A New Web Experience in between Ontology Editing and Semantic Annotation
Francesca Falluchi, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Noemi Scarpato and Armando Stellato
DISP, University of Tor Vergata, Via del Politecnico 1, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Semantic Browsing, Semantic Annotation, Semantic Bookmarking, Ontology Editing.
Abstract: In this work we describe Semantic Turkey, a Semantic Extension for the popular web browser Mozilla
Firefox. Semantic Turkey can be used to keep track of relevant information from visited web sites and
organize collected content according to a personally defined ontology. In this sense, Semantic Turkey can
be seen both as an advanced semantic bookmarking system as well as an ontology editing assistant, which
allows domain experts and ontology developers to build ontologies starting from the very raw source of
information which they find on the web. The open architecture of Semantic Turkey and the specific three-
layered approach of its design also allows for scaling the basic personal desktop application embodied by
this tool up to a distributed framework for collaborative semantic annotation and ontology editing. This
paper describes the architecture and the functionalities of the Semantic Turkey extension for Firefox, and
describe possible evolutions for future improvement of the tool.
While new solutions for Semantic Desktops and
Innovative Browsing of file systems (Leaftag
project; Wheeler, 2005) are arising in these days,
one of the instruments which is mostly correlated to
WWW – the Web Browser – and which should be
more prone to the wind of innovation blowing from
the Semantic Web, remains confined to its old
fashioned interaction modalities. Web browsers
currently offer no more than the classical services –
for collecting and organizing bookmarks and for
retrieving the history of past navigation activity –
which we have been used to since the beginning of
the Web. The web is however not the same of ten
years ago: today much of the information which is
intended to be public can be accessed even (if not
solely) from the WWW so that every web user is
exposed to a huge amount of knowledge and data
which is difficult to manage and retrieve. New
paradigms are thus necessary to support users in web
browsing and in the process of collecting and
retrieving the data which is observed during
In this work we describe Semantic Turkey, a
Semantic Extension for the popular web browser
Mozilla Firefox (Firefox home page), which can be
used to annotate information from visited web sites
and organize this information according to a
personally defined ontology. Semantic Turkey
should not be addressed as a “Semantic Web
Browser” (whatever the nature of this term, which
will probably take shape in the near future): in its
current form, it is intended as a personal desktop
solution for organizing and managing the relevant
information which is observed during web
navigation. So, considering it under different
perspectives and according to different needs, it
could both be adopted as an advanced replacement
for the traditional “Bookmarks” menu, offering clear
separation between knowledge data (the WHAT)
and web links (the WHERE), as well as an assistant
for ontology developing, allowing users to easily
grab information from the web and build new
concepts, objects and relations to produce new
ontologies or populate existing ones. As an
additional possibility, the architecture of the tool has
been conceived to allow for an easy scale-up to a
distributed and collaborative framework for
semantic annotation and ontology editing.
As an evidence of the great interest in the matter,
several actions have been undertaken in the last
Falluchi F., Teresa Pazienza M., Scarpato N. and Stellato A. (2008).
SEMANTIC TURKEY - A New Web Experience in between Ontology Editing and Semantic Annotation.
In Proceedings of the Fourth Inter national Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 90-97
DOI: 10.5220/0001526600900097
years towards the realization of so called Semantic
Browsing solutions for the Web. In this section we
will briefly recall a few of them, also addressing
other topicalities like advanced bookmarking
systems and services and semantic annotation tools.
The Haystack (Quan & Karger, May, 2004) web
client, developed at the MIT laboratories, was
conceived as an application that could be used to
browse arbitrary Semantic Web information in much
the same fashion as a Web browser can be used to
navigate the Web. Standard point-and-click
semantics let the user navigate over aggregation of
RDF repositories from different arbitrary locations.
The application has been built as an extension for
the popular Integrated Development Environment
Eclipse (Eclipse Platform Technical Overview); this
choice facilitates extension of the tool thanks to
Eclipse flexible plug-in mechanism, but requires the
user to adopt Eclipse as a platform for browsing the
web and collecting data from it: a negative aspect for
the average user, who would just prefer to rely on
his trusted personal web browser and try out other
features which are not too invasive for his usual way
of working.
An opposite approach is being followed by
Magpie (Dzbor, Domingue, & Motta, 2003), which
is deployed as a plug-in for the Microsoft Internet
Explorer Web Browser. In its first incarnation,
Magpie allowed for semantic browsing, intended as
the parallel navigation of purely “exposed” web
content and of its associated semantic layer (an
ontology associated to the web resource, which
semantically describes its content). Magpie also
allows for collaborative semantic web browsing, in
that different persons may gather information from
the same web resource and exchange it on the basis
of a common ontology. Recent work on Magpie
(Dzbor, Motta, & Domingue, 2004) extended the
platform more and more towards the vision of the
Semantic Web as “an open web of interoperable
applications” (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila,
2001), by allowing bi-directional exchange of
information among users and services, which can be
opportunistically located and composed, either
manually (web services) or automatically (semantic
web services).
From (part of) the same authors of Haystack,
comes Piggy-Bank (Huynh, Mazzocchi, & Karger,
November, 2005), an extension for the Firefox web
browser (Firefox home page) that lets Web users
extract individual information items from within
web pages and save them in RDF, replete with
metadata. Piggy Bank then lets users make use of
these items right inside the same web browser.
These items, collected from different sites, can then
be browsed, searched, sorted, and organized,
regardless of their origins and types. Piggy-Bank
users may also rely on Semantic Bank, a web server
application that lets them share the Semantic Web
information they have collected, enabling, as for
Magpie, collaborative efforts to build sophisticated
Semantic Web information repositories from daily
navigation through their enhanced web browser.
Though not being directly related to the category
of “semantic browsing” solutions, it is however
impossible to not mention recent trends in “social
bookmarking” tools. The most popular one, (, is a service for building
personal collections of bookmarks and access them
online. It is possible, through the same service, to
add links to a collection of bookmarks, to categorize
the related sites with keywords, and to share the
personal collection with other users. Google
recently offered a similar solution with its Google
Notebook (Google Notebook). The idea is quite
simple: open a scratch electronic paper from within
your web browser, and let the user add not only
bookmarks, but write complete multimedia
comments (by using Google Page Creator
technology (Google Page Creator)), which can also
be shared with other people (currently, this sharing
service is not yet active).
What lacks from the previous approaches (with
the possible exception of Magpie which, on the other
hand, realizes different objectives) is a really
integrated environment extending a web browser
with (light) knowledge management facilities and
efficient retrieval of acquired information, all put at
the hands of the user on its workstation (in
opposition to current trends promoting service-based
utilities which suppose an always-online working
environment and entirely “webbed” user interfaces).
Semantic Turkey had been initially developed as a
prototype for an advanced bookmarking system
(Griesi, Pazienza, & Stellato, 2007) with information
management capabilities centered around modern
Semantic Web knowledge representation models and
Our idea was to offer a sort of “semantic
notepad” with basic functionalities for:
1. capturing information from web pages – both by
considering the page as a whole, as well as by
selecting portions of their text – and annotating
it with respect to a personal ontology
2. editing the above ontology for classifying the
annotated information and for better
characterizing its interests according to its
descriptive properties (attributes and relations)
SEMANTIC TURKEY - A New Web Experience in between Ontology Editing and Semantic Annotation
3. navigating the structured information as an
underlying semantic net which, populated with
the many relationships which bind the annotated
objects between them, eases the process of
retrieving the knowledge which was buried by
the past of time
In particular, we coined the expression Semantic
Bookmarking to indicate the process of annotating
information from (web) documents, to acquire new
knowledge and represent it through knowledge
representation standards. In this sense, Semantic
Turkey differentiated from similar, previously
described, tools, as it offered a lightweight structure,
which completely exploits the infrastructure of the
hosting web browser (with respect to, for example,
the complex completely-web based interface of
Piggy-Bank) and which grants the user a good
control over its personal knowledge model (while,
e.g. Magpie only adopts ontologies which have been
defined elsewhere). In the process of reengineering
the original prototype and releasing it to the
community, we made a further step in strengthening
its unique combination of semantic annotation and
editing functionalities, endowing it with full
ontology editing and import capabilities, an even
more modular and flexible architecture allowing for
different ontology technologies to be plugged at
need and a versatile knowledge model for
coordinating user/domain and application-driven
The architecture (Fig. 1) of Semantic Turkey follows
a three layered design, with the presentation layer
embodying the true Firefox extension and the other
two layers built around java technologies for
administering the business logic and data access.
Everything relating user interaction is directly
managed by the Firefox extension, thanks to a
solution directly integrated in the browser. This
approach has two main advantages: total reuse of the
functionalities of a well assessed, stable and
complete software for web browsing, and a non
invasive offer for the user, who can still use the web
browser he has been acquainted with.
The second layer, the service layer, is realized
through a collection of Java Web Services,
published through the Web Server “Jetty” (Jetty Java
HTTP Servlet Server). Jetty is implemented entirely
in Java, and the architecture foresees its use as an
embedded component. This means that the Web
Server and the Web Application run in the same
process, without interconnection overheads and
other sort of complications.
4.1 Architectural Layers
The following sections describe more in detail the
three layers which constitute the architecture of
Semantic Turkey
Presentation Layer. The User Interface has been
created through a combined use of the XML User
Interface Language XUL (XML User Interface
Language (XUL) Project), XBL (Extensible Binding
Language) and Javascript language.
The UI physically appears as a set of Firefox
sidebar, representing ontological information. User
requests are handled through the Ajax (Garrett,
2005) paradigm: the data – in XML format – is thus
mainly exchanged between the two layers in an
asynchronous way, to preserve good performance
and to not penalize the activity of the browser.
Javascript XPCOM (XPCOM) components have
been developed and the Simile Java Firefox
Extension (Simile Java Firefox Extension) has been
adopted for linking the chrome part and the Java part
to start the Jetty embedded java server.
Middle Layer. This layer offers services which may
be invoked through http requests submitted
according to the Ajax paradigm, thus enabling
communication between the client (Firefox
extension) and the server. The server receives the
requests coming from the client by GET or POST
http calls, carries out the operations associated to
these calls, and in case replies with an XML
response. If a call implies the return of a XHTML
page, a XSLT transformation is being performed, in
order to decouple the data model with its
manifestation in the presentation layer.
The majority of invocations to the server are
being completed in an asynchronous way, so that,
independently from the workload that is subjected
the server, the browser can continue to respond to
the user. This is a crucial issue for the usability of
the application: expensive computations blocking
normal behavior of the browser would otherwise not
be tolerated by the user.
Besides supporting the communication with the
client, the middle layer provides the functionalities
for definition, management and treatment of the
data. Several objects are described through an
ontological model (see next section), to represent
both pure conceptual knowledge as well as
application required information.
Data Layer. It is mainly constituted by the
component for managing the ontology. This has
recently been rewritten as a series of dedicated API
for accessing ontological data: these offer both RDF
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
triple-level access methods as well as more object
oriented facilities, which have been appreciated in
RDF libraries like Jena (McBride, 2001). Semantic
Turkey API constitute an interface which can be
implemented by building wrappers for existing
ontology libraries, so that we could easily select
those which best fit the needs of a given situation
(like working with small or large repositories, on a
local or collaborative environment etc…) without
having to modify the whole application. The first
implementation of these API has been developed as
a wrapper for Sesame (Broekstra, Kampman, & van
Harmelen, 2002) and the OWLIM plugin (Kiryakov,
Ognyanov, & Manov, 2005), which has been added
for reasoning over OWL (Web Ontology Language
webpage) data.
The above architecture easily allow for scaling the
basic personal desktop application embodied by this
tool up to a distributed framework for collaborative
semantic annotation and ontology editing, as either
(or both) the middle and data layer could be ported
with little or no modification at all on a distributed
environment, with extended Firefox clients
accessing remote semantic repositories for
concurrently accessing, annotating and editing
ontological data.
We are currently pre-testing this possibility inside the
Diligent (IST-004260) project, where data from web
pages coming from different sites relating to the geospatial
domain, will be semantically annotated according to a set
of reference ontologies defined in the Impect portal
The objective is to populate Diligent internal
repository with data coming from multiple sources
thanks to mass collaborative work of several
annotators. Keeping track of annotations’
provenance is also necessary so that eventual
reputation/validation mechanisms could be
subsequently raised on top of this knowledge.
Figure 1: Semantic Turkey Architecture.
SEMANTIC TURKEY - A New Web Experience in between Ontology Editing and Semantic Annotation
Figure 2: Building an ontological knowledge base through semantic annotations.
4.2 Knowledge Management
With respect to its former prototype, Semantic
Turkey offers now a complete ontology editing
environment, allowing users to import, edit and
merge ontological data coming from different
RDF/OWL sources. What has been maintained in
this version is the main separation between the
explicit knowledge managed by the user and the one
which guides system’s behavior. This last set,
defined as Application Ontologies, at present state
solely includes the Annotation Ontology: a set of
concepts which are used to keep track of user
annotations from the web, but could be expanded
according to future extensions of Semantic Turkey.
These, among the others, include the concepts:
WebPage (subClassOf Document) concept
for storing information about the annotated
pages (mainly their URL and title), that is,
the pages where part of the text is annotated
with respect to the ontology and thus added to it
as a new individual
SemanticAnnotation containing the
annotations performed by the user, described by
their URL, annotated object etc… these can be
both TextualAnnotations (for text
annotated from the web page) as well as
ImageAnnotations (for grabbed images)
The annotations also keep track of the different
possible lexicalizations that a same object may have
exposed into different web pages. Application
Ontologies are invisible to the user, their content is
however made implicitly accessible through
dedicated functionalities offered by the tool (or
viewed explicitly through settings of the platform).
Semantic Turkey offers editing operations for
populating the personal ontology with annotations
from visited web sites, as well as search and
navigation functionalities which facilitate the
recovery of already acquired knowledge.
5.1 Main Functionalities
The user may interact with the ontology panel to
modify its personal ontology, through a series of
operations, which we describe here, organized into
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Interaction with the Browser. These mainly
include drag&drop operations (Figure 2) which
allow to annotate information from the visited sites.:
1. Drag and drop of a selection of a text from an
html document displayed in the browser, on the
icon that represents a class, in order to create an
individual of that class. The selection will
become the local name of the new individual,
which will be shown inside the instances panel.
2. Drag and drop of a selection of text from an
html document, on the icon that represents an
individual, in order to ad a further bookmark for
that individual, or to characterize a property
which that individual owns. A specific window
will open, prompting the user to choose the
appropriate functionality. In the first case, a new
semantic annotation is taken for the individual,
with a new webpage as a bookmark for it and
the new textual occurrence of that individual in
the observed page. In the other case, the user
can choose a property for enriching the
description of the chosen individual through the
selected text. If the selected property is an
owl:ObjectProperty, the selection will become
the name of a new individual created as an
instance of the range class of the chosen
property, or a further annotation for an existing
individual. In both cases, the two individuals are
bound through the selected property. In case of
an owl:Datatype or owl:AnnotationProperty, a
new value will be added.
3. Drag and drop of a selection of text from an
html document, on the icon that represents an
individual, in order to define a further
lexicalization for that individual. The user can
choose, from the same panel described before, if
the selection characterizes a range of a property
or a new observed lexicalization (see section 0).
These functionalities have been conceived to speed
up typical series of operations which characterize
both the worlds of ontology development and
semantic annotation. For example, the second one
which has been described above performs, in case of
an object property, the creation of a new instance,
its annotation with the current web page and the
assertion of a relationship between the new
individual and the selected one, at the cost of just a
drag&drop and a selection.
Direct Ontology Editing. These functionalities
operate exclusively on the ontologies, as it should be
important for the user to integrate the knowledge
acquired through semantic bookmarking with
information he could get through other media. All
typical ontology editing operations (Figure 3) are
carried out through buttons and context menus
associated to the nodes of the tree, in a way much
similar to traditional ontology editing tools, like
Protégé (Gennari, et al., 2003) or TopBraid
Composer (TopBraid Composer). By offering
complete interaction with the ontology via the XUL
interface (instead of an HTML interface, like in
Piggy-Bank), the user is not diverted from his
current navigation (i.e. the main browser panel is
still focused on the visited web page, which would
otherwise be replaced by the HTML UI) and may, at
the same time, maintain its attention over the
observed web page. Extended support for natural
language descriptions of ontology objects is also
present in the system, allowing for explicit
representations of the same objects through different
synonimical expressions, or translation for different
idioms, thus accounting for multilinguism.
Semantic Navigation. As an additional feature, the
user may graphically explore the ontology, thanks to
the SemanticNavigation component (Figure 4): a
customized version of the TouchGraph library
(Touchgraph Development Page). A Java applet will
be loaded on a new tab of the browser, displaying
the graph view of the ontology, allowing the user to
navigate its content. The nodes of the graph will be
displayed in different manners, according to the
nature of the ontological entity: classes, properties or
individuals. By dragging the mouse pointer on a
node that represents an individual, it is possible to
open a popup window, which contains the URLs of
the pages where that instance has been annotated.
Figure 3: Editing properties in ST.
SEMANTIC TURKEY - A New Web Experience in between Ontology Editing and Semantic Annotation
Figure 4: Semantic Navigation of Ontology Data.
In this paper we have described Semantic Turkey, a
web browser semantic extension which could
support ontology developers, domain experts,
annotators or just simple web users in a variety of
tasks which require managing information extracted
from web sources.
ST’s possible areas of intervention, which include
semantic annotation, ontology editing and semantic
bookmarking, are the result of a unifying solution
which considers the definition, collection,
organization and management of knowledge not
completely separated from the analysis of the
information sources where the same knowledge is
acquired and then elicited. Trying a direct
comparison with other recent similar works is thus a
difficult task, as ST distinguishes for the unique
characterization of its approach: it is obviously not
an ontology editing tool, though we felt that adding
basic ontology editing functionalities was a key
feature for a semantic bookmarking system which
considers customization to user needs as much a
strong point as reuse of existing material. The
annotation aspect is limited to bookmarking
(reporting just the page where a given object has
been annotated), though it could be extended in
extracting specific information about the exact
location – inside the page – of the annotated text,
thus making ST suitable for tasks like
semantic/linguistic annotation. Again, it would
differentiate from its many predecessors, e.g. Melita
(Ciravegna, Dingli, Petrelli, & Wilks, 2002), for the
completeness of its annotation possibilities –
whereas most of them just allow for annotating text
with respect to a hierarchy of classes – and in the
robust web content rendering, as it is implicit in the
adoption of a popular and affirmed web browser.
Probably, a pitfall of so a versatile system would
reside in the danger of becoming a jack-of-all-trades
and a master of none: ST captures a good trade-off
on knowledge representation and user interaction to
offer a solid Semantic Web bookmarking platform,
whereas its predecessors bear identifying
functionalities associated to their main objectives:
user-driven learning for Melita, web services for
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Magpie, annotation repositories for Piggy Bank etc...
all of these feature are difficult to maintain in a
single platform even when it potentially allows for
their integration. For this reason, we decided to open
up the system to possible extensions, by introducing
a dedicated plug-in framework which accounts for,
and is able to coordinate at best, the hybridization of
the several technologies which characterize the
architecture of Semantic Turkey.
Next research directions will exploit the new
extension framework to add advanced functionalities
for automatically extracting knowledge from web
sources and interact with the user on how to use it
for populating/enriching ontologies; we intend also
to explore innovative solutions expressly dedicated
to a collaborative working environment and also
consider diverse kind of media sources.
We would like to dedicate this work to the memory
of the late Donato Griesi, who implemented the first
prototype of Semantic Turkey. We hope you can be
proud of where it has gone now...
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SEMANTIC TURKEY - A New Web Experience in between Ontology Editing and Semantic Annotation