9. Financial and Budget Competencies.
Government interests in financial and budget
management are vital for political base stability.
Managing budgetary processes, including preparing
and justifying a budget and operating a budget under
strict rules imposes a level of expertise that should
be more efficient than those applied in private
10. Leadership and Vision Competencies. For
public organizations, besides having technical
competencies, a leader must show direction, must
understand and be capable of explaining the
organization’s vision, must have integrity, optimism,
ethics and responsibility towards the population
Warren, 2001).
This competency domain is a general overview of
the elements that compose the IT Governance
Program. According to our research, these levels of
competency are necessary to leverage IT
Governance in Brazilian Government organizations.
This approach will be used by the Planning Ministry
as baseline guidance to conduct future
implementations of IT Governance programs.
This paper presented the competency domain model
and the IT Governance framework created to align
all IT and Business goals of Brazilian Government
organizations. After studying the IT assets and
policies of current organizations we proposed a
governance standard that, according to the Brazilian
Planning Ministry, should be considered as a
baseline implementation.
Our contribution is only a small step towards a
much broader restructuring of IT services in
Brazilian public organizations.
Besides refinements of competency domain and
IT Governance framework, future work also
involves optimization of internal processes,
identification of new competency domains,
evaluation of change impacts in every targeted
organization, and development of supporting tools.
This work was supported by the Federal University
of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, COPPE Database
New Directions for IT Governance in the
Brazilian Government.
Fabio Perez Marzullo, M. Sc. is with Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (e-mail:
Carlos Henrique is with Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (e-mail:
José Roberto Blaschek , D. Sc. is with State
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (e-mail:
Jano Moreira de Souza, Ph.D. is with Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and is the head
of the Database and Knowledge Management
Department (e-mail: jano@cos.ufrj.br).
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems