A phase of «Intelligence» that aims in gathering
and organizing necessary information;
A phase of «design» that aims in constructing
alternatives and deducing their consequences;
A phase of « choice » that aims in evaluating
the consequences of the different alternatives,
selecting the most favorable alternative, and
then confirm the conditions of that
A phase of «Review» that checks if the real
consequences of the selected alternative are
conform to decision maker’s expectations
c. Play of type «Project management»: a learning
system is characterized by three models: a
knowledge model to describe learning objects, a
pedagogic model to specify the processes or learning
scenarios, and the mediatic model to define the
pedagogic materials and the technologic
infrastructures as learning support (Paquette, 1997).
The proposed play of type
«Project management» is based on the engineering
process of MISA method (Paquette, 1997). This play
of type is structured in three levels: phases, steps and
activities. The engineering process is composed of
five phases which will be considered as acts:
to accomplish the analysis and the preliminary
to elaborate the architecture of a learning
to design pedagogical materials;
to realize and validate materials;
to prepare the setting of the learning system.
This case study concerns a CoPE developed and
done within the framework of the project of distance
education CoseLearn “Coopération Suisse en
matière de eLearning” that was initiated by
QualiLearning company which consists in
promoting e-learning in a number of French-
speaking countries in Africa (www.coselearn.org).
The main aim of this program is to promote e-
learning by progressively implementing a Virtual
Campus in more than 50 partner universities.
CoseLearn program leads to the professional
diploma of “Master International En e-
Learning” (MIEL) (International Master in e-
The CoPE is made up of principal actors of the
project (professors, tutors, and administrators) and
master candidates (university teachers and computer
centre engineers). The learning situation
encountered within the framework of this CoPE
covers the three types of learning situations: problem
situations, decision situations, and project situations.
The problem situations consist in finding
answers to the various questions encountered by the
candidates during all their training and instruction,
namely during the duties stated in various subjects
as well as during the final project. The decision
situations identify essentially the possible
alternatives for the design and development. The
criteria and/or the arguments necessary to the
selection are also identified. Finally, the project
situations address the exchange of the practices.
These practices will be deducted using a viable
know-how in terms of construction of the online
education courses (best practices).
In case of the problem-situations type, Moodle is
used as a technical environment and is plays the role
of an LMS and a CoPE. Let’s consider, for example,
a question asked by a learner member: How to write
a Java applet to allow part of an online course on
LMS Moodle to communicate with a simulation
software in order to automatically capture the
simulations’ results?
The answer to this question requires the
collaboration of the learner members of the CoPE
(master candidates) within the framework of a play
of type «problem based learning». Here is some
supplementary information about this learning
The learner-members have a techno-
pedagogical qualification;
Participation of support-members: moderator,
manager and reporter is required;
The collaboration takes place in the «Problem-
solving sub-space» of the «Design-space».
The collaboration takes the form of discussion
of different alternatives, offered by Java and
related to applets. A discussion is also done
about the way Moodle is communicating with
the simulator;
The CoPE memory contains, among others,
interesting resources on Java applets, Moodle,
and the simulator;
The results of this collaboration will be saved in
the CoPE memory.
An XML code has been generated with IMS-
CLD schema. In this scenario, two sub-roles of
learner-member role were created: «Pedagogical
participant» and «Technical Participant». Other sub-
roles were created such as: «Moderator», «Reporter»
and «Manager» of support-member role. Since the
problem to solve is part of the design step, the
activity type «Design-activity» was used. An
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies