applications and is the only option for proprietary and
closed source applications. One example of agentless
monitoring system is Longitude (Heroix, 2007) from
Since the first monitoring systems one key ele-
ment of the monitoring process has been application
instrumentation, which consists in modifying the ex-
isting applications in order to collect additional data
during run-time. The importance of application in-
strumentation for the management of complex dis-
tributed application resulted in several technology
level standards like JMX for Java and Java2 Platform
Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and WMI for Microsoft
Products and the Microsoft .NET framework.
1.2 Future Trends
Extensive research has been aimed at improving the
monitoring support of Enterprise Applications, with
the main focus on improving the monitoring exten-
sions provided by the monitored application. Most of
this work is focused on the JMX (Kreger, 2001) tech-
nology which is part of J2SE platform. Although it is
only applicable to Java and the J2SE platform, it has
a close resemblance to the WMI for the .NET frame-
work, and the main concepts are applicable to other
programming languages and architectures, including
legacy applications (Diakov et al., 2000). The use of
standard management architectures and instrumenta-
tion techniques on enterprise applications opens the
way to automated application management and self
managed applications (Diaconescu et al., 2004). All
this research presents a common characteristic, it tar-
gets component based applications, and as a result it
is possible to obtain a good detail of application mon-
Whatever the purpose or technology used the
complexity of Enterprise Applications dictates that
the full task to be executed must be split between
simpler tasks, that will be performed by different pro-
gram modules. By considering a definition of Com-
ponent less restrictive than the one usually associated
with Component Based Software it should be possible
to model any application as component based, where
each component may have a number of parameters
that can be used as indicators of the general applica-
tion health and performance. And, by modeling the
application, it should be possible to capture a more
abstract level of application functionality, which is
closer to the business logic and to the main applica-
tion goals of quality of service.
The BlackBird monitoring system must provide five
key features: i) monitor a wide range of applications,
being adaptable to the architecture and technologies
of the Monitored Application; ii) provide in depth ap-
plication level monitoring, component based; iii) eas-
ily adaptable to the evolution of the Monitored Ap-
plication; iv) low impact on the monitored system,
agentless and without additional application instru-
mentation; v) graphic interface for data visualization
and configuration.
The Monitoring Systems referenced in the previ-
ous section are some of the most widely used and
present a representative sample of the existing mon-
itoring solutions. The table 1 summarizes the main
features of these systems. Most of these systems al-
low user defined data gathering, however, the user is
usually required to supply an extensive set scripts for
obtaining data. The BlackBird System requires only
a minimum of information for executing the same
command, handles all data validation and conversion.
Also, the BlackBird System allows the simultaneous
execution of any commands regarded as necessary.
Although most of these system provide some form
of support to user defined Metrics, Metrics based on
different data sources are usually limited to reporting
purposes. The BlackBird System is able to provide
real time Metrics based on any combination of data
sources. From these systems, the ones that provide a
Component Based Monitoring, support only applica-
tions developed using the frameworks J2EE or .NET.
The BlackBird System introduces a simplified Com-
ponent definition for extending the concept of com-
ponent based monitoring to applications that were not
developed as Component Base Applications.
The Blackbird System aims to provide a monitor-
ing service to an application without imposing any
limitations on the target architecture, therefore, the
Blackbird System provides a simplified set of Mon-
itoring Operations that allow a user with detailed
knowledge of the Monitored Application to specify
the required monitoring service: Commands to be
executed where the result will be stored and used to
calculate Metrics; Metrics defined by a formula to be
executed on the stored data to produce a result that
is related to the application’s performance indicators;
Alerts for evaluating thresholds on Metrics and send
notifications; Graphics that use the Metric as a data
source and plot the data according to the type and for-
mat; Pages for containing graphics and structuring the
monitoring interface.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies