population (“6,7 Millionen schwerbehinderte
Menschen,” 2006). The number of severely disabled
persons has increased. The reason is the advanced
medicine. So today people can live with diseases,
which were deadly a few years before.
2.2 Types of Handicaps
From accessibility Web content everybody has a
benefit. Of course disabled persons have the major
benefit. They meet on more barriers than non-
disabled persons.
There are different types of handicaps. In a study
from the German Federal Ministry of Family,
Seniors, Women’s and Adolescence types of
handicaps are analysed. The impairment of the
function of the internal organ is the frequently
encountered type of handicap.
From different literature and statistics we can
classify four main types of handicaps (“Gender
Datenreport,” 2005): Body-disability (67 %),
Cognitive disability (8%), Visual impairment,
blindness/colour-ametropia (5%) and Aural-demage
(4%). The values in brackets show the percentages
of this group opposite to all collected data of
severely disabled persons. The group of body-
disability is the largest group. The others are all
about the same.
It is an established fact that 83.5 % of a disability
is caused by diseases and only 4.7 % of a disability
is due to inheritance. 74 percent of severely disabled
persons are 55 years or older.
Guidelines and laws for accessibility exist on
international and national level. In March 2007, The
United Nations has published the Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
In the area of Web Content the WAI as a part of
the W3C has developed the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines. These guidelines explain
how to make Web content accessible to people with
disabilities. The guidelines have met a breadth of
international acceptance and should be used by all
Web content developers. Following the guidelines
makes the Web content more accessible for all users
if whether they are disabled or not.
Under the leadership of the WAI three series of
accessibility guidelines have been developed. The
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG)
defines how authoring tools should help developers
produce accessibility Web content. The User Agent
Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) is primarily for
developers of user agents like Web browser, media
player or assistive technologies. Core of the WCAG
is to explain Web content’s good accessibility.
Figure 1: WAI Guidelines and Techniques (“WAI
Figure 1 shows that the accessibility of Web
content is not only the function of a web developer.
Also the developers of authoring and evaluation
tools as well as developer of browsers, media
players and assistive technologies have to account
for compliance with regulations.
Based on the Last Call Working Draft from 27
April 2006 the WCAG 2.0 now includes many new
aspects. Hundreds of comments have been given by
reviewers and currently it is in the state of a
Working Draft. This Working Draft (May 17. 2007)
is the basis for our test tool. The four major
accessibility principles are perceivable, operable,
understandable and robust as shown in figure 2.
These principles are subdivided in 12 guidelines and
the guidelines are further subdivided in 56 success
criteria. The 56 success criteria are organized into
three levels. Single A conformance means, that all
these criteria have to be fulfilled in order that the
Web content satisfies level A. To satisfy
conformance level AA the Web content must fulfil
all single A and all double A criteria. Level AAA is
the highest conformance level and all 56 success
criteria on the three levels have to be satisfied. The
guideline describes that a level does not mean that
some criteria are more important than other. With
the goal of a triple A conformance this is right but
indirectly a weighting is given. On the other side a
AAA conformance does not guarantee that all
people can access the Web content. For example not