Bruno P. Ramos, Vasco N. G. J. Soares and Alexandre J. P. D. Fonte
Superior School of Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal
Keywords: Internet Quality of Service, Connection Speed, Distributed Systems, .NET Remoting Layer.
Abstract: Assessing the perceived Quality of Service (QoS) offered on Broadband Internet accesses from end-User
standpoint is important not only to monitor the performance, but also to assist end-Users to quantify the
effective quality offered by their Internet accesses and compare it with the quality parameters specified in
the Service Level Specification (SLS) of the connectivity service contracted to the ISPs (Internet Service
Providers). Other key benefits are end-Users being aware about the Geographic quality distribution of the
Internet accesses, pinpointing congestion links or areas, and being able to make price-performance tradeoffs
and subscribe better ISPs. In this paper, we present the design principles of a practical and comprehensible
Internet Access Quality Monitoring (IAQM) system and some aspects regarding its deployment and
security. IAQM aims at supporting accurate assessment of the performance of Internet Broadband accesses
and satisfaction of end-Users at large scale. A collection of tests are planned to measure several Quality of
Service metrics of an Internet access, such as (but not limited to) download and upload rates, latency, jitter
or DNS (Domain Name System) lookup times.
As the Internet is growing it is increasingly changing
the social relationships between people, the business
relationships between customers and enterprises and
the relationships between citizens and governments.
Major advantages of the Internet are the numerous
powerful communication and multimedia tools, such
as electronic mail, instant messaging or Internet
phone, it makes available to users for fast share and
access to information in any geographic location.
High speed accesses to the Internet are thus
recognized as an essential tool for fast success. An
important fact is the recent exponential increasing of
the number broadband accesses to the Internet at
home, enterprises or governmental institutions.
One key factor driving this increasing is the
emergence of mission critical and multimedia
applications, such as VoIP (Voice Over IP), video
streaming or virtual reality, that are increasingly
demanding stringent bandwidth guarantees and so
quality of service.
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are also
contributing for this change as they are offering
better quality of service and capacity to end-Users.
First, it is becoming common the negotiation of
Service Level Agreements (SLA) or private
agreements for increasing the quality of service and
interconnection capacity between ISPs. Second, ISPs
are also providing end-Users better Internet accesses
and services. For instance, regarding the ADSL
technology one technique for improving the lines
capacity that has been adopted by ISPs is Dynamic
Spectrum Management (DSM) by using automated
intelligent control of ADSL (Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Line) lines parameters (DSM, 2003,
Song, 2002).
Unfortunately, most of ISPs only reveal publicly
few or partial measurements regarding the quality
and reliability of their networks due to business
constraints. The IAQM (Internet Access Quality
Monitor) project aims at answering to common
issues and concerns raised by end-Users about the
perceived Quality of Service and parameters of the
Internet accesses contracted to ISPs.
There has been relatively little work (e.g.,
(ANACOM, 2005, TCP/IQ, 2007) on the design and
deployment of tools for assessment of the
performance of Internet accesses and satisfaction of
end-Users at large scale. Most of this work relies on
an approach in which software agents installed at the
Internet accesses autonomous and asynchronously
collects measurements that can be related to the
parameters of the Internet links contracted from
P. Ramos B., N. G. J. Soares V. and J. P. D. Fonte A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 197-201
DOI: 10.5220/0001532101970201
ISPs, such as maximum download and upload rates.
But, unfortunately none has rigorously providing
measurements about the effective quality of service
of the Internet accesses and end-Users satisfaction at
large scale.
In contrast to previous approaches, IAQM
introduces significant improvements in the way it
quantifies the quality of the Internet accesses and
end-Users satisfaction. More specifically, IAQM
system follows the client-server architecture model.
It proposes a thin client –a software agent– which
basically performs the measurement tests regarding
the performance of the Internet access; and a central
server that is responsible not only for composing and
scheduling of the tests and controlling the IAQM
clients activity, but also for the subsequent analysis
of the individual user results and, above all, crossing
these results in order to allow users to compare the
quality among the available services, ISPs and
geographic areas. Others key concerns are on the
selection/invitation of end-Users to participate in the
study and on the type of tests and their scheduling
In this paper, we present the base design
principles of IAQM and some aspects regarding its
deployment and security. We believe that IAQM
deployment path is as interesting as the envisioned
end state. That is, it is expected that IAQM would
offer several benefits to users of broadband accesses,
such as auditing the effective quality of service
offered by its ISP, the ability to make price-
performance tradeoffs and finding better ISPs to
subscribe, and providing a powerful tool for
diagnosing and troubleshooting of the Internet
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows.
Section 2 motivates IAQM system and briefly
describes its architecture. In Section 3, we present
the IAQM architecture in detail. In Section 4, we
discuss the security issues regarding the IAQM
utilization. Section 5 reviews related work and
Section 6 concludes.
There are numerous factors that are driving the
growth of the number of the Internet accesses and
end-Users (eTForecast, 2007). The low cost of
Internet accesses and devices will continue to be the
main growth factor. However, there are other key
driving factors, such as the emergence of a wide
range of services, the impact of broadband
technologies on Internet accesses (e.g., cable modem
and ADSL connections) and Web-driven
productivity gains.
Recent statistics revealed that in many countries
there are more than 600 Internet users per 1000
people (eTForecast, 2007). Among these Users, it is
likely that a significant fraction has contracted its
own Internet accesses. For instance, in Portugal one
of top 15 countries in terms the number of Internet
users, this growth trend continues at a rate of about
30% a year and it estimates that there are already
more than 1.8 million of broadband customers,
among an universe of about 10 million of people
(ANACOM, 2007). Inclusively, it is expected that at
the end of 2007, 50% of Portuguese homes would
have a basic access to the Internet.
This motivated the need to analyse if there are
also a corresponding increasing in end-Users
satisfaction and in the quality of service of the
Internet accesses. Moreover, none work has
rigorously providing measurements about the
effective quality of service of these accesses and
users satisfaction.
The aim of the IAQM project is therefore to
design and provide a client-server application that
allows assessing and studying the underlying
perceived quality of basic connectivity services
offered on the Internet access methods from multiple
ISP, such as Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
(ADSL) and Cable, available to Home users.
The IAQM framework focuses on two distinct,
but complementary evaluations (not limited to):
Overall evaluation and comparison of the
effective quality of service offered on
broadband accesses (ADSL and Cable) from
multiple ISPs.
Evaluation of specific services provided by ISPs
and violation rates of SLAs, including the
assessing of geographic distribution of quality
(i.e., throughout districts or regions) and
eventual disparities among broadband accesses
from multiple ISPs.
To assess quality of service there is need to
collect data at each broadband access. The IAQM
includes two main software components. First, an
IAQM software agent is installed on computers of
end-Users invited (or that wish) to participate in the
study. This software component is launched
automatically at periods of time pre-defined and
accesses to a central server from which it downloads
the tests to run. Upon the measurements tests are
completed, it sends the measurements to the central
server. On the other hand, the central server, besides
controlling the agents activities and gives them tests
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
to run, is responsible for storing and processing the
measurements samples collected during the tests.
Figure 1 shows IAQM system components: the
IAQM Client, the IAQM Server and the IAQM Web
Server. Both the IAQM Client and the IAQM Server
were developed with the C# programming language
(MSDN, 2007), and the communication between
them is implemented using the Microsoft .NET
Remoting Layer infrastructure (Rammer, 2002). The
IAQM Web Server relies on the ASP.NET web
application framework.
Figure 1: IAQM System architecture.
The set of IAQM Client functionalities include
the monitoring and displaying of the End-user’s
download and upload rates on real time basis on its
GUI in a graphic representation (see Figure 2), and,
above all, the execution of a pre-defined set of tests
to quantify the quality of the access. IAQM Server
supplies this tests that are performed in a transparent
way, in order to be not intrusive and to not degrade
the user’s Internet experience. Each test has its own
specification, such as the type of the test and the
time of day to be executed.
The IAQM Client is responsible for accessing to
the IAQM Server that indicates the tests that it must
download and execute (Figure 3). For each of the
executed tests, the client registers the results
obtained and transmits them to the server.
IAQM Server is responsible for preparing and
scheduling tests, receiving the results sent by the
IAQM clients, assuring the validity of the user’s
credentials and results, and for the analysis of the
Figure 2: IAQM Client monitoring download and upload
Figure 3: IAQM Client downloading test information
The tests objectives are to measure several
quality of service metrics of an Internet connection,
such as (but not limited to) download and upload
rates, latency, jitter or DNS lookup times.
Diagnosing route congestion is also an interesting
feature to be explored. The influence of user’s
computer hardware and software (e.g. operating
system, firewall, anti-virus, anti-malware), and its
local area network characteristics is also considered.
Each of the tests has a particular purpose like for
example to evaluate the upload rate using FTP, or
the HTTP access time, or the round trip time using
Ping. They are executed at specific times of the day
and on specific days of the week. Furthermore, they
are applied to servers located on the network of the
ISP’s client, and located on different ISPs on the
same country. Finally, they are also applied to
international servers. The analysis of the
measurements returned by clients will allow to
identify variations on the Internet access quality on
different ISPs, regions and districts a country (e.g.,
Portugal), and also to locate points of congestion on
national and international Internet accesses.
The scheduling of the tests is based on data
statistics regarding the diurnal cycle of the End-user
accesses, popular Web sites visited and age of users
as in (NetPanel Report, 2003), using a proper
methodology as the base methodology proposed in
(ANACOM, 2005).
IAQM Server analysis of the measurements is
only available for registered users and can be viewed
either by consulting the IAQM Client, or the IAQM
Web Server. By using the IAQM Client GUI a user
may check his individual results, analyzing and
comparing them through time (day, week, month
and year). A consult of the data stored on the IAQM
Web Server allows viewing the global study,
enabling users to evaluate Internet access quality on
different ISPs, regions and districts.
One major requirement of the IAQM system is to
protect the user’s data and to avoid to tampering
attempts on the obtained measurements. To
accomplish this requirement, the communication
between the IAQM Client and the IAQM Server is
encrypted using an asymmetric key algorithm. .NET
Remoting Layer channel codification is also used.
Another important aspect is related to controlling
where the IAQM Client is running. In order to
guarantee the validity of the measurements, IAQM
needs to check if the tests are being executed with
the same conditions that were defined on the user’s
profile. To assure this, a tracking algorithm will
evaluate the user’s IP address, geographic place, and
the type of network where it is connected. If some
incongruity appears, the tests are not executed and a
warning is sent to the user.
To participate on the Internet access quality
study, a user must access the IAQM Web Server
where will find a register form. The correct fulfilling
of the user profile (contact details, computer
hardware and software attributes, and the ISP
contracted service) will permit to download and
install IAQM Client. During execution, the IAQM
Client will only collect information about the
computer’s hardware, IP address, monitored
download and upload rates, and results from the
Some studies and software solutions to evaluate the
Internet access quality have been proposed, such as
the ANACOM study (ANACOM, 2005), the
Speakeasy Inc. Speed Test (SpeakEasy, 2007), the
Bandwidth Place Speed Test (Bandwidth Place,
2007), the Speed Test (Broadband
Reports, 2007), the Visualware Inc. MySpeed PC
(Visualware, 2007) and the TCP/IQ Line Speed
Meter (TCP/IQ, 2007).
There are some similarities between IAQM and
these approaches. We intend to develop a system
that will also give the possibility to make a general
study about the user’s perceived Internet quality
access and satisfaction, but as a major contribution it
will focus on particular details that have not been
exploited and studied yet.
Except the ANACOM study, the other presented
software solutions access external servers to
measure only the Internet connection speed. IAQM
aims to do a more complete study, measuring several
quality of service metrics of an Internet connection,
on download and upload accesses to servers located
on the user’s ISP and on others ISPs from the same
country or located on foreign countries, using more
accurate measurement methods.
Online internet connection speed tests from
Speakeasy Inc. Speed Test and
Speed Test, do not permit to cross and compare the
individual user results with the results experienced
by other users. Since it is the user that starts the test
whenever he wants to, the test can be influenced by
Internet traffic characteristics, so it is not possible to
have a correct idea of the connection performance
though time. Line Speed Meter and ANACOM
approaches permit to analyze the Internet
performance connection over a period of time.
ANACOM concentrates its study only on
Portuguese ISPs, Line Speed Meter provides
comparison of global Internet connection speeds
throughout the world. However, further work can be
done since Line Speed Meter does not have the
possibility to directly compare country’s ISPs as
ANACOM does. But ANACOM’s study can be
enhanced, by examining the variation of Internet
access quality along a country, comparing it along
regions and districts. The number of users, their
profile, and how they were selected to run the tests is
also a weak point of these studies.
Furthermore, none of the above-mentioned
systems takes into consideration the user’s computer
hardware and software, and the user’s local area
network characteristics. However, it can be
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
interesting to evaluate if these aspects affect the
accuracy of the tests, so IAQM will also analyze
In this paper, we presented the base design
principles of IAQM and some aspects regarding its
deployment and security. We believe that there are
several advantages in the use of the IAQM system,
namely in obtaining a more comprehensive view of
the real conditions and quality that End-users usually
experiment. First, IAQM will comprise large enough
number of quality metrics, which would allow to
capture and a give broader characterization of the
effective conditions and quality of the Internet
accesses when comparing with previous work.
Second, our IAQM system will enhance the
gathering of this data and the amount of information
about the Internet accesses through the use of a
specific set of tests to be performed during each
period of time, the level of communication with
servers within the ISP network or within an external
or international network. Finally, as the IAQM
server has the ability to control the exact periods of
time when the clients should perform the tests, and
their geographic location, it would allow obtaining
more consistent results. The association of the
geographic location to the quality of each access will
allow building a map with the distribution of levels
of quality of service or asymmetries throughout a
country and identifying eventual bottlenecks in the
Internet (e.g., internal links, access links or peering
In short, we believe the envisioned end state of
IAQM will provide a useful study of the quality of
service on broadband Internet accesses that would
for sure benefit the customers.
DSM Draft Report. December 8, 2003, San Diego, CA.
ANSI T1E1.4/2003-018R9.
Song, K B, Chung, S T, Ginis, G, Cioffi, J. Dynamic
Spectrum management for next-generation DSL
systems. IEEE Communications Magazine, 40 (10),
101–109, 2002.
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November, 2007.
ANACOM, 2007, Serviço de Acesso à Internet,
02, accesssed at October 2007.
Net Panel Report, Analysis Report of Internet Market,
May 2003,, accessed at
October 2007.
MSDN, “Visual C# Developer Center”,
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Rammer, I., 2002, Advancing .NET Remoting, Apress,
USA, 1º Edition.
ANACOM, 2005, “Avaliação do Serviço de Acesso à
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822, accessed at September 2007.
SpeakEasy, “Communications Simplified”,, accessed at October 2007.
BandwidthPlace, “Speed Test”,, accessed at October 2007.
Broadband Reports, “Speed Test”,, accessed at September
Visualware, “My Speed PC”,,
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