Steffen Mencke, Fritz Zbrog and Reiner Dumke
Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University, Universitätsplatz 2, Magdeburg, Germany
E-learning, process.
E-learning is nowadays one of the most interesting of the “e-”domains available through the Internet. Defining
e-learning as a single process, just with content development and content delivery/maintenance, only depicts
a limited view to its complex nature. Many more detailed processes exist and can be described, analysed and
This paper addresses this aspect. It is intended to provide background information about e-learning processes
and their possible descriptions. They are used to start a discussion about useful and applicable e-learning
process descriptions.
E-learning is nowadays one of the most interesting
of the “e-”domains available through the Internet.
In general it refers to a wide range of applications
and processes designed to deliver instruction through
computational means (Juneidi and Vouros, 2005).
A process is formally defined as a set of activi-
ties associated with a set of events, where an event
is an internal or external signal, message, variable,
scheduling, conditional change, or timing that is spec-
ified in association with specific activities in a process
(Wang and King, 2000).
An e-learning process thereby is a special process,
whose domain is e-learning and the process transi-
tions involve e-learning-related activities to change
certain states within this domain.
A reasonable discussion must base on a solid fun-
dament of knowledge about the targeted problem. Af-
ter this introduction section 2 provides those needed
information about e-learning processes and possible
process descriptions. Section 3 discusses the appli-
cability of process descriptions for certain identified
e-learning processes. In section 4 we finish with a
conclusion and some remarks about future work.
2.1 E-learning Process Dimensions
E-learning itself is a process containing two major
phases: content development (additionally including
planning, design and evaluation) and content delivery
(additionally including maintenance). Its nature is it-
erative (cp. figure 1). Evaluation is recommended for
continuous improvement (Giotopoulos et al., 2005).
Content Development Process
Delivery &
Figure 1: Iterative process of E-learning (cp. (Giotopoulos
et al., 2005)).
The stages of a general e-learning process are
planning, design, production, evaluation, delivery and
maintenance, instruction stage and marketing (Khan,
There exist more specialised e-learning processes
being categorised in the following according to their
domain of application. The proposed dimensions and
some exemplified e-learning processes are:
Technological dimension
E-learning platform operation
Technical-enhanced dissemination process
Organisational dimension
E-learning establishment and process
Course and organisation administration
Mencke S., Zbrog F. and Dumke R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 460-463
DOI: 10.5220/0001527004600463
Evaluation through the entire lifecycle
Coordination process
E-learning innovation process
Authoring dimension (refers to the classic content
creation stage)
Learning object and course design
Didactical design
Learning and teaching dimension (refers to the
classic content delivery stage)
Presentation process
Learning process
2.2 Process Descriptions
Processes in general can be described using various
approaches. The identified classes of process descrip-
tions reveal an increasing degree of formalisation
informal process descriptions, graphical process de-
scriptions and formal process descriptions.
Some process description approaches were al-
ready used in the previous subsection about e-learning
processes, like e.g. textual descriptions. Other re-
sources refer to activity lists, hierarchies (Pentland
et al., 1999) or tables as informal approaches to de-
pict processes with their states and activities.
More graphical approachesto model stepwise pro-
cesses are diagrams and graphs as for example the one
in figure 1 about the general e-learning process.
A last class of approaches categorises formal de-
scriptions like algebraic possiblities, languages or
rules. Other examples base on petri nets, like the
event-driven process chain (Müller et al., 2005) or
ontologies, e.g. describing the structure of didacti-
cal ontologies which can be used to model didactical
process expertise (Mencke and Dumke, 2007).
As already introduced processes are determined by
sequence of states. This sequence can be influenced
on certain levels and depicts the nature of a process’
activities - in other words it reveals a system be-
haviour. The states of the process base on certain do-
main objects. Within e-learning that can be a learning
object, a course, an e-learning system, etc.
These dimensions - the nature of state domain ob-
jects and the activities nature - are used to categorize
already identified e-learning process classes.
According to the classification in table 1 the rigid
nature of activities as well as of state domain objects
are used in closed processes. The activities and do-
Table 1: Classification of e-learning processes according to
the processes’ nature.
rigid flexible
main objects rarely change. Technological and organ-
isational processes are categorised here. More open
processes deal with flexible objects and flexible ac-
tivities. Within e-learning open processes are author-
ing and learning processes. Depending on the type of
learning, learning processes can be completely open
and therefore guided, but not specificly bounded to
any predefined learning path space.
3.1 Closed e-Learning Processes
Main evaluation criteria for closed e-learning pro-
cesses are stability, safety, being optimised and that
they meet time constraints. Routine must be achieved.
This process type is already well known and re-
searched. There exist multiple proven approaches
to meet the several levels of routine in different do-
mains. Roadmaps defined based on maturity models
fit the requirements of process management, follow-
ing existing standards, measuring and measurement-
based adaptation to understandand, model and im-
prove closed processes. An existing maturity model
for e-learning is eMM (Marshall, 2007). Its levels are:
5. Optimising: continual improvement
4. Managed: ensuring the quality of e-learning re-
sources and student outcomes
3. Defined: defined process for development
2. Planned: clear objectives for e-learning
1. Initial: ad-hoc processes
Roadmaps of maturity models use the informal
textual approach to define rules to help an institution
to further develop their closed e-learning processes.
Graphical approaches are only used for the human
reader for a better understanding. Executable formal
approaches are not useful because closed e-learning
processes are too complex and rarely can be auto-
mated evaluated due to the subjective nature of their
3.2 Semi-Open e-Learning Processes
Semi-open processes cannot be evaluated simply by
the routine of its execution. Authoring and learning
based on strict course structures reveal a rigid or
maximal probabilistic activity nature. There are
predefined degrees of freedom to choose different
activities and to change the objects the states are
based on. These objects, e.g. learning objects or
learning steps, are flexible in the manner that they can
and must be adapted to reflect the changes within the
environment: new knowledge needs to be integrated
and new teaching/learning approaches to be applied.
Factors to be taken into consideration are e.g.:
Relative completeness, e.g. in terms of exten-
sion, issue representation, maintenance conformity,
avoidance of semantical thinning and individualisa-
tion (concept overvaluation)
Didactical preparation, e.g. in terms of compre-
hensibility, goal conformity, logical consistency
For semi-open e-learning processes also exist ap-
plicable process descriptions. That refers e.g. to the
PELO model for authoring (Müller et al., 2005). The
main steps are process modeling, process execution
and process measurement. For the first step, the au-
thors use a formal visualisation technique, the Event-
driven Process Chain that is based on Petri-net theory.
For the learning process guidance certain models
exist (e.g. SCORM (Advanced Distributed Learning
(ADL), 2006)). They are not completely sufficient
due to several reason. So they still lack from an appro-
priate definition of difficulty and a sufficient definition
of usage rights and educational activities (because of
the often used IEEE LOM (IEEE LTSC, 2003)). Fur-
thermore there is a subjective selection of educational
material types or missing detailled specifications for
some types of media (Simon, 2002).
3.3 Open e-Learning Processes
Open e-learning processes are the most complex ones.
There are high degrees of freedom for activities as
well as for the state’s objects. The nature of the ob-
jects as well as their types can extremely vary. For
a learning process there are for example different
culture-related, individual disposition-related, intrin-
sic and extrinsic motivation or timely emotional in-
fluences. Other variables are the learning situation,
the individual learning type and the learning content.
The main goals for open e-learning processes
specificely directed to learning next to individual
knowledge increase are not to classify but to individu-
ally treat learners, to keep the learning motivation and
to provide learning possibilities that can adapt to in-
dividuals and their specific situation. The learner is a
partner within the process, not a target.
Some criteria for evaluation of process outcomes
Content quality according to the learning goal:
Degree of the content’s abstraction
Difficulty level of content
Flexibility of the learning system according to in-
dividual learning and life situations
Method conformity
Individual learning goal adaptations by the learner
Individual knowledge gain
Degree of content understanding, repitition and
Achieving the didactical goal
Again routine criteria and related process descrip-
tions are not sufficient. So far no single system pro-
vides sufficient process support that comprises all di-
mensions. Ontologies can be an approach to take into
account occuring diversity (Simon, 2002), (Mencke
and Dumke, 2007).
3.4 Ontology-based e-Learning Process
As argued above, most process descriptions are not
sufficient to model the complex influences that may
occur within open e-learning processes. A flexible
and semantically defined approach is needed to guar-
antee applicability, reusability and extensibility.
Therefore the authors propose an extension of
the ontology for e-learning processes described in
(Mencke and Dumke, 2007). Other basic character-
istics are described in (Lin and Strasunskas, 2005).
This ontology’s tasks are twofold: providing a gen-
eral scheme for process description as well as serving
as a starting point for process optimisation.
In the proposed ontology a process is modelled as
a graph of LearningActivities, each finalised with a
LearningState. Conditions are used to define transi-
tions between LearningStates and LearningActivities.
Each LearningState can be further semantically
described by the definition of Dimensions. This
feature is supposed to be further adapted and ex-
tended to depict suitable descriptions for each pos-
sible implementation. A LearningState is the set of
LearningStates of each sub-LearningActivity of the
LearningStates LearningActivity. Here appropri-
ate mechanisms still need to be developed to (a) inter-
pret subset of LearningStates to identify the next ap-
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
propriate LearningActivity and (b) to analyse the user
to identify suitable dimension concepts for interpreta-
tion. But this is not the focus of this paper.
These feature are the base of the ontologys capa-
bility for storing complex e-learning processes. Fig-
ure 2 shows the developed ontology.
LearningActivity LearningState
ConditionOperator Variable
Figure 2: Ontology for e-learning process description.
In this paper the authors analysed different e-learning
process descriptions and possible process descrip-
tions. Their classification is used to start a discussion
about the applicability of process descriptions for cer-
tain e-learning processes. Three main classes of them
are identified and appropriate description approaches
are suggested.
Futhermore, for open e-learning processes as the
most complex class, an ontology-based description is
proposed by the authors.
In the future existing user models need to be ana-
lysed for their capability to work with the flexibility
of the proposed ontology. Another aspect is the de-
scription of the interpretation mechanism that uses the
existing ontologies and user models to ensure the flex-
ibility of the learning process support.
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