the architecture we propose, and we describe AJAX
in more detail, showing its advantages for the system-
atic development of interactive web applications. Af-
ter that, we present a detailed description of the ap-
plication architecture in Sect. 4. This development al-
lowed us to evaluate and compare our approach with
respect to traditional approaches to web application
development, which is presented in in Sect. 5. Fi-
nally, Sect. 6 presents our conclusions and some ideas
for future work.
Trivial.gz is an initiative of the Galician Socio-
Pedagogic Association (AS-PG, from the Galician
name Asociación Socio-Pedagóxica Galega (Galician
Socio-Pedagogic Association, 2007)) to increase the
usage of Galician language on the Internet and among
the young people, and it was sponsored by the Gali-
cian government. The game was presented dur-
ing the computer party XuventudeGaliza.Net, which
took place in Santiago de Compostela in April 2006.
The game can currently be played at the web server
of the Galician Socio-Pedagogic Association (
). It currently has
more than 1500 registered users and more that 2700
questions. Figure 1 shows a screenshot of a game be-
ing played.
The main objective when the development started
was to create a web-based game similar to the Triv-
ial Pursuit board game which could be played on any
web browser without having to download any plug-in
or applet. Our version of the game has some differ-
ences with respect to the original board game in order
to get the most out of the virtual environment and to
minimize the effects caused by the players not sharing
the same physical space during the game. Moreover,
a big effort was devoted to simulate in a web page the
interaction between the players and the actions like
rolling the die, moving the tokens, watching the posi-
tions and movements of the other players, etc.
In a rough description, the goal of Trivial.gz is
answering correctly questions of three different dif-
ficulty levels and six different subjects: Culture and
Show Business, Geography, History, Language and
Literature, Science and Our World. All questions
have three possible answers of which only one is cor-
rect. The board is an hexagon divided into squares of
different colors, each representing one of the subjects
of the questions. When the game starts, all players
start from the central square. The player who has the
turn throws the die (by clicking on an animation of
the die rolling) and moves on the board in any direc-
tion as many squares as the number in the die. When
a square is chosen, the same question is showed to all
players who can try to answer the question before the
time ends. If the question is answered right points are
awarded to the player independently of whether the
player had the turn or not. If the player with the turn
fails the question, the turn passes to the next player.
To win the match, the player first has to collect the six
wedges that are awarded when the question on a ver-
tex of the board is answered right. Then, the player
has to proceed to the center square and answer cor-
rectly a question from a random subject.
A detailed description of the game rules is outside
the scope of this paper. However, we think it is inter-
esting to discuss the modifications that were done to
the original rules of the game in order to improve the
experience of the players:
• The Game Board is updated in Real Time. A
player can see all the tokens, the die value, who
has the turn, and the points of each player. This
creates the sensation that the players share the
same virtual space.
• Players can Talk. A chat was added to the game
page so that players can communicate. It simu-
lates the verbal interaction between players.
• Wedges can be Lost. If a player fails the question
in one of the squares where wedges are awarded,
the player looses the wedge. This makes the game
more dynamic and enables players that are losing
to recover.
• It is Easier to Win Wedges. There is a special
square in each side of the board that moves the
token to one of the special squares. This makes
games faster.
• Everybody Plays. When the player with the turn
chooses a square, the question is presented to all
players. Everybody can try to answer the question
and points are awarded to everybody that gives the
right answer. Furthermore, it can be seen who has
already answered the question right or wrong in
order to increase the perception of playing with
more people.
• Limited Time. There is a time limit of 30 seconds
to answer for the player that has the turn. The
time for all the other players is limited to the time
required by the player with the turn. This avoids
long waits.
• Player History. The server keeps track of all the
games played, the points achieved by each player,
and the statistic of questions answered right for
each subject. This gives the game an additional
dimension because players can compete not only
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies