Diana Pérez-Marín, Ismael Pascual-Nieto and Pilar Rodríguez
Computer Science Department, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Francisco Tomas y Valiente, 11, 28049, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Adaptive Hypermedia, User Modeling, Open Learner Modeling, Conceptual
Modeling, e-assessment, e-learning.
Abstract: Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a research field that studies how to automatically interpret/generate
information in natural language. Currently, the quality and number of developed NLP resources and
techniques permit their application to educational systems, with the potential of widening access to training
and opening new ways of teaching. In this paper, the benefits of exploiting the current NLP techniques to
improve e-learning systems will be discussed. A brief overview of the state-of-the-art of NLP will be
provided and, some real e-learning and e-assessment applications based on the use of NLP techniques will
be described to illustrate the benefits of using NLP techniques for e-learning.
In the past there were only three possible ways to
acquire new information: by attending to lessons in
the school, high-school or university; by
extracurricular activities; or, by self-teaching with
books or manuals.
Since the 80s, with the Multimedia Age this fact
started to change and the creation of CD-ROMs with
static information became a new approach to
learning. These courses on CD-ROM were simply
the textbooks typed into the computer and there
were problems because once the data was written on
the CD-ROM it could not be altered and therefore
updating the course meant delivering new CD-
ROMs with the high cost it implied.
Experts became aware of the possibilities
Internet had as a teaching tool. On-line education
was invented and e-learning started to be used by
more and more teachers and students.
E-learning systems allow students to control
their own learning rhythm. They can connect from
anywhere at anytime. However, the lack of a tutor
can become a problem if the student gets stuck in a
In order to approach this and to provide the
benefits of one-on-one instruction (pay attention to
each student’s learning needs, assess and diagnose
problems and provide assistance as needed),
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) were created.
ITSs are computer-based teaching or training
systems which reduce cost by automating course
work selection, presentation, and student evaluation.
One key factor of any ITS is to keep a student model
with information from the student to tailor strategies
and provide explanations, hints, examples, and
practice as needed.
Inspired by ITSs, in the early 1990s, Adaptive
Hypermedia Systems (AHS) were born. They
combine hypermedia-based systems with adaptive
and user-model-based interfaces (Eklund and
Sinclair, 2000).
They can be used in any situation in which
several users with different learning styles and
backgrounds have to access common information.
The adaptation should be not only static (based on
stereotypes) but also dynamic (based on the
student’s behavior). It has proven to be effective
since learners using such systems have demonstrated
faster learning, more goal-oriented attitude and take
fewer steps to complete a course (Conlan, 2003).
There are several educational AHSs (AEHSs)
that are currently being used both in academic and
commercial environments (Brusilovsky, 2004).
However, all of them rely on objective testing items
to assess the students’ knowledge.
Pérez-Marín D., Pascual-Nieto I. and Rodríguez P. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 472-475
DOI: 10.5220/0001532304720475
On the other hand, Natural Language Processing
(NLP) has studied since the 50s how to
automatically analyze, extract information and
generate natural language. Although the advances in
the field have not been as spectacular as they were
expected at the beginning, the current number of
NLP techniques and resources permit their
application to e-learning systems. For instance,
AEHSs could take advantage of Information
Extraction techniques to improve the student model
and thus, the adaptation to his or her particular
features; or, the evaluation section of e-learning
courses could incorporate open-ended questions by
using free-text Computer Assisted Assessment
In this paper, the benefits of exploiting the
current NLP techniques and resources to improve e-
learning systems will be discussed. In order to do
that, the paper is organized in four sections: Section
2 gives a brief overview of the state-of-the-art of
NLP: Section 3 describes some real e-learning
applications that rely on some kind of NLP
technique or resource; and, finally Section 4 ends
with the conclusions.
Linguistics is the field that studies language.
Computational linguistic researches linguistics
phenomena that occur in digital data. Natural
Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of
Computational Linguistics that focuses on how to
build automatic systems able to interpret/generate
information in natural language (Volk, 2004).
A brief historical review would start in the
fifties. It is important to highlight Chomsky as the
provider of the theoretical basis for the following
systems. In general, it was a time of big expectations
in which several classes of grammar were
characterized, the Probability theory of Shannon was
formalized and the first NLP application (Machine
Translation) was explored. However, the systems
that were created were very simple. They just
translated word by word accessing dictionaries. The
task became more complex than originally thought.
This culminated with the ALPAC (Automatic
Language Processing Advisory Committee) report at
the end of the sixties that stated that the automatic
translation of scientific texts did not exist and that it
was not expected soon. This implied reducing the
funding in NLP not only in USA but also in other
The following decades were characterized by the
realism. In fact, two important ways of processing
were treated: symbolic and statistic. The former
relies on methods of qualitative analysis such as
hand-crafted rules and the latter uses the distribution
of quantitative text features to draw conclusions.
To build the rules of analysis is complex and
takes time. On the other hand, in order to achieve a
good performance, the statistical approach needs of
a big amount of annotated texts (corpora). Some
researchers advocate the possibility of having hybrid
systems relying on a combination of statistical and
symbolic techniques (Hermet and Szpakowicz,
A typical NLP system is represented in Figure 1.
It can be seen how in order to process natural
language, several linguistics levels should be
Phonological: Sounds processing to detect
expression units in speech.
Morphological: Extracting information about the
words such as their gender, number and part-of-
speech. Besides, considering suffixes, prefixes
and other derivational, inflectional and
compositional issues.
Syntactical: Using parsers to detect valid
structures in the sentences. These structures are
usually represented with graphs or trees. It
serves as basis for semantic interpretation.
Semantic: Finding the most suitable knowledge
formalism to represent the meaning of the text.
Pragmatic: Interpreting the meaning of the
sentence in a context to react accordingly.
Figure 1: Typical NLP pipeline.
Many resources have been developed in order to be
able to cover as many as possible levels. Some of
them are electronic dictionaries, thesauri, ontologies
(one of the most relevant is WordNet for English
and EuroWordNet for European languages),
morphology and spelling rules, grammar rules,
semantic interpretation rules and discourse
interpretation templates.
Some NLP tools are tokenizers to break the text
in tokens (a unit of processing), part-of-speech
taggers, chunkers, sentence splitters, parsers and
logic translators. They can be applied to solve
different problems such as:
Machine Translation, e.g. Babelfish (Alta Vista).
Question Answering, e.g. Ask Jeeves (Ask).
Language Summarization, e.g. MEAD
(U.Michigan) .
Automatic Essay evaluation, e.g. E-Rater (ETS).
The main challenges are now in the semantics and
pragmatics levels. For them it is still necessary more
research on general versus domain-specific
resources and algorithms, the interplay between
prosody, syntax, and semantics, new means of
communication and new types of discourse.
In this section, some applications will be described
to illustrate the potential of using NLP techniques
for e-learning systems. The goal is to provide a
representative list, highlighting several advantages
of using NLP techniques for different applications:
- CarmelTC (Rosé et al. 2003): Carmel is a Virtual
Learning Environment system that has been
incorporated the free-text assessment module called
CarmelTC. It is able to give a score to the student
and, to find out which set of correct features are
present in student essays by using the Carmel’s
linguistic analysis of the text. The advantage of
using NLP techniques is to allow the assessment of
higher cognitive skills than just limiting the
evaluation to objective testing such as Multiple
Choice Questions or fill-in-the-blank exercises.
- Welkin (Alfonseca, 2003): It is a web-based
application based on the wraetlic NLP toolkit to
automatically select the contents of a text according
to a user profile. The advantage of using NLP in
Welkin is to allow the user to focus just on the
snippets of texts that are interesting for him or her.
For instance, if the profile of the user indicates that
s/he is only interested in historical events,
information about non-historical events will not be
shown to him or her.
- E-tester (Guetl et al., 2005): It is a computer-based
system that identifies the main concepts in a text and
generates questions from these concepts such as
“What is xxx?” or “Explain yyy”. Next, it waits for
the students’ answers in free-text to compare them
with the e-learning content that the system has and
treats as model answer. The comparison is based on
the free-text scoring system Markit (Williams and
Dreher, 2005). The advantage of using NLP is to
avoid the necessity of asking the teacher to introduce
the questions as they are generated by the system.
Besides, the students are able to see a histogram of
frequencies indicating how well they have used each
concept in comparison to the number of times the
concept appears in the model answers.
- AutoTutor (Graesser et al. 2007): It is a web-based
intelligent tutoring system able to engage the student
in a dialogue by using NLP techniques. It appears as
an animated agent that acts as a dialog partner with
the student. The advantage is that the student is more
motivated to continue studying the subject and find
the task not only interesting but amusing as s/he
feels that s/he is talking to a person.
- Computing similarity between users (Lops et al.
2007): It is a system that clusters users’ profiles
using WordNet. It has the advantage of making the
comparison and clustering of good and bad aspects
of the users’ profiles easier.
- Knowledge Tracing (Corbett et al. 2007):
Traditionally, Intelligent Tutoring Systems have
incorporated student explanations of problem
solutions in menus. The advantage of using
knowledge tracing of typed student explanations is
that the model created is able to predict better the
student performance.
- Question answering (Heiner, 2007): It is a system
that is being developed within a Ph.D. thesis to
allow students to ask questions to the e-learning
system. The advantage of using NLP is that the
system is able to classify the questions and try to
give an adequate answer.
- TAGARELA (Amaral and Meurers, 2007): It is a
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
system, which is being developed within the project
with the same name, and the advantage is to be able
to provide individualized language instruction.
- Will Tools (Pérez-Marín, 2007): It is a set of web-
based applications that are able to automatically
generate a student’s conceptual model from his or
her answers in free-text. The Will Tools consist of:
Willed, the authoring tool to create the questions to
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ask the students (each question has a statement,
maximum score and several correct answers written
by the teachers); Willow, the system to ask the
questions introduced in Willed to the students (the
core idea is to compare the student’s answer to the
teachers’ answers and the more similar they are, the
bigger the score provided to the student); Willov, the
conceptual model viewer (a conceptual model can be
defined as a network of concepts that can be visually
displayed as a concept map, conceptual diagram,
table, graph or textual summary); and, Willoc, the
configuration tool. The advantage of using NLP in
the Will Tools is not only to automatically score
free-text students’ answers, but also to permit the
estimation of a confidence-value for each concept
used by the student in his or her answer and thus, to
provide feedback to students and teachers about how
well each concept is known.
In this paper, it has been claimed that e-learning
systems should take advantage of the currently
available NLP techniques and resources. In
particular, there have been reviewed several
educational applications in which NLP techniques
have been applied and, in each of them, the
advantage of using NLP to improve its functionality
has been highlighted. More applications of NLP to
e-learning can still be explored to open new ways to
distance education.
This work has been sponsored by Spanish Ministry
of Science and Technology, project TIN2007-64718.
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