Agnieszka Cieslik
Dep. of Mathematics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Maria Ganzha, Marcin Paprzycki
Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
OTA, ontology, golf, agent-based system, travel support system.
For usage of ontologies to become more prevalent, not only new ontologies have to be created to represent
the world, but also ontological support for existing domain-specific real-world standards has to be provided.
One of such standards that gains popularity is the Open Travel Alliance (OTA) messaging system that defines,
among others, the way that entities should communicate about golf as a travel-related entity. The aim of this
paper is to outline our efforts leading toward creating an ontology of golf that would match the OTA messaging
Our current work is focused on developing an agent-
based system that provides comprehensivesupport for
needs of a traveler. To this effect we have been in-
volved in two related projects. First project is the de-
sign and implementation of a model agent-based e-
commerce system (see (B˘adic˘a et al., 2007b; B˘adic˘a
et al., 2007a), and references to our earlier work con-
tained there). This project is focused on utilization
of price negotiations in a comprehensive e-commerce
scenario, and was extended to facilitate possibility of
airline ticket auctioning (Vukmirovic et al., 2006c;
Vukmirovic et al., 2006a; Vukmirovic et al., 2006b;
Szymczak et al., ; Vukmirovic et al., 2007). Second,
we work on creation of an agent based Travel Support
System (TSS) (Salam and Stevens, 2006; Gawinecki
et al., 2005b; Gordon and Paprzycki, 2005). In the
TSS, travelers are going to find, among others, per-
sonalized information about restaurants, hotels, his-
torical points of interest, local weather etc. The main
idea of the TSS is to utilize a central repository of se-
mantically demarcated travel data, and use it to fa-
cilitate personalized information provisioning (Gawi-
necki et al., 2005b; Gawinecki et al., 2005c).
These two projects (airline ticket auctioning sys-
tem and Travel Support System) were developed sep-
arately. It was only in (Vukmirovic et al., 2006c)
where we have looked into issues involved in their
possible merger. The key consideration was related
to the fact that ontologically demarcated data is the
central component of the TSS (Salam and Stevens,
2006; Gawinecki et al., 2005b; Gordon and Paprzy-
cki, 2005). Therefore, the two projects were con-
ceptually merged through development of a common
travel ontology. First, still within the TSS, we have
developed and then merged ontologies of hotels and
restaurants. These two ontologies were developeduti-
lizing a very pragmatic approach to ontology building
and were based on the concept of a hotel as repre-
sented in travel-related WWW sites and concept of a
restaurant as proposed in the ChefMoz project, re-
spectively (Gawinecki et al., 2005a; Gordon et al.,
In the airline ticket auctioning system we have
pursued an even more reality-grounded approach.
Here, of particular importance is the fact that all air-
travel related activities are regulated by IATA, the
global air-travel governing organization. This fact is
not often recognized by non-practitioners and as a
result, as shown in (Vukmirovic et al., 2006c; Vuk-
mirovic et al., 2006a), most of existing air travel on-
tologies, being typically developed as an academic
exercise, lack specific features that are required by
IATA as well as a number of additional features that
are needed in day-to-day operation of existing air-
Cieslik A., Ganzha M. and Paprzycki M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 62-69
DOI: 10.5220/0001530700620069
Table 1: Summary of OTA golf messages.
Message type List of fields
OTA GolfCourseSearchRQ—request for course information;
used to find golf courses that satisfy a given set of criteria
Architect, ADAChallenged, Slope, Metal Spikes, Caddies available, Yardage,
Personal Carts Permitted, Grass Type, Singles Confirmed
OTA GolfCourseSearchRS—list of courses that meet the re-
quested criteria; if attribute is specified as Required (set to Yes)
then only courses that meet criteria will be returned; if Required
attribute is No a course that does not meet a given criteria may
be included in the list
Golf Course ID, Golf Course address, Contact information—telephone number,
List of requested criteria
OTA GolfCourseAvailRQ—requests information about avail-
ability of a specific golf course
Golf Course ID, Tee Time—start and end date, Number of golfers, Number of
holes, Maximum price for one person
OTA GolfCourseAvailRS—provides information about field
Golf Course ID, Tee Time, Number of golfers, Number of holes, Maximum price
for one person, List of fees. Fee has name, information about amount, currency
and taxes
OTA GolfCourseResRQ—requests a reservation of a given golf
Information about person who makes reservation (first and last name, address,
date of birth, telephone number), Mean of payment, Date of game, Number of
golfers, Number of carts, List of fees
OTA GolfCourseResRS—confirms (or denies) reservation of a
given golf course
Reservation ID, Information about person who makes reservation (first and last
name, address, date of birth, telephone number), Mean of payment (credit cart
information), Date of game, Number of golfers, Number of carts, List of fees,
Information concerning cancellation penalties and date and time by which a can-
cellation must be made
lines. Separately, the Open Travel Alliance (OTA)
(OTA, a) has proposed a set of messages that organi-
zations involved in travel-related activities can use to
meaningfully communicate about travel entities such
as flights or golf course reservations. Interestingly,
one can infer that OTA messages may be currently on
the way to become an industry-wide standard. For
instance, a number of travel-related businesses (e.g.
some of US-based airlines) have accepted OTA mes-
sages in their business practices. Let us also note
that, from the technical perspective, OTA messaging
is an open standard that consists of a set of XML-
demarcated messages. Obviously, by the very nature
of their design and function, these messages represent
a certain conceptualization of the “world of travel.
However, they do not explicitly define an ontology.
In (Vukmirovic et al., 2007) we have proposed how
OTA air-travel-relatedmessages can be used as a basis
for development of an ontology of air-travel. Further-
more, we have utilized IATA manuals, and practical
knowledge of a member of our team, in an attempt to
assure compliance of the proposed ontology with air-
travel regulations and practices. Finally, the proposed
air-travel ontology was successfully merged with the
ontology of restaurant and hotel. The results (com-
plete ontology of restaurants, hotels and air travel)
can be found at (tss, ). The aim of this paper is to
describe how, in an attempt at extending the TSS on-
tology and functionality, the OTA golf messaging has
been turned into an OTA ontology of golf.
To this effect we proceed as follows. In the next
section we describe the OTA golf messages. We fol-
low with the specification of concepts that have to be
represented in the OTA golf ontology. Next we ana-
lyze which concepts should be re-used from the TSS
ontology (in order to allow later merging of these on-
tologies). Finally we present the most important parts
of the proposed OTA ontology of golf.
Let us now briefly describe golf-related OTA mes-
sages (description is based on (OTA, b)). As in the
case of all OTA messages, they come in pairs. There
is alway a request (RQ) message (a query) and, cor-
responding to it, a response (RS) message. For the
golf-course-related communications the OTA stan-
dard identifies three pairs of messages summarized in
Table 1. In short, these messages provide the follow-
ing functionalities: (1) ability to find a golf course
with specific characteristics, (2) check if a course of
interest is available at a specific time and under a spe-
cific set of conditions (e.g. below a certain maximum
price), and (3) make an actual reservation.
To illustrate the specific form that OTA messages
take, in Figure 1 we present an example on an
OTA GolfCourseAvailRQ message (based on (OTA,
b)). In this message two friends specify that they
would like to play golf on October 31st, and the re-
quested tee-off time is to be between 1:00 and 2:30.
They are interested in playing at a specific golf course
with the identifier FL3421. The maximum price that
they are willing to pay for 18 holes is $80.00 per per-
son. The aim of this message is to find if the FL3421
course is available at a given time and if the price con-
dition is satisfied.
<?xml version= 1.0 ” encoding =UTF8” ?>
<OTA\ GolfCourseAvailRQ xmlns=
‘ ‘ h t t p : / /www. op e n travel . org /OTA/2003/05 ’ ’
xmlns : x s i=
h tt p : / /www.w3. org /200 1 /XMLSchemai n s t an c e
xsi:sch e m a L ocat i on=
h tt p : / /www. ope n t ravel . org /OTA/200 3 /
05 OTA GolfCourseAvailRQ . xsd
TimeStamp=10030531 T13:20:00 05:0 0
Target =” Pro d u ction Versio n= 1.001 ”
SequenceNmbr= 123456 >
<GolfCourseTeeTimes CourseID=FL3421>
<GolfCourseTeeTime S t a r t =20031031 T13:00:00 ”
End=20031031 T14:30:00 ”
MaxPrice=” 80.00 ”
</ GolfCourseTeeTime>
</ GolfCourseTeeTimes>
</OTA\ GolfCourseAvailRQ>
Figure 1: Example of an OTA golf course availability query
In response to the OTA GolfCourseAvailRQ message
depicted in Figure 1, the OTA GolfCourseAvailRS
message presented in Figure 2 could have been re-
ceived. This response indicates that the requested
FL3421 course is available on October 31st, with the
tee-time between 1:00 and 2:30. Furthermore, the
green fee is $70.00 per person, while the cart fee is
$10.00 per person.
As a result, a GolfCourseResRQ message could be
send, requesting a reservation at a specific time. This
message would then have to be followed by a Golf-
CourseResRS message that would confirm the reser-
Now, we can discuss how OTA golf-course-related
messages can be used as a basis for the development
of an OTA golf course ontology. Analysis of OTA
<?xml version= 1.0 ” encoding=UTF8” ?>
<OTA\ GolfCourseAvailRS
xmlns = h t tp : / /www. ope n t ravel . org /OTA/2003/0 5 ’ ’
xmlns : x s i = ‘ h t t p: / /www.w3. org / 2 001/
XMLSchemainsta n c e
xsi:sch e m a L ocati on=
‘ ‘ h t t p : / /www. o pentra v e l . org /OTA/2003/05
OTA GolfCourseAvailRS . xsd ’ ’
EchoToken= 12345
TimeStamp=20030531 T13:20:00 05:00
Target =” Pro d u ction
Version= 1.001
SequenceNmbr= 123456 >
<Suc ces s />
<UniqueID Type=4 ID=FL3421>
</ UniqueID>
S t a r t =20031031T13:00:00 ”
End=20031031 T14:30:00 ”
MaxPrice= 80.00
<Fee T axInc l u s ive=” t r ue ”
Amount=” 70.00 ” CurrencyCode =USD>
<D e s c r iption Name=GreensFee>
<Text Formatted =” f a l s e ” Language=”EN” />
</ Descrip t i on>
</ Fee>
<Fee T a x Inclus i v e=” true ”
Amount=” 10.00 ” CurrencyCode =USD>
<D e s c r iption Name= CartFee>
<Text Formatted =” f a l s e ” Language=”EN” />
</ Descrip t i on>
</ Fee>
</ Fees>
</ GolfCourseTeeTime>
</ GolfCourseTeeTimes>
</OTA\ GolfCourseAvailRS>
Figure 2: Example of an OTA golf course availability re-
sponse message.
golf related messages showed us a need for defining
of two core concepts: Golf Course and Golf Course
Tee Time. The first one is going to uniquely iden-
tity a given golf course and its features. This concept
is related directly to the first of OTA message pairs,
where a golf course with a specific set of features is
sought. This concept is similar to the restaurant and
hotel concepts from the TSS ontology of travel. All
three concepts define a static object and a set of its
features. The second concept will define all informa-
tion that is necessary for completing a reservation of
a golf course. Thus, the Golf Course Tee Time con-
cept defines dynamic characteristics of a static object
specified in the Golf Course object. The Golf Course
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
concept and its features are represented in Table 2.
Table 2: Golf Course concept and its features.
Class GolfCourse
Course ID ID originates from theOTA GolfCourseSearchRS
message; can be used for getting information
about golf course availability and for making
Address Address of golf course
Contact Contact information (e.g. telephone number)
Features List of golf course features
In Table 3 we list features that constitute the nec-
essary information to define the Golf Course Tee
Time concept. Since the “names of features” are
self-explanatory, we do not define them further. It
is of value to compare the list of features defin-
ing the Golf Course Tee Time concept with the con-
tent of the golf course availability querying (Golf-
CourseAvailRQ) message presented above.
Table 3: Golf Course Tee Time concept and its features.
Class GolfCourseTeeTime
Course ID
Start date and time
End date and time
Max price for one person
Number of holes
Number of golfers
Number of games
List if fees
After identifying two concepts that are going to con-
stitute the core of the OTA golf ontology, we have
to address the following question: how does this on-
tology relate to the existing TSS ontology. In other
words, we have to establish which already existing /
defined concepts can (and should) be immediately re-
used in the new ontology.
3.1 Common Concepts with the TSS
Ontology re-use is one of important concepts in on-
tological engineering (Fensel, 2003). Therefore we
should re-use as much as possible of the existing on-
tologies (and we have done so within the TSS ontol-
ogy). Furthermore, the OTA golf course ontology,
should be integrable with the TSS ontology and thus
utilize immediately as many of its concepts as pos-
sible. Thus we have identified existing concepts that
could be re-used; let us list them here.
Outdoor Location—geographical location is one of
common features of objects populating the TSS
(restaurant, hotel, airport). Obviously, it is also a con-
cept that is directly related to the golf course. The
OutdoorLocation concept (class) describes geograph-
ical location through a set of geographical properties,
such as: street address, country, city/town, region, zip
code, reference points or location description (see the
TSS ontology available at (tss, ) for a complete list-
ing). In the TSS ontology, the Hotel, the Restaurant
and the Airport classes are sub-classes of the Out-
doorLocation class. Therefore, the proposed class
GolfCourse should also become a subclass of Out-
doorLocation. This is a natural decision as the Golf
Course should be an object of the same “stature” as
the other objects mentioned here.
Discounts—in general, is the class that contains the
following information:
code of the particular discount,
amount of reduction of the base-price,
short description of the discount policy.
However, when dealing with air travel support we
have realized that IATA defined specific air travel
discount codes. Therefore, the question has arisen:
how to integrate these with hotel and restaurant dis-
count codes (including both OTA-specific and gen-
eral discounts—these omitted in the OTA specifi-
cation). For the purpose of integration of ontolo-
gies, specific discounts codes were distinguished and
defined as subclasses of the general DiscountTypes
class. Specifically, in the TSS there exist three classes
defining possible discounts:
OTADiscountTypes—discount types originating
from the OTA specification
IATADiscountTypes—discount types originating
from the IATA specification
DiscountTypes—general class; all discount types
Obviously, classes OTADiscountTypes and IATADis-
countTypes are subclasses of DiscountTypes. Note
that since the proposed ontology of golf is based on
OTA messages, the discount concepts used here be-
long to the OTADiscountTypes class.
The remaining common parts between the TSS and
the OTA golf course ontologies are:
MeanOfPayment—concept defining possible
mean of payment (e.g cash, credit card, check,
AdressRecord—class that in the TSS ontology de-
scribes the address
Currency—defines what is the currency that the
fees are in
FareTax—information about taxes
Contacts—possible ways of contacting an entity
(e.g. telephone number)
Figure 3: Golf Course concept; graphical representation.
Based on the above considerations we can now briefly
discuss the most important aspects of the proposed
OTA golf ontology. Let us start from definitions of
the two basic classes, the main class defining the con-
cept of the Golf Course is presented in Figure 4 (in
the form of the standard RDF notation) and in Figure
3 (in the visual representation).
As can be easily seen in the graphical representa-
tion, the GolfCourse class is a subclass of Outdoor-
Location and utilizes the Contacts concept (from the
TSS ontology). In its definition we use strings for: id,
courseName, architect; and an integer for the slope.
The second concept that belongs to the core of the
OTA golf course ontology is Golf Course Tee Time is
presented in Figure 5 (in the RDF notation) and in
Figure 6 in its graphical representation.
Observe that while the GolfCourseTeeTime class
is relatively simple itself (it consists of strings for:
startDate, endDate and golfCourseID; float for max-
Price; and an integer for numberOfTimes), it utilizes
also a fairly extensive concept of a Fee. This points
out to the fact that in addition to the two basic con-
cepts (classes GolfCourse and GolfCourseTeeTime)
we had to define the following additional concepts /
Price—concept of price (includes: amount, taxes,
currency, etc.)
Fee—concept of fee (e.g. green fee, cart fee)
Description—additional descriptions that are
needed for the traveler to be able to effectively uti-
lize the information provided by the system
@prefix r d f:
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /1999/02/22 rdf syntax ns \#> .
@prefix r df s :
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org / 2 000/01/ rdf schema\#> .
@prefix x s d:
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org / 2 001/XMLSchema\#> .
@prefix b a s e : <Golf / GolfCourse \#> .
@prefix l o c : <Location / Outd oorLocation\#>.
@prefix pmt: <Payment / MeanOfPayment\#>.
@prefix phc : <C ontacts / Contacts \#> .
@prefix r s v :
<H o t e lI n f r a st r u c t u r e Cod e s / Reserv ationCod es\#> .
base:Gol fCourse a r d f s : C l a s s ;
rdfs : s u bClassOf loc:O u t doorLoc a t i on ;
rdfs:comment Used fo r c i ty and
geogra p hical l o c a t i o n d e s c r i p t ion ’ ’ .
b as e :i d a r d f : P r o per t y ;
rdfs : d omain base :GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d : s t r i n g .
base:name a r d f: P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base :GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d : s t r i n g .
b a s e : c o n t act I n fo a r d f : Pro p e r t y ;
rdfs:comment ‘ Con tact i n format i o n . ’ ’ ;
rdfs : d omain base :GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e phc:Cont a c t s .
b a se : a r c h i t ec t a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘ I n forma t ion a bout a r c h i t e c t ,
who design t h is g olf cou rse ’ ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d: s t r i n g .
base : s l ope a r d f :Pr o p e rt y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d : i n t e g e r .
base:ava i l Caddy a r df:P r o per t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e xsd:bo o l ean .
base:permCart a rd f : P r o p e rty ;
rdfs:comment ‘ I n forma t i on i f persona l
c a r t s are p e rmitt e d
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e xsd:bo o l ean .
base:ya r d age a r d f : P r o p e rty ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d : f l oa t .
base:sin g l esConfir med a r d f : P rop e rt y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e xsd:bo o l ean .
base:me t a lSpike s a r d f: P ro per t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e xsd:bo o l ean .
b a s e :g r as s a r d f :Pr o p e rt y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourse ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d: s t r i n g ;
Figure 4: Golf Course concept; proposed GolfCourse class.
Note that the concept of the Price is similar to that
used in the TSS ontology, however in the case of a golf
course it is much less complicated than in the case of
air travel. Therefore we have decided, for the time
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
@prefix r d f : < h t t p : / /www. w3 . org /1999/02/22 rdfsyntax ns \#> .
@prefix r d f s : < h t t p : / /www. w3 . org /2000/ 0 1/ rdf schema \#> .
@prefix x s d: < h t t p: / /www.w3. org / 2 0 01/XMLSchema\#> .
@prefix f e e : < f i l e : / / / D: / ont o l o g i e s / domain / Golf / Fee\#>.
@prefix b ase: < f i l e : / / / D: / onto l o g i e s / domain / Golf / GolfCourseTeeTime \#> .
base:GolfCourseTeeTime a r d f s: C l a s s ;
base:go l fCourse ID a r df:P r o per t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d: s t r in g .
base:amount a r d f: Pro p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d: f lo a t .
base:currencyCod e a r d f :Pro p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d : st r i n g .
b a s e : st a r t D at e a r d f : P r ope r t y ;
rdfs:comment ‘ I n forma t i on a bout date and time in format yyyy:MM:dd T HH:mm:ss ’ ’ ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d : st r i n g .
base:endDate a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘ I nform a t ion about dat e and time i n format yyyy:MM:ddTHH:mm:ss ’ ’ ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d : st r i n g .
base:max Price a r d f: Pro p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d: f lo a t .
base:numberOfHoles a rd f : P r o per t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d :in t e g e r .
base:numberOfTimes a r d f : P ro p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d :in t e g e r .
b a s e :f e e a r d f :P r o p e rty ;
rdfs : d omain base:GolfCourseTeeTime ;
r d f s: ra nge fee:Fe e .
Figure 5: Golf Course Tee Time concept; proposed GolfCourseTeeTime class.
being, to leave this concept golf-specific and return to
this issue when the OTA golf ontology is going to be
integrated with the TSS ontology. At the same time,
the Fee concept, which is the superclass of the Price,
is golf-specific. Finally, in Figure 6, we can see how
the DiscoutTypes concept (from the TSS ontology) is
utilized. To complete the description of the proposed
OTA golf ontology, in Figure 7 we depict the Price
class (in the RDF notation), in Figure 8 we present
the Fee class (in the RDF notation), while in Figure 9
we introduce the Description class (also in the RDF
In this paper we have discussed how an OTA golf on-
tology can be reverse engineered from the OTA golf
messaging system. In the proposed approach we have
paid attention to re-use of concepts that have been de-
fined earlier within the TSS ontologies of restaurant,
hotel and air-travel. In this way the proposed OTA
golf ontology can be easily integrated with the TSS
ontology. The only issue that has to be solved is the
utilization of the Price concept across ontologies of
multiple travel entities (as some of them have more
complicated price concept than others). This issue is
being resolved currently as the OTA golf ontology is
being merged with the TSS ontology and the results
will shortly be available at (tss, ). Finally, let us note
that we have already created a translator that allows
us to deal with the following scenario. Let us as-
sume that information about golf courses is stored in a
repository (e.g. a Jena repository (jen, )) as instances
of the above described OTA golf ontology. Such a
repository has to be queried using one of languages
designed for this purpose (e.g. SPARQL (SPA, )).
At the same time, other entities “want to” commu-
nicate with our system using OTA messaging. This
being the case OTA request messages have to be
translated into SPARQL queries, while responses to
SPARQL queries have to be translated back to OTA
Figure 6: Golf Course Tee Time concept; graphical repre-
@prefix r d f :
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /1999/02/22 rdf syntax ns \#> .
@prefix r df s :
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /2000 / 0 1/ rdf schema \#> .
@prefix xsd :
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /20 0 1 /XMLSchema\#> .
@prefix tax : <Payment / FareTax \#> . @prefix cur :
< h t t p : / / pro t e ge . s t a nf o rd . edu / CurrencyOntology \#> .
b a s e :P r i c e a r d f s : C l ass ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘ D e s c ripti o n of a price ’ ’ .
base:amount a r d f : Pro p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain ba s e : P r i c e ;
r d f s: ra nge x s d: f lo a t .
b a s e : t a x I n c l u s i v e a r d f : Pro p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain ba s e: P r i c e ;
r d f s:r a n g e xsd:bool e a n .
base:to t a lAmou nt a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain ba s e: P r i c e ;
r d f s:r a n g e xsd:doub l e ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘ Total amount ( t a xes i n c l . )
base:fareAmou nt a r d f : P r ope r t y ;
rdfs : d omain ba s e: P r i c e ;
r d f s:r a n g e xsd:doub l e ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘ Fare amount ( taxes exclu ded ) ’ ’
b as e : t a x a r d f :P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain ba s e: P r i c e ;
r d f s:r a n g e tax:Far e T a x ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘ I nform a t ion about taxes
b a s e : c u r r a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain ba s e: P r i c e ;
r d f s:r a n g e c ur:Cur r ency ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘The c urren cy inform a tion . ’ ’
Figure 7: Price concept; proposed Price class.
@prefix r d f:
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /1999/02/22 rdf syntax ns \#> .
@prefix r df s :
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /2000/ 0 1/ rdf schema \#> .
@prefix x s d:
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /20 0 1 /XMLSchema\#> .
@prefix d e s c :
< f i l e : / / / D: / ont o l o g i e s / domain / Golf / Descrip t ion \#> .
@prefix p ri c e :
< f i l e : / / / D: / ont o l o g i e s / domain / Golf / Pric e \#> .
@prefix d i s c:
< f i l e : / / / D: / ont o l o g i e s / domain / Payment / D isc ount\#> .
@prefix b a s e :
< f i l e : / / / D: / ont o l o g i e s / domain / Golf / Fee\#> .
base:Fee a r d f s:C l a s s ;
rdfs:comment ‘ ‘ D e s c ripti o n of a fee ’ .
b a s e : de s c rip t i o n a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base:Fe e ;
r d f s:r a n g e d e s c : D e s c r i pt i o n .
b a s e : p r i c e a r d f : P ro per t y ;
rdfs : d omain base :Fee ;
r d f s: ran g e p r i c e : P ri c e .
b a s e : e f fe c t i v eDat e a r d f: P r ope r ty ;
rdfs : d omain base :Fee ;
r d f s: ran g e xsd:dat e .
base:exp i reDate a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base :Fee ;
r d f s: ran g e xsd:dat e .
b a s e :d i s co u n t s a rdf : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base :Fee ;
r d f s: ran g e d i s c : D i s c o u n t s .
Figure 8: Fee concept; proposed Fee class.
@prefix r d f:
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /1999/02/22 rdf syntax ns \#> .
@prefix r df s :
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /2000/ 0 1/ rdf schema \#> .
@prefix x s d:
< h t t p : / /www.w3. org /20 0 1 /XMLSchema\#> .
@prefix b a s e :
< f i l e : / / / D: / ont o l o g i e s / domain / Golf / Descrip t ion \#> .
b as e : D e s c r i p t i o n a r d fs : C l a s s ;
rdfs:comment ” Descrip t i on ” .
base:name a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base : D e s c r i p t i o n ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d : s t r i n g .
base : c r e at eD a t e a r d f : P r o p e r t y ;
rdfs : d omain base : D e s c r i p t i o n ;
r d f s:r a n g e x s d:date .
Figure 9: Description concept; proposed Description class.
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