technologies, if they do that and how have changed
the performance level.
In an economy in transition, a solution regarding
those imperatives can be the application of many
instruments, such as an efficient information
technology and communications (ITC) strategy,
proposed by a good policy of IT Governance (ITG).
The authors present many kind of obstacles with
implementing this policy and discusses different
cases about how the ITC can sustain and assure the
achievement of general aims and provide
information to management decision making. To
reach these objectives, we will analyze some type of
specific software application in the fields and also
the specific Romanian market.
Is there some specificity for the Romanian
organizations or are they generally valid problems?
What conditions must be made for realize this
objectives? There are the themes of interest, whose
presentation will be made.
In conformity with (egovmonitor), it indicates three
possible relationships between local authorities and
their citizens:
An informational/transactional relationship;
An insightful relationship: council-driven;
Recent research reveals that no councils are engaged
in this kind of relationship with their citizens yet.
An insightful relationship: citizen-driven;
This could, for example, be via web-based
community portals linked to Geographical
Information Systems, which enable citizens to find
out more about local services (and their
performance) and to challenge service providers to
improve performance, through greater citizen
involvement in service design and delivery. Early
examples of community portals are appearing in
some local authorities, exploring what it means to be
held ‘accountable’ to its citizens
Administration must adapt to the IT&C solutions
for managing infrastructure and relationships with
citizens/ users. Combined with organizational
change and new skills, e-Government need to
become more transactional, giving the public more
channels to work with government in a ‘live’ way
using live technology Web based (Online
Availability of Public Services), (Des citoyens
partenaires , 2002).
3.1 Law Conditions
The project started because of Law 89 from 1998
stipulating Public Administration’s activities
decentralization, imposed passage for collecting fees
and taxes from Finance Ministry to Local Public
Administration (
We will present in this paper the e-Payment
module of an integrated system for public
administration, ATLAS ( For its facilities
and adaptability, ATLAS was recognized as being
innovative in its domain, things proved through its
implementations since launching date.
The application had to follow step-by-step the
law and its many changes. As Romanian market
imposed ATLAS development, it was the same
which agreed that launching it for exploitation was a
premiere on ITC market. In such a short time and
having to face lots of law changes, ATLAS has
succeeded to answer Government’s demands for
society’s informational development using the latest
ITC discoveries. Law 291 from 2002 stipulating
local taxes and fees electronic payment, a MCTI
project, led to Romania’s cities compulsories on
deployment of electronic systems for local tax
collection. The project’s specific objectives
contributed to European Community’s strategies
bringing their benefits in development for ITC
Figure 1: Electronic payment module.
An important characteristic of ATLAS
application is that it can be provided in ASP
(application service provider). Thus, the application
would be installed, for example in a County Council.
There will be needed a database server that could
administrate all small towns.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies