Figure 4: Two stage market model.
market management agent exists in each market, and
it controls registration or deletion of agents
constituting markets. The market management agent
mediates dealings. The markets deal with dealings
by auctions, and the scenario is described below:
1. A seller gives a market management agent a
reserve price.
2. The market management agent accepts bids
from buyers during a certain fixed time.
3. The market management agent cuts a deal with
the buyer that presented the highest bid price
exceeding the reserve price in a bid deadline.
4. If there is no corresponding bid, dealings are
abortive and the seller again presents the price
that is less than the previous one.
5.2 Experiment
Fault generators put a total of 100 agents to stop
within 10-minute simulations. If an agent exhausts
replicas prepared beforehand, the dealing scenario
cannot be completed. This means the simulation is a
failure. We count the number of successful
simulations when we change the total number of
replicas r
from 0 to 30. Simulations are performed
40 times in total. Parameters used for the experiment
are as follows: Market management agents: 2,
buyer/sellers: 50, buyers: 24, sellers: 24, and total
100 agents. Monitoring interval is 500ms. Discount
rate α is 1.0. Initial number of replicas r
is 1.
The experiment results are shown in Figure 5.
When r
is set up as 10, the rate of success reaches
80%. If r
is set as 20 and over, the success rate
becomes 100%. It proves that reliability of the
system is maintainable by setting r
as 20 and over
in this experiment environment, and it also means
that replication cost can be held down efficiently.
The parameter r
is important for systems and
must be set up suitably.
Figure 5: Relationship between r
and success rate.
To improve the efficiency and reliability of
multiagent systems, this paper has proposed an
(i) to update the interdependence graph and
(ii) to adjust adaptively the number of replicas in
proportion to the importance of a node using the
interdependence graph.
It also has proposed an adaptive replication system
that uses global information acquired by monitoring
to improve fault tolerance of multiagent systems.
The method has been applied to an e-market MAS.
The simulation results show that the method can
optimize performance of a MAS and improve its
reliability by applying the global information
acquired from the interdependence graph to
replication systems.
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Market A
Market B
Management Agen
Management Agent
Success rate
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems