the same time, the extracted information can replace
some empty placeholders that have the tag
‘:question’. This new mechanism works locally and
in parallel with all other mechanisms. The relevance
requirement, however, still holds because knowledge
retrieval is constrained in two ways: first, transferred
micro agents should be sufficiently active (i.e.
relevant); and second, the tag ‘:of-interest’ should be
present in the utterance elements for a transfer of
specific information.
3.3 Action Transfer Mechanism
The final mechanism needed to close the perception-
action-communication cycle is the selection and
sending of an action command. It is triggered by the
anticipated cause-relations that are linked to the
GOAL node(s) (Petkov et al., 2006). The cause-
agents, as indicated by their name, represent causal
relations. If a cause-agent is linked to a goal agent
(e.g. ‘find-album’), it receives the ‘close-to-goal’
message. If a ‘close-to-goal’ cause-agent participates
in a winner-hypothesis, it checks its antecedents for
action micro agents (micro agent describing an
action). If all the above conditions are met, the
action mechanism executes the action.
To put it simple, when a whole structure from
INPUT to GOAL, supported by enough winner-
hypotheses establishes, the respective actions would
be triggered for execution. The action is sent to the
Sensory-Motor layer, that further processes it and
sends it to the appropriate tool.
3.4 WM Cleanup and Learning
The capability of Rascalli to give reasonable,
context-sensitive, and flexible answers to simple
questions relies on previous knowledge in LTM.
Without the possibility to acquire new knowledge
and to modify the existing one the system would be
rigid and limited.
Thus, various mechanisms for working memory
cleanup and episode storage have been developed.
They can be summarized with the following
algorithm: (1) Define the moment when the goal is
achieved. After that: (2) erase all current
correspondence hypotheses. (3) Delete all markers in
all concepts. (4) Terminate all suspended symbolic
operations. (5) Create a new episode with all the
elements from the current one including the answer
and the user evaluation. (6) Adjust/create new
inverse links from concepts to instances.
Equipped with these routines for WM cleanup
and episode storage, the system is able to work
continuously, without interruption between the
cycles; it enriches its memory with new information
after each session, and it is able to support and use
the context of a continuous conversation.
All these abilities of Rascalli are demonstrated
with the simulation, presented in the next section.
3.5 Mind and Body
As described above the body of the Rascalli
platform provides an interface to various tools for
communication, exploration and information
acquisition. The tools and the mind communicate via
a sensory-motor layer that translates the agents from
the mind into RDF (see for
details) messages to the tools and vice-versa. The
tools themselves carry out various tasks – translating
natural language into RDF graphs, translate RDF
graphs into natural language and voiced by Rascalli,
search in DB, consult Google, etc.
The Sensory-Motor Layer essentially translates
RDF graphs into DUAL micro agent structures and
vice-versa. The Action Layer additionally decides
which tool to use based on the RDF command. This
process is completely automated, as the mind’s
internal representation format and the RDF ontology
have a similar structure (e.g. semantic graph).
The current implementation of the mind deals
with three basic tools – for input processing,
database search and output of messages to the user.
This is the minimal set of tools required for Rascalli
to understand a request from the user, undertake
some action(s) to satisfy this request and finally
report the answer back.
The scenario demonstrating the system capabilities
consists of a dialog of five utterances in the music
domain – artists and details about their personal
lives like religion, children, etc.
The first utterance is: “Tell me something about
Britney Spears”. The input processing tool processes
the words and sends the message representation to
the input of the mind. Britney Spears is of interest to
the mind, so it tries to transfer information and link
it to the Britney Spears. The mind has in its LTM
information about Britney Spears so it is activated
by the question and is transferred by the anticipation
transfer mechanism described in Section 3 and the
parts in this information compete among them.
Eventually, the information about the album