years towards the realization of so called Semantic
Browsing solutions for the Web. In this section we
will briefly recall a few of them, also addressing
other topicalities like advanced bookmarking
systems and services and semantic annotation tools.
The Haystack (Quan & Karger, May, 2004) web
client, developed at the MIT laboratories, was
conceived as an application that could be used to
browse arbitrary Semantic Web information in much
the same fashion as a Web browser can be used to
navigate the Web. Standard point-and-click
semantics let the user navigate over aggregation of
RDF repositories from different arbitrary locations.
The application has been built as an extension for
the popular Integrated Development Environment
Eclipse (Eclipse Platform Technical Overview); this
choice facilitates extension of the tool thanks to
Eclipse flexible plug-in mechanism, but requires the
user to adopt Eclipse as a platform for browsing the
web and collecting data from it: a negative aspect for
the average user, who would just prefer to rely on
his trusted personal web browser and try out other
features which are not too invasive for his usual way
of working.
An opposite approach is being followed by
Magpie (Dzbor, Domingue, & Motta, 2003), which
is deployed as a plug-in for the Microsoft Internet
Explorer Web Browser. In its first incarnation,
Magpie allowed for semantic browsing, intended as
the parallel navigation of purely “exposed” web
content and of its associated semantic layer (an
ontology associated to the web resource, which
semantically describes its content). Magpie also
allows for collaborative semantic web browsing, in
that different persons may gather information from
the same web resource and exchange it on the basis
of a common ontology. Recent work on Magpie
(Dzbor, Motta, & Domingue, 2004) extended the
platform more and more towards the vision of the
Semantic Web as “an open web of interoperable
applications” (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila,
2001), by allowing bi-directional exchange of
information among users and services, which can be
opportunistically located and composed, either
manually (web services) or automatically (semantic
web services).
From (part of) the same authors of Haystack,
comes Piggy-Bank (Huynh, Mazzocchi, & Karger,
November, 2005), an extension for the Firefox web
browser (Firefox home page) that lets Web users
extract individual information items from within
web pages and save them in RDF, replete with
metadata. Piggy Bank then lets users make use of
these items right inside the same web browser.
These items, collected from different sites, can then
be browsed, searched, sorted, and organized,
regardless of their origins and types. Piggy-Bank
users may also rely on Semantic Bank, a web server
application that lets them share the Semantic Web
information they have collected, enabling, as for
Magpie, collaborative efforts to build sophisticated
Semantic Web information repositories from daily
navigation through their enhanced web browser.
Though not being directly related to the category
of “semantic browsing” solutions, it is however
impossible to not mention recent trends in “social
bookmarking” tools. The most popular one,
del.icio.us (del.icio.us.), is a service for building
personal collections of bookmarks and access them
online. It is possible, through the same service, to
add links to a collection of bookmarks, to categorize
the related sites with keywords, and to share the
personal collection with other users. Google
recently offered a similar solution with its Google
Notebook (Google Notebook). The idea is quite
simple: open a scratch electronic paper from within
your web browser, and let the user add not only
bookmarks, but write complete multimedia
comments (by using Google Page Creator
technology (Google Page Creator)), which can also
be shared with other people (currently, this sharing
service is not yet active).
What lacks from the previous approaches (with
the possible exception of Magpie which, on the other
hand, realizes different objectives) is a really
integrated environment extending a web browser
with (light) knowledge management facilities and
efficient retrieval of acquired information, all put at
the hands of the user on its workstation (in
opposition to current trends promoting service-based
utilities which suppose an always-online working
environment and entirely “webbed” user interfaces).
Semantic Turkey had been initially developed as a
prototype for an advanced bookmarking system
(Griesi, Pazienza, & Stellato, 2007) with information
management capabilities centered around modern
Semantic Web knowledge representation models and
Our idea was to offer a sort of “semantic
notepad” with basic functionalities for:
1. capturing information from web pages – both by
considering the page as a whole, as well as by
selecting portions of their text – and annotating
it with respect to a personal ontology
2. editing the above ontology for classifying the
annotated information and for better
characterizing its interests according to its
descriptive properties (attributes and relations)
SEMANTIC TURKEY - A New Web Experience in between Ontology Editing and Semantic Annotation