e Ignacio Fern
andez-Villamor and Mercedes Garijo
Departamento de Ingenier
ıa de Sistemas Telem
aticos, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Spain
Network Intrusion Detection Systems, Rules of inference, Machine learning, Decision trees, Self-organizing
Network security is a branch of network management in which network intrusion detection systems provide
attack detection features by monitorization of traffic data. Rule-based misuse detection systems use a set
of rules or signatures to detect attacks that exploit a particular vulnerability. These rules have to be hand-
coded by experts to properly identify vulnerabilities, which results in misuse detection systems having limited
extensibility. This paper proposes a machine learning layer on top of a rule-based misuse detection system
that provides automatic generation of detection rules, prediction verification and assisted classification of new
data. Our system offers an overall good performance, while adding an heuristic and adaptive approach to
existing rule-based misuse detection systems.
Network security is an important branch of network
management, in which network intrusion detection
systems (Mukherjee et al., 1994) provide attack de-
tection features by monitorization of traffic data in de-
militarized zones. Therefore, intrusion detection sys-
tems are a field of interest in the provision of network
security under the assumption of existence of security
vulnerabilities on hardware and software systems.
Intrusion detection systems can be classified into
anomaly detection systems (Denning, 1987), which
base detection on identification of abnormal user be-
haviour, and misuse detection systems (Deri et al.,
2003), which base detection on identification of well-
known attack patterns. An example of misuse detec-
tion system is Snort (Roesch, 1999), the de facto stan-
dard open source intrusion detection system. Snort
uses a set of rules to detect attacks that exploit a par-
ticular vulnerability. These rules have to be hand-
coded by experts to properly identify vulnerabilities.
Not only does this require an expertise on the field
but it also implies an effort of analysis of traffic data,
which results in Snort having limited extensibility.
This process implies: knowing which attacks the sys-
tem was not prepared for, classifying these attacks
and, finally, building new detection rules.
This paper proposes a machine learning layer on
top of a rule-based misuse detection system such as
Snort to provide automatic generation of detection
rules, prediction verification and assisted classifica-
tion of new data. On the compromise of expressing
precise detection rules that are tied to a particular ex-
ploit against generating more general rules, our ap-
proach tries to be more untied by using, e.g., key indi-
cators (Lee et al., 1999) instead of well-defined mes-
sage patterns, so that the system is more suited for
future unknown attacks. In other words, the system is
aimed at detecting the nature of traffic data and clas-
sifying it into normal or abnormal traffic instead of
focusing on identifying exploits or particular attacks.
We think this is consistent with the idea of providing
automation and ensuring freshness in attack detection
as an added value to misuse detection systems, leav-
ing the exploit identification task for security experts.
The whole maintenance lifecycle of an intrusion de-
tection system is considered, and a training pattern la-
beller, based on estimated accuracy of rules and self-
organizing maps, is proposed to allow assisted classi-
fication of new traffic data.
Ignacio Fernández-Villamor J. and Garijo M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Infor mation Systems and Technologies, pages 143-148
DOI: 10.5220/0001524801430148
Figure 1: System architecture.
A rule-based intrusion detection system has a set of
detection rules that allows the detection of a partic-
ular set of attacks. To ensure freshness of detection
capabilities new rules have to be included to detect at-
tacks that the system was not prepared for previously.
This involves three tasks: knowing which attacks the
system was not prepared for, classifying these attacks
and, finally, building new detection rules.
Our system is aimed at automating all these tasks
as much as possible while being built on top of a rule-
based intrusion detection system. The architecture is
shown on figure 1 and has four basic modules:
A classifier, trained to classify samples of traffic
data to perform the basic functionality of a net-
work intrusion detection system.
A prediction verifier, which validates the predic-
tions made by the classifier, in order to detect new
traffic types and do reinforcement learning with
A labeller for classification of new data, intended
for reducing the effort of classification of new
traffic data by grouping similar samples into clus-
ters of the same class.
A data set builder, which prepares a data set to
retrain the classifier.
The system is essencially a rule generator, so that re-
altime classification of data is performed by the rule-
based network intrusion detection system, whereas
our modules only perform off-line tasks. More specif-
ically, the rule generation process starts after a set of
traffic data is collected out of the intrusion detection
system and proceeds as follows:
1. The prediction verifier estimates the validity of
previous predictions of traffic classes and builds
up a data set out of discarded samples, which re-
quire further supervision due to the system’s in-
ability to classify them properly.
2. The traffic data is supervised by a human agent by
labelling data clusters which are generated by the
3. The data set builder constructs a data set out of
samples from previous supervised traffic data and
the newly supervised data.
4. The classifier is trained with the generated data
set, which results in the generation of a set of rules
that are used to refresh the intrusion detection sys-
tem ruleset.
2.1 Machine Learning of Traffic Data
Several approaches have been considered for machine
learning of attack patterns for intrusion detection sys-
tems. Neural networks have been used to achieve
this task (Chavan et al., 2004; Kemmerer and Vi-
gna, 2005), but have difficulties to generalize their
knowledge and therefore to detect attacks that are not
present in the training data (Bouzida and Cuppens,
2005). Other approaches have been used, such as sta-
tistical models (Ye et al., 2001; Ye et al., 2003) or
Petri nets (Kumar and Spafford, 1994). None of them
can be used naturally to build detection rules and thus
are unpractical for our purposes.
Decision trees and rule-based systems (Hunt,
1962) have been also used for intrusion detection (Yu
et al., 2007; Chavan et al., 2004) and offer good per-
formance in terms of prediction rates and general-
ization to new attacks (Bouzida and Cuppens, 2005).
The proposed system uses the rule learning-based al-
gorithm C4.5 (Quinlan, 1993), which is essentially an
extension of ID3 algorithm aimed at avoiding overfit-
Considering a training data set, two thirds of it are
used as a growing data set, while one third remains
as a pruning data set. The growing data set is used to
build an ID3 tree, where an entropy gain function is
used to partition a data set S w.r.t. an attribute A.
The attribute with maximum entropy gain is cho-
sen to partition the data set at each node, so that a
tree is built iteratively. Continuous attributes are han-
dled in an equivalent way by calculating thresholds
through interpolation of consecutive values from the
data set for each continuous attribute and choosing the
threshold with maximum entropy gain.
After the decision tree is built, generation of rules
of inference is straightforward by scanning all possi-
ble paths in the tree from the top node to its leaves.
The left hand side of the rules is a combination of the
conditions on each node, while the right hand side is
each leafs class. An estimation of accuracy of each
rule is made by calculating the accuracy on the prun-
ing data set. The resulting rules are pruned by remov-
ing trailing conditions on the left hand side only when
the resulting estimated accuracy is not lower. Finally,
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the rules are sorted in decreasing estimated accuracy
2.2 Prediction Verification
By using the mentioned classifier, a set of rules with
an estimation of accuracy is obtained, which serves
as certainty factor in the prediction of classes of traf-
fic data. At detection time, a particular rule with an
associated estimated accuracy will fire. At this point,
it is possible to force a minimum estimated accuracy
threshold A
to accept a prediction, being this an
heuristic that serves to discern traffic data that was
considered at training time from data that was not.
Therefore, setting an accuracy threshold lets populate
a data set with data that is supposed to be new to the
system and which therefore needs proper classifica-
tion. As a result, the estimated accuracy of rules lets
integrate prediction verification capabilities into the
2.3 Classification of New Data
A sample is regarded as new if the rule-based classi-
fier is not able to properly classify it as normal traffic
nor any kind of attack traffic, basing the decision upon
an estimated accuracy threshold. As a result, this data
needs manual supervision by an external agent for its
classification. However, further help can be provided
in this task by automatically grouping similar traffic
data. Our system uses self-organizing maps to achieve
this, which have proven useful in other works (Bashah
and Shanmugam, 2005; Hoglund et al., 2000). Self-
organizing maps (Kohonen, 1997) use an euclidean-
similarity metric to achieve automatic clustering of
data by defining an overlaying set of reference vectors
on the feature space of the sample data set. Local-
order relations are set on the reference vectors so that
their values are depedent to each other neighbouring
vector. The self-organizing algorithm defines a non-
linear regression of the reference vectors through the
data points, which results in the reference vectors be-
ing scattered among the space according to the data
set’s probability density function. This lets classify-
ing all data samples that are represented by the same
reference vector in one step and thus reducing the ef-
fort of supervision.
When dimensioning the self-organizing map,
some problems need to be overcome such as choos-
ing a number of nodes that makes the map able to
adapt to all the data set or enhancing rare cases to
be considered apropriately by the map. Applying the
self-organizing map algorithm to all the data set might
result in the map’s inability to adapt to euclidean-too-
separated values and might also fail to consider rare
cases that are not too relevant in the probability den-
sity function. To prevent this from happening, visual
inspection of Sammon’s mappings (Sammon, 1969)
of different maps helps to choose a correct form of
the array or adapt the probability density function,
but is a manual task that is not desired in our sys-
tem and therefore a different approach is used. In
our case, the system performs a division in several
subsets of the original discarded set to try to obtain
subsets with similar features and increase the self-
organizing map’s accuracy. Different heuristics can
be used to perform this division, such as partition-
ing through certain fields like protocol type or type of
service (Yu et al., 2007), being all these approaches
aimed at reducing information entropy of the result-
ing subset. The classifier’s ruleset is a pruned version
of a decision tree that, as described on section 2.1,
is built through information entropy reduction with
the supervised training data set, and thus is a possi-
ble heuristic for reducing information entropy on the
discarded samples data set.
To achieve the subdivision, samples are grouped
in our system by hierarchical coincidence of the clas-
sifier’s rule clauses. More precisely, each sample fires
a particular rule, whose left-hand side is defined by a
list of clauses (c
, c
, ..., c
), ordered by classification
relevance as a result of the C4.5 algorithm. There-
fore, this allows hierarchical grouping of similar sam-
ples by removing trailing clauses and grouping all the
samples that share the same clauses. A depth value
needs to be set in this case, with a higher value re-
sulting in obtaining a higher number of subsets, and a
lower value producing bigger ones with more hetero-
geneous samples. The resulting sequence of clauses is
extended with protocol, type of service and flag fields
to build a subset identifier for each sample.
Finally, the self-organizing map algorithm is ap-
plied on every subset. A 3:2 aspect ratio is used on
the maps’ dimensions in order to favour learning sta-
bility, with an hexagonal topology and a total number
of nodes which is equal to 10% of the subsets cardi-
nality with a dimensions limit of 30x20.
2.4 Retraining
C4.5 rule-learning algorithm is batch-training-based.
To provide reinforced learning, the approach which
has been used in this system is to build a new data set
with different proportions of samples. At this point,
three types of samples are found in the system: dis-
carded samples during prediction verification, train-
ing data set samples that are detected correctly and
training data set samples that are not detected cor-
Table 1: Classifier performance on the training data set.
Prediction / real normal probe dos u2r r2l Total
normal 99.95% 1.23% 0.01% 25.00% 8.66% 99.77%
probe 0.01% 98.52% 0.00% 0.00% 0.79% 99.26%
dos 0.02% 0.25% 99.99% 0.00% 0.00% 99.99%
u2r 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 75.00% 0.00% 100.00%
r2l 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 90.55% 98.29%
Total 99.95% 98.52% 99.99% 75.00% 90.55% 99.94%
Table 2: Classifier performance on the testing data set.
Prediction / real normal probe dos u2r r2l Total
normal 99.49% 17.76% 2.76% 54.29% 90.79% 73.29%
probe 0.26% 70.21% 0.01% 0.00% 3.16% 80.91%
dos 0.22% 12.03% 97.22% 0.00% 0.03% 99.72%
u2r 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 35.71% 2.62% 5.38%
r2l 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 3.40% 95.52%
Total 99.49% 70.21% 97.22% 35.71% 3.40% 92.36%
rectly. The proportion of samples of each kind and
the total amount of them, in the form of the triple (n
, n
), will determine the newly built data set and
thus the classification capabilities of the new classi-
The system has been evaluated against KDD’99 data
set (University of California, 1999), from The Third
International Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Tools Competition. This data set is made up of almost
five million samples of data connections that are clas-
sified and grouped under a set of traffic classes called
normal (ordinary, non-malicious traffic), probe (mon-
itorization and probing activities), dos (denial of ser-
vice attacks, which often imply flooding activities),
u2r (user to root, which refers to users trying to ac-
quire root privileges) and r2l (remote to local, which
refers to remote unauthorized log-in).
A total of 41 attributes define each connection,
with symbolic fields such as type of service or type
of transport connection and continuous fields such as
average packet size or login attempts. Some of these
fields are aggregated ones, e.g., connections to the
same host in a 2-second window, and are included
due to its proved relevance in attack detection (Lee
et al., 1999). Other features of the data set are
data inconsistency, in the sense that certain samples
with the same fields belong to different classes, and
existence of new attack types in the testing data set,
which allows evaluation of generalization capabilities
of classifiers. Therefore, all these data set features
and its heuristic approach makes this data set an
appropriate tool to tune our system and evaluate it.
3.1 Classifier Performance
Our rule-based classifier was trained with a subset of
the KDD’99 training data set. Performance on the
training set and the testing set is shown on tables 1 and
2, respectively. Its difficulty to detect certain attacks
in the training data set is consequence of its compro-
mise to generalise to new attacks, which is achieved
by the rule-pruning phase described in section 2.1,
with the classifier presenting the known difficulties
on this sample data (Bouzida and Cuppens, 2005).
Overall performance is comparable with other classi-
fiers, such as KDDCup’99 winner (Pfahringer, 1999),
a boosting-based classifier which offers 92.71% accu-
As described in section 2.2, a prediction verifier is
used to discard potential samples whose predictions
might be a priori regarded as unacceptable. This is
achieved by using rules’ estimation of accuracy, cal-
culated on the pruning data set, as the confidence fac-
tor. The results of different accuracy thresholds A
are shown on table 3, which, as expected, lets improve
the overall accuracy of the classifier. This allows our
classifier to outperform all others, at the cost of mark-
ing conflicting samples as discarded. By observing
the results, an accuracy threshold of 0.98 seems an
appropriate value by offering an acceptable compro-
mise between packet discard ratio and accuracy and
thus has been used in the rest of experiments in this
3.2 Labeller Performance
Discarded samples are collected by the prediction ver-
ifier for further supervision. In our system, this task
is assisted by the sample labeller. The discarded sam-
ples obtained from the classifier are grouped into a
number of subsets according to the sample fields and
rule clauses. Afterwards, the self-organizing map al-
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Effect of accuracy threshold.
Discards Accuracy
0.0 0.00% 92.36%
0.9 1.13% 93.11%
0.95 1.59% 93.19%
0.96 1.59% 93.19%
0.97 1.59% 93.19%
0.98 1.83% 93.21%
0.99 5.73% 94.07%
0.995 5.73% 94.07%
0.999 5.73% 94.07%
0.9999 100.00%
gorithm is applied on these subsets, and a number of
nodes is obtained, being this number proportional to
the subsets cardinality. Different rule depth values can
be used in the subdivision of the original discarded
samples data set. Different results were obtained, as
shown on table 4, with higher depth values offering a
higher accuracy. As long as the highest depth value
requires classification of only 15% of samples while
offering the highest accuracy, it can be considered the
optimal depth value for the labeller and has been used
in further experiments.
Table 4: Labelling performance.
Depth Subsets Nodes Accuracy
0 74 13.36% 89.03%
2 95 13.89% 90.43%
4 118 14.43% 91.41%
6 150 15.71% 93.19%
8 162 15.94% 95.33%
3.3 Overall Performance
After labelling of discarded packets has been
achieved, the classifier is retrained by building a new
training set. Different parameters are possible when
building the new training set; n
and n
the proportion of training samples that were correctly
and incorrectly classified, respectively, and n
mines the proportion of samples that were discarded
during prediction time. The result of varying these
parameters is shown on table 5. Accuracies A
are calculated on the correct and incorrect subsets
of the training data set, while A
is calculated on the
correctly labelled discarded data set. Overall accuracy
A is calculated on the full testing data set.
By observing the results, the classifier shows an
optimal performance with n
= 0.3 , n
= 0.1 and
= 0.6. It is noticeable that there is a top accuracy
that is achievable in the discarded data set which is
determined by the accuracy of the labeller. Also, ap-
Table 5: Performance after retraining.
0.5 0.4 0.1 99.71% 100.0% 92.55% 92.32%
0.5 0.1 0.4 99.64% 100.0% 94.61% 93.32%
0.3 0.2 0.5 99.47% 100.0% 95.08% 93.41%
0.4 0.1 0.5 99.56% 100.0% 94.94% 93.46%
0.5 0.3 0.2 99.54% 100.0% 93.45% 93.53%
0.3 0.1 0.6 99.57% 100.0% 94.94% 93.63%
parently the overall accuracy should have a value be-
tween A
, A
and A
, although this does not happen
due to the fact that the newly built training data was
a combination of correctly and incorrectly classified
samples from the training set and discarded samples
from the testing set, while this last set is built heuris-
tically and therefore does not necessarily include the
problematic samples which would be useful for a sec-
ond learning phase.
Rule-based systems have been widely used in previ-
ous intrusion detection systems. Their performance in
terms of accuracy and speed makes them appropriate
for intrusion detection tasks, while their internal rep-
resentation of knowledge in the form of rules favours
human interpretation.
(Wuu and Chen, 2003) uses discrete attributes and
is focused on the generation of attack signatures and
thus does not consider prediction verification or assis-
tance on classification of new data.
(Yu et al., 2007) uses a different heuristic for pre-
diction verification based on its boosting-based classi-
fier, which consists of a set of binary rule-based clas-
sifiers. Each of their binary classifiers has an asso-
ciated confidence factor which is combined with the
rest of classifiers’ to estimate prediction confidence.
While their confidence factor shows a good perfor-
mance, having a set of binary classifiers implies us-
ing many rulesets. This contrasts with our approach,
which contains an only ruleset and thus can be inte-
grated into an existing rule-based intrusion detection
Network intrusion detection systems have to deal with
continuous changes in software vulnerabilities, at-
tacks and exploits. Our system reuses a rule-based in-
trusion detection system such as Snort to implement
an adaptive machine-learning-based layer on top of
it. While assuming this constraint, our system offers
an overall good performance and adds features such
as prediction verification for automatic collecting of
problematic data and assisted classification of train-
ing data, which favours freshness of detection rules
and adds an heuristic and adaptive approach to exist-
ing rule-based misuse intrusion detection systems.
This research is funded in part by the Spanish Govern-
ment under the R&D project IMPROVISA (TSI2005-
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies