e-Payment in Romania as First Step to an Effective e-Government
Veronica Stefan
Faculty of Economic Sciences, Valahia University, 35 Locotenent Stancu Ion Street, Targoviste, Romania
Antoniu Stefan
Programmer, Advanced Technology Systems, 222 Calea Domneasca Street, Targoviste, Romania
Keywords: e-Payment, Virtual payment office, Interoperability, Live services, Web based.
Abstract: The European Commission’s i2010 strategy aims to build on the increasing convergence of the Internet,
telecommunications and broadcasting to reap the benefits of Europe’s strength in ICT research and
development. One of its priorities is to provide all of Europe’s citizens with access to the information
Society, a society that delivers better public services and quality of life. The development of the Web has
created opportunities to improve efficiency and meet users' expectations. Interactive web technologies have
enhanced online collaboration and sharing among users. These innovations have resulted in a shift towards a
more dynamic and interactive web experience and the increasing provision of online service delivery
channels. This paper will explore how the public sector can use the Internet and intranet more effectively,
optimizing usability and increasing public engagement and loyalty and also focuses on emerging business
and technology developments, investigating how the Web will drive business in the future and how this will
impact on the citizen’s life and for the internationalization processes in the world economy.
E-government is the term that describes the use of
information and communication technology in
public administrations. Combined with
organizational change and new skills, e-Government
has the potential to significantly improve public
services and democratic processes (Stefan, 38-40
2006). E-government promises to deliver better,
more efficient public services and improve the
relationship between citizens and their governments.
A targeted R&D effort is the key to achieving these
Web technologies will also explore the internal
systems which support the way we work.
Organizations have spent millions of pounds on
managing and organizing information, and with
tools such as portals and intranets, employees are
better able to find the information they need, when
they need it. Public sector websites need to become
more transactional, giving the public more channels
to work with government.
The Web applications are working to deliver
more efficient and effective communications
between the Council and the citizens and businesses.
More platforms provides citizens with their own
secure electronic account to access view and
interrogate complete Council Tax and Business
Rates statements and balances online. This
presentation will explore how they have introduced
information systems that improve services and
customer satisfaction in public services. In the same
time, public sector IT managers need to be able to
tackle inclusion issues, and provide a website that is
available for all user groups. Our paper considers the
challenges faced by the public sector and discusses
how to make e-Services more accessible and useful
to citizens.
One of the key objectives in modernizing public
services is to make state interventions and the
actions of public authorities as efficient as possible,
while improving the quality of public services
provided to users. New technologies play a vital role
in meeting this challenge.
One of the objectives is to observe the reasons
determining the organizations to apply those new
Stefan V. and Stefan A. (2008).
LIVE SERVICES FOR CITIZENS WITH LIVE TECHNOLOGIES - e-Payment in Romania as First Step to an Effective e-Government.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 503-506
DOI: 10.5220/0001529905030506
technologies, if they do that and how have changed
the performance level.
In an economy in transition, a solution regarding
those imperatives can be the application of many
instruments, such as an efficient information
technology and communications (ITC) strategy,
proposed by a good policy of IT Governance (ITG).
The authors present many kind of obstacles with
implementing this policy and discusses different
cases about how the ITC can sustain and assure the
achievement of general aims and provide
information to management decision making. To
reach these objectives, we will analyze some type of
specific software application in the fields and also
the specific Romanian market.
Is there some specificity for the Romanian
organizations or are they generally valid problems?
What conditions must be made for realize this
objectives? There are the themes of interest, whose
presentation will be made.
In conformity with (egovmonitor), it indicates three
possible relationships between local authorities and
their citizens:
An informational/transactional relationship;
An insightful relationship: council-driven;
Recent research reveals that no councils are engaged
in this kind of relationship with their citizens yet.
An insightful relationship: citizen-driven;
This could, for example, be via web-based
community portals linked to Geographical
Information Systems, which enable citizens to find
out more about local services (and their
performance) and to challenge service providers to
improve performance, through greater citizen
involvement in service design and delivery. Early
examples of community portals are appearing in
some local authorities, exploring what it means to be
held ‘accountable’ to its citizens
Administration must adapt to the IT&C solutions
for managing infrastructure and relationships with
citizens/ users. Combined with organizational
change and new skills, e-Government need to
become more transactional, giving the public more
channels to work with government in a ‘live’ way
using live technology Web based (Online
Availability of Public Services), (Des citoyens
partenaires , 2002).
3.1 Law Conditions
The project started because of Law 89 from 1998
stipulating Public Administration’s activities
decentralization, imposed passage for collecting fees
and taxes from Finance Ministry to Local Public
Administration (
We will present in this paper the e-Payment
module of an integrated system for public
administration, ATLAS ( For its facilities
and adaptability, ATLAS was recognized as being
innovative in its domain, things proved through its
implementations since launching date.
The application had to follow step-by-step the
law and its many changes. As Romanian market
imposed ATLAS development, it was the same
which agreed that launching it for exploitation was a
premiere on ITC market. In such a short time and
having to face lots of law changes, ATLAS has
succeeded to answer Government’s demands for
society’s informational development using the latest
ITC discoveries. Law 291 from 2002 stipulating
local taxes and fees electronic payment, a MCTI
project, led to Romania’s cities compulsories on
deployment of electronic systems for local tax
collection. The project’s specific objectives
contributed to European Community’s strategies
bringing their benefits in development for ITC
Figure 1: Electronic payment module.
An important characteristic of ATLAS
application is that it can be provided in ASP
(application service provider). Thus, the application
would be installed, for example in a County Council.
There will be needed a database server that could
administrate all small towns.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.2 Architecture and Technology
The application architecture was developed based on
TCP/IP also taking into account the publication of
data on the WEB.
ATLAS is an integrated system and web based
solution for Public Administration to facilitate real
time management and to sustain the interaction
between Citizens, Enterprises and Government.
Vocal System
Urban planning
Financial Accounting
The application is built on Client/Server
architecture because it offers large capacity of work
and storage as well as fast reply time. Another
reason for which we have chosen the Client/Server
architecture is the offered data security mechanism.
The applications 3-Tier architecture:
For electronic payment connectivity with Banc
Post, we used a server based on SOAP (Simple
Object Access Protocol) standard as well as XML
standard for data transfer.
ATLAS can use as database, any database that
respects the ANSI SQL 92 standards. The Web
portal of the application was written using PHP 4.3
using the APACHE 2.0 web server to allow
installation on both Windows and Linux platforms.
As regards to scalability, we took into
consideration the large number of users that can
connect to the SQL Server using ATLAS
application. Taking into account the limited budget
of the Town Hall, we chose a database server that
allowed scalability and interconnectivity. At present,
there are almost 370 internal users, the rest of the
users being external ones (tax payers) connecting
through the Internet. When purchasing the system,
the Town Hall took into account a large number of
users, but presently it is not used on its full capacity.
We also use a distributed computing server that
handles processing in case the client has a modest
hardware configuration and cannot do the processing
on his own. This server can utilize the unused
processing power of other computers from local
network. In this case too, the computations are done
based on the formulas in the database, keeping the
application adaptability.
ATLAS is an open application, capable of
exchanging data with other applications or to use
them in common. Furthermore, ATLAS offers
statistical data on-line about the transactions carried
out by users to the departments of concerned
Figure 2: Architecture overview.
Data protection is assured by means of:
Database level security systems.
3-Tier architecture that makes users connects to
an intermediary application server and not directly to
the database.
Secured communication protocols (ex: SSL).
Asymmetrical key encryption algorithms (the
communication between banks and the Town Hall).
VPN over the Internet for payments made through
On-line Post.
Backup database servers.
Local network firewall.
3.3 Local Taxes On-Line Payments
through Post Offices
For payments on-line through the Postal Offices the
solution supposed installing the ATLAS application
in every Postal Office in Bucharest and connecting
them to the database server. This way, all the 67
Postal Offices from Bucharest are connected on-line
at the Sector 2 town hall, making possible the
consulting and collecting of taxes and fees for the
taxpayers registered in this database, without having
to go to the town hall anymore.
For payments made through Bucharest’s 67 Post
Offices, the data transfer security is done using a
VPN created over the Internet. For data transfer with
Banc Post (one of the banks allowing electronic
payments), the data is encrypted using asymmetric
keys. The data exchanged between the two servers
(Town Hall’s and banks) is made by means of a
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) server that
encrypts and decrypts the requests and the replies
using the asymmetric key structure above
mentioned. The access is unlimited, being a
customizable application.
LIVE SERVICES FOR CITIZENS WITH LIVE TECHNOLOGIES - e-Payment in Romania as First Step to an Effective
The application allows different access,
depending on the operation level. There are access
levels for different parts of the application and the
rights can be assigned on groups as well as on
Bucharest’s 67 Post Offices (each having 2-4
work stations) are on-line connected to Sector 2
Budget Incomes Direction, thus making possible
taxes and fees consulting and payment for these
database taxpayers.
This solution has proved to have a greater impact
than Internet payment because it is addressing to a
bigger population segment which doesn’t have an
Internet connection.
The application also offers a vocal taxes and fees
consulting system through the telephone. It allows
the informing by telephone of taxpayers about the
amount of taxes and fees, payment possibilities,
remaining sums to be paid, programming of
hearings, exchange of vocal messages between
citizens and the Local Public Administration, etc.
Figure 3: Vocal system.
This system is the first of its kind in Romania, and it
can be tested by calling from any telephone with
DTMF capabilities (Stefan, 2007), (Stefan, 2006).
Whereas the European integration of Romania in
2007, one of the main objectives of our Government
has been to provide an adequate legislative
framework in order to sustain the reform process
within central and local public administrations, but
although the information technologies develop very
fast and they offer a wide range of complex
Research has indicated that there are significant
difficulties in implementing e-Government projects
in the public sector. As in the private sector, the real
benefits of such projects can only be gained if the
introduction of technology is combined with
organizational change and a sufficient focus on new
skills that may be needed.
Building of eServices will take a long time. The
main challenge is to have a common framework, as
it begins to be established at European level, to
guarantee interoperability, critical mass and
economies of scale. This process must be widely
promoted and supported by all levels of
administrations and the private sector.
Open and transparent local and regional
government is a prerequisite of local democracy.
The technology offers an exciting opportunity for
the citizens to control and have ownership of the
personal information managed by administrations
and to receive personalized services. In this regard,
security and privacy are important quality indicators
of public service delivery and must be taken into
account in e-Government planning.
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Stefan, V., 2006., Le role des TIC pour un mondialisation
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participation à la formulation des politiques publiques,
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies