Yllias Chali
University of Lethbridge, 4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, T1K 3M4
Knowledge and Information Extraction, Question Answering.
The size of the publicly indexable world-wide-web has provably surpassed several billions of documents and as
yet growth shows no sign of leveling off. Search engines are therefore increasingly challenged when trying to
maintain current indices using exhaustive crawling. Focused Retrieval provides more direct access to relevant
information. In this paper we investigate the various aspects of discovering knowledge about entities such as
people, places, groups, and about complex events.
The size of the publicly indexable world-wide-web
has provably surpassed several billions of documents
and as yet growth shows no sign of leveling off. Dy-
namic content on the web is also growing as time-
sensitive materials, such as news, financial data, en-
tertainment and schedules become widely dissemi-
nated via the web. Search engines are therefore in-
creasingly challenged when trying to maintain cur-
rent indices using exhaustive crawling. Even using
state of the art systems such as AltaVista’s Scooter,
which reportedly crawls ten million pages per day, an
exhaustive crawl of the web can take weeks. This
vast raise in the amount of online text available and
the demand for access to different types of informa-
tion have, however, led to a renewed interest in a
broad range of Information Retrieval (IR) related ar-
eas that go beyond simple document retrieval, such as
focused retrieval, topic detection and tracking, sum-
marization, multimedia retrieval (e.g., image, video
and music), software engineering, chemical and bio-
logical informatics, text structuring, text mining, and
genomics (Voorhees, 2003a; Voorhees, 2003b). Fo-
cused Retrieval (FR) is relatively a new area of re-
search which deals with retrieving specific informa-
tion (i.e. passage or answer to a question or XML ele-
ment) to the query rather than state of the art informa-
tion retrieval systems (search engines), which retrieve
documents (Harabagiu et al., 2003; Moldovan et al.,
1999; Roth et al., 2002; Moldovan et al., 2002). This
means that the focused retrieval systems will possibly
be the next generation of search engines. What is left
to be done to allow the focused retrieval systems to be
the next generation of search engines? The answer is
higher accuracy and efficient extraction. In this paper,
we investigate various aspects of the focused retrieval
applications such as question answering, passage re-
trieval and element retrieval. We are proposing in this
paper techniques to extract useful information about
entities such as people, places and groups, and about
complex events. To achieve this goal, we need to de-
velop mechanisms to answer questions about these
entities and complex events. For instance, consider-
ing Abraham Lincoln”, we can extract the informa-
tion that are answers to the following questions:
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
When was he president?
When did he die?
How did he die?
Who shot him?
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the pre-processing techniques consisting of
the normalization of the questions. Then, we describe
our system for question answering in all its details.
Finally, we present an evaluation of the system and
conclude by some future works.
Chali Y. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 339-342
DOI: 10.5220/0001531003390342
The questions are not only about entities but could
be about complex events such as “the visit of Prince
Charles and Camilla to California”. We call the theme
of the questions in general the
. The ques-
tions are grouped by target being the overall theme of
the questions. The targets are mainly people, places,
groups, and events. For instance, we could have a tar-
get like “Space Shuttles, and we will have all possi-
ble questions about this target or more specific ques-
tions about more topics like “Spaceship Columbia”.
Our goal is to collect and discover several useful in-
formation about a specif target. To accomplish this
goal, we need to answer all the possible questions
about the target. For instance, if we consider Canada
general election event as a target, we will have the
scenario including the following questions:
Canada general election
When was the last Canada general election?
Why was the election called?
Which political parties participated
in the election?
Who was leading the liberal party?
Who was leading the conservative party?
What was the election results?
How many seats did each party get
in the parliament house?
What are the changes with the new
How long is the Canadian mandate?
The question normalization module takes the in-
formation given by the target and the questions, and
changes the questions to incorporate that information.
This means that questions can refer to the target of the
questions, or even to other questions. Our system re-
solves these references so that it can answer the ques-
tions one at a time.
These types of references were also investigated
by (Schone et al., 2004). We classify these references
in three ways:
Reference to the target by a pronoun
Reference to the target by an entity
Implied Reference
Our system resolves the pronouns of the question
first, then proceeds to resolve the other entities.
2.1 Pronoun Resolution
Our system assumes that pronouns are referring to the
target of the question, unless the target already ap-
pears in the question. It considers two types of pro-
nouns; personal and possessive.
Personal pronouns just need a direct replacement
with the target. An example of this is the ques-
tion, “Where was he born?”, with the target, “Wal-
ter Mosley”, which will be changed to “Where was
Walter Mosley born?” The personal pronouns we are
considering are; it, he, she, they, him and her.
The possessive pronouns will involve more than a
direct replacement. An “’s” will be added after the
target, once the target replaces the pronoun. An ex-
ample of this is the question, “Who is her coach?”, for
the target, “Jennifer Capriati”, which will be changed
to “Who is Jennifer Capriati’s coach?”
2.2 Entity Resolution
These are references to the target, or a past question,
in the form of what type of entity it is. An example
of this is the entity, “the cult”, in the question, “Who
was the leader of the cult?”. This entity is referring to
the target, “Heaven’s Gate”. These entities start with
“the” or “this”, and they could refer to three things;
the target, an answer from a previous question, or the
answer to the question.
First our system checks for a pattern correlation
between the entity and the target. For instance the
question, “When was the agreement made?”, has the
entity “the agreement” which corresponds to the tar-
get “Good Friday Agreement”, so the entity will be
replaced by the target.
Each time an entity represents an answer, the en-
tity is saved along with its corresponding answer.
Then, if that entity appears again, it will be replaced
with the answer, if it has not already been replaced
by the target. For the question, “What are titles of
the group’s releases?”, the entity that needs resolu-
tion is “group”, which does not correspond to the tar-
get “Fred Durst”. It does, however, correspond to
the focus of a previous question, “What is the name
of Durst’s group?” Therefore, the entity “group”
from the question, “What are titles of the group’s re-
leases?”, will be replaced by the answer of the previ-
ous question.
2.3 Implied References
Implied references are when the target is implied,
but not explicitly stated. An example of this is the
question, “Who was President of the United States
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
at the time?”, for the target, “Teapot Dome scandal”.
The question would ideally be reformed to “Who was
President of the United States at the time of the Teapot
Dome scandal?”, but our system does not reform the
question in such a way. Our system will include the
target in the query for these questions without reform-
ing the question itself.
Some questions are more difficult than this and
need to be treated differently. The question, “How
many are there now?”, is looking for a count of an
entity which is the target, which is “Kibbutz” in this
case. Therefore, if our system can not determine the
entity that is to be counted, it will consider the target
as the entity.
Once the questions are normalized, each question is
answered individually by our question answering sys-
tem. Figure 1 outlines the general architecture of our
system. In the subsequent, we detail each of its com-
Question Documents
Question Classifier
Document Retriever
Document Tagger
Answer Extractor
Answer Ranker
Figure 1: System Overview.
3.1 Question Classification
Questions are classified by first separating them into
one of the following categories; who, when, why, how,
where and what. If a question is not easily classified
as one of the above, it will be classified as a what
After they are categorized, the named entity (NE)
the answer will take is found. For what questions this
may involve discovering the question focus. The fo-
cus of a question is the part of a question that tells
what type of entity the answer will be. For instance,
the focus of “What city is home of the CN Tower?”
has a focus of “city”. We use a group of patterns to
discover the focus in what questions.
3.2 Document Retrieval
We are using Managing Gigabytes (MG) (Witten
et al., 1999) for our information retrieval system. We
separate each document into paragraphs, and index
each paragraph as if it were a document. When a
question is being processed, the question classifica-
tion module creates a boolean query for MG to re-
trieve the documents.
3.3 Document Tagging
We use Collins Parser (Collins, 1996) and OAK Tag-
ger (Sekine, 2002) to tag the documents that are re-
trieved by MG. Collins Parser tags the word depen-
dencies from the documents, and the OAK Tagger
tags chunked parts of speech and named entities that
correspond to the answer type of the question. The
documents that are parsed, and the documents tagged
by OAK tagger, will be sent to the answer extractor.
3.4 Answer Extraction
The two sets of tagged documents will have their an-
swers extracted differently.
For the parsed set of documents, the question
parse tree will be used to fill in the missing informa-
tion from the parse tree of the documents. If an en-
tity can be found such that it can complete the answer
parse tree, it is passed to the answer ranker.
For the OAK tagged documents, if they contain a
named entity corresponding to the answer type of the
question, they are then passed to the answer ranker.
For some other questions, patterns for both parsed
documents and the chunked part of speech documents
will extract possible answers to be ranked by the an-
swer ranker module.
3.5 Answer Ranking
If the answer type of the question corresponds to a
tagged named entity, all the entities extracted from
the tagged documents will be considered possible an-
swers. They will be ranked by how many times they
appear in the possible answer list, how close they ap-
pear to words from the question, and if they appear
in the list of entities extracted from the parsed docu-
ments. If the answer type is not a named entity, the
entities extracted from the parsed documents will be
considered possible answers and will be ranked only
on frequency.
For factoid questions, the top ranked possible an-
swer is given as the answer to the question if it
achieves a rank above the threshold for the type of
question. For list questions, the possible answers that
achieve a rank higher than the threshold will be given
as the answer. For other questions, possible answers
that appeared more then two times are given as an-
swers. This is because our patterns sometimes extract
useless information, and if a piece of information is
important about a target, it will usually get extracted
more than once. A useless fact should only be ex-
tracted once from the set of documents.
The TREC question answering track provides the test-
ing data to evaluate the accuracy of the systems. It
consists of sets of documents and questions/answers
related to those sets of documents. We evaluate our
system considering these data. The results of the eval-
uation are shown in Table 1.
Our system still not ready for all the types of ques-
tions that are asked in the TREC QA track collec-
tion. This difficulty arose because we mainly train
our system on the questions and answers, and we do
not present a corpus of questions large enough to in-
clude classifications for the questions. Therefore, we
lose in the accuracy of attempts to answer questions.
Table 1: Evaluation Results shown by Question Categories.
Question Type Success
Who 0.317
When 0.328
Why 0.245
How 0.265
Where 0.345
What 0.294
List 0.308
Others 0.145
Overall 0.281
We presented a system that extracts information about
entities and events given a pool of questions related to
that entity or event. We create categories for all the
questions. We extract rules to classify questions into
each of these categories. The system also includes
syntactic features and part of speech features for the
question classification and answer extraction.
Our system still need some improvements. The
overall improvement is primarily expected by the ex-
panded classification of questions and the addition of
dependency features to answer finding (Li and Roth,
2005; Pinchak and Lin, 2006). We hope to carry on
this research and obtain an even greater improvement.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies