on the PRIME Game