cation. It allows these users to quickly find a choreog-
raphy that matches their necessities, considering both
syntactic and semantic issues. It also supports deploy-
ment and execution of the business’ portion of a pro-
cess, without the need to previously know involved
partners. This fosters flexibility and independence of
each participant in a business environment.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents some related works; an overview of the pro-
posed infrastructure is showed in Section 3; Sec-
tions 4, 5 and 6 detail our approach for sharing chore-
ographies, discovery partners and coordinating the
choreography execution; Section 7 presents some im-
plementation issues; finally, in Section 8, we present
conclusions and future works.
Several papers, e.g. (Chung et al., 2004; Caituiro-
Monge and Rodrguez-Martinez, 2004; Jung et al.,
2004), present solutions for executing Web service
compositions. Chung et al. (Chung et al., 2004)
present an architecture that uses a grammar to spec-
ify business processes. The architecture provides
mechanisms to discover services, bind them to pro-
cesses’ taks, and coordinate them. Caituiro-Monge
(Caituiro-Monge and Rodrguez-Martinez, 2004) in-
troduces a framework for Web services collaboration
in E-Government. In this framework, control data,
which is attached to service requests and results, is
used to control Web service invocations and mes-
sage forwarding. Jung (Jung et al., 2004) proposes
an interface protocol for incorporating existing work-
flows into interorganizational business processes and
an architecture to execute them. In our solution, like
in (Mendling and Hafner, 2005; Diaz et al., 2006),
Web service choreographies are executed through a
set of executable WS-BPEL plans generated from a
WS-CDL choreography description. However, our in-
frastructure adds a coordination logic on top of WS-
BPEL business logic in order to keep the choreogra-
phy designer away from details such as partner dis-
covery and context control.
Following the Semantic Web trend (Berners-Lee
et al., 2001), the Web service community has pro-
posed means to semantically annotate Web services,
allowing their automatic discovery and composition.
Examples of these efforts are SA-WSDL (Semantic
Annotations for WSDL) (W3C, 2007) and OWL-S
(Martin et al., 2004). SA-WSDL is a proposal for in-
creasing the expressivity of WSDL through concepts
of an ontology. OWL-S is a set of constructs, built on
top of OWL, for describing properties and capabili-
ties of Web services in an unambiguous form. In our
infrastructure, we propose the use of semantic annota-
tion at choreography description level in order to help
users to find descriptions that match their necessities.
In our infrastructure, choreographies are represented
in two levels: global views and coordination plans. A
global view is a WS-CDL document that defines the
role of each participant of a business process. It de-
scribes, from a global point of view, the interactions
among partners, the conditions for interactions to hap-
pen and the set of data exchanged during the collab-
oration. Each global view is assumed to be uniquely
identified by a URI. In the same way, each role that is
defined in the global view is uniquely identified by a
Coordination plans describe the individual behav-
ior of one of the roles defined in a global view. A
coordination plan is composed of a set of instruc-
tions that trigger requests to other partners, process
requests received from other partners and control the
flow of actions for that role. A coordination plan in-
tegrates the external logic defined by a global view
with the internal logic of an individual partner. We
have adopted WS-BPEL for representing coordina-
tion plans.
The constraints defined in a global view enable an
organization to generate a coordination plan that re-
flects its behavior in the corresponding business pro-
cess. A global view ensures that coordination plans
for distinct roles, generated from the same global
view, are interoperable. However, global views do
not define a partner’s specific internal logic. So, an
organization that wants to play a role in a business
process described by a global view must generate a
coordination plan skeleton from that global view and
then customize it, including the organization’s inter-
nal logic.
Figure 1 shows our infrastructure. It is composed
of four elements: the choreography repository, the
plan generator, the coordination manager, and the
participant repository.
The choreography repository stores and shares
choreography descriptions. It allows users to pub-
lish and discover choreography descriptions that ful-
fill their business requirements. Any organization that
wants to participate in a choreography can access a
choreography repository to obtain the corresponding
description. Such a description is used as the input
of a plan generator that creates a coordination plan
skeleton. If required, a programmer can customize the
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies